#confession: i'm using a translator to make up fancy names for the food
chanderylix · 3 years
How he asked you to be his girlfriend (WayV)
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Hello there! This is my 2nd post. Hope you like it! And sorry for my broken English~
He asked you to go to his studio
You thought you will accompany him as usual
But that was a different day
He would ask you to listen to his new song and asked you about it
"Y/n, this is my new song. I want to ask your opinion before I release it"
Of course you were happy cause you were the first one who listen to it
The song's lyrics were really deep and you really liked it
"When I saw your face, I fell in love. I fall for you and I hope you too"
You almost cry at the song cause it really tell about your life
Yes, you fell in love with Kun since the first time you met him
After that, you turned your chair cause you wanted to tell Kun about the song
But all you could see was Kun hold a bouquet of flowers. It was so beautiful until you couldn't say anything
"I hope you like the song because I made this song just for you. I really fall in love with you, Y/n. Do you want to be the love of my life?"
You nodded and you hugged him
He kissed your forehead after that
You went to karaoke with Ten
He really loves to sing. You like to sing too so once in a week you went to karaoke with him
"4 hours please"
You got surprise cause usually you only ordered maximum 2 hours
"You want to sing for 4 hours??!!"
He nodded excitedly and held your wrist, leading you to the karaoke room
As usual, you and Ten sang together. Not only sing, but dancing to the song too
Then he chose the song "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
Ten sang it loud while jumping on the sofa and dancing to the song
You couldn't sing cause you laugh to Ten who was so extra that day
The song finished and then suddenly he shouted on the microphone with full volume
You shocked. What was that??
"WAIT?? ARE YOU CONFESSING??" you shouted on the microphone too
You laughed and nodded
"YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND NOW!" he was still shouting on the microphone and then hugged you
Winwin asked you to go on a fancy dinner with him
He said "I got vouchers for two people, maybe you wanna come?"
Of course you say yes because it was rarely for you to eat at a fancy fine dining restaurant
He picked you up at your house
You and Winwin arrived at the restaurant. "Welcome Mr. Dong. Let me take you to your table" the waiter said
Wait, Winwin already reserved a table for two? Cause it was set really beautiful, with a rose flower and candles on the table.
He pulled the chair for you to sit. You had a chit chat with him until the food is coming. Start from the appetizer, the main course, and finally the dessert
After you guys ate, he suddenly held your hands.
"Hmm, how to say it. Actually.. I have a crush on you, Y/n"
You suprised with his sudden confession
"I prepared this for two of us. I said I got a voucher so you wanna come with me"
You smiled at him, and you held his hand above yours
His hand was so cold. He also surprised that you held his hand too. He got shy and smiled a little.
"I.. I have a crush on you too, Sicheng"
He got so excited and couldn't believe that you have the same feeling
"Soooo, will you be my girlfriend?"
You went for a night walk with Lucas after he practicing
You and him walked pass a basketball field. It was empty but there's one basketball in the center of the field
So he decided to go 1 on 1 basketball with you
He was not tired even though he had been practicing for probably 8 hours
"C'mon Y/n!"
"I can't even take the ball from you! You're so tall! It's cheating!"
He laughed at your respond and gived you the ball
"Go, shoot 1 score"
You finally got 1 point.
"Good job!" he patted your head softly
You got shy and happy
"Okay, last game. If I can shoot the ball once, I got one point. But if can shoot the ball twice in a row, you have to granted my wish! Deal?"
You dealed with him even though you didn't know what he wish for
He did it. "Yes! I got one point. One more and you have to make my wish come true"
You were really nervous. What if he wish some weird things?
He scored. He smiled and then look at you and shouted :
He then chuckled and piggyback you and then he run
"THIS PERSON ON MY BACK IS MY GIRLFRIEND Y'ALL" he shouted to the other pedestrians and saw you two like a crazy persons
You and the rest of WayV members are really close, especially with Xiaojun
So sometimes when you have a free time, you visited WayV's dorm
Xiaojun asked you to come to his dorm cause the rest of members are having a dinner outside
Xiaojun didn't want to come cause he said that he's too tired. But actually, he wanted to be with you
"Welcome, Y/n! This way please"
You followed him and Bella barked happily. Bella likes you a lot because you always playing with her
"Hmm, what will we do?"
