#cw: rape
autolenaphilia · 4 months
I don’t care about accusations of ”pedophilia.” I will not give a fuck, I won't investigate your claims, I will just ignore it.
For one thing the accusation of pedophilia is often entirely meaningless. This is because pedophile/pedo etc are words that carry the taint of child rape, of calling up the disgust such an act naturally produces, but are accusations that don’t require such an act or a victim of it. If you call someone a “child rapist” that has weight, but you also have to back it up with a victim this person supposedly raped for the accusation to actually be meaningful. But words like “pedophile” carries no such demands, it literally just means “someone who has an attraction to children.” It doesn’t require an actual victim. It’s an accusation about how someone feels in their head and can thus be liberally applied. Someone criticizes your asinine submarine idea to rescue some children in a cave? Call them a pedo. And even words that once had a more specific meaning, such as “grooming” can be stretched beyond all meaning to mean whatever it wants to. Someone talked to under-18 people about sex and gender in a way you don’t want to? Call them a groomer.
In a culture of pedohysteria, pedojacketing is easy. And it’s especially easy to weaponize it against queer people, the idea that queerness spreads through queers recruiting children by molesting them is one of the oldest queerphobic narrativeness out there. I’m using “queer” here because this is a narrative used both against gay and trans people. But in the present transphobic/transmisogynistic backlash it’s most often used against trans people, especially transfems, as transmasc people are more often infantilized.
But on a more deeper level “pedophilia” is the wrong framing of the real problem of child sex abuse. It’s literally a medical term, a diagnosis. It makes child sex abuse a problem of some sick individuals with a diseased attraction.
This is of course a bad and antifeminist understanding of what rape and sexual violence is. It’s an inevitable and natural expression of power. The widespread rape of women is caused by the patriarchy, of men having power over women. And the misogynist oppression of women with sexual violence naturally extends to young girls. But all children are disempowered in our society. Adults have power over them in the patriarchal family, in the capitalist school system and other institutions of our society. Sexual violence against children flows from the power adults institutionally and systemically have over them. The vast majority of sexual violence towards children comes from the family and schools, not the “stranger danger” of creepy weirdoes hiding in bushes.
This is the reality that the framing of sexual violence as the result of sick individuals with a diseased attraction obscures. And it inevitably calls for a reactionary carceral and psychiatric response, justifying the police, prisons and psychiatric institutions. That’s why “what will we then do with the pedophiles?” is such a popular clichéd response to prison and police abolitionism. This very framing of the problem calls for a carceral response. If the problem of child sex abuse is sick individuals instead of the system, if we constantly root out and punish individuals we will eventually solve the problem.
In reality carceral responses actually make the problem of sexual violence much worse. The police, prisons and involuntary psychiatric hospitals are violent expressions of power and thus create the conditions for rape.
Pedohysteria is constantly used to justify the expansion of state power. Here in European Union we have had a legislative push to ban end-to-end encryption and make all online communication accessible to law enforcement, total online surveillance. And the reasoning is because otherwise pedophiles can use e2e communication to secretly send child porn to each other without the police being able to do anything, which is of course true, that does and will happen, but doesn’t justify killing all online privacy. This “chat control” act is literally called “regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse.”
The pedohysteria also justifies vigilantism, which tumblr callout culture is part of and is also a deeply reactionary and even fascist phenomenon. Vigilantism rests on the idea that what the police do is right, but they are not doing it well enough, because they are too reigned in by liberal ideas such as laws and regulations and the courts. So random people should take on the role of police to punish “criminals”, like pedophiles. And this goes through tumblr callout culture. A subtext running through pedojacketing callouts of transfems is the idea that transmisogyny does not exist and does not lead to transfems being disproportionately punished, but instead transfems are using their minority status to get away with sex crimes.
