#confession was so stupid why are you making a bunch of elementary and middle school kids 'confess' their normal human mistakes and flaws
angelsdean · 1 year
you know what i used to do as an extremely anxious catholic school kid who did not understand the concept of confession bc "if i do something bad i can just pray directly to god and be forgiven, why do i need to tell this random strange man what i've done wrong?" and also just being a normal good kid who isn't really committing any "sins"? i used to make up fake sins djkfdsf bc legit i never knew what to SAY. i was a kid and nothing bad i did seemed big enough or important enough to need forgiveness from GOD lmao. so i'd make up stuff (nothing crazy but just little things bc legit the only real thing i ever could think to say is "i don't always listen to my parents" "i fight with my sibling") and thennn at the very end i'd say "and also sometimes i lie" so then all my fake sin lying would be forgiven ajskfdk
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kz-i-co · 5 years
Start Over
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»Request: "A bully💕 but with a sweet intention inside💕."
»Pairing: June/ Reader
»Genre: fluff
»Words: 2.6k
»A/N: sorry if this sucks, I couldn't really think of anything lol :(
»m.list ╫ ikon masterlist
"Why are we doing this?" Sehyoon asked June as they booby trapped your office.
"Because it's funny." He said with a devious expression. "She'll be fine."
"I don't know. She's very organized. She'll probably be pissed."
"How long has she been working here?" June asked.
"2 years? Why?"
"To make sure they won't fire her."
"Okay just about done. There." He put the last of the mess. "It's perfect."
"She's going to know it was you." Sehyoon said rolling his eyes.
"How do you know that? She works in a school. Best decoy ever."
"I don't think elementary school kids are capable." He laughed.
"I guess I can leave her this then." He taped a small note to the door.
"Let's go before we get caught." Sehyoon spoke breaking his concentration.
They snuck out of the office and through the window and successfully past the night guard. They done it again. Or more or less June. Trying to make your life more difficult. That's how it was since you met him years ago. Your stupid brother knew how to pick them.
"Good morning Yeji." You smiled at the little girl. "Your hairs pretty."
"Thank you my mommy did it." She yawned as you smiled at her mother.
You continued down the hall and unlocked the door to the nurses office. You saw a bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter with a balloon attached to it.
Happy Birthday (Y/N), I love you. I hope your schedule is clear tonight because I already have plans for a big fancy dinner. See ya later -Sehyoon
You smiled reading your brothers card. He always celebrated your birthday like it was the most important holiday.
"When did he do this?" You asked yourself. You were in this office all day for the full 8 hours of school. There was no way he could of snuck in without you noticing. You shook your head and smiled as you smelled the beautiful flowers. You walked over to your office, about to unlock the door until you saw a small note attached to the door.
Hey Mullet, Happy Birthday. How old are you again? Just wanted to say I went all out for your birthday this year and I hope it's the best one yet. Can't wait to see you later.
You felt anger just reading the letter. You couldn't stand your brothers friend. Once upon a time you had a crush on him followed them everywhere but once you reached middle school, it went all downhill.
He was the biggest jerk you have ever met. All he did was make fun of you for every little thing. He was trying to ruin your life.
The worst memory of all was your seventh grade school pictures. You wanted to change your look and begged your mother for a haircut right before picture day. For obvious reasons of not being a professional hair dresser, she gave you the worst Brady bunch looking mullet haircut ever. You cried for weeks from how horrendous your pictures came out and better yet, gotten them framed. It was bad enough you had to tie your hair up everyday until it grew out but ever since June saw those pictures, he has called you mullet. You even wondered if he remembered your real name.
By this point you just wanted him to leave you alone for good.
You crumbled up the note before stepping into your office. You grew confused as you accidentally kicked over something causing you to turn on the light quickly. Your eyes grew petrified followed by with intense anger of the mess that was right before you.
Your office had post it notes all over the place and silly string everywhere. Like walking into a nest of spiderwebs. It was followed by stupid cups of water all over the room, making it hard to even step inside. You growled from how angry you were trying to hold back every curse word that came to mind.
You tried to calm down, just from how shaky you were.
>>To June: [8:36 A.M] Can't wait to see you tonight. I have so much I want to say to you. ;))
You tried to keep it simple and not give it away how pissed you were. You wanted him out of your life and for good.
You decided to close your office since you couldn't handle taking care of it at the moment. Better yet, you wanted him to clean it up. Once and for all.
You dressed up nicely and headed to the address your brother sent you, but already knew it was Rene's; your favorite restaurant. Sehyoon knew you well and always wanted to make your special day something to remember.
You were standing outside the restaurant calling your brother. "Hey."
"Heyyy." Sehyoon answered.
"You better not be pulling some kind of surprise or I'll will kill you."
"No worries."
You said opening the door and stepping inside. "I mean it Sehyoon. I'm not in the mood for-"
You knew it was coming but you happened to jump anyway. "I said no." Your brother came up and hugged you. "You're not allowed to be grumpy on your birthday."
"Well I got a surprised this morning that I'm not happy with."
"Oh about that....I'm so sorry." He looked at you timely as he confessed. "It was June's idea."
"You helped him?!?" You raised your voice.
"Only with the post it notes, he did the rest."
You looked around and you were surprised you didn't see him. "You didn't invite him?"
"It's not like that. He's just trying to make you laugh."
"No, he's a bully. Always has been."
"He likes you though." You looked at him confused. "He's always asking how you are or if you're busy."
"Yeah right."
"No seriously. He just likes to pull pranks on everyone. It's just how he is." You rolled your eyes at his answer. "I know he's a jerk. I'm sorry, I'll tell him to cool it."
"Been there done that. I'll tell him." You walked past him and sat down at the table greeting other family and friends.
You enjoyed your birthday party for the most part, laughed enjoyed your gifts and the cake was your absolute favorite. Your anger was actually worn off, until the door open revealing a tardy June, who you prayed wasn't coming.
"Hey birthday girl." He smiled and handed you a bag. You were surprised he even went forward getting you a gift at all. You opened the card and it was actually very pretty and well put together that you swore it wasn't even his. But the handwriting in the card gave it away.
Dear (Y/N), Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy it well and get everything you want. I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile. XOXO -June
You couldn't believe how sweet the card was. He had nothing mean or obnoxious written and you couldn't help but smile in the process. Maybe your brother was write.
You took out the tissue paper and began to dig into your gift. You felt like it was more then one thing and decided to go with the biggest item. You pulled out a picture frame and turned it around revealing your traumatizing seventh year school picture. You threw it back in the bag and looked at June with hatred.
"That's not it." He laughed.
"I can't believe you-" You began to shout but notice you were causing attention. "Why are you such a jerk." You lowered your voice as you felt your eyes water. You got up and grabbed your things making your way out of the building.
Sehyoon was looking at all the gifts in the bag seeing the picture frame, a mug, and even a T-shirt, with all your mullet nightmare. "How could you?" He looked at his friend.
"Come on it was a joke."
"I better go check on her." Sehyoon started but June stopped him.
"No I will." Sehyoon gave him a warning look. "No I need to apologize." He said with sincerity.
