#climbing into a fridge would actually be quite dangeous as they're designed to be airtight when the door is shut. so i added those details.
krikeymate · 1 year
You know that one TikTok of Melissa opening the fridge with Jenna in it? ;) Imagine: the core 4 are having a sleepover or something. Sometimes they love to play games they used to play when they had sleepovers as kids with Sam as the babysitter. Just for the nostalgia of it. It’s super hot. The apartment doesn’t have AC and it’s been hot for days so there’s no difference between the inside and the outside temperatures. Anyway, they’ve decided to play hide and seek. Sam’s the seeker. She found Chad first. He hid behind the curtains and sneezed before Sam even finished counting. Mindy is next. She was under Tara’s bed. It’s been 30 minutes and the three of them are still looking for Tara. She’s always been good at this game but they’re playing in an apartment with very limited options to hide, and they’ve looked everywhere! Every cupboard is opened, every closet door, even the drawers. The apartment is a mess. Sam’s starting to freak out. “Ok Tara, you won! It’s over. You can come out now!” No reply. Sam checks the locks on the front door. She swears, if Tara left the apartment without telling them she’s going to kill her, no matter if it’s a game or not. But the locks are still closed and some of them can’t be locked from the outside. Mindy and Chad are still mostly relaxed. It’s not the first time that Sam freaked out during hide and seek because she couldn’t find Tara. It’s the first time as adults, tho. “Calm down, Sam. It’s not like she’d climb out of the windows or something,” Mindy jokes. Sam promptly checks all the windows. They’re all calling out for Tara now. Sam is contemplating calling Kirby for help. Then Chad is like “This is taking too long. I need a bear” and goes into the kitchen. He’s briefly confused because all the fridge contents are on the table and no one noticed it before. He opens the fridge and jumps. Tara’s in there. She’s not moving. Oh my god, did someone kill Tara and place her in the fridge? “Turn the lights off! It’s too bright,” Tara mumbles sleepily. Chad blinks. Once. Twice. Again. “Sam, I found Tara,” he whisper-yells.
They've got a dying old fridge-freezer shoved to the side in the dining room, they haven't had a chance to get it collected yet. The freezer no longer works properly and the door seal is busted, but the fridge compartment still does the trick, so they keep it plugged in and use it for extra space.
I love love love the idea of a bunch of grown adults deciding to play children's games, because having fun is timeless. The comical image of them getting more and more desperate and confused and checking ridiculous places where she obviously can't be but what if she is is always welcome.
Tara being like oh small dark and cool? Sounds ideal to hide in on a hot summer day! And just climbing into a fucking fridge and taking a nap. Chad closes the door behind him and tells the others and then Sam is pulling her out and going what the fuck are you doing?! Are you insane?!
She make a no climbing into a deathtrap rule after that (Mindy makes a sign for the fridge), and the old fridge-freezer gets collected for the dump rather quickly after that.
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