#crystabeth's ramblings
crystallizabethine 2 years
I watched a TikTok that said this but it needs to be said here... Rise fans, please don't hate on Mutant Mayhem or boycott the film just because you don't care for the designs!
(Very long rant ahead)
I get it, this happens with new designs in any show. People get attached to a certain look and don't wanna give the new one a chance. Some recent examples of this are the Monster High and MLP redesigns. Sadly, TMNT fans have always done this whenever a new show comes out. They immediately criticize the new show without even giving it a chance because they don't like the designs or they changed the personalities. And it's not just the new shows, sometimes fans of new shows will look down on old ones because they aren't like the one they like (2012 bashers I'm looking at you).
And yeah, I get it, it's hard to broaden your mind to new and different content. I was one of those people and unfortunately still can be sometimes. I thought Rise looked like it'd be really weird and dumb at first, but when I actually sat down and watched it I realized that "hey, it's actually good!" and quickly fell in love with it. The same thing kinda happened with the Bayverse movies. Everyone was bashing them so hard bc the designs were hideous (and yeah... Idk what the artists were on when they made my boys because they look like they eat human flesh), but when I watched them I was actually pleasantly surprised. Now they're definitely not perfect at all, I'd say they're mediocre at best, but watching them was still a fun experience because I got to laugh at how ridiculous everything was. And even though the boys weren't written that well, they still had a spark of their trademark teenage dorkiness and that's honestly what kept my attention.
I'm not saying that you should like every single new version of something just because other people like it, because yeah sometimes the new stuff is just bad. My point is, it's really easy to dismiss new incarnations of tmnt (or any movie or show) because of biased first impressions or because you hear other's negative opinions and just assume they're right. The problem is if you don't go and see for yourself, if you don't give it a chance, you could be missing out on something really special. I would hope that Rise fans especially would understand this, seeing as our show was frowned upon by so many just for being different. Let's not have history repeat itself, my friends. Whether or not you like the designs, you should at least give Mutant Mayhem a chance. Because you never know, it could be amazing! And even if it's not, at least you'll know for yourself.
Also here's the original TikTok
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crystallizabethine 1 year
Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh packing and apartment prepping is giving me major art block. 馃槚
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crystallizabethine 1 year
I roughly sketched out part two of the Celestia (and Cudley) comic!! It's not much but I feel proud to have done something.
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crystallizabethine 2 years
Usually I only like posts if I wanna bookmark it or I plan on reblogging it later. However I also forget to go back and reblog things so now I've got an overwhelming amount of them...
When I log back in to this hellsite in a few days, I'm gonna go through my liked posts and reblog them first thing.
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