You threw your stuff in your car, not even wanting to go back in there for the rest of your gifts. You just wanted to go, as far away as this place.
"(Y/N) Wait." You saw June running towards you.
"Get the fuck away from me." You said opening your car door.
"Wait I'm sorry. It was just a joke."
"Your face is a joke." You shut the door behind you and he knocked on your window.
"Please." You heard his muffled voice from outside the window. You started your car and opened the window. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know that photo hurt you so bad."
"Are you kidding me. That was the worst moment of my life." You spat.
"I'm sorry. I'll get you something else."
"Don't bother. It's not just the photo. It's the pranks, you making fun of me, calling me mullet. I just want it all to end......My office? Really? I want you to clean it up and that's the last time I ever want to see you." You closed your window and took off.
The next day was pretty quiet. You told your brother the greatest birthday gift was to have some peace and quiet for the weekend. You were still a mess over your whole birthday. June just had to ruin your day. You were sulking on your couch as you tried to watch some dumb comedy to cheer you up.
You heard a knock on your door and you groaned just getting up to retrieve the mysterious headache. You opened the door and sighed as you saw June once again trying to make amends.
"I'm really sorry."
"You said that." You said not changing your emotion.
"Come on, I bought your favorite meal." He said holding up a container of different containers.
"What don't you get? I don't want you here." You said.
"Please. Aren't you hungry." You didn't change your mind.
"At least take the food and I'll leave." He insisted not giving you a choice. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." He said before leaving your apartment.
When you got to work Monday, everything was normal. You got your couple hellos from students and teachers as you made your way to the nurses office.
You sighed unlocking your door, ready to see the mess you were about to walk into. You yelled at June to clean so you weren't expecting when that could happen, if it would at all.
You opened the door slowly ready to feel the silly string in the air but your door swung opened fine like nothing was wrong and grew confused. You quickly turned on the light and saw that everything was back to normal or even better then you had it before.
When did he even do this?
You noticed another bag on your desk with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Sehyoon always got you flowers every year but he never managed to figure out your favorite. You took the note from the clip and began to read the note.
Dear (Y/N) I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for ruining your birthday. I know I'm a jerk and I wish I can take it back. You probably wouldn't believe me but I really don't try to hurt you, I guess it's just easier then to show my true feelings. I promise it won't ever happen again and hopefully some day you will forgive me. -June P.s. I know you hated the gift I gave you but sometimes the best things are worth hiding.
"What does that even mean?" You asked yourself putting the card down. You dug through the bag and saw the mullet photo once again and you never realized that it wasn't inside the frame but simply taped on the outside.
"Such a jerk." You tore off the horrible photo and crumbled it up but you glanced at the real photo underneath with surprise as you felt the tears flood your eyes. The photo was with you and your dad sitting on his fire truck back when you were only 8 years old. You haven't seen this photo in years since the station was closed down. It was your last photo ever taken with him before he was gone and you thought you would never seen it again.
You felt your hand shake just from the memory. Your dad took you to work that morning and showed you all the cool equipment and how it worked.
You lost him a few weeks later to an emergency in the middle of the night.
"How did he even get this?" You asked yourself.
You couldn't believe you were outside his apartment about to face him. On one hand you were fine of never seeing his face again but then you couldn't stop thinking of what he meant about having feelings for you.
As you were about to knock on the door, it came flying open with him ready to leave. "I'm leaving now." His face went blank as he noticed you.
"Actually, go on without me. Something just came up." He hung up. "Hey (Y/N)."
"Hey. I came to talk to you, but if you're busy-"
"No, it's not that important." He said opening the door once again. "Come in."
You stepped inside taking a deep breath, you just wanted to get it over with. "Look I'm just gonna come right out and say it." You took another deep breath. "Thank you, for the picture. I'm sure it wasn't easy to get and I really appreciate you doing that..."
He knew it was coming from the look of disappointment. "But....I can't just forgive you for all the years of torment and teasing. It's gonna take some time-"
"(Y/N) I'm really sorry. I wish I can take it all back." Then he looked up at you getting a sudden idea. "Actually, can we just start over?"
"What?" You looked at him confused.
He came closer and held out his hand like he was introducing himself. "My name is June and I'm your brothers best friend who has had a crush on you since we were 15."
You looked at him with confusion yet oblivious. "Are you making that up?"
"No (Y/N), it's true. I really had a crush on you and I was too scared for you to know so I just started acting like a jerk and it was wrong and stupid and I wish I could take everything back. In fact maybe if I told you sooner, we could of been something."
"June, look-"
He held out his hand once again since you haven't shaken it yet. "We really doing this?"
He nodded and you took his hand and he pulled you forward, colliding with his chest. He was staring into your eyes causing you to blush. "I know you can't forgive me but maybe you can at least tolerate me."
"I don't know."
"Well at least so I can do this-" he leaned down bringing his lips towards yours. He was really trying which you couldn't help but respect but you just couldn't get over it that easy.
You responded for the kiss a little longer until you pulled away. "I probably should go."
"(Y/N), can we maybe go out to dinner some time or something. I really do want to make it up to you." He had sadness in his eyes.
"Okay." You smiled. He was really sorry so maybe it was time to ease a little. "I'm free tomorrow."
"Great." He smiled and you walked out the door. He may have made fun of you all these years but maybe he was different. Should you forget?
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woojinieemoved · 7 years
Friends to Lovers!Kim Donghyun
member: kim donghyun // mxm
genre: fluff
writing type: bulletpoint
word count: 1.4k
a/n: lol im either gonna edit a bunch of my writings or just copy and paste so sorry if some look nice and some look crusty // this one is rewritten btw!
my masterlist
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so it all started when you had a project in your first year of middle school
it was kinda big for a middle school class so your teacher randomly assigned people
and wow what a coincidence you got the one and only kim donghyun!!
you had no idea who he was so you assumed he probably went to another elementary school
meeting him wasn’t too awkward?? he was super smiley and spoke kinda loud but somehow you found comfort in that
ofc since you were partners for a project, you went to meet up at the library to do research
but like that ended REEEAAAAL quickly bcuz yall are too loud lol
first of all you werent even completely focused bcuz donghyun kept making super bad jokes that were funny as a middle schooler 
you’d both be laughing so fuckin loud that the librarian would have to kick you out
well ok looks like you’re going to your house to do continue the research i guess
your parents were like “omg you brought a boy home is this your boyfriend” bcuz yeah boy + girl hanging out = dating according to everyone
you looked really disgusted and donghyun looked awkward 
yall basically just met so why would you even think about that!! plus you’re in middle school you don’t care about dating yet
“guys you havent even said hi to him but you already made him uncomfortable he’s just my partner for this project we have to do in class”
even tho he felt awkward, he still kept his happy, polite self and introduced himself to your parents
since it was probably a bad idea to go back to the library, donghyun would frequently come over to finish the project
your parents grew to like him more (and so did u ;) ) and him coming over would be normal now
even after you finished the project, you guys basically became super close and you would hang out alot outside of school
every year, the both of you would be praying that you’d be in the same class
if you werent, you’d be late to your classes bcuz you dont want to separate yet
until the bell rings again then you’re dashing your ass down the hall
now it wasnt until you got into highschool where people were more serious and fuckin drastic
being the major flower boy that he is, he snatched the hearts of so many girls in school 
this means a shit ton of chocolates on the day of valentines !!
