#crybaby sweetheart[evan]
fritzyshippy · 1 month
Honey Bunny[glitch]
Purple bitch[william]
Rat boy[dave]
Old bun[movie afton]
Theatrical Bun[novel spring]
Cranky old man[tfc Afton]
Honey Bear[henry]
Beautiful dancer[ball]
Murder bun[anthro Steve]
Bbf(Bear best friend)[g Freddy]
Coolest girl[roxy]
Party girl[g Chica]
Let’s jam[g Bonnie]
Rock and roll[monty]
Spaghetti bear[m Freddy]
Follow the white rabbit[van]
Sweet clown[c baby]
I scream for ice cream[elizabeth]
Sweetheart crybaby[evan]
Foxy boy[michael]
Tragic child[charlie]
Bitch bunny[mxes]
Mechanical love[will Henry fritz ship]
Boundless love[fritz spring glitch and ball ship]
Rat and Cat[dave Fritzy ship]
Devil in disguise[Finley and Steve ship]
Bunny love[forrest and n spring ship]
Got his black cat[finnick and tfc Afton ship]
Bambi and thumper[Finnegan and anthro Steve ship]
Loony antics[mxes and Fritzny rivalry]
Sweet burn[Burn and Felix ship]
Little mechanic[fritz1]
Lil guy[fritz2]
Rude boy[flynn]
Angel boy[felix]
Sweet deer[finnegan]
Little devil[finley]
Big kitty[finnick]
Sweetie bun[forrest]
Dark bugs[fritzny]
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g0ttal0ve101 · 2 years
Fluffy Michael headcanons 🤲
Note: These are teen Michael headcanons, so his siblings are still alive and his father is not quite a murderer yet. The reader is also gn!
P.S. British people real!! 😍!!!
Michael Afton Headcanons 💜
Michael has two general moods and they depend on who he’s around. If it’s with his friends, he’s pretty much a jerk to everyone and messes with people for kicks. But when he’s with his (s/o)? He’s a total sweetheart.
He’s totally insecure about his British accent and gets embarrassed when someone mocks it. This leads him to try and mimic an American accent so that people won’t tease him. Of course, this also leads him to be frazzled when his (s/o) compliments it.
His (s/o) witnesses him eagerly trying to convince William to buy him eyeliner almost every night. Not because he’s into makeup or anything, but because he likes the way it looks on the members of his favorite band.
^ OH YEAH, HE’S TOTALLY INTO MUSIC. He’ll mention it one or two times with his friends and try to play it off as a chill thing, but his (s/o) knows better than to fall for his antics. When they’re alone, Michael rambles about his music for ages. He really, really enjoys it when his (s/o) listens and engages into what he’s saying. Even a simple happy sounding ‘mhm,’ gives him butterflies.
When Michael gets really excited or into the conversation he’s having, his voice gets louder and louder. Sometimes, when he’s with his friends, he’s the loudest voice in the entire pizzeria. He doesn’t even seem to notice it though and gets confused when someone tells him to lower his tone.
Piggyback rides. That’s all. This boy can and will pick his (s/o) up and carry them all the time. This comes as habit from picking up his little siblings when they give him ‘grabby hands.’ So, when his (s/o) even makes a slight gesture with their hands toward him, he takes it as ‘grabby hands’ and picks them up instantly.
When I tell you this boy is good at hairstyling…I MEAN HE’S GOOD. His (s/o) will walk into the room with their hair messy and he’ll just-STYLE IT IN A SNAP?? He won’t even say anything either, just start talking to them and doing their hair like it’s nothing. At first, it’s a little surprising, but they get used to it easily.
^ This goes hand in hand to him playing with his (s/o)’s hair. When they’re cuddling, he’ll start twirling their hair between his fingers or petting their head like they’re a cat.
Michael may seem like a mean older brother, but when his (s/o) goes into his room, the first thing they see is all of his gifts from his little siblings. Elizabeth’s bead jewelry she made him, Evan’s drawings he drew him, literally every single one he received from them. This being said, if his (s/o) gives him a gift - a bracelet for example, it’s not coming off until it breaks. He’ll try to down play it, but he’s absolutely obsessed with cute things like that.
Gives his (s/o) long and warm hugs, rocking back and forth. He’s only touchy in certain situations, but his hugs are absolutely to die for. When he sees his (s/o), it’s an immediate response to hug and greet them. And by greet, I mean lovingly saying their name and kissing their hand.
Pet names consist of sweetheart, love, and darling. He’s not much of a ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ guy, because he finds it a bit weird to tease Evan of being a baby/crybaby then calling his (s/o) one.
^ When he’s bullying Evan with his friends, he’ll instantly stop if his (s/o) tells him to. Even the SLIGHTEST amount of disapproval from them and boom. The game is over, he’s done. No matter if his friends keep egging him on, he’s just going to listen to his (s/o).
Sings to his (s/o). It’s a secret between them, but he likes and is really good at singing. And it’s always cute 80’s love songs.
^ Sucks at dancing though. Very. Badly. But it’s still cute to watch.
Michael will start up the soft and harmless teasing with his (s/o) though. It’s usually to make them flustered rather than anything else, but if it leads into them defending themselves, Michael finds it adorable. He likes it when his (s/o) has a voice for theirselves and won’t take his bullshit.
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Favorite Days
-(The Afton family, eel oh eel)-
-(Summary: father-children bonding time)-
-(CW: slight g4n mention)-
Michael snuck around the corner of his house, holding his younger brother's hand tightly. They were trying so hard to evade their father. They couldn't get caught, they couldn't! It would be the end of everything! His hands shook, the small gun he held rattling in his hands noisily.
He felt small squirts of water hit his bare back.