This standard conservative rhetoric about how liberals often literally let minorities get away with murder justifies their reactionary vigilantism. Of course in reality, transfems are far less likely to commit sexual abuse of children than other groups of people, because we are systematically excluded from the very institutions where such abuse happens, such as parenthood/the family or schools, because of the transmisogynist stereotype that we are all perverted child rapists. And the callouts of transfems as sex predators are in themselves abusive and protect actual abusers, just like how police and prisons are.
So no, I will continue to not give a fuck if you call someone a pedophile.
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aimfor-theheart · 5 months
Why is it that dc such as r@pe, sa, and incest is totally okay to write about and romanticize but y’all draw the line at racism, fat phobia, and homophobia *talking about the writings creators make, not personal beliefs*? Whats the difference between these things? All of them are hurtful and affect people in real life, so why is everybody on here choosing and picking one and not the other? Do writers on here think that they are not comparable or that one is okay to romanticize and the other is going way too far?
Im just genuinely curious as I have seen this topic be brought up again and again, which has made me realize this and Id like to see it from someone else's pov.
hi! there is a lot to answer and unpack here and i have every intention of doing so underneath the cut. forgive me if this gets long, but you’ve asked me 4 very massive questions that i think warrant detail, nuance, and thought. there is a lot i’d like to say here.
that being said, mind the content warnings and protect yourself.
cw: mentions of rape, incest, racism, homophobia, fat phobia, discourse in general
firstly, i am going to choose to give you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you are actually curious in hearing another side and you are not simply looking to stir a pot or pick a fight with beliefs you have no intention of changing or having an open discussion on. your accusatory tone in the first half indicates otherwise and kindly, i am not an idiot. but i want to earnestly talk to you about this and again, will think better of you than you perhaps have indicated you think of me.
secondly, you do not have to censor words like rape in my inbox. that sort of censorship has become wildly popular because of tik tok and other money-hungry social media that also desperately want to silence people. do you know why you have to censor words like that on tik tok? or words like genocide? suicide? racism? 1. so that they can make money and market and push their squeaky clean algorithms but 2. and perhaps worse, so they can silence victims. if social media platforms and capitalism and the systems of powers had it their way, you would never utter these words again—whether to call someone out for justice or to have an open discussion like this one. i encourage you greatly to think critically about this and how you choose to use censorship and why.
now, to your questions.
to preface, i am interpreting this ask as being anti-dark content in fiction as you state that ALL these subjects harm people in real life. or at least, you are being critical of all dark content in fiction and the way writers engage with them, effectively ‘picking and choosing’ which are deemed acceptable and which aren’t, when they are all hurtful. i apologize if that wasn’t your intention/what you believe, but regardless, i’ll endeavor to answer you.
i personally have drawn no lines about dark content nor spoken about any of these topics specifically really, which indicates to me you have a different narrative and/or are coming from more inflammatory arguments that are always circling fandom lately. in the post i most recently reblogged, i spoke mostly of violence. which, of course, all of those things can be. but i didn’t name one of those topics in particular.
regardless, i don’t believe in the censorship of any dark content in art, but rather advocate strongly for critical analysis on a case-by-case basis. in general, i encourage thinking critically about every aspect of the world around you.
i do not believe that rape, incest, and sa are okay to write about or create art about but racism, homophobia, and fat phobia are not. i believe all of those topics are ones that can, should, and will be explored in the safety of art. all to varying degrees of success, earnestness, impact, and intent. you’re right that these are real things, that can hurt people, and the fictional work about them can have impact on our society that is tangible but the actual art or fiction created is not real. and again, this is all to varying degrees on a case-by-case basis.
art and fiction also historically and massively do discuss these dark content topics and have actively swayed the public’s opinion on matters, whether for better or for worse. throwing away all dark content in art and fiction because it is ‘harmful’ is deeply, deeply dangerous and reductive. a lot of art that engages with dark content actually makes very succinct points about it—i think of vladimir nabokov’s lolita or octavia butler’s bloodchild or speak by laurie halse anderson.
this is where we must exorcise critical thinking. some pieces of work will handle dark content poorly—white saviors making art on racism. men making art about a woman’s experiences that (as you are so interested in) romanticize her pain. etc. etc. and some art will handle it’s dark content incredibly and be transformative, perhaps even revolutionary in how we talk, perceive, or acknowledge systems of oppression, violence, and dark content in this world. some dark content in fiction will have damaging beliefs and effects on society, some will not—we must also look at scope for this, at the writer perhaps, the historical moment, their audience etc.