for him atleast lol
you never complained about not being able to get chocolates because he always shared the chocolates he got with you 
but like you also knew that some girl would be brave enough to call him out to confess to him
you may have accidentally walked in on some of them mid-confession
slams door open
“donghyun where the hell are you we need to get the limited edition plush at the arcade and you know damn that’s gonna take fore- oh” 
oops awkward for all of you 
aaaaanndd since this is highschool some girls are petty as hell and will be like “i’ll do anything it takes to be with oppar11!!!1!1″
so you occasionally get bullied
woops they spilled juice on your notebook
woops they thought your textbook was trash
oh no where did your bag go- its outside?? and the window is open??
it took a while for donghyun to notice that you were getting bullied by his fangirls
ok in reality he only noticed because you started to distance yourself from him because of it
dh: y/n? where are you? i thought we were gonna go to the cafe
you:  oh right sorry i had to go to the library for hw
dh: library??? homework??? ok its super obvious thats a lie where are you
you: wow can i not be responsible without being suspicious im just trying to pass highschool
dh: :/
dh: i know you’ve been lying alot lately y/n whats going on
you: well idk if youre just blind or stupid but your dumb fangirls are getting in my way and its annoying having to deal with them
dh: fangirls? what have they been doing? why do you have to stop hanging out with me?
you: ok youre just dumb...  
dh: omg are you getting bullied
you: yes you idiot those fangirls of yours are brutal
dh: y/n..... im sorry.. i didn’t see that
you: yeah i know its been happening for months
dh: well i’ll treat you to food to make you feel better so hurry and get to the park
you: but im at home
dh: you live 3 minutes away from the park
you: im already in bed with snacks and netflix
dh: ok fine i’ll come over then
you: wait get ice cream before you come back
dh: yeah yeah ok 
you wait a good 8 minutes and hear your door slamming open, your bed bouncing from donghyun whale flopping onto it
“you got the ice cream?”
he holds up the bag and says “right here”
“ok good lets make a fort now”
you stared at him blankly 
“perfect reason i’ll get the blankets”
he gets up and runs to the hallway closet, grabbing the extra blankets your family keeps
you get up to find as many extra pillows so that you can use it to support the fort
takes yall a good 25 min to do but its worth it
you snuggle up under the fort and start to eat your slightly melted ice cream
after like 3 movies, your eyes start to get heavy since you’re warm under the blankets and donghyun’s arms
donghyun was pretty immersed in the movie so he didnt see you slowly drift off to sleep 
it wasnt until he was going to make some sort of witty comment to you about what was happening in the current scene
your cheek was pressed against his chest and your arms balled up in front of you
he smiles to himself and grabs his phone next to him to snap some pics of your sleeping face
he figured he should just go to sleep too since you arent awake to make dumb comments about the movie anymore
he closes your laptop and gently holds you to place your head on the pillow and shimmies himself to lay down as well
boom now you’re both dead asleep and snuggly
ok fast forward in time 
its your senior year and yall r kinda burnt tf out bcuz of college applications and scholarships
but wow its valentines again!!!11!
you were prepared to see donghyun struggling to carry a ton of chocolates but instead you were greeted to him holding a bouquet of roses and a bucket of fried chicken
“did someone give you chicken for valentines? is that their way of not being like everyone else and giving you chocolates”
he lets out a nervous laugh and steps closer to you
“no, but its my way of not being like everyone else” 
he holds out the bouquet and chicken in front of you
you stare at him like ??? lol ok
“wow is this finally my own gift of appreciation this year”
“in some sort, yeah”
“awwww thanks best friendddddd” you lightly smacked his arm and took the things from his hands
before you could take the time to look at the roses, donghyun grabbed your wrists and looks at you dead straight in the eyes
your heart sped up but you tried to make a joke to make it look like you werent nervous
“what do you want me to share the chicken?” 
“y/n can i kiss you” 
“wait what-”
he just goes in and plants his lips on top of yours
not too roughly tho
it was like a soft pillow on your lips and you did not pull away or complain at all
you leaned forward a bit to deepen the kiss since you couldnt really grab him or anything
cuz yaknow
ya got chicken and a bouquet occupying your hands
donghyun got the hint and hesitantly placed his hands on your hips
eventually the both of you couldnt breath so you pulled away and stared at each other
“im sorr-”
“shut up you absolute dork i cant believe you kissed me first before even saying anything” you teased
he shoved his face into your shoulder out of embarrassment and laughed
but it was all a scheme
he used that chance to whisper right into your ear:
“i love you y/n”
now its you shoving your face into his chest from embarrassment
“i hate you so much kim donghyun,...” 
me too y/n, me too.....
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araspade219-blog · 7 years
DRAMARAMA (Jimin Scenario)
Cast  : Jimin(BTS) , Readers, Hyungwon (Monsta X), Seoyeon.
Pairing  : Jimin x Reader
Genre : A lot of Angst waiting for you.
Recommend Song : Dramarama by Monsta X - Hirari Hirari by Hatsune Miku.
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To tell the world that you are the most upset and unfortunate girl, is understandment. They said, all person in the world deserved to be loved. Each person deserved to be at least feel loved by the one they love the most. But these kind of talk specifically didn’t apply to you.
               You always love this one boy. A neighbor boy in your hometown in Busan. You already liked him since he help you from some kids who likes to bullied you in elementary school. Since that day, both of you almost like to spend your time being together. You both are inseparable, many of other friends of yours always think that the two of you would ended up being together. But that’s not what actually what happen.
               When your heart still always waiting for him, you watched him get a girl and then watched how that girl break him into million pieces. The thing is, no matter how much you said the girl didn’t deserve his attention, Jimin still love her. Then, it leaves you to gather and mend all the pieces of his broken heart with a tiny bits of hope that he will return your feelings.
               Surprisingly,five years ago when you finally have the courage to confess your feeling to him, he said yes to you. But of course deep down you know that you are probably only a replacement of her. A rebound. They said once you are blinded by love, nothings matter anymore. Knowing the fact that you are only a replacement didn’t matter to you . As long as he is by yourside, you are fine.
               But you have know…
               Nothing will right when you know you are only a replacement…
               At first, it feels like nothing new to your relationship with Jimin. But once his career start sky rocketing, he often ditching you. He start distanceing himself from you. Even when you both are together, he prever to focus on his phone. He never kiss you on your lips. He only give a small peck and a kiss on forehead. Nothing more. This least for three year. He even always forgot your anniversary. It is either he is on schedule or he purely forgetting it. He even stop remembering your birthday two years ago. But being blind and foolish girl you are, you keep forgiving and keep making excuse for him.
               “He must be busy.”
               “He just busy.”
               “he must be really tired..”
