#cuz that means the elementary school isn't just an all ages school
oh-meow-swirls · 2 years
weird how in 1 it's like. kind of implied you have to pay to enter the museum. but after that they just. don't bother-
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dinaanana · 8 months
What If Verlaine Trained Teenager!Reader?
the Character is from Stormbringer Novel
synopsis: Fluff/Crack
Paul Verlaine x Teenager!Reader (Platonic!)
(He's so pretty)
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(Pretend you're Also a stormbringer Character aswell)
So first of all This Man is strict asf. so Brace Yourselves
(Didn't he also Train Kyouka and Gin? Yeah)
There's no problem with training you either
If you already know Any type of Martial Arts or MMA he's Glad to hear that.
When he Looks at you working out and f you do Something he doesn't like? You get the exercises wrong? He's making you Do 50 Push ups 50 Sit Ups and yeah☠️
And if you're still lazy Then you'll be doing 100 instead of 50 (He is really nice isn't he)
(Obv he trains You in his musty ass Basement)
Sometimes Chuuya Watches As His big Brother Trains you He's just Standing there like 🧍 while you're fighting for your own Life
And when you look at him with Tired eyes and drenched In sweat Asking for Help? he just Smirks and Shakes his Head
Verlaine doesn't care about Your age if you're young or not if you think that you're young and he's gonna go easy on you Nah you're wrong .
You're Training to be an Assassin for the Port mafia. After all
Not only he teaches you martial arts but he also teaches you how to use A gun a Knife Anything for self defence
''Oh my god I'm tired'' You whine as you Lay on your back all sweaty and breathing heavily
'Did I hear something?'' He Looks down At your lying form
''I- no-'' You know what's coming Next.
''Im not deaf,You're doing 100 push ups and 100 sit ups Right now.'' He Says in Stern tone with his French accent
We also Know that To become an Assasin you have to get used to Alot of Gore.
I mean You gotta see some Gorey shit everyday You're a Mafioso After all.
Training with him is Bit Intense
But you'll become Stronger and It boosts your confidence Everyday Around other Ppl soo It's worth it 100%
You're literally being trained By king of Assassin's how could you not be strong I mean.. you can knock Down 10 Grown men With Just Using your fists
After Years of training He asks you to have Hand to hand combat With Him
Well you put up A great right but you still lose ''You may not win against me But you put Up a great fight.Thing The Members older than you in Port Mafia can't do..'' He Says
(Bro the things I'll do To be trained by This Man omg I don't mean it cuz I simp for him and not in A creepy way tho☠️)
After Training for like Years You go on your first Mission and guess what
When you come back With the mission accomplished
You go down in the basement to tell him the News but he already knows That,Ge Comes near you looking down at you and He Pats u on Shoulder ''Good Job.'' with His French accent.
He's like a Proud dad when his Kid Gets high score in elementary school omg
He also Tells you to read books (If you don't like reading them) He'll tell you That Assasin Are suppose to be Smart and not dumb Like you (Not to Insult you just to Get you to read Them)
You agree after that and ask him what type Of books you shall read and he Suggest you to read Some detective Books By Some Authors Like Agatha Christie and etc.
And if you already read Alot of books? he praises you and tells you you're doing Great
(Except If you read Wattpad stories ☠️)
Training with him is Amazing but Very I mean very exhausting even thought you Barely Can walk after all the Exercises and Training
Id rate him
10/10 tho
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tokruta · 11 months
Okay, so my grandfather passed away recently and I was finally able to do some math instead of literally just asking anybody. He passed at 95. In 1956 my grandmother's family died and he took to finishing raising her brothers, I always took it to mean they were on the considerably younger side but apparently they were in their mid to late teens at this point. Either way, in 1956 he would have been 28. He's 5 years older than my grandmother so she would have been 23. My father is about 68 and is the youngest of three, and would likely be less than one year old at the time. Now, I'm not sure how much older his oldest brother is, but I believe its not more than at most 6 years, which would put him at about 6yrs old in 1956. Assuming my grandparents had their first kid shortly after getting married, that would put my grandmother at around 17 and my grandfather at 22 at the, likely, youngest. Which... isn't the best, but that's not too bad for the 1950s I think. Don't ask me why I went about a roundabout way using 1956 as reference instead of just using years like a normal person.
First of all, sorry for your loss ❤️
Yeah, 17 and 22 isn't the worst. By modern standards, it's not good, but it's definitely on the milder side of age gaps I've seen. Regardless, there is a bit of a shift in how we can see our relatives after finding out such things. It's always important to remember to not apply all societal norms to them, but simultaneously recognize some things are morally dubious or wrong.
I've known for years that my grandmother had my mom at 17, almost 18, and that my grandfather is 4 years older (so a similar age gap to your grandparents). They married a few months after her 17th birthday. Not something I'd deem acceptable today, but in a rural rancho in Mexico in the 60s? It was the norm, not a particularly savory one, but a norm nonetheless. This was my baseline expectation for most of the age gaps I'd find, and, as you know, my expectations were shattered in the worst ways.
