#cmon let's be underappreciated together instead
Shang Qinghua would be a huge Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao stan. send tweet
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floralovebot · 3 years
Hi! The anon here to answer your question from your tags. I think, my favourite thing about Aisha is despite her added later in the show, she spends a lot of energy and effort to become friends with other girls. She bonded with them one by one which I think it's nice thing. During my childhood I related to her because of this. I'm very introverted person but seeing her breaking her shell makes me do better in my personal life. 😭
YES!! That's one of my absolute favorite things about Aisha and i think it's something that's so underappreciated about her!
Something that really stands out to me about how Aisha bonded with the Winx (and even the Specialists) is that each one was unique to the relationship! The way she bonded with Stella isn't the same as the way she bonded with Musa. And that's something that we didn't get to see a lot with the first five Winx because they all met around the same time and became friends together. With Aisha being a newcomer into an already established group of friends, it would've been so easy for her to withdraw or not get as close to some of them, but instead she bonded with all of them!!!
Like obviously she bonds with Musa over their shared interest in music and dance. They also relate to each other in a lot of ways with the whole Never Having A Solid Friend and having trouble making friends thing. Musa is one of the first people that recognizes Aisha's feelings and makes a move to comfort her and let her know she's not alone. It's literally no wonder the two of them are so close!
Then with Stella (and occasionally Bloom), Aisha is able to bond over both of them being princesses. Stella understands all of Aisha's feelings about royalty and her troubles with the throne (like constantly being watched over or having to act a certain way). We already know that Aisha didn't have a lot of friends besides Anne, plus with everything she knows (multiple languages etc) she would have spent a lot of time studying. And while Stella can partially bond with Bloom over being princesses, Bloom didn't grow up in that lifestyle and doesn't feel the same way about everything. Stella and Aisha's friendship is so important to me because despite how different they are, they were able to become as close as the others through shared experiences and inherently understanding things about each other the others would never get.
THEN!! Aisha's bonding with Bloom literally makes my head explode because sure, they were nice to each other in S2 and they made an effort to become friends, but there was nothing really there to spark that interaction besides being around each other for the mission. BUT THEN, s3 comes and Valtor's being a little prick (affectionate) in Andros and Aisha is naturally freaking out and worried about her family and people. And Bloom, bless her heart, realizes that Aisha is once again trying to do everything on her own and says, "hey listen. we love you and we're not letting you do this alone. you can't get rid of us let us help. also i kind of understand what you're going through and i'm not gonna let this happen as long as i live." LIKE??? she literally just met Aisha a year ago and she's already ready to die for her. wow...
The way Aisha bonds with Flora honestly makes me a little teary because it reveals so much about her. She literally breaks into some guy's room just for this girl she just met, and only because she genuinely wants to be friends with them. Aisha literally gives so much of herself and is so ready to do anything just for her friends... I'm in love with her and the people who call her boring make me want to scream.
Aisha's bonding with Tecna is definitely an underdeveloped segment. The writers were more focused on exploring her relationship with some of the other Winx so we really didn't get a lot from them at first. BUT THEN!!!! You can see throughout their first (well second) meeting that Tecna is already flexing her Natural Smarts and Aisha is like Oooooh.. she's cool 😍. It's so funny because their bonding is literally just them impressing each other. Like, Tecna will say something techy and Aisha is in the background like.. Hmm Yes Very Interesting. Then Aisha will say something smart or do something cool and Tecna is also in the background going.. HMMM YES VERY INTERESTING. They just kind of naturally fall into a routine and by the time S3 comes around Tecna is literally okay with sacrificing herself to save Aisha's planet like.. who's doing it like them.
Not Even Gonna Mention How Aisha's bonding with the specialists is literally just her being mildly annoyed at them and then occasionally being impressed when they actually do something well. And how the flipside is just her being herself and the guys going WOW She's Amazing I Love Her
And like yeah anon, you mentioned being an introvert and seeing her makes you do better in your own life and literally,,, SAME 🥺 Aisha helped me so much when I was younger! And honestly she still helps today! It's so inspirational seeing this young girl going from virtually no friends at all to a strong group of close friends all because they put in the effort to genuinely get close. And like I said in the beginning, it would've been so easy for Aisha to just.. not get along with them, especially with the varying personalities already going on. And she just,, didn't,,, she took the time and effort to get close to these people all because she genuinely liked them and wanted to stick around them.... and they did the same thing because cmon man It's Aisha... i just.. love them... all... so much.....
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