Xiaojun smirked and took his guitar
"Let's sing together!"
You smiled and let him sing
He started to sing Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are"
You sang along with him
The song finished. He put his guitar and held your hand
"I think I'm in love with you, Y/n.."
You got shocked and he put his hand in front of his lips
You kissed his cheek and smiled. While he hold his cheek where you kiss him
He took his guitar and started to play "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber
Which made you laugh, but still enjoyed it
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M Y/N'S BOYFRIEND" he said while hugging you, his guitar, and of course : Bella
You and Hendery liked to play pc games together
Every night at 12 am, he always contacted you to join with him
But that day was different
It's already 1 am and he still didn't contact you
You then called him. "Hello? Hendery where are you??!"
"Oh sorry y/n! Uh- I am at cafe right now. But Lucas is drunk so Xiaojun took him home with my car. And now I'm alone hehe"
"I know! Lucas is kinda insane lol!! Pls y/n pick me up I'm scared"
You grabbed your car keys to pick him up
You arrived but the cafe is closed? Plus it's really dark
Then you opened the door and saw Hendery brought a candle
"Hey stupid what are you doing"
He smiled and then turned on the lamp
"Surprised!!" There's Lucas and Xiaojun aka your game friend with Hendery, holding a paper that said "will you be my girlfriend"
Hendery then hit your head playfully. "No, silly. It's me Huang Guanheng. So? What's your answer" he said it confidently
Lucas and Xiaojun laughed so hard while you just blushing like crazy
"Even though your playing sucks, but nevermind! I will! " you then hugged him tight
"Uh, guess we should get back. Dejun, let's go!" Lucas said why dragged Xiaojun out from the cafe
You just watched a German movie and it made you want to study German
Your best friend, Yangyang can speak German so you asked him to teach you
"Nah, I'm busy"
"Pleaseeee Yangyang. I bought you mc donalds?"
He then smirked. "Okay!"
You learned basic German with him
Until 12 am
"C'mon Yang! It's really hard omg my brain will explode!"
He laughed. "Well you have to practice it everyday so you can remember!"
You pouted your lips. "Haha, time to rest!" he pat your head
"Byee! Thank you Yang!"
You couldn't sleep so you decided to open your notebook that written about your German course with Yangyang
Until you open the last page that said :
"Ich liebe dich so sehr, seit du mein bester Freund geworden bist. Möchtest du meine Freundin sein? Ich werde dir jeden Tag Deutsch beibringen~"
"Wtf?? I just learned German today and he already give this kind of sentence!"
You then open your g*ogle translate and you were really surprised
"I love you so much since you became my best friend. Do you want to be my girlfriend? I will teach you German every day"
Suddenly your phone ringing and Yangyang's name appeared
"So, would you?"
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animeperanima · 4 years
I went to sleep in the meantime but for the send me a character thing: Caesar and/or Gyro? I love my Zeppeli boys and I'm Very interested in your Italian Takes
Caesarino tesorino
Fav thing about them:
the fact that he goes from a highly skilled and controlled individual to Italy's greatest fool as soon as Joseph is thrown into the mix. he looks fancy and graceful but he has a mirror specifically to teach at card games! it's the duality of man *insert italian pinched fingers emoji*
Least fav thing about them:
probably the fact that he doesn't get to do shit in part 2 until he goes to fight Whamuu. because of how the genre was structured poor Caesar got completely overshadowed by the protagonist
Favourite line:
"I can't let my life sputter out. This is the Zeppeli family spirit, from the past to the future! It's the human spirit!"
I love the idea that leaving something behind for someone else to bring into the future is what it means to be human. I've seen a couple stories with this concept and it's close to my heart.
maybe not really a bro relationship but I do love him and Lisa Lisa. he became very close to her and changed deeply due to her teachings. he admires her and she respects him, despite both of them putting up walls for the sake of propriety and self preservation it's clear to me that they cherish each other.