All that to say, if I'm not projecting too much (and feel free to tell me that I am), I think I understand how you felt after you did the math. Especially when it's people you know/knew. I don't know your relationship with your grandfather, so I won't speak on that, but it can feel a bit disconcerting to fully understand and internalize something somewhat distressing (not sure that's the right word but whatever) about them you didn't know before. Going back to my grandparents, I remember the shift I felt when I thought about their lives in comparison to my own. When I turned 18 and thought about my grandmother having had an almost 2-month-old baby to take care of as a poor elementary-school-educated married woman, while I had just finished high school and was off to college soon, obligation-free. When I turned 21, I was in Mexico visiting my grandparents, and I looked at my grandfather and wondered what it was like to look at your 17-year-old bride, whom you had been seeing since she was at least 16, and see a woman, not a child. That was the summer before I started at my new university and I was horrified at the thought of dating a 19-year-old let alone a barely 17-year-old. I love my grandparents, and in the grand scheme of things their age gap wasn't bad by the standards of the time, but that didn't stop me from feeling discombobulated about how I felt about their early relationship. It's a mixed bag.
Anyway, maybe I'm reading too much into this and it was just something you wanted to share (a sort of dip into the genealogical, if you will, like when I just blast my ancestors on main just cuz lol) but I hope this response was a good one? My words get away from me and having no character limits allows me to ramble to my heart's content lol
Now, for some bonus random knowledge about my ancestors. I've been a bit busier lately, so I haven't gotten much genealogical work done, but turns out I'm descended from, at minimum, 3 different siblings of the same man on my dad's side. One of my great*5 grandfathers had children from 1789 (one of my direct ancestors) up til 1842 (with a different wife) and I just... this man had children for around 50 years!!! What the hell!!! My great*4 grandfather, his firstborn, was old enough to be his youngest sibling's grandfather!!
I am both appalled and fascinated. I remember when I first started seeing the same name show up on different branches, IN DIFFERENT GENERATIONS (APPROXIMATELY 50 YEARS OF OFFSPRING FROM THIS MAN!!!!), I got more and more nervous. While I'm trying not to think of the incest aspects of this (I'll have to work it out later, once I actually start organizing the "tree"), I'm at least glad that it was many generations back and I haven't seen his name on my mom's side (yet...hopefully I won't but who knows).
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
Hi Punk! Lil Sis wanted me to wish you good luck on your comms today and we both hope you will get some silly comms one day! Also uhm that other post- the one where you were a lil freaked out over anon sending a question about Kim's Pico there- erm is it bad that I was admittedly curious about him too? As in general, I mean. Lil Sis also been curious too but now she feels maybe she should wait to ask later because, to quote her, "I don't want Punk think I'm a creepy meanie spy creeper" 😂
Oh yeah I forgot. Gonna just copy paste what Kim sent me
Under the readmore cuz it's long
I should start off that he and Pico's mom were in their early twenties when they had Pico. Why I mention this? Because he, by netherworld demon standards, IS still in his twenties. So he looks more like his son's twin instead of his father. His wife on the other hand has actually aged noticeably over the years due to her being human and all.
If you're wondering, yes, this has often cause confusion among people over the latter years. So many folks had mistook him for as his son's twin that it's pretty much a running gag at this point. Fortunately magic and non-humans are a thing in this universe; he doesn't say he's a demon since uh his kind is rather different than the ones in that universe are but he DOES say he does have some minor lineage of his side of the family that make it so he's stronger and more long-lived than normal humans. Which is also a thing in this universe too so the cover works. Still doesn't stop him from often needing some help from his wife to prove he's telling the truth lol
Oh and I know I probably said this before but my Pico's dad is nothing like Matthew. He might be considered a bit worrisome by human standards if only because uh haha this dork often forgets that certain things that would be normal and ok in netherworld demon society wouldn't be so in human society (like for example him wanting to slaughter this creep who wouldn't stop creeping on his wife, even saying yes to little Pico if he could help, only for him to get bonk on the head by his wife who had to pulled them aside to try her best to explain why he and their son cannot do that. Both him and lil Pico listened in the end but they were both very grumpy afterwards) but overall is a good man despite the hiccups.
Hell, you wanna know how he'd react if he were to have another child but unplanned like how Morgana was? Well, he'd admittedly be unsure at first and will talk things through with his wife if only cuz netherworld kids require a LOT of attention especially since even at young age they're ridiculously strong and durable and uhm prone to accidental destruction at times not kidding about that last bit btw
lil Pico once knocked over a FREAKING TREE while trying to show off how tough he was to some friends at elementary ended up giving the poor PE teacher a new heart attack because one minute they were helping a kid on the swing then the next SUDDENLY A FREAKING TREE IS HEARD SMACKING NEARBY School never found out it was lil Pico btw. Oh he and the kids who saw it said he done it but they didn't believe them because, well, y'know lol
but anyway getting back on track Pico's dad would've accepted the other child if his wife wanted it. It'd be best not to mention what Matthew done to him because… well, this guy would consider your Pico and his family as his own. Partially cuz that's just how he is, partially cuz instincts from his dragon lineage makes him very protective of those who he considers friends and family and wouldn't stand for any serious injustice to them.
So uh for him to learn about what Matthew had done? He'd be very upset on their behalf. Murderously so. His wife will need to step in to talk him down because this man will go out to find Matthew and slaughter him. Yes that might seem ridiculous for him to go do this since your Pico isn't actually his but, well, it wouldn't exactly be too unusual within netherworld demon society. I HAD mentioned netherworld demon's sense of morality is rather odd at times y'know so you can say this is another good insight to that lol I'd also like to add if your Pico and those of his family were to step in to talk him down then he'd listen. He'd be very dumbfounded at them doing this because why wouldn't you want that fucking bastard dead after everything he had done to all of you??? but he'd eventually albeit very reluctantly back down. He'll definitely be grumpy about it for awhile though lol
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