#cmon guys pull through for buttercup
justafandomgvrl · 9 months
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Word count - 400 ish
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You grin as Benny and Will waltz into the house like they own it. Frankie is already there, your legs thrown over his lap as Santiago works in the kitchen to prep the food for the day. Benny immediately picks you up, him and Will sitting underneath where you were so you’re laying across the three of them. Santiago comes through and laughs, leaning down to kiss you before ruffling Benny’s hair.
“C'mon boys, I need one of you to help me carry all this crap through.”
“I’ll do it!” You offer but Will claps his hand over your mouth as Frankie gets up, placing your legs on the sofa as gently as he can. You roll your eyes and jump to your feet, stretching with a loud yawn.
“Sit down.” Benny huffs and you let him pull you back down on top of him and his brother. “Cmon, buttercup. If Pope knew we let you do anything he’d kick our asses. You’re meant to relax when you’re not at work.”
“I was just gonna grab the board games from upstairs.” Benny immediately jumps up and Will pulls your legs over his, tapping his fingers against your sweats.
“You guys know I don’t break if I do anything, right?”
“We know. It’s just… none of us have sisters. And since you started dating Pope, we just want to be there and look after you and if that means we help out with stuff and you get to rest, then that’s what it is. You’re like the sister that none of us had.” You smile, leaning back against the couch as Santiago and Frankie bring plates piled high with breakfast foods through and place them on the table. Benny bounds down the stairs, board games in hand.
“You boys ready?” You ask, reaching for the tv remote as everyone spreads out just enough that if there’s any game rage, nobody would get hurt.
It was a good decision to spread out.
When you lose at monopoly, a couple of hotels go missing. When Benny loses at poker, a whole stack of cards get flung around the room.
But it’s all in good fun. You look around and you see your family, the love of your life and your brothers. And you’re happy.
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sabinemorans · 3 years
Mornings With Karl
This is a drabble request for @whisperinghallwaysofmirrors using descriptors for her appearance she sent me! If you want a drabble featuring you specifically pls hit me up!
Karl groaned and rolled over in bed, expecting to find your warm body next to him and your golden brown hair tickling his nose but unfortunately his morning doesn’t start off this way. Instead, he falls flat on his face on the cold concrete. He sighs through his nose.
Sure. Days can still be good if they start this way right?
He rolls on his side and gets up, stumbling a little to the bathroom where he relieves himself and brushes his teeth. Then, as always he goes to find you and again, as always you’re already at work. He smiles at the metal pieces strewn across your work table and looks over your work, swaying slightly to low music on your phone as you work. The restored metal cross is looking better with each passing day and he peeks over your shoulder to see what you're creating currently.
“Hrm,” he hums, nuzzling your light brunette curls causing you to smile and little shivers to run down your spine. For a big man Karl could be very quiet when he wanted to be and he liked to surprise you. “It’s lookin’ good Buttercup, I like the little touches with the thinner wire. You’re a damn artist.”
The blush on your face was sudden, and you hated how you could feel him smiling behind you. He could always tell when you were getting flustered just by your body language and all it did was feed his ego. He grabbed a nearby chair he liked to sit in and watch you work and plopped down. Honestly, Karl was downright indecent right now in his dark sweats only with his hair messy from sleep and his broad hairy chest on display. Sometimes you thought he kept his shirt off most of the time simply to distract you and make you blush, which would lead to more of his teasing.
Pretty, damn was he pretty, but he was a bastard.
“Cmon baby, show me those sweet almond shaped eyes, look at me. Cmonnnnnn I can feel you looking at me through your hair. Cmonnnnnn,” he said, using a sing-song voice on both utterances of “cmon.” There was that stupid grin on his face too that you both loved and hated. The blush across your nose deepened and you groaned a bit before making eye contact with him finally, adjusting your glasses with a finger.
“There, I’m looking at you Karl, happy?” You rolled your eyes at him but he wasn’t deterred. Nothing in the world could make him stop smiling when he saw the blush on your face. Karl scoots closer to you and bumps his nose against yours sweetly.
“Fuckin’ estatic baby. I love how worked up you get from a tiny compliment. You’d think after all these months with me you’d be used to it.”
This was a fair thing to say. You’d been with Karl for a couple years now and had been living with him for months. He’d always been quick to compliment your work (one of the things he loved about you was that you worked with metal so beautifully) and ever since you’d lived with him his praises had become daily. And he wasn’t one to just dish them out. If you did something he didn’t love or if he had a better idea he would be honest and tell you. Karl may be rough around the edges but honesty is very important to him and he wouldn’t lie.
You know he genuinely enjoys your work and it’s a welcome change from what you’re used to. Your family doesn’t quite understand why you’ve chosen this work and is often dismissive of things you’re proud of when it comes to finishing a project. After a while you stopped showing anyone your work except who needed to see it because no one cared, but then Karl sauntered into your life and you felt at home. You felt understood, supported and eventually loved.
Adjusting your glasses again (this time from just needing something to do) you chuckle and shrug. “You’d think. Hopefully I’ll get used to it.” You set your current project on your table and roll closer to him, setting your hands on his chest. “But I probably won’t.”
You smile and Karl laughs, slipping his big hands around your waist and nuzzling your soft cheek. “Mmmm I hope not Buttercup. I’d miss that blush and the cute way you shrink when I compliment you. At least now you don’t wave them off anymore.”
You hum and concede that point. Before you’d done what everyone who wasn’t used to praise did and waved all the compliments off. Karl had let it slide for maybe a couple months before he started to aggressively tell you how talented you were and how he appreciated you. It was still hard to fight the urge, but blushing and saying thank you were great leaps in progress.
“We’ll now I’ve got you big guy, and you’re gonna be here to compliment me and push me further every day right? That’s what you promised when I moved into this factory, remember?” Your eyebrows wiggle at him and he grins goofily.
“Of course I remember! I remember carrying all this shit in for you too and making sure you had your own space set up to work and then carrying you across the doorway bridal style too.” His lips suddenly drag against yours and you sigh happily, moving your arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
“I’m gonna be here for you forever baby,” he murmurs against your lips, kissing you again. “I keep my promises.”
You snorted loudly.
“Ok I keep the ones I make for you at least.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” You smile and kiss him again, melting into his warm embrace and Karl hums. See now this is how a morning should start. And you two had morning after morning together in your safe space, forever. Life still wasn’t perfect but with Karl it came close.
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