"Ah, dude! Evan, come on! You're supposed to get Liz, not me! I'm on your team!"
Evan cowered back nervously, as he always did. He glanced at the ground, foot rubbing into the mud.
"I'm sorry! I've never played water guns before!"
Michael rolled his eyes. Of course Lizzie had to team up with Dad. Why couldn't he and Liz be a team? But, Liz had won Family Game Night last week, so she got to pick her teammate for their next family activity.
"Just be quiet, ok? I don't want Dad to get me again, he noogied me last time."
Evan shuddered. Dad was merciless with noogies, no matter who it was. He even did them to Uncle Henry, and he never teased or tormented Uncle Henry. Except for noogies.
The brothers continued their sneaking, the scrawny 11-year-old following the tall 15-year-old. Evan clung to Michael's swim trunks, and Michael rolled his eyes, secretly proud that his little brother found comfort in sticking to him.
"How about this. You keep look out that way, and I'll keep look out this way, sound like a plan?"
Evan nodded, head whipping around quickly.
"Ok, don't give yourself whip lash, just keep on eye out for them."
They shuffled in silence for a few more minutes, until Evan caught the outline of a tall, looming figure, next to a flash of brilliant red hair.
Mike whipped around a second too late. Buckets full of freezing water were dumped onto the heads of both Afton boys, Evan shrieking, and Michael lurching from the cold.
"Dad! What the hell?!"
"Language, Michael. Besides, it's a hot day, we thought you two may need some cooling down."
"We did not! We have water guns, if we needed to cool down, we would have cooled down! Plus, that water did NOT need to be that cold!"
Elizabeth was laughing from Michael's annoyance at their father, William's own laughs held back behind his hand. Evan had also began laughing, though much quieter than Elizabeth.
Michael scowled.
"Fine! If you all find this funny, I'm done playing this dumb game."
Evan's face dropped.
"But Mikey! I won't have a teammate!"
Michael huffed stubbornly.
"Should have thought about that before you started laughing at me, crybaby!"
"Michael, don't call your brother a crybaby. Besides, it's about high time we all head inside and get some lunch. Who's hungry for what?"
"Chicken nuggets!"
"Ice cream!"
William, Evan, and Michael turned to face Elizabeth.
"Lizzie, sweetheart, we can't have ice cream for lunch. Maybe after, ok?"
"Well, technically she could Dad, she'd just have to deal with a massive stomach ache."
Elizabeth pouted.
"Well, none of us want the same thing. What are we gonna do then?"
"There's that new restaurant in town. We could go there, Dad!"
William ruffled his youngest son's hair.
"Sure, why not? We gotta get changed first, though, can't go out in our swimsuits."
They all began heading inside. Elizabeth held her arms out to William, waiting to be held.
"Come here, Princess."
As William cradled her like a baby, she lowered her tone and grabbed his neck so he could hear her.
"Run so we can beat Ev and Mike inside!"
William scoffed, feigned surprise on his face.
"You little sneak. How dare you think of such a thing? And now, because you've thought of it, I have to do it. It's the law."
He held her tightly, picking up speed and racing past the boys.
"Where are you going?" Mike's exasperated tone came from somewhere behind them.
"Daddy and I are gonna beat you!" Elizabeth stuck her tongue out at her brothers, holding her hand up in the shape of an 'L'.
Michael though that, for an 8 year old, she had the audacity of multiple business men Dad had introduced them to over the course of their lives.
"Oh hell no!"
He grabbed Evan under the armpits, rushing to get to the front door first.
By the time they all got to the door, everyone was a mess of giggles and sweat, William and Michael still racing even though Elizabeth and Evan had asked to be put down. Michael nearly beat William, only out-manuvered by his father's freakishly long arms.
"Ok, come on kiddos, get changed and meet out by the car in 15."
Getting changed was a race too, Evan winning because Elizabeth and Michael had to brush out their hair.
They were reading to go quickly, piling into the car and chatting amongst themselves loudly, windows down and music playing. Summer days were always their favorites, and spending them with Dad was even better.
(this is shit, lol)
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queenbeean · 4 years
busy morning / chris evans
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author’s note: this one is for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork thank you for helping me and giving me the idea💕
warnings: fluff, smut undertones (whoops), bad writing, not edited, i got carried away with this one and i apologise if i went from she/her to you/your
Y/F/B-S means your favorite band or singer
It was a little before 7am when Chris turned around to bury his face against her chest and all he felt were cold sheets. He huffed and instead buried his face against her pillow just to get something of her. Already he knew that he wasn’t going to be seeing or touching much of her that day. He tried making her scent lull him back to sleep but he knew it was futile. He needed to feel her skin against his, to feel her heartbeat match his, to hear her breathing and occasional snoring.
No matter how good he had slept, he was restless now. She was his addiction and he didn’t know what to do with himself. It wasn’t because he needed her to be attached to his hip all the time. He respected her life and independence and would never take anything like that away from her.
He was just feeling selfish that morning. It was Saturday, her day off, and he was expecting to spend the day with her, starting by waking up next to her.
Chris groaned and decided to stop being a crybaby. He had to remind himself that if it was up to her, she would be in his arms. So he got up from the bed, went to brush his teeth, wash his face and finally onto searching his babygirl.
Chris sighed softly at the sight of her. Y/N was busy clicking and typing on her computer at their home office. He thought she had said that she had finished her big presentation and project so she must have been editing for final approval.
His bare feet padded to the corner where they have a turntable and a wooden box full with vinyls. She must’ve been awake for at least an hour. The needle was on the middle, not touching her favorite record but it was still spinning so he knew how into her work she was that she didn’t even realise her music stopped. He searched through the vinyls and picked another one from Y/F/B-S, one that mostly had love songs. Since he wouldn’t be able to hear much of her, at least she would be able to listen to his feelings through both of her favorite songs.
