vixerehq · 4 years
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renly baratheon’s blog will now be a mumu blog. please keep following @commandcnt​ ; maddison jaizani is now unavailable for applications.
✦ ▓ AND WHO GOES THERE? oh, it’s just [ LORRA CRAYNE ]. some say [ HER ] resemblance to [ MADDISON JAIZANI ] is almost uncanny, but the [ TWENTY SIX ] year old has been in the capital for [ HER WHOLE LIFE ]. many suspect that they are the notorious [ KNIGHT ] of the [ ARRYN ] family: perhaps that has made them [ TWO-FACED ] && [ IMPATIENT ] of late, when they used to be so [ OBSERVANT ] && [ RESOURCEFUL ]. during the daylight hours, [ LORRA ] can be found working as a [ SHOTSGIRL ], but when night falls over king’s landing, they are best remembered listening to [ SWEET BUT PSYCHO by AVA MAX ]. may the gods be with them in these dark streets. ( admin bella. 25. gmt. she/her. )
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wintersrcse · 4 years
for: rhaegar targaryen @commandcnt​ location: meeting of the families/surprise wedding of lysa & petyr
Divide and conquer had been the plan, but after separating, Lyanna suddenly regretted their stratagem.  She thought she had been ready to come back, to face everyone.  But walking in, all eyes on her and Rhaegar had been daunting.  Ironically it felt much like being thrown to the wolves.  But with that thought, Lyanna told herself to remember who she was.  She was the wolf, not them.  So she squared her shoulders and stepped unto the breach.
Some of the Starks knew of her impending return, Ned and Catelyn for certain, although she wasn’t sure how far they had dissemninated that information, but she figured she was safe among her own syndicate members.  Or at least, she hoped. -- She moved through the crowd, making small talk with those who would entertain her presence.  If it hadn’t been a wedding (something that would have been nice to know before showing up hand in hand), more than a few people would have gotten sharp words from the raven haired woman, telling them to keep their performative outrage to themselves unless they wanted to see what real outrage looked like.  But she could only take so many snide comments and piercing looks before she needed to find either one of the two reasons she had returned to King’s Landing as a reminder of why she was withstanding it all: Jon or Rhaegar.  
At this point she figured Jon was slouching in a chair or corner somewhere in attempts to avoid attention, and she’d find them when they wanted to be found.  But then she spotted him across the room, her safe port in the storm.  Temporarily alone, she figured she’d dock her ship for a moment.  She came from behind, presenting him with his his favorite drink in one hand, the other coming up to rest on his shoulder.  
“Do you still have your eyes, my love? Fingers and appendages?”
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shcbear · 4 years
@commandcnt​ (renly baratheon)
At this point, Dacey was starting to feel like a staple of the North Wall Memorial hospital.  She was fairly sure that soon enough people would begin asking her medical questions, because she was there enough she must work there, right?  Between her time hanging out in Robb’s room both as friend and guard, doing the same for other Wolf Kings members as well as accompanying Ned to visit Robert (she of course waited outside, acting more as a guard, once again), most of the days since the massacre had ended with her visiting the hospital.  She had even gotten friendly (well, as friendly as Dacey could be to those she didn’t know) enough with some of the nurses that the ones who were on the Wolf Kings payroll would sneak her some of the good coffee from the break rooms.  
She had become tuned into the daily comings and goings of the hospital, of all it’s little buzzes and noises, to it’s schedule (things always seemed to pick up late morning for some reason), she had even began to recognize other people who seemed to be constant visitors.  And yet somehow, as she sat herself down in one of the horrible uncomfortable family waiting room chairs, she realized the person sat across from her, a face she recognized from more dark pursuits, was not one of the faces she had seen.  Renly Baratheon.  "Is it true he really won’t let anyone but Ned in?”  The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.  But that was the rumor, and she was curious to know if it really was true, family included.
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ofcatelyns · 4 years
Huff of displeasure left her lips in the form of a sigh she didn’t bother to disguise at the text that had just came through. For a moment she considers leaving and feigning some excuse but as always, Rhaegar’s timing is impeccable and he’s coming into view before she can duck out of it. With features full of resignation she turns to face him fully, not sugarcoating the news that the two of them will have to have lunch together. “It seems our better halves can’t make it.” While her self confidence knew no bounds she was under no illusions that it was her husband that most would consider the better one in their match. He was too noble for his own good sometimes and it showed in his reputation. Hers on the other hand, she cared far less about.
