somersetlevels · 5 years
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The Most Titled Aristocrat in the World: Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart - 28 March 1926 – 20 November 2014. Descendant of James II, she owned so much land that she was able to cross from one side of Spain to the other without ever stepping off her property. 
Known by her senior title as the Duchess of Alba, but also 
Grandee of Spain (many times over), 15th Duchess of Aliaga, Duchess of Arjona, 11th Duchess of Berwick, 17th Duchess of Híjar, 11th Duchess of Liria and Jérica, 11th Duchess of Montoro, 12th Countess-Duchess of Olivares, 17th Marchioness of the Carpio, 10th Marchioness of San Vicente del Barco,16th Marchioness of La Algaba, 16th Marchioness of Almenara,]18th Marchioness of Barcarrota, 10th Marchioness of Castañeda, 23rd Marchioness of Coria, 14th Marchioness of Eliche, 16th Marchioness of Mirallo, 20th Marchioness of la Mota, 20th Marchioness of Moya, 17th Marchioness of Orani, 12th Marchioness of Osera, 14th Marchioness of San Leonardo, 19th Marchioness of Sarria, 12th Marchioness of Tarazona, 15th Marchioness of Valdunquillo, 18th Marchioness of Villanueva del Fresno, 17th Marchioness of Villanueva del RíoCountships, 27th Countess of Aranda, 22nd Countess of Lemos, 20th Countess of Lerín, Constabless of Navarre, 20th Countess of Miranda del Castañar, 16th Countess of Monterrey, 20th Countess of Osorno, 18th Countess of Palma del Río, 12th Countess of Salvatierra, Countess of Siruela, 19th Countess of Andrade,14th Countess of Ayala, 16th Countess of Casarrubios del Monte, 16th Countess of Fuentes de Valdepero, 11th Countess of Fuentidueña, 17th Countess of Galve, 18th Countess of Gelves, 16th Countess of Guimerá , 21st Countess of Modica (Kingdom of Sicily), 24th Countess of Ribadeo, ]25th Countess of San Esteban de Gormaz, 12th Countess of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 20th Countess of Villalba, 12th Viscountess of la Calzada, 29th Lady of Moguer.
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