#context is my guy vitale met sephiroth post first soldier when seph was Not Well.
yyxy-seph · 4 years
Post Insane! Sephiroth X Black girl! Reader
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𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓈𝒾𝓁𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝒸𝓀𝓈 pt.3
Part 2
Part 1
Warning: SUPER fucking cheesy! And I’m a relatively new FFVII fan so some of my wordings might be kind of weird. But if you want more content like this from me, just hit the heart!
Also, I’ve changed some of the events in the storyline. Avalanche hasn’t attacked Shinra just yet! But Sephiroth has already had his insane streak.
Context: Zack & Cloud set Y/N up on a blind date w/ Seph! Here, we will discover an interesting history between Seph and the reader as well as witness their adorable date!
We continued on, running like kids to the closest battle destination. We chuckled while running, letting the wind breeze through our hair. And must I say, he is so gorgeous when the wind blows pushes his hair from his face.
We finally reached a point in the woods near a camping site. For a minute, I caught my breath while he just stood there, unbuttoning his shirt.
“Are..you not tired?”
“Not at all. My vitality is no joke.” By the end of his sentence, he was shirtless.
My eyes couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Is this a fucking ten pack?? He was unbelievably ripped.
“You’re not about to go all sexy beast on me, are you?”
He frowned. “No, no, no. Hey I’m a modest man. I would never do this on the first date to a beautiful, deserving woman like you.”
He lifted his suspenders over his shoulders and pulled over his coat with their astonishing, silver pauldrons.
I smirked. “In that case..”
I unbuttoned my dress, teasing him. The man who is always comfortable with a straight, unchanged face began blushing, nervously.
Next, I started sliding it down my slim and fit figure.
He turned around immediately, being respectful.
“No need, honey.”
He turned around again slowly.
Under the black & silver dress were my fighting clothes. My leather shorts were exposed while I slid on my black gloves.
The transformation made him speechless.
“I-I... ah”
“Your outfit is different from the last time we spoke.”
“Yeah, a girls gotta grow up right?”
“But, an outfit this sexy?”
“And just as affective!”
“Marry me now.”
“Now, hold your Chocobos, Simperoth! Like you said to me that night, “If we were to have a relationship, I need to have a good fighter and a good kisser. If you fail at one thing, you must perfect the other. Otherwise, we never know what could be.”
He made a determined smile with challenged eyes.
“You better prove yourself, right here, right now.”
He got into position, and so did I. The time was now for him to really earn my heart.
He ran swiftly toward me, clashing his sword against mine. I blocked it instantly and ducked, as I saw his next swing coming right before me. I kicked him off his feet and got right back up and over him, aiming my masamune over his face.
I retrieved it back to my shoulder and helped him get up.
“Hmm, I see you’ve gotten much better.” He said.
“Yup. Round two?”
“That wasn’t even a round.”
“Technically, it was.”
We went at it again. I ran his way while he came toward me. I hit his sword in and undercut motion, making him have more force on top. Trying to get from under his grip, I leaned to the right.
His blade almost caught my feet but I jumped up in time, and slid mine under his chin.
“You’re good. Very, very good.” He informed. His eyes had narrowed, indicating a bit of arousal.
“Are you... turned on?” I asked, giggly.
“Quite likely.”
We continued once more. He extended his blade to the ground to catch me off guard. Instead, I ran on his thin blade and jumped over his head, landing perfectly to aim at his back.
With quick movements, he turned around and pressed his masamune over mine again. The pressure was quite strong as his was longer than mine.
I fell to my knees with a little pout of failure.
He extended his hand in front of me. I grabbed his and he kissed mine.
“Round 3?”
“Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes.
It started with me lunging at him. He blocked it by pushing me away with his blade. I ran back and clashed my sword with his at different angles. This went on for a while until I jumped high, hitting his blade with an over head attack.
He hit mine back at a lower angle, pushing my blade up too high for me to reach. It eventually slipped out of my hands and fell tip forward into the soft grass and dirt. Panicking, I ran to retrieve it while he ran after me.
