#classified as homestuck because of the background
blaperile · 7 years
Hiveswap Episode 1 Reaction Part 10: Battery combinations everywhere + Living room Exploration Part 2
Okay, day 10 of playing! Starting at 8:45 PM today. We were exploring the living room and then suddenly found these E-cell batteries in the universal remote. Let's see if this gives any unique item combinations in Joey's room or if it will be the same bits of narration like with the other type of batteries. If not, we'll go look at the item combinations in the other parts of the house!
So okay, it indeed gives the same bits of narration for the things in Joey's room. In that case, let's start with the item combinations just outside the attic and work our way down from there! Batteries && Slinky ==> Wait... do slinkies really need batteries to operate? I never knew that. E-Cell Batteries && Flashlight ==> Oh man, the struggle is real. I've had this issue lots of times in my life, where I think a particular type of battery fits and it turns out it doesn't. xD Batteries && Caterpillar ==> Uh... 6 pairs of eyes? Where are the other 5 pairs then? :mspa: Also, she mentions them sensing the light, so for a second I thought the caterpillar's eyes might have looked differently in the dark now than they were in the light, but I don't immediately notice a difference. Batteries && Golden globe thingy ==> Pfff, another combination that prompts her to spin it. This time no Joey animation though, sadly. :( Batteries && Sufferer doll ==> Oh boy, can we not? xD "He looks like he might enjoy it" ... ... LET'S CARRY ON. 0_0 Batteries && Statue ==> "voice modulator that makes you sound like a skeleton" If that actually exists, dear god, point me to it because now you've made me curious. xD Batteries && Lite Brite ==> Haha, so there's an outlet right behind it! Actually, have we even seen any other outlets in this house yet? ...Oh, plainWonder's right, there were outlets beneath Joey's gaming television, I forgot about those. Anyway, this reminds me of what I was wondering yesterday after the power went out, about whether or not the lite brite worked on electricity or on batteries and thus if it would still be on or not after the power went out, haha. Batteries && Jude's door ==> I highly doubt these batteries would even be small enough to slip them under the door in the first place. :P Batteries && Universal Remote ==> Eeeesh, some more frustration towards Grandpa there. Interestingly, this implies that Joey and Jude don't use the remote, and the tv for that matter, very often? Anyway, that's it! We've done all the possible item combinations so far featuring the batteries, so let's move on to examine some new items! Batteries && Beanbag chair ==> Yep, (un?)fortunately, the beanbag chair isn't a massage chair that runs on batteries. :mspa: Pogs && Beanbag chair ==> Can't possibly get more 1994 than this, am I right? :P Cherub Key && Beanbag chair ==> Shocking revelation! You decide not to have a mental breakdown about it though. :mspa: Ballet slippers && Beanbag chair ==> Beanbag chair rises up on their echeladder to the highly-touted rank of BALLET BLOCKER. xD Ooooh, so that's a cassette player over there, not a walkman! And this seems to be one of the few things in this house that Joey and Jude actually share with each other. Huh, we can "salvage" it. Oh god, are we getting another pair of batteries here? xD Cherub Key && Cassette player ==> Oh boy, insert spooky music here! Because of the key's presence, music comes out of a cassette player that isn't turned on and has dead batteries... Yikes! Just like how it seemed to have some mysterious effects on the slinky as well... Jeez, what the hell is that key even made of? xD I'm also suddenly getting Revolution (the tv series) vibes, what with a magical trinket that activates devices that have become powerless. Tap shoes && Cassette player ==> Pfff, when she started talking about tapes I first thought she was going to make a tape/tapping pun, haha. Also, I don't think I've ever heard of Enya before, but I just looked her up on Wikipedia and it seems she's pretty famous in any case! Ireland's most succesful solo artist, that is pretty impressive. And yes, it wouldn't work to listen to that music with those dead batteries... unless you've got a mysterious Cherub Key nearby, of course! :mspa: Ballet slippers && Cassette player ==> I assume a rose in an iceberg is a reference to Enya? xD Hahaha, okay, so scavenging the cassette player doesn't actually make Joey put those batteries in her inventory. Aww, but I wanted to see a battery + battery