And bunch other plently of excuse that already came out from your mouth for him. Your friends always telling you to confront him, but you are afraid of the result. What if he will tell you he want a break and end the thing for sure? You don’t want that. That’s why you prefer to suffer alone and keep hurting from loving him too much.
Until three months ago, during your small date with Jimin in a café you met with one person you are most afraid. That girl…Seoyeon.
               The girl who broke Jimin into million pieces.
               His ex…
               She is back.
You still remember how big Jimin smile was when he saw her. And how your already broken heart start to cracking again. You still remember how happy Jimin look like when she gave him a hug.You still remember the look of underestimating she gave to you and how she smirk at you. You still remember very clearly that, that day was the first day you start doubting yourself.
               After that day, Jimin become more and more distant. He only came to you when you beg him to. And it will never last long. After one hour, he will making excuse to go out. He rarely text you first. You guys often get into an argument, but it will always you the first person who apologize. Each day, you become more and more empty and lost. You keep doubting yourself. Telling yourself that nobody needs you and you are always a burden. You yearn nothing but the death of you everyday. Wishing that when you close your eyes, you are no longer breathing. But you are afraid. Afraid to actually kill yourself. Because you still thinking about Jimin.
What if that girl break him again? Who will be there for him? Will he be okay when you are gone? That’s what you keep thinking. Stupid, but yes. Even after being this broken, you still make him your first priority.But on the other side, you cant keep doing this. This is not good for you and him. This will bring him down somehow. So you take one last chance to prove yourself and him. To see if he really does care of you even the slightest bits or not.
               Next month is your 5 years anniversary.An anniversary you and him never celebrate before. You will celebrate it with him this time again. If he come, then you will give a try for this relationship and tell him honestly what when wrong. But if he didn’t…you will forever disappear from his life. That’s the deal.
               After telling Jimin about your anniversary plan, he agree to come. You should be happy when knowing this, but instead you feel really nervous. Jimin always agree to it before but he never actually come during the day. You shook your head, trying to get off those things from your head. You believe Jimin will come this time. He will come.
               The next month, you spend with searching for the best dress you could wear and taking a few facial care for your face. You want to at least being pretty for him even if he doesn’t really pay attention to you.You become a bit more lively after being depressed for so long. Because you believe Jimin will come.
               Of course…
               You should have know…
               Today is the day. Your anniversary of five years is today. The day you have been waiting for. You already message Jimin this morning telling him a happy anniversary incase he forgot again. For the rest of the day, you spend your day pampering yourself. Do a lil simple makeup Jimin likes, preparing the gift you have for him and styling your hair.
               You are so nervous that you come one hour earlier from the time you tell Jimin. You walk inside the very familiar restaurant. A restaurant where you always planned to celebrate your anniversary, but never actually had. Almost all the staff and the waitrer/waitress recognize you. They always try to confort you after Jimin stood you up each year, but today you come with a very bright smile that make them smile instantly.
               “Always looking very pretty Miss.” Said one of the waiter who is very familiar with you. He gave you a smile and you return it with a bright one.
               “Thank you Yoojeong. And I always tell you to just call me (y/n) but you never listen.”you said to him and he chuckle at you. He then guide you to your specific seats for tonight. The same seat. After placing your bottle of wine, all the staff excuse themselves and leave you alone in your seat. You wait patiently for Jimin to came. You look outside the window of the restaurant. Looking at the cloudy sky above. That actually gave you a bit of uneasy feeling, but you try to be positif.
‘Only for this night..Jimin will come (y/n). He will.’
 You wait..
Wait for him..
1 hour passed…you still believe him.
2 hours passed….you still believe him..
4 hours passed…you believe he will come…
6 hours passed…your smile start to drop…
6 hours 30 minute…the waiter come to you..
“Miss…im sorry…” he didn’t need to tell you what he is going to say. You all too familiar with it.You look up at him then at your phone before you dialing Jimin number, putting all your last hope in it…
“ The number you are calling is not active---“
               When everything changes..
                 After leaving the restaurant as fast as you could, you start walking around aimlessly in the middle of night of Seoul. Tears keep coming out from your eyes. The winter cold night didn’t bother you as you cant feel anything beside the big hope crushing down on you, made by the person you trust the most. You still cant believe that Jimin stood you up again. You believed so much in him, but he break it into another pieces after you work so hard to mend them alone.
               You should have know that you are nothing to him. You are only his friend. He will always cradle to the girl who break him and never look at you. After all, you are only a replacement. And it hurts so much. It hurt so much because you still love him.
               You walk into a han river. Thinking it might calm you down before you get home an pack you things to leave tomorrow. Walking with head on the floor, you didn’t notice a man infrond of you so you bump into him. Not that strong but making you wooble a bit, but the man hand stop you from falling.
“Im sorry, are you okay?” said the man to you. You look up to see a very young and handsome boy. Dress up in pin-strip suit while holding an umbrella. You stood properly while giving an apologize to him.
“im sorry. I walk without seeing infront of me.” You said to him.
“Its fine. “ said the man. Without saying other things, you walk past him, you don’t really want to deal with people asking about you right now. But after 5 steps from him, you heard him ask again.
“Are you okay?” he ask you.
You stoped but didn’t look back at him.
Are you really okay?
Or course you are—
“I’m not okay.”
                 I know im not the best boyfriend ever. Hell I will be the worst of the worst. I know well that I always threat (y/n) awfully. She always try her best to stay by myside in my worst state. She will always be the first person who I run to when I got  bad day. And I know how much she loves me. I love her too, but when I saw Seoyeon, I cant help but getting back the feeling I had for her long ago. Although im with (y/n) now, I always know that Seoyeon is the one that only in my heart. I always want to end things with (y/n) because I know I hurt her. But im so egoist, I want to keep her all by myself. I cant picture her with other man beside me. I just cant.
               But I decide that I have to let go of (y/n). she deserve someone better than me. That’s why I ignore her. I block her number from my phone and avoid her as much as I can. It feel so wrong and coward I know. But I cant see her heart breaking face when I told her I want to break up.
               Last night, I had this particular uneasy feeling all over me. Like…the world is trying to tell me something. Something bad that would happen…and the rain. It stay like that since last night until now. Its like the sky is crying over something..or someone.
               I was just hanging out with Seoyeon when we decide to take a lunch in a restaurant nearby while waiting for the raining to be done. When we enter the restaurant, Seoyeon didn’t notice this but I am. The staff and waitress/waiter all giving me a dirty look and unhappy feeling when they recognize my face. Im so confused because I remember correctly that I never enter this place and I never know any of them. So why they giving me those looks?
               I try to ignore them and just having my lunch with Seoyeon. We just eat and talk about our past. But then Seoyeon start talking bad about (y/n) in which I don’t like it. I don’t mind people talk about how shitty I am, but I don’t want to hear them talk bad about (y/n). not with her. She done nothing bad.
               When I was about to pay, I was greet by the waiter who suddenly scoof at me. I cant take it anymore. Why they become so rude to me.
“Excuse me, but I don’t know what I did to earn your dirty look. Did I ever do something to any of you in this restaurant?” I said out of annoyance. The waiter only giving me a unhappy chuckle cefore looking at me.