(for example, there is a significant difference in a main stream male writer, writing of a woman’s experience with rape in a published book in a way that makes it sound romanticized, sold to thousands and thousands of general public vs. a woman using fanfic to explore rape, take control of it, or whatever in a fanfic for a small online community where there are warnings on it. indicating she is aware of its potential damage in a way her male counterpart is not…)
but i still believe in dark contents’ existence in art. of course there is differences between all of these topics you brought up, but i don’t think their differences matter in this answer. i believe in their right to be explored in art. i am talking broadly of media/art here, which i think is the more relevant conversation, but i think you are actually more interested in a much smaller scale of people. ie. fandom. ie. mostly marginalized people in small communities online writing and creating dark content.
people will choose and pick which ones they’d like to create art over and which ones they don’t, which ones they read and which ones they don’t. there’s no ‘hard line’ drawn anywhere. and i can’t control it and neither can you. perhaps you think violence is okay to be explored in fanfic, but racism isn’t. someone else will have different preferences. i do not believe in its censorship.
now, let’s move onto your interest in romanticization and what i think you are more pointing to, which is fandom. you are specifically referring to people in fandom who write about rape, incest, etc. and ‘romanticize’ it—ie. they write about it in a way that is a fantasy. it is perhaps supposed to be horny or sexy. so let’s talk about it.
i must remind you that these topics you’ve brought up (rape, incest, sa) being written are fiction and it is (most often) done by someone marginalized who has either experienced this or is in threat of experiencing this under a patriarchy. i assure you, they are aware of its harm. hence the copious warnings in fandom spaces.
if i can be candid, sometimes i think that people forget how systems of oppression work when discussing fandom and whether dark content being created should be allowed or not.
for example, i sometimes think people who are anti-dark content in fandom believe that a woman or afab person writing a fictional fanfic about rape or sexual violence then influences people to go out and rape people or that women actually like it. when the reality, in fandom spaces, is that rape and sexual violence happen frequently under the patriarchy and then these women in fandom write fictional fanfic in response to cope, explore, take control of, etc. etc.
to insinuate that women or afab people (which fandom mostly is) exploring dark content safely in fiction then causes their own oppression and harm or trauma is rather victim-blame-y to me. fandom exploring dark content does not cause these things to happen in our society….these actions (rape, incest, sa) happen in our society or systems of power and fandom reacts to them in their art by exploring it in dark content. do you understand what i’m trying to say?
it’s not a matter of what is ‘okay’ to romanticize and what isn’t. i do not think the romanticization that fandom does with dark content (ie. my kidnapper actually loves me! or this sexual act that i did not consent to…maybe feels good) is not actually romanticizing but coping because of the systems of power that i described above. and this can be coping with anything—shame of sexuality, shame of fantasies, trauma, fear, etc. etc.
as i said in my tags in that post i reblogged and as plato said, dark content in art is a safe place to explore what would otherwise be harmful and dangerous in real life. it is cathartic. potentially even, a purging.
and even if it isn’t all that—maybe it just is trashy fantasy. it is still playing pretend. it is still fiction and in fandom spaces, it is still most likely being created by a marginalized person. and again, even if it isn’t, we don’t get to censor it. we can be critical of it or wary or whatever, but to censor it, is a slippery, slippery slope. do deem some topics as “acceptable” and others as “unacceptable” is dangerous.
just like kids play pretend where they ‘fight’ or ‘kill’ or ‘kidnap’ or ‘shoot’ each other in games of cops and robbers or heroes and villains, they are safely exploring adventure, dark content, fantasy, tragedy, and higher emotions. adults can do the same in fiction and with adult topics like sex.
