#currently scrolling through my likes to find the og writer and its HELL ๐Ÿ˜ญ
2smolbeans ยท 28 days
Another yandere thought I had before going to bed:
I remember reading a concept from a yandere blog here on tumblr about a company/organization for yandere's to aid them when they are pursuing their darling. So after remembering it, a thought popped up in my head.
What if there was a company/organization that helped the darling's escape their tormentors?
Edit: This is based on @yanderemommabean 's posts which you can read over here and here!
Like imagine:
You look in amazement as the video starts to play, your eyes sparkling as the advertisement begins to play. Immediately, the voice of a woman is heard as the advertisement starts..
Advertiser:"Hi there! You must be in need of help if you're seeing this! Given that you followed the specific instructions to find this program, I want to welcome you! Now..I want to ask you this.."
Advertiser: "Are you someone who has a pesky little admirer that just can't seem to be shaken off? Perhaps their crush on you has begun to take a disturbing turn for the worse.."
Advertiser: "Murder, stalking, threats, power imbalances, attempted kidnapping, forced marriage contracts, and more! Anything you've found yourself caught in thanks to this admirer! Here at 'A Helping Friend', we can give you a hand!"
Advertiser: "Our help includes..Faking your death, a new identity, exterminating the pesky 'vermin' out of your life, and whatever ideas you and one our specialized coordinators who you will be paired with can think of!"
Advertiser: "For the cheap and gracious price of $360, we could offer our services to you! And don't you worry, every cent of what you've paid us will go into helping another person who is in the same exact position as you!"
Advertiser: "Trust me, I was once in your shoes. I know what it's like to fear every day for your life, to stay awake at night- and wonder if the worst was to come. But ever since I faced my fears and contacted 'A Helping Friend', I was able to live my life again! And I know you'll be able to as well."
Advertiser: "So please. Call this number and we'll promise to help you out as soon as possible! And if money is an issue, it won't be for us."
Advertiser: "So call now at ***-****-****! Trust me, whenever you're in need, 'A Helping Friend' is what you need'!"
Near the end of the video, the number is plastered bold on the screen as the small text is written at the bottom, letting you know that all your information and data are secure and anonymous. You write down the number in a rush, scrambling to get a pen and paper as you look at your phone. Getting the number, you let out a shaky sigh as you stare repeatedly at the number on the paper and the one at the screen - making sure you got it correctly.
A/N: I'll definitely dabble more onto this thought/concept in the future. Also, as I post this, I am currently looking for the og poster of the yan company helper fic that I read from. Like I am SCROLLING through my likes and account looking for it - so if anyone knows who the writer is, can you let me know please ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I would really like to reblog their work and credit them for the idea I had based on it--
Edit: I was able to find the og poster thanks to an anon!
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