#ciara i'm sorry to be tagging you in something star warsy i swear i'm not doing it to be mean adjskdjsk
mellaithwen · 2 years
seven sentence sunday
Thank you for tagging @renecdote @hopeintheashes and @tripleaxeldiaz <33 …......this is..... okay so. I fully expect this to appeal to almost no one and I might not ever do more with it, buuuuut it's the only thing I've written lately so idk here's some 911 x Star Wars vibes
“There’s nothing there,” Buck whispers to the Stormtrooper commander with the last of his strength. 
He’s being dragged between two soldiers, his body almost completely limp but they haven’t fastened the restraints yet and he can just about manage to twist his wrist to command their minds with the Force. 
“...t-there’s nothing there,” he insists again desperately, tasting blood on his lips as he urges them to comply. “We have–” he falters, just for a moment, shuddering at the toll it takes. “We have what we came for.”
Silence seems to stretch for an age, achingly so, until finally—
“There’s nothing there!” The commander shouts over to his men as though his words were his own, stopping them in their tracks just shy of Eddie’s position; gesturing for them to come back. “We have what we came for,” he goes on to say, just as the soldiers holding Buck jostle their newfound prisoner. 
A cold pit seems as if to open up inside of him when he hears his own words parroted back. They have him. He’s a prisoner, again. He’s been taken, again.
It’s getting harder and harder to ignore the fear coiled in his stomach and he fights the urge to be sick right there in their grasp. His head’s spinning, and he can feel something wet at the base of his skull that tells him he’s bleeding badly from that last blow. 
The only thing that gives him any kind of solace is that at least Eddie’s safe. 
Better him than me, he thinks. He always thinks. And suddenly, underneath all of that dread—all of the horror that comes with being at the mercy of the Empire once more…underneath all of that, Buck feels relieved. Relieved that in a matter of hours Eddie will wake up, and he’ll be fine. He’ll be livid of course, and Force-willing Buck might get the chance to explain himself one day… but he’ll be safe. And that’s the most important thing. 
“Restrain him and get him onboard,” the commander says all of a sudden, interrupting Buck’s musings.
The disturbance in the Force comes a second too late for his addled mind to process, and he can’t even attempt to dodge the blow as the electro-jabber is ruthlessly shoved between his ribs, shocking him until he cries out.
The pain is too much for his battered body to bear and he slumps forward; a dead weight in their arms.
adsjdsjdkskdjs please ignore me. ANYWAY tagging: @homerforsure @princessfbi @hmslusitania @zainclaw @shortsighted-owl @hattalove @breakfastteatime @evanbucxley and @littlespoonevan <33
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