Chris chuckled when Y/N started mouthing the lyrics.
“What the- Oh, I’m sorry, babe, did I wake you?” Y/N had a remorseful expression on her face and Chris sighed. He still couldn’t believe he had the most selfless woman as his girlfriend. Here she was thinking of him when she barely slept the night before.
“Yes and no, doll.” He walked to where she was and helped her up from her chair.
“Chris, I’m sorry but I need to finish this.” She winced at her words. She was choosing work before Chris when she promised herself she would never get to that point. Good thing she didn’t promise that to Chris or she knew he would give her an earful for even thinking that she didn’t give him his place when she always has.
Chris didn’t say anything. He just sat on the chair and brought her back down to his lap. “Just give me ten minutes with you and I’ll leave. You continue working, I just need to have you in my arms.” He murmured against her naked shoulder as his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, so close to him that she could feel his steady heartbeat.
“I’m sorry for waking you up.” She whispered in his ear.
Y/N could feel the hairs of his beard rubbing against her skin as he spoke. “Don’t be sorry, princess. You are in my arms now.” He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent from her neck.
She couldn’t help but shiver, her skin breaking into goosebumps. “I love you.” He responded by kissing her neck.
Y/N willed herself to get back to work. If she was lucky, she would finish it way before dinner, giving her enough time to make it up to Chris. She worked for around twenty minutes when she felt Chris’ grip on her waist loosen. She didn’t think too much of it for another ten minutes. But then she heard soft snores coming from him and she felt so incredibly bad. He should be in bed, resting. Not on her chair, with the possibility of his neck getting sore.
“Chris, babe?” She called softly as she intertwined their fingers. “Love?”
Her man awoke abruptly. “Shit, sorry. I’m distracting you and not helping you.”
“Chris, you are always distracting.” She giggled at his smirk. “But that’s not it. You are going to get sore muscles by sitting here. You should get back to bed.” She suggested.
“I can’t sleep without you.” He admitted. “I’ll get a start on breakfast. I was thinking cinnamon rolls?” Her stomach roared, making Chris laugh. “Cinnamon rolls it is. I’ll try to make them fast so my baby doesn’t die of hunger.” Chris teased.
“Thank you, baby.”
Chris kissed her for a few seconds before untangling himself from her, something he didn’t want to do at all. With one final kiss on the top of her head, he left her to work and prayed she didn’t overdo it.
First thing he did was set up the coffee machine. He had been so comfortable with Y/N on his lap that his body completely relaxed. Then he took out all ingredients he needed and got them in the oven around half an hour later. He was in the middle of preparing breakfast for Dodger when the pup walked in the kitchen. Dodger let out a big yawn and nuzzled his head on Chris’ leg before asking to be let out to the bathroom.
“Bubba, breakfast.” He called out to his pup and then an idea struck on his head. He was out on the patio as his head ran free with thoughts of what he could do for her and he knew it was the time.
Dodger ran inside and started eating eagerly. Chris took out the rolls and felt pride at the golden state of the sweet treats Y/N loves. He put two on a plate and filled her cup with the still warm coffee and added a bit of sugar and a bit of milk, just the way she likes it. After putting the plate and the cup on a tray, he took a sticky note and a pen and started scribbling.
‘Enjoy your breakfast, beautiful.
I want to remind you that you are amazing and you are going to kick ass on your project and everything you put your mind into.
I love you always
With all the love in the world, your dork and your bubba, Chris and Dodger x´
Before taking it to her, he went outside, hoping one of the flowers both of them have planted might have fallen. He knew she didn’t like to cut flowers. She liked seeing them grow and look beautiful in their natural state. God, how he loves that girl!
Luckily, there were two daisies laying next to the bushes. He took the pair and put them in a glass with a bit of water. He took the tray and walked to the office, followed by his shadow. As he got closer, he heard her voice on a conference.
“We got to be quiet, bubba.” He whispered to the pup. He peeked inside and frowned when he saw that it was a video conference. He had wanted to kiss her again, maybe even make out a little bit if she wanted to let out some steam. He instantly regretted the idea. He would only want more of her and he couldn’t be selfish with her.
Dodger stopped caring about his dad’s words and went to her side, nuzzling his snout on her thigh. Y/N immediately rubbed his fur, the place only she can rub as she continued talking. Chris made sure to be out of shot and put the tray on the far corner of the desk where there were no important papers or electronics. Dodger noticing that there was more food and she always snuck a piece for him, started playfully growling. Y/N didn’t seem to hear or wasn’t worried at least. But Chris still ducked and carefully dragged Dodger away from her.
Y/N felt so bad that she had been busy when Chris had been his usual sweetheart self. She didn’t even get the chance to greet Dodger properly. When she had woken up, the pup had been peacefully snoring away.
It took another ten long, long minutes of conference before it ended and she could start eating. And even then it took her almost an hour to finish the deliciousness Chris had prepared and she couldn’t even savour them properly. When she got a small break, she dashed to the kitchen where she heard noises.
“I know you want to be with momma right now, bubba but she is busy and we don’t want her getting mad at us now, do we?” Chris was sitting on the floor with Dodger sitting in front of him. The sight was adorable.
“You are going to make Dodger fear me if you keep threatening him like this.” Y/N teased and Chris stood up.
“Shit, baby, were we too loud?” Chris was concerned. Last thing he wanted was she getting called out for the noise.
Y/N didn’t answer and instead threw her arms around Chris and kissed him deeply. The man was shocked and stiff for a millisecond before moving his lips against hers, wrapping an arm around her waist while the other hand went to cup the back of her neck.