and at the end of the day, we don’t get to demand the credentials to do so either. we don’t get to censor them or control them and nor should we be allowed to. i cannot stress enough that i encourage you to be critical of censorship or the absolute disgust in dark content and at those (again—often marginalized people) who engage with it in fandom. i believe it is deeply puritanical, conservative, and dangerous.
you don’t have to like dark content or consume it at all and fandom makes it easy not to with all the warnings and tags, but you cannot control others or police them. nor should you want to.
and at the end of the day, i have some questions for you. you don’t have to respond to this, perhaps they’re just things to think about. what is the end goal here? what is the point in harassing, shaming, attacking, criticizing, or interrogating people in fandom spaces who create or support dark content? do you believe that if it is purged from fandom, it will be purged from our society? if you want it purged from society—shouldn’t you start there rather than in the inbox of marginalized writers in fandom? people in fandom did not create rape, incest, and sa nor do they in their exploration of fiction…they are merely reacting to a world that did create it.
i hope at no point i came off as rude to you, as was not my intention. i intended to stand up for myself and respectfully state my opinions and thoughts on this matter. i’m sorry it got long, but also i don’t believe in being brief on such complex matters. i am a writer who engages critically with the world around me and sometimes, things cannot be made into short, snappy answers. sometimes, we must unpack.
genuinely wishing you well.
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yizukikhons · 1 month
Danny is Nightwings Son(Angst)
@ Two of my favorite creators @wolfsrainrules and @wolfjackle-creates
While in jail for the murder of Blockbuster, it is discovered that Catalina Flores(Tarantula) is pregnant. Even though it was only once, it only takes once. Due to the length of her sentence, the baby is put up for a closed adoption and is taken in by the Fentons. They raise Daniel as their own, and he looks enough like them, with his black hair and blue eyes, that no one questions it. Even though his unruly hair is too curly, his nose is too strong, and his skin darkens under the midwest sun to a shade none of his 'parents' have in their families.
Unfortunately, Vlad finds out about this when he tries to use Jack and Maddie's DNA to make Danny from scratch. Vlad is furious. His whole focus is on Maddie. On his need to not be the only one of his kind. And while Danny is still a halfa, he is not Maddie's son. He's now flipping between trying to kill Danny and trying to steal custody to make Danny his son and no one else's. During these events Danny's halfa status is revealed along with the fact that he's adopted. When Danny finds out he, Tuck, and Sam hack into his records and find his birth mom. Finding out his mom is a murderer is not something Danny ever wanted to know, but he does now and he flees to Bludhaven, the location of Nightwing, to ask him about his mom and hopefully find out who his Dad might be.
I don't have a lot more for this scenario, but Nightwing does not take being confronted by his son, conceived through rape after 14 years, very well.
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hazeltongzhi · 2 months
"Terrorism" is a term largely used to discredit any movement that is outside of the interests of western imperialism, at least within the political superstructure of the west. Of course, this is because terrorism is a relative term. The "terror" of a revolting peasant, liberation fighter, or revolutionary is one that seeks to upend imperialism and bring forth self determination. But the real terror to the bourgeoisie is the disruption to exploitation and extraction; the direct attack of property rights that are held to such a divine level that is the gravest attack, more so than any life lost. Yet, the terror of the bourgeoisie, of western imperialism pales in comparison to the "terror" of any liberation movement: genocide, invasion, bombing, rape, the list goes on and on.
From this we see two main points. The first point is that "terrorism", as a concept, is entirely relative. The revolutionary's liberation is terror of the highest level to the bourgeoisie, but the bourgeoisie's mundane daily terror is nothing but a price to pay at best, or a worldly good to "contain the poors" at worst. The second point is that no serious analysis of actions considered to be terrorism can be done without an accompanying understanding of the material conditions which give rise to "terrorism". Indeed, it is the sheer brutality of imperialist terror, that is countless orders of magnitude worse, which is the root cause of revolutionary "terror".
