#consider: if somebody didn't ask then your advice is unsolicited
doomspaniels · 2 months
If you ever need to remember the symbol for some reason, West and East spell WE. Like, weee when you get it right
(I couldn't remember either until I figured that out. Don't ask me to remember my left snd right still)
It does nothing when I actually KNOW which way is west & east, but just Have. The. Wrong. Word. stuck to it in my head.
I *know* the east side of my farm is the one closer to the Atlantic, andI know where that is, and even so. Ask me to point east, I will point west first.
The words are wrong in my head. It's like that for everything with two or three possibles. The words are wrong in my head. I KNOW the compass rose spells "WE" in English, but that's an abstract, and east a real thing--it's right over th... over THERE.
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When you feel the urge to give unsolicited advice, perhaps ask if someone would even care to hear advice on the topic, and what they have already done.
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