A rather loud bark made them pull apart from each other and laugh. “Sorry, bubba. You know you are still my number one boy.” Y/N promised him, having a tail wagging as an answer.
“Hey!” Chris lowly growled in her ear. “How come he is number one?”
Y/N glared at the man hugging her. “You want Dodger to sit on your face when you go to sleep for complaining?”
Chris chuckled, the deep sound resonating against her lips. “The only one I want sitting on my-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Christopher. There’s a child present.” Y/N hissed but the man still noticed how she shivered at her words.
“Well the child has cock-blocked me plenty of times, Y/N.” Chris mocked childishly.
“I think somebody else is the child.” Y/N scoffed.
“Baby, I’m all man and you know it.” He whispered huskily in her ear. “By the way, I love how bossy you get when you are working.” He nipped at her earlobe as one hand wandered past the waistband of her pants.
“Christopher.” Y/N warned as she tried prying his hand away.
“That’s the tone.” A pinch on her butt had her yelping.
Y/N stepped away from Chris and rubbed the stinging spot. “I hate you.”
“I love you too.” Chris closed the gap between them again and rubbed where her hand had. “Can I kiss it better?”
“Absolutely no.” She groaned when her phone pinged with an email. “I need to get back to work though.”
“Save those sounds for when we are alone later.” Chris whispered. “By the way, what time do you think you’ll get off work?"
Y/N sighed. "I expect by three or four. I promise I’ll make it up to you."
"Don’t worry about it but if you do, know that I won’t complain.” He winked.
“Is that all you think about?” Y/N asked as she stepped away from him again, readying herself to get back to work.
“You? Naked? Underneath me?”
“On top?”
“Against the-”
“Yes, baby, that’s all you say in my head.”
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Say You’ll Stay- Chapter 3
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Fury/Band of Brother Crossover Fic
I don’t think I’m going to put warnings for each chapter. I have a broad statement of warnings on the masterlist. If there is something specific that I think might be triggering, I’ll put it on that chapter. Just know there will be swearing, mentions of injuries/blood, battle scenarios frequently. 
Tag List: @happyveday​ @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes​ @alwaysindecemberfeels​
Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
Don stalked out of the HQ building, cigarette hanging between his lips. They had their orders. Tomorrow they would be heading to the next town to liberate and secure. Captain Evans had put him in charge of the other three tanks and their crews. Two of the other crews he recognized- Davis and Binkowski- having worked with them before. Yet memories of the last team he led and their demise...fuck, he could not think about that. He knew it was not his fault that Tiger got those lucky shots in. 
 His hands still shook slightly at the memory though.  Hearing their screams. He wondered if he would ever be free from the sounds of dying men or if that would haunt him until his own demise. 
 Walking down the snow-laden, muddy streets, his attention switched from the checklist of preparations running through his mind to seeing Boyd crossing the street up ahead. 
 "Boyd!" He shouted, getting his gunner's attention. Boyd stopped and waited for him, thankfully. Fuck if Don was going to jog to catch up. "Where are you off to?"
 Boyd motioned towards the field hospital, with the cigarette in hand. "Promised Anna I'd stop by if we was still here."
 "Alright. Let's go."
 If Boyd wondered why Don was following him, he wisely kept his mouth shut. 
 "Get our orders?" The gunner asked, maneuvering around a seeping pot hole in the ground. 
 "Yeah, heading out tomorrow. Gonna take out a town but start in the reserves. Intel says there are civilians there and they want to minimize damage."
 "We sure these civilians won't shoot us when our backs are turned?"
 "One can only hope."
 They entered the field hospital, both having tossed his spent cigarettes just outside the door. A few men lay on cots but overall, it was surprisingly quiet. A curvy, dark-haired nurse was passing out what looked like bowls of watery soup to the wounded men. A few of the men glanced their way but went back to whatever they had been doing before. From somewhere off to the left, it sounded like someone was constantly hacking up a lung in a different room. 
 Don usually did everything possible to avoid going to field hospitals or aid stations. The air always seemed tainted with blood, death and screaming. Something he had more than enough experience with on his own. There were a few times he should have sought medical care but refused, forcing Boyd to wrap up the bullet graze or the one time he got a small piece of shrapnel in his leg. That one hurt like a sonofabitch. Why he was here now with Boyd, going out of his way to enter a field hospital he had no reason to be in... he could not even justify it to himself. 
 A middle-aged woman in a nurse's uniform walked over to them, coming from a side room. "Y'all injured?" Her shrewd, brown eyes looked over both men with terrifying precision, trying to determine who was the patient. 
 Boyd pulled out his bandaged hand from his jacket pocket. "Came here to see Anna...ah, Nurse Cooper. She wanted to check it yesterday."
 "Mmm… ya that fella that looked out for her last night. Made sure she ate."
 "Yes, ma'am."
 "Thank ya kindly again. That girl gives too much and forgets to take care of herself. I'll get her for ya. Y’all go on now and take a seat towards the back." She gestured towards the few open beds, then turned those shrewd eyes on Don to openly scrutinize him. "Why are ya here?"
 "Moral support. Boyd here is a crybaby and I said I'd hold his hand…" He chuckled as Boyd swatted his arm, muttering something under his breath. 
 She pursed her lips but did not comment. "A'right. Y'all best be on good behavior. Doctor Erickson is in a right mood, I tell ya. I don't want her to get in no trouble because of y’all, ya here?" Without explanation, she turned on her heel and walked away. 