Finally is the use of terror as a tactic. Both the imperialists and liberation movements use it. But one is done to oppress and subdue a population while the other is used to shake off oppression and liberate a population. Indeed, imperialist terror, more often than not, achieves the exact opposite goal it intends to. The mass murder of Vietnamese peasants drove thousands to join the NLF; the indiscriminate home raids in Iraq drove thousands to join the insurgency; and today, the genocide of Palestinians drive thousands to join the resistance. On the other hand, liberation "terrorism", often does achieve its goals. Hezbollah's strikes on israeli and usamerican targets in Lebanon kicked both out of the country by 2000; ZANLA and ZIPRA's attacks on rhodesian settlers drove them to leave Zimbabwe in droves; and today, Al Qassam and its allies drive israelis out on the daily.
To blindly dismiss liberation "terrorism" as immoral and unjust is to ignore the context behind such actions and the material gains and goals they seek to achieve, and downplays the far worse terrorism committed by the imperialists and settler-colonists.
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sickofthis666 · 2 months
Isn't it batshit crazy that when a famous man is accused of rape, two kinds of testimonies come forwards simultaneously:
A part of people who knew him/his circle, (employees, friends, coworkers, lovers, etc) will say, horrified:
"We didn’t know. Who could have thought? He never acted like that with me"
And another part will say:
"Everyone knew. Everyone. For years. Decades. It was an open secret. The whole industry knew."
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frociaggina97 · 17 days
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jewish-vents · 24 days
(CW: rape; rape apologism)
On October 5th, 2023, I found out that I was only born because my (goy) father raped my mother. I haven't been able to really process this or properly deal with it at all because I've spent the past 10 months watching people justify and celebrate rape of Jewish women. Women like my mom, like me, like my sisters. I don't even know how to describe how traumatic it's been. I probably would have been able to cope with learning what happened to my mom if it wasn't for the fact suddenly thousands upon thousands of people have spent nearly a year insisting that rape is a good thing when it happens to Jewish women.
Now I don't think I'll ever be able to cope. I'm so angry all the time. Any random stranger I see, I'm convinced that they think Jews deserve rape, that they'd happily rape me if they had the chance. I see other women in t-shirts or with bumper stickers on their cars that have pithy feminist slogans on them and I'm disgusted by the hypocrisy. The words "me too," even when said in a context totally unrelated to sexual assault, trigger so much rage it makes me feel physically ill. My PTSD symptoms related to my own rape (which was an antisemitic and acephobic hate crime), which I've been managing for years, are getting so much worse.
I don't see how the world is ever gonna come back from this. I know I won't.
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turtle-paced · 9 days
sorry for the subject matter but am I reading cerseis chapters wrong? Did Robert marry her and then immediately straight after wedding begin r-wording her and hitting her? Or was it he upset her during consummation, begun cheating on and ignoring her, then publicly shaming and neglecting her, then she naturally withdrew and revenge cheating with Jaime on greenstone six/seven months after wedding, then Robert begun r-wording her, then he begun the other physical and mental abuse? Again sorry for the subject matter I don’t know which way I’m suppose to read it
This is tumblr, not insta or whatever, and it's okay to type out the full word: rape. Since the site's not filtering it automatically I'd actually encourage you to use the uncensored word so that people can filter it accurately according to their own needs. Give the choice and the power to others, reduce the chances of an unpleasant accident from using a euphemism that someone hasn't put on their blacklisted tags.
I also write about ASoIaF. There's no need to apologise for asking me questions about the disturbing or upsetting content in the books!
Putting the answer to your question under a cut for the content, though.
The timelines aren't crystal clear. Robert was a shitty sexual partner to Cersei even on their wedding night. Given who we're talking about here, it seems unlikely the two had an honest talk about what went wrong and how they planned to deal with it in future once Robert had sobered up. While Robert made attempts to emotionally engage with Cersei at the start of their marriage, that consisted of "things he'd find fun" rather than "address Cersei's valid issues." Valid issues like the fact that he's raping Cersei regularly. Per Cersei VII AFFC, early in their marriage he was raping her at least once every two weeks. I seriously doubt he asked her.
