#claire: i'm not a ruthless killer i'm just efficient and i do what i'm told
closedcoffins · 2 years
@advency​ ( konstantin. ) / claire starter call.
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“You know, the least you could do is grunt, or somethin’. It really is just like talkin’ to a wall, and my older brother says just about three words a week.” Claire huffs out a quiet laugh, not minding the silence that follows. It’s not a feeling he’s unfamiliar with, being met with silence despite his earnest attempts at conversation. It’s also not really something that bothers him, though, so there’s no hesitation at all in his droning on.
“Here, I’ll talk about somethin’ you actually care about, how’s that?” He grins, focusing his attention on the road ahead while still carrying on. “How many guards do you think that paranoid good-for-nothing is gonna have on him while we scout the place out? My bets are on at least ten. Maybe not right there around him, but definitely keepin’ an eye. I know those types. They’re all over the place back home, yanno, makes my brothers’ lives a little harder, but it’s never been an issue for me.”
His expression turns serious for just a moment, almost contemplative. “Still, it’s gotta be worse than normal if they’ve put people like us on it together. That practically spells bad news. Exciting, right?” Something in Claire’s eyes flashes, and he glances over at Konstantin for just a second. “It might even be a good workout, if we’re really lucky.”
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