“You still have the guts to come here after doing those horrible things. “
“Excuse me?”
“I still can understand if it is only once or two but five years in a row? Unbelievable.” He still said with a mocking tone. Im growing impatient as im so lost here.
“What are you talking about? I never going to this restaurant before.”
The waiter only look at me, giving me those disbelieve eyes before one other waiter come to him and give him the box before he shove the box to me.
“Maybe this will refresh your memory a bit.” He said in cold tone. I look at him before looking at the box in my hands. I open the lid and see a cake inside of it. There was a sentences written on the top.
‘Happy Anniversary – Park Jimin & (y/f/n)’
“No need to pay for your food. Just take is as your girlfriend paymend because she never eat anything despite paying for it before. “ and then the waiter leave me with box of cake there.
 We immedietly leave the restaurant after that. I then go to (y/n) place. Leaving behind Seoyeon without looking back. I bring the cake with me. On my way, I keep thinking about how stupid I am. I already promising (y/n) about those dinner with her. Yet I hurt her again by forgetting it. By letting my ego again. Its already the fifth I stood her up. I cant stand seeing how broken she was each time I bail her out. And I done it again. This time I’m sure she wont forgive me again, but I still want to apologize to her.
               When I was arrive at her apartment, it sure was empty. Its like she haven’t been there for sometime.
‘She must be sleeping in one of her friends house. She figures I will find out and try to apologize to her again.’
               I was planning to wait for her in her apartment, but I cant since I have a schedule tomorrow. So I left the cake on the table and a memo for her, telling her to immedietly call me when she saw this. Then I left her place after making sure to lock them again.
               A week passing by and (y/n) still haven’t called me. I tried to call and text her before but she didn’t reply any of them and the call just went straight to her voice mail. Each day, I grow a bit uneasy and worried. Did she leave me for good this time? Is she really breaking up with me? All of those though keep interfering with my focus. The hyungs often scold me for being sloopy and not focus while practicing. Fortunately, we got two days off since today is Christmas eve. I really want to spend this night with (y/n) but I still cant get a hold of her. I tried to contact all her friends but none of them ever saw her since that night.
               For some reasons, today I got a really horrible feeling in a pit of my heart. I look at the sky above me from the window in my room. The sky is so dark tonight and the snow is falling hard. What is this feeling? What is this horrible feeling I always felt since a week ago?
               My though got interrupted when I heard a knock on my door.
“Jimin –ah, someones want to see you. Come to the living room immedietly.” It was Namjoon hyung voice. His voice is a bit..tense. who is it?
               I get up from my bed while bringing my phone with me. When I get to the living room, I saw two police officers sitting on the sofa with Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung and Jungkook. Why would the police want to see me? Did I do something?
               “Umm…good evening sir. I believe you want to see me?” I said politely to them. They said yes and told me to sit infront of them.
               “Are you by any chance Park Jimin-sshi right?” one of the officer ask me and I nodded my head. Suddenly, the horrible feelings keep growing and about to burst from my stomatch each time the clock passed. One of them then take out something from the bag they hold and they taking out a small picture in a plastic bag inside. A picture of me.
               “Do you by any chance recognize this picture sir?” they ask me. I take the picture and take a look at it. Of course I recognize this picture. It is the picture of me smiling while playing in the beach when I was celebrating my acceptance in bighit with (y/n) before. This picture should be with (y/n) while I got her in my wallet. Why do they have this?
               “Y-yes…I know this picture. This belongs to my girlfriend…” I said to them. Without knowing why, my tears suddenly gather in my eyes. I don’t know why but I feel like what they will said next will broke me completely. And I don’t want to hear that.
               “Then sir, do you mind coming to the Hospital. We need you to do a check up on something.” They said with a slight pity and sympathy in their tone. I don’t want them.
               “im sorry for asking sir, but could you tell us what exactly happen? And what it have to do with my members?” Namjoon asking the police since I cant let out any word from my lips. I don’t want to hear them. I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me anything!
“This morning, someone just discovering a dead body of women buried underneat the snow in the park near here. We could find any identity card on her, but the woman holding those picture tightly in her hands…”
                 Jimin walk out from the rogue into the empty hall of the hospital limply. Eyes bloodshot but the light already disappear from there.
                 She was found dead undearneat the snow all this time. That’s why nobody ever saw her.But this morning, some kids who playing in the park decide to dig in the place she was put and discover a dead woman inside it.
                 He keep walking without care of people around him seeing him and giving him either weird look or pity look as tears keep falling from his eyes.
                 She was dead because of gun shot and bloodlost. There also a hitting mark on her side of skull and three stabbing wound on her abdomen.
                 Image of your lifeless face on the cold table keep playing in his mind. It was really you. It is you they found dead, alone in that horrible place. He wish it was not you, he wish it was other girl, but no. it is you who is killed.
                 Apperently, she was killed because she witnessing a murder of the recent serial killer. She was not suppose to be killed, but she was on the wrong place and wrong time. She war near the murder place when she saw it all. Unfortunatelt, the killer saw her and decide to kill her right away. The killer already arrested though.
                 Jimin stop in the middle of a really empty and dark hall of the hospital. He no longer have the strength to walk. He slam his fist on the wall on his right while his knee slowly give up on him and he fall to the ground.
                 We just found her body now. But we can assume that she was killed a week ago.
                 A week ago. During his anniversary night. You was killed during the night both of you should be happy. But no. instead of receiving all the happiness you deserved, you got murdered. On the night he decide to be a jerk. Indeed he wish you would just go from his life. But not like this. You still have a long way ahead. You still have your dream. Yet it was all shattered now.
               If only…if only he was there with her…if only he came… if only he was with her, he could prevent all of this from happening. You could be alive right now…breathing and happy.
               “Why?! Why am I so stupid?! I can prevent all of this but No!” he cried his eyes out on the ground. Gripping and pulling his hair until his scalp screaming for him to stop before his gonna rip his hair. Endless guilty feeling washing over him. She always saving him, but he cant save her. She ended up losing her life because of his ego.
               “God..if you can hear me…I want to start it over…I promise! I promise I will fix it all! I promise I will cherish her like nobody in this world matter to me anymore! I promise….” He put his face on the palm of his hands and crying alone. The though of you no longer in this world and further more it was mostly because of his faulth just eating him alive.
               “Are you willing to risking everything if I give you the chance to turn back time?”
Jimin jump in his place when he heard a new voice coming from above him. He release him palm from his face and look up. To see a young man not older than him, standing tall with his pin-strip suit and brown hair looking down to him with no emotion in his face. He is hoding an open up transparent umbrella in his left hand. Who is he? Who the hell in his mind bringing an umbrella inside a hall.
               “You didn’t answer me.” He ask once again. Snapping jimin out from his though. He scramble on his spot, trying to stand up.
               “Who..who are you..?”
               “My name is Hyungwon. You need to answer me. Do you willing to risking everything once you given the chance to turn back the time? To save the girl?” the man, Hyungwon ask Jimin oce again.
