#confession: still haven't done the full fontaine AQ simply because I'm just... so burnt out already at the thought of listening to Paimon's
throwaway-yandere · 8 months
imagine getting 3 whole wishes for anni,,,
what are your thoughts? i genuinely don't have any desire to return to genshin seeing the anni rewards, so what do you think?
😋 anon
I think haven't opened Genshin since I pulled Navia on the new year ngl. She's still not built. I'm sorry my daughter. I hope I get Stellar Reunion once I open the game on the new update ig HAHAHAHA
To be fair it's not really the anniversary since it's lantern rite, but I was under the impression that Hoyo prioritizes that more than the actual anniversary since it's a Chinese company. But the rewards are virtually no different from the previous years so I can't really complain too much.
However, it's the year of the DRAGON.
Rex Lapis, Archon of Liyue, has a DRAGON form.
I thought it would put more emphasis on him rather than Ganyu-Shenhe-Xingqiu skins haha. Is it weird I'm lowkey getting offended on Zhongli's behalf??? Probably. I just think he deserves so much more if we already set up that Yaoyao became playable since it was the year of the rabbit.
Gaming's cute tho. Maybe I just have an ENG VA bias since it's my boy Caleb but I'd try to play him. Other than that, I'm just not as excited. I waited for Cloud Retainer for so long but even though she's here now, I feel... virtually nothing. I seriously love Cloud and featured her having more screentime than Zhongli in a fic before. I wish there's something more that makes me want to continue playing but respectfully, none ;-;.
If you'd ask me which team of devs feel like they care for their players, it's the Honkai devs for both games no doubt. There are long intervals wherein I don't play the game yet I feel a lot more "welcome back"-ed, including the improved "resin" system. They just keep listening on how to enhance QoL and I appreciate them so much.
But take my opinions lightly. I like H:SR since I feel like it was a game tailor made for me. I have a preference for turn-based games (Persona, FE) and I enjoy H:SR's brand of humor, the latter especially.
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