#cool survey OP this was very mind blowing :)
snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E2 Poll Results (Anime Only Viewer Version)
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The poll closed with 208 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll! 
Rate the episode
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Without much room for argument, the majority of respondents have voted in favor of this episode being amazing!
Really liked it. The Levi vs MPs action scene was amazing!
Rate the ending
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Over half of voters loved the ending, while a small 2% could have done without it.
How do you feel about Linked Horizon performing the ending this time?
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As expected, over half of the fandom is happy that they are back, regardless if it’s the ED or the OP. Attack on Titan just wouldn’t feel the same without them, would it?
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
Which one is your favorite ED?
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The largest group of voters agree that the new ending outshines the others, with great escape langing in second. Yuugure no Tori is barely beat out by season one’s first ending.
Which scene(s) did you like best?
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Levi vs. Kenny/MP’s unsurprisingly topped the votes by over double of everything else. With it’s stellar animation and high stakes action, it’s no surprise that it had major appeal to the audience! The scene that came in second was Kenny saying Levi’s full name out loud for the first time.
Even though I love mikasa and all, They should’ve spent less time on Mikasa and more time on the others
Jean <3
levi is 11/10
Armin kawaii >3<
Mikasa was amazing.
On a scale of 1-5 how much did the animation during the Levi vs. MP chase blow you away?
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It took the animation staff one month to create this 30 second sequence and their efforts really paid off. The scene was a huge hit, and both anime and manga fans were blown away by the results!
Really liked it. The Levi vs MPs action scene was amazing!
On a scale of 1-5, how daddy is Kenny?
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While there’s definitely some mixed feelings about whether Kenny is really daddy material, more voters than not wouldn’t mind him being theirs.
How did Erwin light the match with one hand?
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Will the mystery ever be solved? We don’t know, but the majority of voters are quite certain that Erwin’s chiseled jawline may have something to do with it!
How excited are you to see kidwin’s eyebrow game next week?
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The majority of respondents are excited to see adorable kidwin in the next episode!
Is your heart ready for Historia's childhood flashback?
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75% of respondents are excited to finally learn Historia’s backstory. Some of you are even sure you’re going to cry! We hope that it meets your expectations!
On a scale of 1 - 5, how much do you relate to Bartender-kun?
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We all have a little bit of anxious eek’ing bartender inside of us! Well, all but 7% of us anyway.
Would you want Levi as your motivational counselor?
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Nearly 75% of voters appreciate Levi’s realism and bluntness and wouldn’t mind a little straightforward advice of their own. About 25% of voters would rather be approached in a different way.
Does Erwin have a gambling problem?
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71% are confident that Erwin’s tendency to gamble is totally fine and the best option for our main cast. 28% believe that gamblers anonymous would be a good choice.
What was your reaction to “Levi Ackerman?”
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Unfortunately it was unavoidable for the vast majority of voters to avoid this major spoiler. Although there are a good 23% of voters who may have managed to avoid this spoiler all this time and were quite perplexed at the revelation. We are glad to see that some of you still managed to be surprised!
I didn't even realize
Cardi b laugh
How do you feel about Armin shooting with no hesitation?
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Nearly 50% of respondents were really happy with this development, finding it a cool thing to add to Armin’s character. Meanwhile, a combined 42% either have mixed feelings or feel badly for Armin. We hope you keep looking forward to his development from here!
A Slap On Titan has ruined Armin for me, I expected him to enjoy it.
See, that's how you do character development.
With more of Kenny, what is your opinion of him now?
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Most voters seem to be in favor of Kenny and are looking forward to seeing more of him. The general consensus that nearly 50% of us can agree on is that BANG BANG was indeed a memorable moment we can all appreciate.
I still hate him, but you have to admit that him going into the saloom with the whole "Bang Bang" sound effect was so hilarious!
Interesting how he flips from very serious to "Yahoo!" and back.
Hilarious and BANG BANG!!!
Levi mentions there is no right or wrong with what they did. Do you think our protagonists killing people was the right choice?
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Most responders aren’t as concerned about the morality of the action, but rather that they had no other choice if they were to defend themselves from the enemy. There is a grey area there that the characters have to embrace if they want to survive. As manga readers, the poll hosts would love for you guys to please keep considering this theme moving forward! It only continues to get deeper and more exciting to watch!
Ain't a question of right or wrong, it's a question of kill or be killed.
I agree with the first three points. I think if i was in the same predicament as the Survey corps,  I  legitimately would have done the same to survive.
How about torturing the MPs for information?
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The largest group of voters believe that the torture of Sannes was justified in order to get information. 25% believe that Sannes had it coming to for all the pain he’s caused others. A smaller percentage are a bit horrified by Levi and Hange’s actions, however.
I had mixed feelings,  but the sixth option, the first and the second option. They werent talking, and Hanji and Levi had to do something to save Historia and Eren.
I'm mildly horrified they actually seemed to like it
Still no right or wrong
Armin says that they are no longer good people. Do you agree?
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While “Only on Sundays” was a bit of a joke answer, we think it’s safe to assume that most of you believe that they are still good people who simply had to get their hands dirty for survival. There is no right or wrong in that game, after all. About 25% of voters, however, disagree and believe that ideals are most important in any situation.
I think they are still good people deep down. They had to do what they needed to do in order to survive. Is it morally wrong? Yeah, but just thinking back to what Levi said makes sense.
Is anyone a good person?
Like Levi's 'right or wrong' comment, they're neither good nor bad, just trying to do what they think is right.
Hange states that Eren is going to be eaten. What are your thoughts?
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Nearly half of respondents are confident that Eren’s fate isn’t sealed just yet due to protagonist armor. Still, there are quite a few who are on edge about Eren’s fate or just plain confused in general. Please hang tight guys!
Relates to ymir eating that boy that was with reiner and annie
Wasnt he already eaten by some random Titan already? And turned into a titan for the first time as a result?????
By who? Also Erwin didn't seem phased.
You'd better eat him before he eats you
SNK has a history of quick and understated major reveals, how did you feel about Sannes’ quick confession about the Reiss family being the true royal line?
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Many respondents found it comical how quickly Sannes confessed about the truth of the Reiss family. However, more than half either missed the initial reveal completely or believe that there should have been more focus on it as it was being stated.
It was dramatically short
They will focus more on it
Which group of characters are your favorite?
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Where do you primarily discuss the series?
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Additional thoughts on the episode?
Amazingly done & manga readers are tripping
I am liking what I am seeing so far, but I hope they give some of the scenes the time to breathe. There were moments in the both episodes where the transitions between scenes seemed jarring to me. I had also heard that this arc was more about character development, but so far I have seen very little of that.
I'm saddened that Dimo Reeves had become such a throw away character.
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
Too much in too little time, episodes like this should be double the time
Beast Titan WHEN
Well, fuck
Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday! 
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