               “I will. I will take the risk if I got the chance…which is impossible. But I will sacrifice everything to save her. To avoid it.” Jimin said with determine in his voice.
               “Then I wil give you the chance.”
               “Ha? You mean you can turn back the time? Are you nuts? That kind of thing doesn’t exist in this world.” Jimin though that the man infront of him is one of the mental patience in this hospital and about to leave when he heard him again.
               “It is your only chance to see her alive again.”
               Jimin stop in his track and see Hyungwon again. This time the man holding a weird brown old fashioned watch in hid hand. That got into jimin attention.
               “I know its hard to believe but you need to if you want to save this era timeline.”
               “Save…the timeline?”
               “I am the watcher and the member of Chaldea. An organization in the far future that job is to fixing the error that happen in each timeline.And this era is just one of the many history I have to fix for the world to become balance. “
               “My job is to find out the one person that making the timeline error and try to fix them. When I arrive in this era, I though that girl, (y/n) is the key of the error of this world. That’s why I keep following her around to see where it went wrong. But I was wrong. She was the error that happen because of the mistake of the key.”
               “wait…I don’t really understand. She was the error? What do you mean of it?” Jimin finally ask after being too confused with his explanation.
               “She isn’t suppose to die that day.”
With this, Jimin eyes went wide. You are not suppose to die that night. He not suppose to find you die today.
               “There are mistake in this era that making this happen. She was not suppose to die. She still have a long way in her life. Yet because of the mistake, she ended up die. And this may cause unnecessary problem in the future. Including your death.” Hyungwon now staring right into Jimin eyes. Making the man gulping nervously.
               “You are planning to kill yourself. And the news of your death will interfering with the other decision in life too. This may cause a chaos in this era. That’s why Park Jimin. You are the key mistake in this problem and you need to fix them.” Hyungwon said sternly. They grow silent for a moment.
               Jimin was thinking, if he could fix it that means he could see you again right? He could once again see you and give you what you deserved. If it is, then he will take the chance.
               “Tell me what I need to do.” He said. The determine and firm resolve could be seen in his eyes, and that making Hyungwon smiling gently.
               “All you need to do is fix everything. Fix what your mistake. You know very correctly what to do to prevent it. Make sure to use it wisely. I only can give you one chance to fix it. The rest is up to you.” Hyungwon then start doing something with his watch before clicking the start button on the side of the watch before the world around Jimin spinning and he felt sick and drowsy. Before darkness could embrace him, he hear Hyungwon for the last time.
“Learn from your mistake and take care of the person who is important to you before it is too late, Park Jimin.”
                   The next second Jimin snap up when he was sitting in a dinning table, with chopstick ready to pick a meat infront of him. All of him bandmates and Seoyeon is sitting infront of him. He blinked and trying to remember what actually happen.
               “Jimin? Whats wrong? You are spacing out haha.” Seoyeon voice snapping him once again. He  try to smile and resuma what he think he is doing before Hyungwon voice echo in his head.
“You only have one chance to fix everything…”
That’s when he remember what time it is. Today is your anniversary night. The day he will disappointing you again. The day you are murdered.
               He stood up immedietly from his seat, grabing his jacket and putting his shoes before he is dashing out from the dinner. Ignoring the yelling of his name from his member and Seoyeon. Right now everything is not important for him. All he think is you and you only. He run as fast as he can to the restaourant you are in. he know very well where it is and doesn’t need to see the map to know where is place. He ignoring the look of surprise people even his fans throwing him when knowing him running in the middle of the street like a mad man.
               When he finally arrive at the restaurant, he could see the surprise look the staff giving him, but doesn’t care. He just go inside without waiting for the staff to ask him who he is searching. As his eyes scanning the entire restaurant searching for you, he finally landed on the girl figure sitting at the corner of the restaurant, looking at the sky from the window.
               When jimin eyes land on her, he cant help the tears that once again fall from his eyes. You are here. Alive. You are alive.
               He slowly made his way toward you. You still don’t know his presence since you just busy looking at the sky who is clear and snow beautifully start falling. You only realize when you heard his hoarse voice calling your name.
               You look away from the sky toward the figure tanding infront of you. Clothes a bit mesy  with several snow resting on his body. Eyes teary and tears start falling from it. You utterly shock to see his state, thus you stand up immedietly and about to ask him what happen when he suddenly hug you tightly. You got surprise but reply his hug and rubbing his back when you heard him crying in your shoulder.
               “Jimin? What happen? Why are you crying dear?” you said trying to comfort him but all he did was tighten his hug like you will disappear if he release you. You utterly confused as of why Jimin suddenly become like this.
               “ You are here…you are here…” you could slightly hear him muttering several inaudible words but you don’t really understand what he mean.
               “yes im here dear. I wont leave you.i promise.” You said to him. He reluctantly release you and look at your eyes. You erase the tears that are still in the corner of his eyes and smile softly. At lease he really is here. You believe he will come. And here he is.
               “Whats wrong hun? Why are you crying like that? Do you really happy for our anniversary that you crying like this?” you try to joke and it success. He chuckle a but before kiss your fore head.
               “Yes…I really really want to meet you. Im afraid I could not see you again. That’s why I cry. I cry because im happy (y/n). and… I want to apologize for everything I do to you..” he is about to continue when your fingle blocked his lips from talking.
               “Lets eat the dinner first. After that you and I will have a looooong talk. Understand?” you said jokingly and he smile at you. Taking your face in his hand and start kissing you in your lips. Its different from the usual. Its like Jimin really putting all his life on this kiss. As if he just reunite with someone who he lost for the entire of his life. After release the kiss, you blushed and look away from Jimin who only smile at you. The both of them then start preparing to take dinner before Jimin eyes spotting a figure standing on the other side of the road holding an umbrealla with smile at his lips.
               Jimin throw him a smile and muttering a silent “thank you” to him while Hyungwon only smile gently and turn back toward the dark road before he disappear into the night.
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inyournightmares97 · 7 years
Why We Need Friends (Ch.7)
In which Jeon Jungkook discovers what true friendship means, and how it's more important than anything else in the world. (Featuring Yugyeom, Bambam, DK, MIngyu, The8, Jimin Park, Lisa... and a bunch of other 97-liners)
Prologue,  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11 (Final)
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Jeon Jungkook hadn’t had many friends in his lifetime. The few that he had had in his life, he could count on his fingertips. For some reason, socializing never worked out for him.
No. There was a reason. That reason went by the name of Lee Mirae.
It had started in elementary school. Park Jimin had been the slightly chubby, almost equally shy boy that sat next to him in the first grade. It hadn’t been easy, but Jungkook had worked up the courage to ask him to play together and the two boys had grown close over some passionate discussions on Pokemon playing cards. Over the next couple of weeks they made a habit of comparing and trading cards over recess. Until Lee Mirae had come along.
She’d had a fight with her best female friend and was sulking around the classroom during recess when she spotted the two boys playing cards. Jungkook was annoyed when she invited herself to join them; after all, girls had cooties and they were annoying. But Mirae happily inserted herself in between him and Jimin, and spent a total of five minutes trying to understand how Pokemon cards worked before declaring that they were boring and asking if they wanted to go play on the swings.