item combination! :P Hey look, there's a gameboy! Which we can apparently ALSO scrounge for batteries, haha. So, this confirms that Joey isn't the only gamer here, Jude does like playing videogames as well! Batteries && Gameboy ==> Pfffff, I hadn't even caught it until plainWonder pointed it out to me, but "lil' hombre" is probably meant to refer to "boy" as in Gameboy. xD Ahahaha, I just love the lengths to which they're going to avoid literal namedrops. Pet treats && Gameboy ==> A third option would be to press it against your screen and try to feed a virtual animal on it, like a Tamagotchi or something. :mspa: Ha, "the illusion of choice"! Oh man, that is giving me so many Homestuck character select screen flashbacks. Tap shoes && Gameboy ==> Wait, Tatanga? Who's that? *looks it up* Oh, it's a Super Mario villain! From a few really old games. I've played quite a few different Mario games, but none of those coincidentally. :P Alright, looks like we're finished in this part of the room! I thought there was only one way to progress further (by clicking somewhere further in the background to move there), but plainWonder spotted very nicely that we could also click near the piano! And oooooh, that makes us look at the room in an entirely different perspective!!!! So apparently the front door of the house is right there! I bet we probably can't/won't exit? I wonder what it looks like outside on that part of the house, though. And there's a coat rack over there! Some pretty colorful clothing over there! I wonder who it belongs to. Dear god that's one giant trophy hanging right above the front door. 0_0 And it looks like there's even a picture hanging on the wall of when Grandpa killed it. :/ Hehehe, "Pet Vet - The doctor is out"! That immediately reminds me of Aranea's "the sylph is out" silly business in Openbound. That stuffed wolf though... that doesn't look too good. One of Grandpa's earlier experiments with taxidermy? :/ I really like that we're now getting a much closer look at the universal remote. That is indeed a preposterous amount of buttons! :o Also, that stuffed bear right next to the door reminds me of the bear behind the clock on the other side of the room. (I am also conveniently going to ignore that deer bear monstrosity on the other side of the front door) What's with all that dirt right in front of the doors though? Examining the bear trophy now... Yeah, Grandpa sure does like leaving a lot of useless/terrifying crap around everywhere, doesn't he? :/ Of course, opening the door doesn't actually work. Wait, Joey's scared of running into weirdos both outside and inside her home. I wonder who she classifies as weirdo, considering other than the monster there's nobody else inside and only Jude outside. Are Jude and his pet the weirdos? :mspa: Oh yeah, almost forgot to do the item combinations here! Batteries && Bear trophy ==> ...It's indeed a good thing that this bear can't be activated to actually move around. 0_0 Pogs && Bear trophy ==> 10 points for coming up with amazing puns on the spot go to Joey! Pet treats && Bear trophy ==> ...I think it's the latter, Joey. xD Cherub Key && Bear trophy ==> THE PUNS. THEY DON'T STOP. Tap shoes && Bear trophy ==> JOEY. STOP. YOU'RE KILLING ME WITH YOUR PUNS. XD Pet treats && Front door ==> Hahaha, "guardians"! ...Actually, there's the deer trophy, which of course reminds me of Dammek. For a second I was entertaining the thought that these 3 were all refereencing actual Guardians, but eh, probably not because what would those other two even reference? And anyway, what is it even with all these deer motifs throughout the house? Is that just to get hilarious/sad reactions out of Dammek in Hauntswitch? xD Cherub Key && Front door ==> Wait, there's not even any lock on this door, like, at all??? That's really weird... and also unsafe. Maybe Grandpa just always loses his keys and decided it would be handier if none of his doors would need keys at all? Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if that was his reasoning. Batteries && Deer trophy ==> ...Yes, let's also file that idea under "can we not"? xD Ballet slippers && Deer trophy ==> Oh deer (yes) god, I hadn't even realized yet how Grandpa and Joey both have stuffed animals, though in a totally different way. Eeeeesh. Alright, that's enough for today. It's already 10 PM, and I'm kinda feeling the tiredness settling in. Tomorrow we sadly won't be continuing our playthrough, because of certain IRL stuff, but hopefully we should be capable of playing some more on Wednesday!
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