#cuz they'd be more interested in his job as king and stuff like that while asriel makes pies or whatever
buttercupbees · 4 months
Flowey posting cause hfjfnekandjsoka pondering
I like how much flowey cares about toriel. Even if it's not much it's still a lot compared to other people.
Usually with most characters he treats them like video game characters just as much as we do but even though it's small, toriel is the one character (other than chara) he treats differently even if it's minor. He gives her a glass of water when she falls asleep drunk twice, once I think even before pacifist? She's also the one he calls you out on killing. Once directly, which you could argue is just because the game wants you to know that your choices will always matter and that it remembers your saves since she's the first boss, but he taunts you about it again through the echo flower in waterfall which is pretty far from the beginning of the game. Makes me kinda feel like he's mad at you for it even if he can't get himself to care for her like he used to. Idk I just find it interesting that he won't hesitate to kill asgore in any route but will remind you twice about killing toriel which is a lot considering he's not in the middle of the game at all really. He also says in the genocide monologue that if there's one last person who can make him feel anything it would be toriel, more so than asgore could. Even if it doesn't work, he still tries really hard to. Means asriel must've had a really really strong connection to his mom and I think that's sweet idk. Like the one person alive who can make the emotionless murder flower care about them is his mom aw
Btw I know about papyrus too but that's mostly post pacifist
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