#come to think of it i haven't posted any colorings since the explosion incident
byuboom · 1 month
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You don't have to curse anyone anymore.
i haven't colored any manga in a while, but the pmmm reprint manga is so gorgeous that i keep coming back to it ..
scanned by @silvermoon424 n colored by me ~
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sonderwalker · 4 years
Hey everyone! I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m really trying to get more into fic writing, and posting what I write!
Here’s the first chapter of one of my stories: Remnant, which is available on both fanfiction.net and AO3
Here are the links:
Anakin and Ahsoka walked down the busy walkways of Coruscant. Holographic ads were displayed in neon colors everywhere they looked. Women advertising new hair and skin products, an ad for the newest kind of speeder were all flashing before their eyes. Ahsoka took a deep breath; taking in the not so clean air that smelled like garbage, perfume, food, and exhaust from all of the speeders. People from all races and classes were moving about. Some were begging for money, others were flaunting the money that they had. Out on the streets, being a Jedi didn't make them stand out as much. When everyone is trying to stand out no one really ends up standing out. Which is what makes Coruscant so special- at least to some that is.
Ahsoka looked up at Anakin, who seemed to be lost in thought during their whole walk to the diner. The last time they were here is when Obi-Wan went on his undercover mission used Anakin to make it seem more believable. Except at the time, everyone thought that he was dead, except for Anakin. She could tell that her master wasn't really over it yet. Every interaction that had taken place between Anakin and Obi-Wan was too stiff and too formal. Even too formal for Master Obi-Wan and way out of character for Anakin. She could tell that what had happened upset him but none of them knew how to approach the subject. Anakin was mad because he had been used, Obi-Wan was mad because of how Anakin reacted and Ahsoka was just sad.
They approached the diner and walked in as the doors slid open. Ahsoka and Anakin took their usual window seat and Ahsoka had to break the silence.
"You've been awfully quiet today, Master." She commented. Anakin looked her in the eye and shrugged.
"Maybe. Just thinking." He said.
"Thinking about what?" Ahsoka asked "The next upgrade you're going to give R2?" She teased.
That made Anakin smile, which helped ease her mood in return. "Oh, for sure. I was thinking he would love if I gave him a new paint job."
"Hmmmmm, I doubt it." Ahsoka said.
"What can I get for you?" The waitress droid asked as she rolled over to the pair. Anakin looked at Ahsoka and her response was looking back at him with the same confused face.
"Um, we haven't decided yet." Anakin said to the droid. She rolled away, muttering something about how humans could never do anything fast enough. Ahsoka chucked and looked back at Anakin. He was not as quiet as before, but he was still more standoffish than usual, which really meant something. Her master usually didn't hold back on his thought about most things but ever since the incident with Obi-Wan, he had been holding back a lot.
She knew that she wasn't the only one who noticed this; Master Plo had gone to lunch with her the other day and asked her about Master Skywalker and Kenobi. Specifically, Master Skywalker, since he had also noticed a bit of a personality change in him during and after Obi-Wan's undercover mission. She told him that she wasn't exactly sure what had transpired between the two of them, but it was making most of their interactions as a trio very awkward. In addition, she had noticed that neither of them had ever apologized to each other. Master Plo noted that it was probably because they both thought they were right.
Ahsoka thought that they were both wrong, but she kept that opinion to herself.
"Hey" Anakin said. Ahsoka looked up at him, hoping that he couldn't read her emotions very well through the force. She realized that he probably could anyway, but she hoped that he wouldn't say anything about it.
"You haven't been listening to anything that I've said. I asked you three times what you felt like having."
"Oh, um… I'm not sure." Ahsoka said sheepishly. Anakin rolled his eyes and smiled slightly.
"Well you should decide soon before that droid comes back and starts trash taking us again." He said. The droid never got the chance to come back and trash talk again because as soon as Anakin finished speaking, an explosion tore through the side of the building.
Ahsoka was flung through the diner and landed roughly on her side. She could hear people shouting for help and running around. As her vision cleared, she saw that the restaurant had lost power and people were running around everywhere. There was a huge smoldering hole torn in the side of the building, making the metal walls look like they were just paper.
She got up and looked around. Standing in a crouched formation, she spotted the enemy. Six men wearing all black and concealing their faces walked in to the diner through the hole that they had created. They all held large blasters and were pointing them at the customers to make them cower in fear. Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers, which turned all the attention to her. Three of the men pointed their blasters towards her and began to fire. While deflecting blaster bolts, she looked around for Anakin. He usually beat her to getting back on his feet, so she was expecting to see his blue blade in the air. Instead she only saw hers and the blaster bolts coming towards her.
"Master!" She shouted when she realized that she couldn't see him.
"Master!" She called again when there was no response. Growing frantic, Ahsoka dove behind an upturned table and looked around the edges of it. She saw customers hiding and holding each other behind other upturned tables, but none with her Master behind them.
"Anakin!" Ahsoka shouted urgently. She heard a muffled yell and perked up from behind the table. The other three men had bound Anakin and were trying to take him out through the hole that they had come in from. Anakin struggled to free himself, but one of the men injected him with something in his neck and his body became limp.
Ahsoka screamed and leaped forward. She couldn't let her master get taken away. She couldn't. Not after seeing what it did to Anakin. She didn't want to experience that kind of pain.
Ahsoka ran forward while deflecting as many blaster bolts as she could. The other three men had noticed that she was beginning to advance and threw and explosive towards her. Ahsoka used the force to help curb the blast and protect the customers. When she looked back up again, her master was gone, and so were the men that took him.
She ran through the hole that they had come through and out into the busy walkways. There was no sign of any commotion anywhere. It was like they had just disappeared.
Ahsoka fell to her knees and stared at the ground. She noticed that small puddles were accumulating in front of her and she touched her face. It was wet and warm.
She didn't even notice that she had cried. What kind of Jedi was she?
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