“Pokemon cards are fun,” Jungkook had informed her. “We’re playing. You can go on the swings.”
Jimin blinked. “I want to go on the swings!” he admitted with a smile.
Before Jungkook knew it, Mirae and Jimin had left him alone with his Pokemon cards while they pushed each other on the swings and laughed happily. He wanted to join them, but he was too angry to go. They were stupid. Swings were stupid. Jungkook liked Pokemon cards, and he would play alone if he had to.
In middle school, it was Kim Taehyung. Taehyung was an extremely friendly person, and he had persistently nagged Jungkook to hang out with him once he found out that the younger guy held a high score on a bunch of the games in the arcade. Jungkook liked playing games with Taehyung; even though he was pretty shit at them, he was a good sport and generous with admiration for Jungkook.
Until one day, Mirae followed Jungkook to the gaming arcade out of boredom. Taehyung had looked at the girl with literal heart eyes and his boxy big grin had spread on his face as he promptly proceeded to teach Mirae how to play every game she was interested in, and hurried to get her a coke and fries when she expressed that she was hungry. Apparently Mirae was oblivious to his advances because when Taehyung asked her to be his girlfriend a few weeks later, she had blinked at him and told him that he was sweet but she just wanted to be friends.
Jungkook never saw Taehyung at the arcade again, after that.
In high school, Jungkook barely had a chance to get started on making friends. Mirae had promptly gotten herself involved with the wrong crowd, which was inevitable when one got involved with every crowd. Jungkook received a call from her at about 10 pm at night. Mirae sounded scared and upset and he was forced to sneak out of home to meet her near the park. He was mildly annoyed that he had to come all this way on a weekend night but Mirae’s miserable expression had shut him up.
She had apparently lied to her parents, told them that she was sleeping over at a female friend’s house so that she could spend the night with her first boyfriend. Except she’d had a fight with him and the boyfriend had slapped her across the face. Jungkook was awkwardly trying to comfort the girl who was holding back  her tears, when the boyfriend himself found them.
There was a physical fight, which Jungkook won. Partially because he had been taking martial arts lessons for a while and also because Mirae had sunk her teeth into the (ex)-boyfriend’s arm and bitten down until she tasted blood. Yet Jeon Jungkook was the one who walked into his second week of high school with a painful black eye, rumors that he had beaten up one of the senior students, and a reputation that made anyone scared to approach him. Everyone that Jungkook attempted to befriend ran away from him and by the time the rumors and reputation had faded away, it was too late. Everyone had already made friends and Jungkook was left alone.
Mirae had tried to help him get in with her group of friends, but it never worked out. Jungkook was too shy to make any interesting conversation with the girls and somehow, the boys always saw the handsome boy as a threat. The third time that he had gone out with Mirae’s friends and had received a muttered warning along the lines of, ‘Is there anything going on between you and Mirae? Good. Because Minseok has his eyes on her’ or a plea for help that sounded something like ‘You guys are friends, right? Has she ever talked about me? Do you think she’s interested?’ Jungkook realized that he would never make any meaningful friends with her group. The males there either saw him as a threat, wanted to use him to get closer to Mirae, or merely found him so boring that they didn’t spare him a second glance.
It was no surprise, then, that Jungkook always had a sense of foreboding when Lee Mirae was around. Things rarely turned out well, at least not for him.
So when Kim Yugyeom walked into Jungkook’s room that afternoon, pale-faced and tired and with no greeting besides the words, “I need to talk to you. It’s about Mirae,” Jungkook had no doubt in his mind.
Everything was going to go downhill again.
Yugyeom looked upset and nervous.
“What happened?” Jungkook wondered, scooting up on his bed to make room for his friend to sit. He shoved aside a few books and CDs and blinked up at Yugyeom in anticipation. What had Mirae done now? He was personally tired of the girl. Yugyeom was just as sensitive as he was cheerful and innocent, and it wasn’t right for Mirae to play around with him like this. Jungkook couldn’t help but feel that Yugyeom had been much happier before Mirae had come by.
Yugyeom ran his fingers through his messy hair and let out a slow breath. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at Jungkook nervously. “There’s no point in trying to hide from you that I have feelings for Mirae,” he said finally. “I probably blabbed everything when I got shit-faced last night.”
Jungkook blinked. “True,” he agreed.
“Are you mad?”
“About your liking Mirae?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow and crossed his legs to sit more comfortably on the bed. He was surprised that his friend would ask such a thing. “It’s not an ideal situation but I don’t have any right to be mad about it. She’s not my sister or anything, Yugyeom. You didn’t even meet her through me. You met her because she’s roommates with Lisa.”
Yugyeom looked relieved and let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes with one hand. “Thank God. I thought you would be pissed off.”
“Is that what you came here to talk about? Whether I’m okay with your liking Mirae?”
He blinked and shook his head, turning to look at him. “No.”
“Then what is it?”
Yugyeom hesitated, opening and closing his mouth a few times as though he was thinking about how to say the words. Jungkook watched him silently and patiently until Yugyeom finally clenched his fists. “Fuck it- there’s no other way to say this. Yah, Mirae came by my apartment this morning. I think she confessed to me,” he croaked out.  
Jungkook had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. No kidding. It was a surprise that Mirae had managed to keep her feelings for Yugyeom hidden for this long; she was mostly incapable of keeping quiet about anything. He noticed how agitated Yugyeom looked and blinked. There was more to this than a simple confession. “You think she confessed to you?” Jungkook repeated.
Yugyeom looked up at him with big eyes. “You don’t believe me?” he asked.
“What- no, of course I believe you, but you don’t sound too sure of yourself.”
“I’m not. Doesn’t it sound absurd?” Yugyeom demanded, running his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner. He sounded upset. “If I told anybody else that Lee Mirae confessed to me, they would probably laugh in my face. It feels so unreal to be true and yet there’s this… weird, uncomfortable feeling like something isn’t entirely right-“
“Because. What sense does it even make? What kind of girl goes home with Byun-fucking-Baekhyun and then confesses to me the next day? She didn’t mean it, right? She probably just meant that she likes me in a fond way, not in a romantic sense.” Yugyeom bit his lip. “Does she do this often?”
“Do what often?”
“Tell guys she likes them.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, Yugyeom. I try to stay away from Mirae’s love life. It’s a messy place to be.”
Yugyeom was silent for a long moment and he stared down at his hands. He seemed deep in thought and Jungkook watched him. He wasn’t sure what was making his friend so agitated. He waited for Yugyeom to speak and when the boy didn’t, he prodded him.
“Yugyeom. What’s bothering you?” he asked, finally.  
“I like Mirae. A lot,” Yugyeom explained. He took a deep, shaky breath. “I love spending time with her, and I love how playful and friendly she is and she’s fucking beautiful but I can’t shake off this sickening feeling that she’s just playing around with me. I’m worried that I’m going to fall too hard for her and get myself hurt while she just thinks of me as one of a million other guys she treats the same way.”