Lips pursed in a disapproval that was only half meant, the rest her usual dry humour. “We’ll just have to make do with each other.” She supposed there were far worse people to spend lunch with but it was hardly a well kept secret that she held her sister in law in much higher regards.
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oftybolt · 4 years
Waiting was never something he had been all that fond of. He had patience in abundance, able to bide his time for the right moment to make a move but he liked knowing what he had to work with. Right now everything was in limbo, his plans hanging in suspense as he waited for new information so he could adjust and alter as needed. To keep his mind off it all he’d been working on a statement, pen scribbling smoothly over the page to note his thoughts until it was set down at the sight of someone entering the room. He leaned back in the chair with a confident ease that probably shouldn’t have been possible given how uncomfortable the lumpy thing was. But he always had been able to make things look easy. “Any news?” 
Tiredness had made him reach for his glasses an hour earlier and he didn’t bother to take them off, at least not around Renly. Besides, a little slip in his perfection would humanise him. “There’s some coffee there. It’s weak and might only be lukewarm by now but it was kind of them to bring it.” As if on cue a nurse walked past and he made sure to flash her a grateful smile.
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ofbryce · 4 years
Even in his childhood he’d never had a way with words when he took after his father’s stoicism far more than his mother’s more loquacious nature. But with the loss of those closest to him it was like he’d lost whatever motivation he’d had for sharing his thoughts. They never varied that much anyway, mostly alternating between grief, anger, numbness and a need for revenge. As much as he liked to convince himself that that was all that was left within him, there were still a small number of people that brought out something else in him. Loyalty had always been the strongest one with Renly, even though he knew it did their bond a disservice to simply label it that. Still it was easier to think of it that way at that moment in time, push down any other emotions that were threatening to make an appearance as he strode into the hospital. 
The glare he gave had been convincing enough for him to be allowed through without a quarrel and in moments he found the Baratheon. Only, unsurprisingly, he had nothing to say. No, he didn’t know what to say. No words of support or reassurance when he was unable to ever see the silver lining, only storm clouds. Instead he simply announced his presence with a gruff murmur of the other man’s name. “Ren.”
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ofmargaery · 4 years
There were plenty of faces that she recognised even among those who were wearing masks. She supposed that with so many of them in the public eye there was little point in wearing them but she had still put hers on initially. Now it lay on the table in front of her as she sipped her glass of champagne. Eyes flickered over the room before landing on a familiar face. Gaze dropped slightly, the picture of demure innocence rather than showing the quick plan that she formed in her head to allow them to spend some time together. Perhaps the term plan was a little bit of a stretch when it was more of a loose idea - an assumption that no one would be able to hold her next words against her. After all, she was simply assisting a fellow guest. 
Words were soft but clear enough to carry across the distance as her head inclined gently to the place that was free next to her. “There’s a seat here if you would like it.” 
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wclfgurl · 4 years
& .   ✧   ›   RENLEY & ARYA !
“ why ... am ... i ... here. ”
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vixerehq · 4 years
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the following have twenty-four hours to post three in-character posts total for the week or contact the main to avoid being unfollowed:
lorra crayne @commandcnt
theon greyjoy @krakenbred
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vixerehq · 4 years
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Due to personal reasons, please unfollow:
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ofmargaery · 4 years
There was no memory of the last time she had been able to remain still in her mind when she had long since shunned the idea of doing nothing. Her dogs provided her with the perfect excuse to take regular walks without cluing anyone in to the restlessness that she held within. That and they were such wonderful company. Unsurprisingly their amble through the streets near her home was interrupted by her spaniel tugging on his lead, determined to get closer to a corgi that he had deemed his friend. “Achilles.” Exasperated sigh slipped from rosy lips before she murmured praise to her other dog. “Good boy, Ajax.” 
Doe eyes sparkled with amusement even though posture remained distant. After all, the pair of them weren’t supposed to like another another - but who were they to deny their pets. “These two really seem to have an affinity for one another that would make Madeline Miller proud.”
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