 Don met Boyd's eyes but he only shrugged. He followed his friend to a cot set against the back wall. Don snagged a nearby stool and leaned forward, forearms on his thighs. They sat in silence, neither one feeling the need to fill the air. They had been comrades for three years now and brothers for just as long. Often with a single look they could understand one another. Don was not sure if he believed in God anymore, he had seen too much war and too much death. But if there was a man upstairs, He deserved to be profusely thanked for bringing Boyd into Don's life. 
 "Good morning, Boyd. Good morning, sir." Anna chirped as she came around from a side door, wiping her hands on a cloth. She briefly looked around the floor nearby, hesitated then sat down next to Boyd on the cot. 
 "Mornin', Anna. How are you today?" Boyd asked. 
 "I'm fine. How are you? How does your hand feel?" She asked as she placed his bandaged hand on her leg and began unwrapping it. 
 "Feels a little stiff, don't hurt too much anymore."
 "Good." She poked and ran the lightest touch around the cut on his palm. "Doesn't look like it's infected and it's healing nicely already. I'm going to bandage it back up with some new dressing. Try and keep it clean and dry, change the dressing every day. Do you have your orders?"
 "Yeah, heading out tomorrow."
 "I'll grab some extra dressings for you then. Can one of your crew help you with it?"
 Don cleared his throat. "I'll make sure." 
 She met his eyes for the first time with a small smile before standing back up. "I'll be right back." She disappeared around the corner. 
 "She reminds me a little of my sister." Boyd softly said, gaze having followed her out. 
 Ah, so there it was. Don eyed his gunner but chose not to comment. It made sense now why he was so protective of the young woman. Boyd had always been the most sentimental of their crew. Hopefully that sentimentality would not bite him in the ass later. 
 It did not take long for the red-headed nurse to return, hands holding new wrappings and dressings. Before she could sit down on the cot again, a shout made her jolt, whipping around to face towards the front. 
 "Nurse Cooper!" 
 Don watched a tall, blonde man stride into the room like he owned every inch of the ground he walked on. With his doctor's uniform on, he practically did. The tank commander was unsure what was going on but he had a bad feeling. Unconsciously, he straightened up in his chair, staring hard at the doctor.
 "Come here!" The doctor bellowed, completely ignoring the scene he was causing.
 Anna carefully set the bandage down next to Boyd before slowly walking towards the doctor. He stood in the middle of the room, hands on his hips and a glare to rival the devil's on his stubbled face. When she stood before him, he immediately got in her face. 
 "What the fuck do you think you're doing with my patients! One came in here an hour ago and complained you ignored him! Need I remind you that we are to help everyone with an injury, it does not matter our personal preferences or if you find them attractive. You do your damn job!"
 "Yes, sir. I apologize, I asked Nurse Falk to help him because…"
 A loud smack filled the air. 
 The doctor pulled his hand back from backhanding her to only point a finger at her. "I don't care for your excuses. Do your fucking job or I'll find you some hell hole to work in. Do I make myself clear?"
 Don was up and moving before he realized it. He looped an arm around Anna's waist and pulled her behind him in one fluid motion. He squared off in front of the doctor, meeting him eye to eye. 
 No words were spoken, yet a war waged between them. This doctor wore an air of authority like a badge to wave in other's faces. If he expected the tank commander to back down, he was sorely mistaken. Don had been fighting too long, killed too many men with his own hands to be intimidated by someone who thought when he opened his mouth, everyone around should obey. Don narrowed his eyes, silently begging the man to try something. Give him an excuse to knock the arrogant asshole down a couple notches. 
 Finally, the doctor looked over Don's shoulder, glaring at Anna one more time. "Do your job." He spat out before retreating out of the room and up a set of stairs. 
 Don watched his retreating form for a minute, making sure the man was not going to turn around and continue to publicly berate and abuse Anna. When he could no longer hear the doctor's step, he looked down at the small woman still huddled against him. 
 "You alright, sweetheart?"
 Tilting her head up to meet his eyes, she nodded and licked her lips before answering, voice just above a whisper. "Thank you."
 He could not help it. Oh so carefully, he put his other hand on her chin and turned her head to see the reddened cheek. 
 "I'm fine. It's not that bad." She stepped out of his grasp and looked back towards the front. 
 The middle-aged woman with the shrewd eyes and graying hair watched them, both hands gripping a towel until her knuckles were white. Quietly, she approached and took a look at Anna's cheek. "Finish up with ya patient then get to the kitchen. Make yaself a cup of tea."
 "Yes, ma'am." Anna started back down the rows of cots to Boyd's side, head down, ignoring the looks sent her way by those in the room. 
 Don met the aging nurse's eyes and a silent understanding passed between them. She gave him a brief nod then left. A sigh left his lips before he rejoined Boyd and Anna, returning to his spot on the stool. 
 She worked silently, putting some kind of ointment on Boyd's cut and dressing it. 
 "Anna." Boyd tried to get her attention but she ignored it, working methodically. "Anna, look at me. Come on."
 Finally, she looked up with watery eyes. "He came in this morning."
 "Who did?"
 "That Private from last night…"
 "Shit," Boyd swore, rubbing his other hand over his moustache, "that's who the doctor is yelling at you about?"
 She looked away, gathering up the soiled dressing, then stood. "I need to clean these. I… I wish you both well tomorrow...good luck." 
 Boyd stood, putting a hand on her shoulder. He opened and closed his mouth a couple times as if to say something encouraging but finally settled with, "I'll be praying for you."
 "Thanks. If anything, I'm glad I met you." She looked down at Don, still sitting with his forearms on his knees. "Both of y’all. Thank y’all for everything." With a final small smile, she walked out of view and towards the back room. 
 The tank commander finally stood, quickly lighting a new cigarette. "I know, Boyd, I know. Come on. Us lingering isn't gonna do her any good."