Jungkook blinked. “I see.”
“Is she really interested in me?”
He sighed and frowned, feeling sympathetic for his friend. “I don’t know. Look, I told you. Mirae doesn’t have the best track record with dating. She’s dated a lot of crappy guys. Her first boyfriend was borderline abusive. None of them have lasted long and she’s always the one dumping them. She led on one of my friends in middle school and then turned him down. I don’t want to say that Mirae’s a bad person, it’s just…”
Yugyeom let out a brief sigh. “She’s a tease.”
“Well, yeah. Look man, I don’t want to tell you what to do. But if you came here for my advice, then you deserve better than Mirae. She’s going probably going to mess you up. She loves playing around. But you should still make your own-“
“No, you’re right,” Yugyeom cut him off quietly. “You know her better than I do.”
“- would you please take their calls?”
Mirae clutched the phone tightly to her ear as she climbed the stairs. Her legs were tired, and she felt a burst of irritation at Baekhyun’s voice over the phone. He had been calling her persistently all day and was trying to convince her to talk to others after the incident the previous night.
“I don’t want to,” she replied.
Baekhyun sighed over the phone. “Yah. Suho-hyung feels really bad. You know he’s not usually like that, he was just really drunk last night. So was Irene. She had no idea that you liked Yugyeom. She wouldn’t have hit on him if she’d known. She was just mad at Suho because they’d had a fight and she wanted to get back at him-”
Mirae ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated. “Why are you telling me about their fucked up relationship? I don’t care. I don’t want to talk to them right now.”
“You need to at least let them apologize-“
“I don’t want to. If this is the way they’re going to treat my friends then I want nothing to do with them again,” Mirae replied firmly. “I had to apologize to my friends on their behalf. Besides, I can’t even think about those two right now. I’m busy-“
“Is something else going on?” Baekhyun asked her.
“I…” Mirae took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Sort of. I confessed to Yugyeom this morning.”
“Really? What did he say?”
“He didn’t say anything. That’s why I’m worried. I’m trying to get in touch with Jungkook but he’s not answering his phone and I don’t know what to do, so I-“ she stopped speaking as she reached the top of the stairs and let out a tired breath. “It was really stupid of me. He was hungover and tired so it was a crappy time to confess. I need to figure out what he’s thinking.”
Baekhyun sighed. “Okay. What should I tell Suho?”
“Tell him to get anger management. Bye, oppa.”
Mirae hung up and stuffed the phone into her pocket, before adjusting the box of cookies that she was carrying. She had baked them herself as a sort of half-apology for Jungkook. She knew how much he hated clubs and drunken fights and she felt like she needed to apologize to him about the mess yesterday in addition to finding out if he’d heard from Yugyeom. She knocked on the apartment door. It swung open and she was met with the pleasant smile of Jin.
“Oh; hello oppa,” she greeted lightly.
Jin smiled at her. “Mirae! Come on in. Are those cookies?” he asked eagerly, eyeing the box.  
Mirae laughed. “They are. They’re an apology for Jungkook though, so I’ll offer them to him first, oppa. I’ll put the rest in the fridge for you. is Jungkook here?”
“Yeah. He and Yugyeom are in his room. Go ahead.”
Mirae’s eyes widened. Yugyeom was here? Trying not to let her anxiousness show, she  took a deep breath and walked further into the apartment. Jungkook’s door was the last one and it was about a quarter ajar. Mirae approached it and hesitated. Should she knock? What were they talking about? She slowly pushed the door open a little further and spotted both of them sitting on Jungkook’s bed.
“… don’t want to tell you what to do,” Jungkook was saying with a sigh. “But if you came here for my advice then you deserve better than Mirae. She’s probably going to mess you up.  She loves playing around. But you should still make your own-“
“No, you’re right,” Yugyeom muttered. “You know her better than I do. I’ve been wondering ever since I heard about her rejecting Jaehyun that maybe she’s not as interested in me as she seems. How could she claim to like me and then flirt around with other guys right in front of me?”
“She’s like that. Look, you’re a really sensitive guy, Yugyeom. I would have told you this earlier if I’d known that you liked her. Mirae has so many people around her and she has a tendency to get obsessed with things for a short while and then forget about them. I’m worried her feelings for you are the same.”
Mirae felt her heart skip a beat. The box of cookies trembled in her hands slightly and she felt her head spin. What am I hearing? This can’t be real. She had been prepared for rejection and to hear that Yugyeom didn’t like her. But for both of them to sit and discuss why she wasn’t good enough for him? You deserve better than Mirae. She’s going to mess you up. The words felt like daggers in her mind.
She suddenly felt nauseous and turned around to leave. I can’t listen to this. Her throat was closing up and  she whirled around to leave the place and try to stop the words echoing in her mind. In her hurry she didn’t notice the pair of sneakers lying on the floor outside Jungkook’s room and she tripped over them clumsily. The box of cookies crashed to the floor and the cookies spilled out while Mirae landed on her knees with a thud.
“What the-“ there was a fumbling noise and both Jungkook and Yugyeom rushed to the door to see what the sound was. They spotted Mirae on her knees on the corridor, trying to stand up and pushing her hair out of her face. Cookies were strewn all over the floor. “Mirae?”
She didn’t respond, merely brushing the crumbs off her skirt and moving to stand up. Yugyeom rushed forward to help her but she flinched away from him. “Don’t touch me,” she muttered, leaning away from him and moving to stand up herself.
Yugyeom hesitated. “S-sorry-“
“What are you doing here?” Jungkook demanded.
The irritation in his voice made Mirae snap. She whirled around to face him, eyes red in anger. Her knees were burning from the fall and she felt small under the sharp gaze of the two men. Mirae took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. She wouldn’t let Jeon Jungkook intimidate her. “I came to apologize and bring you cookies,” she bit out harshly. “But it looks like you had a present ready for me already, huh? Sitting and discussing why I’m not good enough for Yugyeom?”
Jungkook winced. “You weren’t supposed to hear all that.”
Mirae laughed scathingly. “I would certainly hope not. It would be pretty weird for you to intend for me to listen while you told the guy I like about why I’m a piece for crap. Because then you’d have to show your back-stabbing face to me, right?”
Jungkook scoffed “Back-stabbing- don’t be dramatic, Mirae.”
“What else do you want me to be?” Mirae hissed.
Yugyeom was glancing between them, eyes wide in panic. He wasn’t sure what was going on but his face was red in embarrassment. He hadn’t imagined that Mirae would hear that conversation and he was feeling horribly guilty. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before hurrying to speak. “No- don’t fight, Mirae, we’re really sorry-“
“Don’t apologize to her! We did nothing wrong.”
Mirae gave Jungkook a long, hard look. Her glare was icy. “You did nothing wrong?” she repeated.
“We weren’t bitching about you. I was giving Yugyeom a realistic opinion about how you are when you date people. I was telling the truth. I wasn’t going to let you fuck over my friend while I watched in silence,” Jungkook repeated heatedly.
There was a long, pregnant pause.
“Funny,” Mirae said softly. “I thought I was your friend.”
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