#crying at the thought of saeko all 'ichi nothing i do's working' and ichi just. Fuck I Forgot 🏳️‍🌈👁️👁️ LKJLKJA
We did it... we manifested a new Jo card... god bless
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praying to RNJesus that my pull luck is just as strong as it was when i was going for masato.. (╯x╰)
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IMMUNE TO CHARM his ass is NOT beating the allegations at this rate ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
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overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Tojoctober Day 16 - Bond
(I've never felt like this, I'll keep on running)
Alt title is from “Reach for the Stars”, the opening song to Sonic Colors
Nanba has doubts. Ichiban reassures him.
(Nanba drink link + LaD spoilers)
It's a rainy day today in Ijincho, as the rain pitter-patters against the windows of Survive. It's a slow day for us too, as we are still used to having not a lot to do. Adachi, Eri, Saeko, Zhao, and Joon-gi Han have gone out to the town, something about a new arcade having opened up. They invited me out too, but I stayed behind. I know my mood is on the sour side today, and the last thing they all need is for me to drag them down. 
There's too much on my mind anyway. My past, Nightingale, my brother. All of them intertwining and making my brain spin. Way too many emotions to process with them, as well. The drink I'm nursing isn’t helping calm the storm either. 
“Hey, Nanba! Thought you went with everyone else?”
A voice pierces through my haze as I look at its source. 
Of course.
Apparently, Ichiban has not gone with the rest of the party, and instead is sitting on the bar stool next to me. When’d he even get there? My mind tries to answer this question, but nothing comes up. I stare at him blankly instead.
“Nanba? Are you doing alright?” he asks, probably with the best intentions in mind. 
“Well…” I start, but then second guess myself. “I feel fine.”
“Don’t try and hide it from your best friend, Nanba.”
I guess Ichiban is my best friend?
“Just… a lot on the mind.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. I should feel fine, right?” I spin towards Ichiban, setting my now empty glass on the counter. “I know my brother is safe, Mizue-chan is, well, I’m not sure how to feel about that, and I’ve got you guys. So why…” I hesitate. Did he really want me to admit this out loud?
I see Ichiban and the bartender share a look before he exits the room. What was that about?
“Why do you still feel like shit?”
I feel like there’s a better way to say that, but he was right.
“Hey…” I hear his voice take on more of a serious, yet softer tone. It tickles the back of my brain, as he faces me. “I meant what I said before, you know? I've made a lot of priceless friends here, and you're at the top of that list Nanba."
“But what if I hurt you again? Or leave you again?” I say, my voice coming out thicker than normal. Damn emotions.
“Nanba, that's nonsense.” I can hear Ichiban try to reassure me, and it’s kind of working, but I’m starting to get overwhelmed. 
Whatever I was trying to say gets cut off by Ichiban placing both hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look into his eyes. 
"Nanba. You are dear and precious to me. Never forget that."
I feel something catch in my throat, and tears are threatening. God, why does this have to happen again?
"Ichiban, you're gonna make me cry again."
Somehow, his gaze both hardens and softens at the same time.
"Good. I already lost a brother. I can't lose you too."
Well, that just sets off the waterworks. Ichiban doesn't seem to care, as he scoots his stool closer and wraps his arms around me. The only thing I can coherently process is that he feels really warm. Like a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time.
Ichiban… feels like home.
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