I wanted him to win but I also wanted to prove myself.
I gripped the sword quickly and securely with Sephiroth not too far behind. Our swords clashed some more. The battle was getting more intense. Suddenly, he lifted his foot and did a roundhouse kick. I ducked, eyeing his every move. While getting back up, I met his shiny masamune in my face while my purple one also clashed with his perfectly.
It was one of those moments where both of our forces were strong so our swords stayed in place as we held cocky, love driven stares.
In no time, I was unexpectedly being lifted off the ground and up in the air. He was flying with his wing, tightly holding my waist.
“S-seph, you’re cheating.”
He just ignored me, while still flying until he reached a spot in the clouds that he felt was perfect.
“It’s not cheating if I already have your heart.”
I got cut off by the feeling of his tender lips, melting into mine and fitting perfectly. He tightened both arms around my waist, making sure I wasn’t scared and ensuring comfort.
He tucked my hair behind my ear and bit my lip, asking for tongue access. I agreed and we were making out just like that night seven years ago. Except this time, there is more passion and desire. More hunger to be together. I felt the connection.
Our lips parted at once. We were still in the sunset with clouds surrounding.
We stared in each other’s eyes, lost in our minds. Until I finally spoke.
He instantly laid his head on my shoulder, hugging me tighter. I could feel all his pain from the past few years up to this moment.
He lifted his head up and then started kissing my neck. Then that led to sucking and biting. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut from his actions. It all felt too good. I was moaning like crazy.
He finally ceased.
And I was honestly amazed at his work.
“You really are the full package.” I stroked his ego.
He chuckled and smirked. “For the record, back then, you were a really good kisser. I just had to get my kissing together.”
I blushed at his words. “Well, you certainly did. I wanted more.”
“I heard. Can’t wait to hear how you sound when you’re under me-“
“Seph!” I giggled shyly as he flew us back down.
“But that’s for another day. I just wanna take my time with you and treat you right.”
“I love you.” I said right out.
“I love you more. Gaia, you don’t know hold long I’ve been wanting to say that!” He stressed.
He took me on home, as this was the final destination wrapping up our date.
“I had a lot of fun with you, tonight. I’m glad we did this.” I told him.
He nodded. “Me too. What should our next date be?”
We strolled through the small crowd of people in the SOLDIER dorm territory.
I could hear in the background that some people were freaking out and gossiping because it was Sephiroth. But I guess they figured not to interrupt since he was being normal and minding his business.
Until one guy interrupted...
“Hey! Sephiroth! You’re not supposed to be out here if you’re not a SOLDIER! Why don’t you just leave and go be an evil bastard somewhere else!”
I stood there, waiting for something to pop off immediately afterward. Thus, Seph just stood there, brushing it off. His only reply was, “You see me minding my business, so mind your damn own.”
The man was taken aback. With one more threatening glare from him, the man ran off.
“I suppose you keep training. Your combat is shit from what I remember!” He yelled jokingly.
We laughed up until we reached my dorm with Zack. Cloud hung out here sometimes even though he’s an ex- SOLDIER.
With three knocks from me, blond, spiky streaks of hair fell above me.
“Hey, Cloud!”
“Hey, how was your date?” He questioned, glaring at Sephiroth a bit.
“It was divine! I loved every second.” I explained while Seph tightened his grip around my waist.
“And you?” Cloud asked again, hinting a Sephiroth’s quietness.
“I loved it just as much, if not more. She has charms and a personality that I can’t resist.”
I turned around hugging him fully before going inside. He said goodnight to us all after small-talk with Cloud.
The night ended quite pleasantly. I didn’t expect this but I’m so not mad at it. I can’t wait to be enveloped in his warmth as each day goes by.
Once I settled in, Zack couldn’t stop asking questions. He wanted to know everything we did and said. Cloud wanted to know as well even though he pretended he didn’t care.
After all of that, we watched movies and headed for Midgar in the morning. The next day, I’d be an ex-SOLDIER and Sephiroth’s woman.
“Is that a hickey???”
“Maybe???” I smirked.
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