#crowvo... is very good
myragewillendworlds · 8 years
crowvo replied to your post “(1/2) I was adopted by two women in a same sex relationship. I'm bi...”
The wording was poor (or maybe it's getting lost in translation), but the implication here seems to be that you can't say that the gay couple wanted a kid because if they turn out to be abusive, they actually didn't want the kid? Is this really falling down to "I don't like the word you used even though the word fits the sentence".
You are changing the wording, then make conclusions about me based on those words. You can’t do that. It said that those children “will always know they were wanted.” That’s making implications about how those children feel and ignores any further context.
I never focused so purely on abuse the way you’re doing now either. I take issue with that sentence putting words in the mouths of those children.
And for the record: if you’re thinking of implying again that my English isn’t good enough to understand a verb as basic as “to want”, or act like my entire point was “I don’t like that word :(” when I’ve been perfectly clear my issue lies with the implications of choosing that wording, you don’t need to reply to me at all anymore.
crowvo replied to your post “Less relevant to my point but I felt the need to say this too: getting...”
The act of getting pregnant can be a mistake. Starting up the adoption process is not a mistake. You don't go to file your taxes and accidentally fill out adoption paperwork. You don't go to a daycare center and end up with adoption paperwork by mistake. Sure, you can fuck and accidentally get pregnant (and then from there you can make a choice), but at that exact instance you can have a child purely by mistake. You can't turn around and go "I intended to get pregnant".                
Yes, that’s true. That very first step can be an accident in straight couples, and is a deliberate choice in gay parents. But what is the point you want to make with that?
Given that from there on, excluding the crazy on-TLC-appearing exception, having the child is a deliberate choice for both parents, and this saying nothing about the further experiences of the child -- what is actually your point then?
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