 They walked out together side by side, clean dressings and bandages in both their pockets. Neither said anything as they walked back to Fury, their separate thoughts on the auburn-haired nurse. 
 When they caught sight of Fury with the others lounging around, Don knew what he had to do. 
 "Fuck it." He muttered then stopped walking. "Bible, start getting Fury ready to leave for tomorrow. Spread the word."
 "Where you going, Don?"
 "There's something I gotta do."
 Before further questions could be asked, he started back the way they had just come. He brusquely pushed past someone standing idly in the doorway of the field hospital. His eyes scanned the large front room and landed on the matronly nurse from before, who was examining a man's shoulder as he gritted his teeth. 
 "Nurse." Don spoke up, stepping closer. When she looked up at him, he continued, "where is she?"
 She seemed to weigh out her answer before jerking her head towards the back. "In the kitchen still. Be quick."
 He brushed past all the cots and the few men filling them, wandering into the back room where a few extra cots were and medical supplies in cabinets. To his right was another door. Without hesitation, he pushed it open and was relieved it was the kitchen. 
 It was a small room and probably had been cozy at one time before the war came and ravaged it. A fire was lit in the hearth, a black kettle hanging just over it. The sound of the water just beginning to boil made the scene feel domestic. A small wooden table was pushed against the wall, three chairs crowding it in. Anna sat on one of the chairs, hair freed from its typical bun and hanging loose down her back. Having heard the door open, she turned and he witnessed her eyes widened as she recognized him. 
 "Sergeant? Is everything alright?" 
 Putting his boot on the chair across the small table from her, he unstrapped the combat knife and sheath strapped to his lower leg, hidden under his trousers. It thudded when he set it on the table, the sound feeling like a gong going off even though it was not nearly that loud. 
 "It's a Mark 3 combat knife. I've had it since North Africa. Hide it somewhere on you that you can reach easily. Don't worry about using it right, just use it however you can to defend yourself. Slash. Stab. Doesn't fucking matter. You wait though until they can't get away. Don't pull it out too soon and someone with skills will knock it out of your hands or just take it from you. Got it?"
 Her sapphire eyes were wide as saucers as she looked at him then the knife, gingerly reaching her hand out to touch it. "Why are you giving me this?"
 "Look, find someone to show you how to use it if you…"
 She reached over and placed a hand on his forearm, effectively silencing him. "I know how to use a knife. My father taught me. I had a knife but Doctor Erickson took it. Said it was not appropriate. This time he won't find it." She looked up, meeting his hardened gaze. "Why did you come back?"
 Don sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know."
 They stared at each other, both seeking answers in the other person's eyes. It was in this moment he truly began to notice things about her; like how there was a ring of gold around the iris in her eyes, how there was a slight dimple in her chin, how her features were soft but underneath it all, was a core as strong as steel. This was how she had survived as long as she did on the front lines of war. His respect for her increased. She looked a dainty, petite little rose but that was only her outward appearance. 
 The door opened behind them and the dark-haired, curvy nurse stuck her head in. "Anna, I'm going to need your assistance."
 "Yes. Yes, I'll be right there."
 The other nurse closed the door, only sparing Don a quick look. With that, whatever intimate moment they conjured shattered into a thousand glass pieces. 
 Don rubbed the back of his neck, unsure what just happened. It did not matter though. In all likelihood he was never going to see her again. "Good luck, Nurse Cooper."
 He turned to head out but she gripped his arm, holding him frozen. In a flash, she stepped closer and rose up on her toes to press a quick kiss to his jawline. Not that she could reach much higher. 
 "Stay safe, Sergeant. " She whispered, before snatching the combat knife off the table and slipping out the door like a dream. 
 His hand drifted on its own accord to rub the spot where her lips touched his skin. 
 He groaned as he realized what he was doing. Silently reprimanding himself, he shoved his hands in his pockets and stormed out, past the cots and fellow soldiers, keeping his eyes forward. He had a job to do. They were in the middle of a war for Christ's sake. He should not be acting like some schoolboy. 
 If the skin that had been graced by her lips felt like a seal on his jawline, no one else needed to know that. 
 Anna helped Nurse Harris patch up a soldier who had gotten his foot crushed as best as they could. She worried they would have to amputate it but for the moment, it was bandaged as well as possible and he was finally sleeping, the morphine having fully kicked in. 
 She tended to the few other men laying on cots, making sure they all had water, no one was in major pain and they were as comfortable as possible. The last rays of sun peered through the windows, a display of reds, oranges and yellows coating the inside of the field hospital. 
 As she moved about, the strange yet comforting feel of the combat knife strapped to her calf was her companion. And with the feeling of it, her thoughts continuously drifted to the Staff Sergeant who gave it to her. 
 What had she been thinking to kiss him? Even if it was meant innocently and as a thank you. Stupid, so stupid. It was too late now to change it. For all she knew, she would never see him again. He could die in the fight tomorrow and she would never know. 
 The thought of his death sent a sharp stab to her heart.
 Only in her own mind would she easily admit how attractive she found the man to be. When he held her behind him, an arm around her to protect and shield her from Doctor Erickson; his touch had knocked the air out of her lungs more than the slap from the doctor ever could.  
 "Nurse Cooper." 
 Anna looked up as Nurse Falk walked towards her. "Yes, ma'am?"
 "Come with me."
 Nerves came alight with those three words. Whatever this was, it could not be good. Anna set down the clean bandages she had been rolling to store away and followed the matronly nurse towards the back. 
 In the kitchen, Nurse Falk quickly moved to shut the doors, even going so far to draw the curtains over the solitary window. The only light came from the small fire in the fireplace. 
 This could not be good. Was Doctor Erickson sending her away? Oh God, what was she going to do?