As time went on, Robert found even those paltry efforts to deal with Cersei too much. The public cheating cranked up, the rapes became less frequent. I suspect also that this is where the physical abuse started. Personally, I think the rationale behind Robert's repeated rapes changed over time. The early rapes I suspect were Robert being horny and selfish and entitled; the later ones, the infrequent ones, I think were Robert's expression of his sheer hatred for his wife and his desire to 'put her in her place'.
Throughout this, Cersei is presumably continuing at least an emotional affair with her brother, even if the physical side was dialed down a bit initially (most likely due to scrutiny of a young queen who hadn't produced an heir for the king yet). Her relationship with Jaime is obviously a longer-standing thing. I've written before that I think Cersei initiates particular sexual encounters with Jaime over her anger with Robert's violations and abuse, while she continues the affair with her twin due to deeper-seated, non-Robert-related issues.
The timelines and progression aren't clear here not just because GRRM is bad at timelines. None of the characters have the language to describe spousal abuse or their need for consent. We're left with the vibes, the impression of selfishness and power taking Robert from a jerk to a monster.
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bitethedevil · 4 days
did raphael rape hope
This is just my personal opinion. I believe you can interpret it however you want because it is somewhat vague. Hope’s comment does signify that she has experienced something of a sexual nature in the boudoir.
All in all, I have shared my opinion on the whole Hope storyline and some of what happens in the House of Hope before. The writers of this game are amazing and there is no doubt about it. It does come a bit out of left field for me. I see what they are doing. I get it too: “this cool, suave devil? He’s actually just a cringefail bastard underneath it all”. Subverting expectations and all of that.
At some point the whole thing with Raphael was supposed to be different. You were supposed to be able to go to his house and buy things with soul coins (which would have been so fucking cool and I grieve that it didn’t happen). My take on the whole thing with Haarlep and Hope is that somewhere along the way they were like: “we have made him too cool and likeable, so we need to really point out in a not-so-subtle way that he is actually not”.
Anyway. Back to the point: Raphael is a lawful character. Lawful is not equal to good. He believes in choices. Unfair, impossible choices is his bread and butter. Like he says about Mol:
“She has the unconditional freedom to choose the only option she has left.”
That’s how he works. He would not directly force himself upon Hope, but he would give her an impossible choice between doing it willingly or something horrible happening, if he did rape her. Personally I more believe that it was Haarlep who did something (incubus spittle perhaps, because then she is “”willing”” though that would still be rape) or she was made to watch (which is completely fucked and unacceptable too, obviously). But I do believe she "“had a choice”", though a completely impossible one, because Raphael is Raphael.
He is creepy towards Hope. We see it in the “Taming Hope” documents at his house, but if he did something, I think he would do it in a way that at least justified to himself that it “wasn’t rape”. Choice is sacred to him, because there is no hope to play with and break without choice, and that is how he works.
This, of course, is also dependent on if Hope is an actual person or a concept. There would be something clearly symbolic with him raping the concept of Hope. I mean, that is sort of what he does. He desecrates something beautiful and pure for his own twisted means.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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metamatar · 1 year
it is genuinely grotesque when hindutva fascists repeat the story about a pregnant woman being targetted by hamas with gory details to bait the outrage of zionists because. the story they're actually echoing is of an indian muslim woman called bilkis bano. her rapists were freed this year and they were garlanded and feted by local bjp workers. the riots this occured during were aided and abetted by narendra modi in 2002 when he was gujarat cm, and this was why he was not permitted a visa to many countries.
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estrellami-1 · 8 months
Writer prompt: TW (you don't have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable) sleepy Steve telling the older teens (Jon, Nancy, Robin, Argyle, & Eddie) about being touched without consent while drunk during his King Steve days & they realize that that's why he doesn't really drink anymore.
