bbraeweek22 · 3 years
Happy New Year Everyone 🎉🎉🎉
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We wish you have a happy and healthy 2022 filled with nothing but good vibes and positivity!! ✨
The BBRae family had quite an eventful year last year— With the release of "Teen Titans: Beast Boy Loves Raven", the appearance of Raven and Beast Boy in Fortnite and a creatively beautiful BBRae Week.
Now, it is up to you, the amazing content creators and the supporting consumers to help make this year a blast!!
To spread our love for these adorable dorks 💚💜
To decide the ideal time frame for this year's BBRae week, we’ve put up a poll, selecting a week in each month from March to July. Select the week that will best suit you, and cast your vote here! It's a really simple process, and you don't have to worry about logging in or having an account. Voting ends in 5 days, so we encourage you to cast your vote as soon as possible 😁 We are also open to prompts and ideas; share all your creative ideas to this blog's Ask Box!! Keep your ideas more general and less specific, so something like Knight and Princess/Prince will become Fantasy AU or simply AU. Around January 30th, or sooner or later, based on the submissions, we will put up a poll of all submitted prompts for people to vote on. We can’t wait to host this this year and see what you all write, draw and submit! Love, love 💚💜 The BBRae Week Team, @dragonthewriter, @comi-kath and @nobodycallsmerae ✨
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bbraeweek22 · 3 years
One of the moderator team
Hi everyone and fellow BBRaers
I am Comi-Kath and I will a member here on the bbraeweek2022 tumblr page and event.
feel free to message me on here or on my personal tumblr page about concerns, ideas or conversations about this years bbraeweek.
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