 Nurse Falk had never been one for physical touch. So when she came and grabbed Anna's hands, holding them between their bodies, Anna could feel tears gathering in her eyes. 
 This was bad. 
 "Ya know 'bout that mission tomorrow?"
 Anna could only nod. Her throat felt swollen, questions threatening to choke her. 
 "Captain Evans asked for some additional medical support. He's plannin' on settin' up a small aid station there. Says there's civilians and he's worried 'bout extra casualties."
 "Besides their usual medics, they asked for any spare medics we have…"
 No, please, no. 
 "...but Doctor Erickson gave 'im ya name. Since ya speak both German and French, it would help with them civilians, and ya would be seen as less intimidatin' than a soldier if they be needin' a translator. I'm sorry."
 So, this was Doctor Erickson's final revenge. To this day she still questioned what she had done to cause him to hate her so much. Since the beginning, he treated her like shit on his boot. Now he was offering her up as a sacrificial lamb. 
 "When...when do we leave?"
 "Oh seven hundred. Ya be ridin' in a truck with Medic Hunter...do ya need help packin'?"
 She shook her head, cursing the tears that slipped down her cheeks. 
 "A'right. Go pack and rest while ya can. We'll find ya some new clothes too. I'll come get ya in the mornin'." She squeezed Anna's hands once more before stepping away. 
 In a daze, Anna felt her feet moving but did not remember telling them to. Up the stairs she went to the small bedroom she shared with two other nurses. She sat on her cot, mind numb and lacking the energy to do anything. 
 She was being sent away. To the real front lines. Alone. A single woman alone in a company of soldiers. She knew Medic Hunter; he seemed a good man. She had gotten used to the chaotic, draining life of working in a field hospital. She had been doing it for a year now. At least she was around other women, a few she would even call friends. 
 Tomorrow all that would be gone. 
 Slowly, she curled up on her bed and silently let the tears fall unaided. She was tired. So bone-deep tired of this war. Of seeing young men dead or maimed. Of constantly being dirty with grime and blood. Of remembering what spilled intestines looked like more than her childhood home. 
 She always tried to convince herself that it would get better, tomorrow would be better. It was a habit she had picked up from her mother, trying to always be positive, to see the best in everyone. 
 For the first time, she did not even try to pretend that tomorrow would be better. 
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According to Him
You’re Chris Evans’s daughter, and you have a hard time finding friends who want you for you instead of who your father is. 
           “Some of you,” your teacher started as she began handing out exam packets from the other day. “Did fabulously. Others…” You were the third seat in the first row, and the third person to get a test plopped down on your desk. 67. Your dad was going to be pissed at you.
           “Thanks,” you said anyway, slinking down into your seat. The bell rang, and since you had your test, you scrammed. You walked down the hallway to the other room, where you usually met your best friend Saige to give her a ride home.
           “She doesn’t get it,” you heard Saige say to your other friend Hannah. “The only reason we’re with her is because of her dad. And…” Your face turned red hot as you walked into the room on complete and total impulse. She stood up from the desk she was at, looking over at you, and she gave you the most fake smile you’d ever seen in your life. You looked at her, and she looked at you.
           “So you only care about me because of my dad? And the last ten years doesn’t matter?” You asked loudly. Her face was turning red, too, and Hannah was just standing by.
           “Wait, Y/n,” she started saying. You didn’t listen to her. You just blew past her and into the rapidly clearing hallway, leaving the building to go to the parking lot. You needed to get out of there, now, before you blew up.
           “Don’t even start,” you said to your so-called friend, crossing your arms across your chest. You tried to hide the tears in your eyes by looking away, but it didn’t work. She could see you were crying. Why were you such a crybaby?
           “You weren’t supposed to hear any of that,” she tried to say.
           “Well, I did!” She looked guilty, and for a minute you thought that maybe she was being genuine. Maybe she was just out of line and didn’t mean the things she was saying. But who the hell would say something like that without meaning it?
           “You need to realize who you are,” she said in response. She was calm. She definitely meant this. “You need to realize that as long as people know who your dad is, nobody’s going to like you for you. You’re never going to find any real friends. So maybe you should just stop trying and take what you can get.” You swallowed at her words. They cut into your chest like a knife. Mostly because they were true, but you thought she’d be different. These people had gone to school with you since you were a little kid, and by definition they shouldn’t care who your dad was. But it seemed that they did, and you were as naïve as they thought you were.
           “Thanks for giving me a lot to think about.” It was all you could say in response. You couldn’t even fathom another response. You were angry, but you weren’t Hulk angry and you weren’t going to lash out because that just wasn’t who you were. You were just going to slink back home and cry like the idiot you were.
           “I’m just telling you the truth. And the earlier you hear it, the easier your life will be.” You just turned, pulling at the lanyard you kept in the side pocket of your backpack. You found the key fob of your car, your luxury car that your dad got you because he thought you deserved it, and started the walk back to it. That just made you think even more. Your friends loved your car, and so did you. And your dad didn’t get you a fifty thousand dollar car because he wanted to turn you into a spoiled brat, he got it for you because you made honor roll four semesters in a row and he wanted to reward you. Just like how you didn’t live in a multi-million dollar mansion because he wanted to spend that much money on a house. He just liked it and it happened to be that much money. Just like how you didn’t mean to be the daughter of one of the most well-known actors in the world. It just happened.
           You got into your car and slung your backpack into the seat beside you, hearing your laptop inside of it crash against the seat. You didn’t mean to do that. You noticed that Saige was still watching you from beside her own car, and just as you pressed the button to turn on the ignition, your other ‘friend’ Hannah was walking up to her. They were probably going to talk more shit because of course they would. They’d probably talk about the sad little rich girl driving away crying. Because that’s what you were doing as you drove. Crying.