Okay this sat in my inbox for SO FUCKING LONG (I’m so sorry babe) before I finally felt like I could do this justice. Here goes nothing! Content warning for discussions of past rape. PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
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Okay? (Okay)
After everything—a small, unassuming word that means so much, especially to this ragtag group—most Friday nights can find the six of them in Steve’s house, a few beers and a few more sodas on the coffee table, slow, quiet conversations with a few long, comfortable breaks.
It’s during one such break that Steve nods off.
He hadn’t been sleeping—not that any of them had been—so the general consensus was to let him sleep. Robin covers him with a blanket, and the conversation moves on.
Eventually the night comes to a close, and Robin looks at Steve’s sleeping form before turning her gaze to the rest of them. “I can’t lift him,” she says. “But I don’t want him stay on the couch all night.”
Eddie smiles softly at her. “Want me to take him upstairs?” She nods, and his smile grows as he stands and ruffles her hair, snorting at the glare she sends his way.
He gets an arm around his shoulders, but as soon as his other hand touches Steve’s knee, he’s awake and across the couch. “No, don’t!” He pleads, eyes wide and unseeing. “I don’t- I don’t want-”
“Steve,” Robin says quietly, putting a hand on his arm.
Steve goes still, eyes squeezed shut, only his ragged breathing marking and trembling limbs marking the panic he’s feeling.
“Robin,” Eddie murmurs, “hands off. Now.”
She lifts her hand like she’s been burned, looking at Eddie with wide eyes, turning back to Steve when he gasps.
“Steve,” she murmurs. “You’re okay. You gotta take a breath, babe, all the way in and all the way out. Slow and deep, just like swimming.”
“Don’t- don’ wanna-” he manages, shaking his head.
Eddie puts a hand on Robin’s shoulder to keep her quiet. “Steve,” he says, “can you look at me? Follow the sound of my voice, I’ll keep talking until you can look at me. Just a little bit more, you’re doing good, there you go. Hey, recognize me? Eddie? I need you to take a deep breath, okay? It’s gonna be okay. Breathe with me, ready? In… and out. Good, one more. In… and out. You comin’ back a little?”
“Ed- Eddie?”
“That’s me,” Eddie nods. “Take a couple more deep breaths, Steve, come back a little more, ‘kay? Want me to breathe with you?”
Steve nods jerkily, and Eddie smiles. “I can do that. Just a couple more deep breaths, and we’re gonna hold our breath in between, okay? Just like smoking, remember how you hold the smoke in?” He waits for Steve’s nod. “Good. Breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold. Think you can do that?” Steve doesn’t respond, so Eddie says, “Let’s try together, alright? In… hold… out… hold. Two more times, okay?”
By the end of the second time, Steve’s breathing comes easier, and he drops his forehead onto his knees with a groan. “Sorry,” he mumbles, muffled by denim.
“You don’t need to be sorry,” Robin says quietly, practically vibrating from her position on the floor next to him. “But we’d like to know what happened. If you wanna tell us.”
He glances at her and extends a hand, smiling at her eagerness when she all but trips over herself—still sitting—to hold it.
He shakes his head, squeezes her fingers, looks away. “Just… stupid, y’know? I was… it was during a party, and I was drunk ‘cause I was an idiot back then, even more so than I am now, and this girl, uh. Well. I thought we were just making out, y’know? Just like… having some fun? But then she started kinda… pushing? And I didn’t really want to, and I said so, but.” He shrugs and huffs a hollow laugh. “And it’s not like she was ugly or anything, so I didn’t really know why I didn’t want to, but. Didn’t matter, in the end, I kinda just… let her lead.” The room is silent until he clears his throat. “And, well. I was King Steve for a reason, right?”
“Steve,” Robin whispers, a heartbroken sob of a thing. “Babe. That’s-”
“Rape,” Argyle finishes, nodding. “Very not-cool.”
“No,” Steve says immediately, shaking his head. “Guys can’t be raped.”
