#credit to whoever made the floor plan tho cause idk if it's some AI but it does look now like someone just slapped different labels on
anewp0tat0 · 2 years
i don't know when u posted what was thought 2 b the floorplan of Ciel's manse but if you read the room names it's obviously not. Where is the massive foyer? Or the greenhouse? There was never a pool, & no need 4 either a garage or an entertainment centre since movies and cars had not been invented yet. Ciel's manor did not overlook any water. This one hasn't got, like, 40+ bedrooms and it's on an angle unlike Ciel's. I too long for a genuine floorplan of at least the most common places (cont.)
ya maybe next time when I'm too tired to read something very informationy I'll just put it in my drafts and wait until I can actually fathom eyesight. it's actually quite funny now, I didn't know the twin encounter happened in the home theater. thanks!
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