#countdown to dream trail's demo
ultramori · 2 years
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adoodleintime · 2 years
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I'm part of @dream-trail-rpg and we're dropping our demo! In 5 days! 5! Days!
Everyone go check it out!
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Prologue - (Y/n), Julie, and the Phantoms
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3rd Person POV
In Hollywood of 1995 inside the Orpheum, four young musicians begin to play.
"Take off last stop Countdown till we blast open the top Face first full charge Electric hammer to the heart
Clocks move faster 'cause it's all we're after now oh
Won't stop climbing 'cause this is our time, yeah When all the days felt black and white Those were the best shades of my life
Don't look down 'cause we're still rising Up right now And even if we hit the ground We'll still fly keep dreaming like we'll live forever But live it like it's now or never
We ain't searching for tomorrow tomorrow 'cause we got all we need today today Living on a feeling That's been running through our veins We're the revolution That's been singing in the rain
Don't look down 'cause we're still rising Up right now And even if we hit the ground We'll still fly keep dreaming like we'll live forever But live it like it's now or never It's now or never now or never"  
Luke's hands spread out as the lead guitarist turns to look at his friends then back towards the hall, a grin on his face.
"Nice one!"
"That was great guys!"
Some of the observes and recorders exclaim.
A young Latin woman with curly brown hair claps, "Whoo!" Another woman approaches her, her (E/c) eyes sparkling.
"Thank you, we're Sunset Curve," comes Reggie as he combs back his dark brown hair, his blue-green eyes sparkling from the stage lights, winking at the women.
"Too bad we wasted this on the sound track. That's the tightest we've ever played," Bobby exclaims, fist bumping with Luke.  
"Wait until tonight, man, when this place gets packed with record execs," Luke answers with a grin.
"Alex," Reggie says as his pink shirted friend steps forward to join his bandmates at the front of the stage. "You were smoking."
"Oh, no," Alex say, placing his hands into his jean pockets. "I was just warming up," his drum sticks click together as he motions to his friends. "You guys were the ones on fire."
"Could you just own your awesomeness for once?" Reggie asks, placing a fist over his heart.
Luke nods and Bobby smiles at his friend.
"Huh?" Alex asks, then he finally accepts the praise. "All right, I was killing it."
Alex and the other three laugh as Reggie and Alex share a quick bro hug.
"Okay, well," Luke says, punching Alex lightly on the arm. "I'm thinking we fuel up before the show. I'm thinking street dogs."
"Ooh!" Reggie says.
Alex turns to face Luke, "Yes!"
The two young women wiping off tables exchange amused looks and the Latina sighs.
"Hey, Bobby, where you going?" Luke asks as the guitarist walks towards the two women, smoothing back his hair.
"I'm good," Bobby answers, but his friends follow him anyway. "Vegitarian," Bobby tell the two women. "I could never hurt an animal."
"You guys are really good," the Latina says.
"Thank you," Luke answers, his arm thrown over Bobby's shoulder.
"We see a lot of bands," pipes up the second woman.
"Been in a couple ourselves," the Latina continues. "We were really feeling it."
That's what we do this for," Luke says with a smile. "I'm Luke, by the way."
"Hi, I'm Reggie," Reggie pipes up with a grin.
"Alex," Alex says shyly.
"Bobby," Bobby pushes slightly in front of Luke to look at the Latina.
"Nice meeting you guys," the woman with (E/c) eyes says.
Luke gives Bobby a wet willy as the Latina says, "I'm Rose."
"(M/n)," the (M/h/c) haired woman nods to the four boys.
"Oh, uh," Reggie pulls out two CD cases and hands them to each of the women. "Here's our demo. And a t-shirt," Reggie pulls out two t-shirt and hands them over as well. "Sizes beautiful."
Alex groans and shakes his head.
"Thanks," Rose hold up the shirt, looking at it for a moment.
"I'll make sure she doesn't wipe the tables down with this one," (M/n) says, an amused glint in her (E/c) eyes.
"Oh, good call," Alex says an his bandmates turn to look at him as he stumbles through the rest of the sentence, "Whenever they get wet, they just kinda fall apart in your hands."
"Don't you guys have to go get hot dogs?" Bobby asks.
"Yeah," Luke pushes ahead of Bobby, "he had a hamburger for lunch."
(M/n) lets out a soft laugh at the lead guitarist's words.
Reggie slaps Bobby on the shoulder and the three walk away, Alex's hands back in his jean pockets.
"That's what I'm talking about!" Luke exclaims as the three open the doors; Reggie chuckles.
"The smell of Sunset Boulevard?" Alex asks, now clad in a pink sweatshirt and a jean jacket.
"No," Luke says matter-of-factly. Alex chuckles. "It's what those girls said in there tonight," he continues as they walk, kicking a puddle of water and splashing the pavement in front of them. "About our music, all right? It's like an energy. It connects us with people. They can feel us when we play. Yo, I want that connection with everybody." Luke throws his arms around his two friends and they come to a halt.
"Then we're going to need more t-shirts," Reggie says and Alex shoots him an amused look.
"Let's go, boys," Luke says and the three start off again.  
"Ladies," Reggie says, handing out a few t-shirts as they pass a group of fans.
The two examine the shirts and once they walk away one girl squeals, "Reggie, wait!"
"Oh my God. Reggie!"
"Oh my God! Hi, it's me!"
As the three boys are getting their street dogs out of the back of a man's car, Alex accidentally drips some pickle juice on one of the car batteries.
"Man . . ." Alex sighs. "I can't wait until we eat someplace where the condiments aren't served out of the back of an Oldsmobile." Alex turns and approaches the owner of the 'hot dog stand.' "Hey . . . Sorry, I got some pickle juice on your battery cables."
"No problem," the man says. "It'll help with the rust." He punches Alex gently on the arm and chuckles.
"That can't . . ." Alex trails off as the man chuckles again. "Okay. What?"
The three head into an old building and plop down on a couch.
"This is awesome, you guys," Luke says. "We're playing the Orpheum!"
Alex and Reggie turn to look at their friend as he continues. "I can't eve count how many bands have played here and then ended up being huge." Reggie laughs softly. "We're gonna be legends!"
Alex smile and looks down at his hot dog.
"Eat up, boys," Luke says, raising his hotdog for a cheer. "Cause after tonight, everything changes," he promises.
The three toast to that and begin to ear their hotdogs.
Alex looks at his hotdog questioningly after his first bite. "That's a new flavor," he says, taking another bite.
"Chill man," Reggie says. "Street dog haven't killed us yet."
Luke looks a little put-off for a moment before he shrugs and takes another bite.
Outside, a little while later, the people in the streets part as a siren wails.
And that was the last heard of Sunset Curve . . .
For now . . .
Word Count: 1200 words
So yeah, here's the prologue. I promise that you guys'll meet Julie and (Y/n) in the next chapter.
I'll see you guys soon!
         Kaitlynn 😍❤️
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ultramori · 2 years
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ultramori · 2 years
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ultramori · 2 years
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ultramori · 2 years
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