Caejose, man. it was my first Jojo ship and it's still in my top 3, they were just too much for me to handle. I feel like they balance each other out: Joseph would have been an inconsiderate brat all his life without Caesar and he in turn would have been a stuck up dipshit.
I haven't really seen him shipped with anyone beside Jojo (as it should be, the boy was smitten) but maybe Caesar x Suzie Q? it comes up sometimes with the OT3 but I just don't see them working as anything more than friends.
Random headcanon:
Caesar lives with the biggest catholic guilt you could ever imagine. he feels like he lost his chance at Heaven because of all the crimes he committed and the vengeful intent that fuelled his youth. he spends a lot of time thinking about his actions and the impact they have on those around him, the balance of good and evil that he has brought in the world.unrelated but on top of being religious he is also supersticious. he will gladly pet a black cat but then he'd turn around and change path to make sure the cat doesn't cross the street in front of him. just in case.
Unpopular opinion:
the boy ain't from Naples, he feels like a Florence boy to me. just please, imagine the many instances of Caesar's "maremma maiala, Jojo" it would be way too funny. also Joseph would pick up on the fact that Caesar's accent is different from those around him and he'd have a field day with the weird C sounds.
Song I associate with them:
You Will Never Know by Imany
I've said this in the tags a bunch of times but I don't think Caesar ever confessed to Joseph or even really told him how much Jojo meant to him. Caesar's arc really is all about a road being cut short and this song works perfectly with that.
Favourite pic of them:
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stupid sexy motherfucker, I hate him
Gyro/Jennifer Lopez kin
Fav thing about them:
he is just so competent??????? he knows what he's doing and he does it well. I love how creatively he solves problems, the whole first stage of the race had me screaming, it was just too good. steel balls ain't a functional weapon but somehow he always pulls through with them and them alone?????????? I.... I may have a thing for people who are the best at what they do.
Least fav thing about them:
the fact that he just kinda.... forgot about the kid who was on death's door. like.... you'd think it would be a higher priority on his list of things to worry about. (to be fair, i flew through Steel Ball Run, I wanna re-read it properly once I've read Stone Ocean too; so maybe I'm wrong and Gyro did indeed give a rat's ass about the poor kid)
Favourite line:
"Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!"
"I've got no choice. We're cornered, so I have to teach you. First off, Johnny, let me tell you one thing. Starting now, you can only say the words, 'There is no way I can do this!' four times, and four times only. Alright? Four times."
modern!au Gyro but he's not a doctor, he's a motivational speaker/life coach
I feel like he and Hot Pants could have been wonderful as friends. thankfully there are a few fanfics that have just that. Hot Pants would just be so done with Gyro, entirely done.
Gyjo, clearly. which is funny because it has such a horrible ship name but it just works. seriously, you just have to look at how many times Johnny ended the race in a better position than Gyro despite not really caring about the win and the fact that Gyro hasn't slapped him yet to know that fool is head over heels. (yes, I am salty about Johnny; I love him but I am salty anyway)
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, boh
Random headcanon:
at first he started doing his gags to annoy Johnny; he was used to none of his jokes ever really landing so he started enjoying getting a rise out of people when he kept them coming until they just couldn't take it anymore. turns out that Johnny is a really weird guy with very few friends or people who, y'know, treat him normally so he absolutely loves Gyro's shitty jokes. Gyro was surprised to say the least but having someone actually enjoy his gags is much better than anything else.
Unpopular opinion:
translations that spell his name J.Lo are extremely valid and my faves. I know that Gyro keeps to the part 5 tradition  of naming Italian characters after food but J.Lo makes more sense with his real name (Julius could also be Giulio, so it's pretty close) and it's a fricking Jennifer Lopez reference. have you seen how luscious his hair is? his poses????? that's a J.Lo if I've ever seen one
Song I associate with them:
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones - purely for the sound, it fits his shenanigans
and Brother Under The Sun by Hans Zimmer and Bryan Adams - YES IT IS THE SOUDTRACK OF SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON, NO I WILL NOT BACK DOWN ON THIS. this just.... the music and the lyirics and the setting all scream "Gyro to Johnny"
Fav pic of them:
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