           All you wanted to do was go home and cry in the comfort of your room. Your dad wasn’t supposed to be home. He was supposed to be meeting with the Governor downtown that day, and usually he ended up staying for a few hours to take pictures with staffers and other state employees. You were used to him being gone, he usually was. If he was gone for more than a day, though, he would call your uncle or one of your aunts to stay with you. This was one of those times you wished he was gone.
           You didn’t mean to sound ungrateful to him, ever, because you knew he loved you more than anything else in the entire world and he only tried to be the best father he could. But sometimes he just didn’t understand things, and your friends using you was probably one of them. And you didn’t want to cry in front of him about it and make him feel guilty for doing the bets he possibly could.
           “You can have five minutes to cry,” you decided out loud as you left the school and started driving toward the house. You sunk into your seat and merged into traffic just as your mind let loose. You wanted to disappear. You didn’t want to go back to school and face them, mostly because you didn’t have any other friends in Boston. Saige and Hannah were really it, probably because they had been your best friend since you were kids. You would have to live the next three years with the humiliation of the world knowing you didn’t have any friends.
           You were in the midst of having your cry when you pulled up to the house, and when you spotted your dad’s Audi you swore your heart stopped. That was right. He was in Boston tomorrow, not today. Shit. You pulled into the driveway and gave yourself fifteen seconds to calm down. One, two, three, four… Your phone lit up with a text from one of your friends back in L.A, revealing your wallpaper was a picture of you and Saige at homecoming. And that made you slide back down again, even as you reached over to change the picture to one of Dodger.
           You got out of the car, taking your backpack from the floor of the passenger side, and walked in the gate as quietly as you could. Dodger didn’t bark at you, instead just looking over his shoulder from where he was chewing on a rawhide bone. At least the dog loved you for you. Or maybe it was just because you were the one who got him puppucinos every Friday night.
           “Hey, buddy,” you said as you kneeled down. He stepped on your uniform skirt and sat down in your lap, wagging his tail as you pet his soft fur. “You love me, right?” You got a whimper in response, one that definitely meant yes, and you sniffled. You must have sat there for a few minutes, just petting him, because your phone chimed again and the text you’d gotten was fifteen minutes ago.
           “I’ll be back to feed you soon, bubba,” you said with another sniffle, wiping your tears away with the sleeve of your jacket that was now covered in copper-colored dog hair. He crawled off your lap and let you stand up again, walking into the house. You debated on calling out for your dad, but you knew where he probably was. And you knew that he didn’t need this burden on him when he was trying to get another project going. So you walked up the stairs and into the hallway. Your room was all the way at the end of the hallway on the right, and the office was the first door on the left. So you had to walk past it, and you tried to stay calm and casual and…
           “Hey, sweetheart, how was school?” You stopped dead in front of the office door, and you must have taken too much time trying to decide on whether to tell him the truth or not because he could see right through you. “Okay, come sit.”
           You put your backpack down outside the door and walked into the office. You sat down on the couch in the corner of the room, not meeting his eyes. He was dressed like he was going out, and hopefully that meant he had a meeting later and he could leave you alone for awhile.
           “Do you need to talk to me about anything?” He asked, looking at you. You felt the pressure building up inside of you and wondered if you should say anything. But you hated lying to him, so you didn’t.
           “Well, I failed that AP Human Geo exam,” you started, hoping he would buy that. “I’m sorry for being such a continuous academic disappointment.” He cracked a smile.
           “You’re going to have to try a lot harder than that to disappoint me. I know that’s not all that’s going on, so spill.” He locked his computer and spun around in his chair, giving you his full, undivided attention.
           “I heard Saige talking to someone earlier,” you said, refusing to look at him. “So I confronted her about it after school. She said that I don’t have any friends that care about me for who I am. They only care about the things I have. And that people only care about who you are, and using me to get to you, and she said the sooner I accept it the sooner I’ll be happy, but I’m not happy, and I got in the car and it just reminded me that…”
           “Honey, you’re spiraling,” Chris interrupted in a quiet voice, one that was probably meant to comfort you. “She’s probably just going through something and…”
           “No. She meant it. And I just… I feel like such shit for not seeing it.” Normally you’d get a language!, but this time your dad was just silent.
           “Not seeing what?”
           “That they just want to use me to get to you. And I don’t wanna make you feel bad, but I just…”
           “It is kinda my fault,” he said. “I cursed you, and I’ll admit it.” He walked over to where you were and sat down beside you, putting an arm around you. “I’m sorry she said that to you.”
           “I just…” You put your head in your hands, trying not to cry in front of your dad. “I just feel so dumb. Like I should’ve seen it before. Especially… I thought she was my best friend. And now I just don’t have any friends and I don’t even want to show my face and…” You sighed. Your dad rubbed your back and pulled you into a hug. He was all you’d ever had and the last thing you wanted was for him to feel bad.
           “Well, you can’t just skip school.”
           “I know.”
           “But how about I take you on a field trip tomorrow downtown? And if you think it’ll help, we can look at switching schools or try and get you back on a soccer team or something.” You sniffled, nodding. “And I’ll make my special pesto eggs tomorrow morning.”
           “I promise you will find people who love you for you. I did. And it took me awhile, but now I have friends that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I know this sucks, but at least you don’t look like uncle Scott at your age. And you got the braces off.” You smiled a little bit. “You are so smart and beautiful and funny and I swear you’ll find your people. And they’re not gonna give a damn who your dad is or what kind of car you drive or what neighborhood you live in.”
           “I love you.”
           “I love you too.”
A/N: I loved writing Chris as a Dad! I hope the person who requested enjoys 💕
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