Eddie takes a deep, steadying breath. “Steve.” His voice is controlled, even. “Who told you men can’t be raped?”
Steve blinks a few times, then looks down. “Oh,” he says, his voice so small he’s not sure any sound actually came out. “My dad. I… I was raped?”
Robin sniffles. “Think so, babe.”
He blinks heavily at the couch. Curls his toes. Thinks the fabric is oddly rough. “Oh.”
“Steve,” Nancy whispers. “Is that why you don’t drink?”
He gives her a tight, tired smile. “That, and Tina’s Halloween party.”
Nancy swallows a sob, eyes glassy.
“Steve,” Jonathan says, not continuing until Steve looks at him. “How can we help?”
Steve huffs out a broken almost-laugh. It’s too tearful to be anything close. “I don’t know.”
Robin’s vibrating so much Steve’s almost surprised she hasn’t exploded due to pure kinetic energy yet. He briefly wonders if that’s how it works, and makes an even briefer mental note to ask Dustin about it later. “Robin,” he says instead, and inclines his head, inviting her up.
She’s on his lap practically before he can blink. “I’m so sorry,” she’s saying, face tucked into his neck. “I didn’t know- I asked someone to help get you upstairs, I didn’t think-”
“Robin,” he says, then pauses. “Well. I was gonna say it’s okay, but it’s not. It’ll be okay, maybe. I’ll be okay.” He tugs her closer, hooks his chin over her shoulder. Shifts a little. “How the fuck is your ass bony?”
She giggles, which really is what he’d been going for, and pulls back enough to look at him. “I’m really sorry.”
“Not your fault.”
“But I asked-”
“Still not your fault.” He tugs her closer until their foreheads are touching. “Do me a favor?”
“Go home. Get some sleep. Go to the library tomorrow and do some research. Let me know what you find.”
“Okay.” She burrows back into his neck for a quick hug, and his eyes find Nancy’s over her head.
“Can you take her home?”
Because Nancy is Nancy—that is to say, brilliant—she glances at Eddie for half a second before nodding. “C’mon,” she murmurs, nudging Jonathan, because she came with him and Argyle.
“I’ll head out too,” Eddie says softly, but Steve pins him with a look. After a second, he nods ever-so-slightly and begins slowly cleaning up.
Steve sees them out. “Thanks for coming,” he says. “Sorry about that.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, brochacho,” Argyle says. Steve idly wonders if he’s always half-baked, and how often he smokes to stay that way.
Steve nods in thanks and shuts the door, and then it’s just him and Eddie, who’s given up on pretending to clean and is sitting on the couch.
“Thanks,” Steve murmurs. He collapses onto the other end of the couch, tucks a leg up so he can loop his arms around it and rest his chin on his knee. Eddie copies his position. “And I’m sorry for freaking out on you.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Argyle’s right. You don’t need to be sorry. That- what you went through was trauma, same as anything else this shitshow of a town’s thrown at you in the past four years. You don’t need to- you shouldn’t apologize for any of it.”
“Okay,” Steve says, hoping to get a laugh out of Eddie, “I’m not sorry, then.” He gets a barely-there chuckle and resolves to try harder next time.
“Nothing you can think of that’ll help?”
Steve huffs a laugh. “Nah. Already know I’mma have nightmares tonight. ‘S long as I can call someone-”
“You can.”
“Then that’s pretty much it.”
“Pretty much?” Eddie asks, fidgeting after a second. He’s looking Steve’s direction, but won’t quite meet his eye. But he’s smart, so it only takes a second before- “Would it help if I stayed the night?”
Steve’s stomach twists. “You don’t have to-”
“I want to,” Eddie promises. “If it’ll help. I want to.”
Steve takes a breath. Another. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeats, and it feels like the first step to healing.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
So I was browsing through some of your old posts and one of them mentioned that Namor was r*ped? When did that happen? Would you ever consider writing something that deals with the fallout of that? Hope you're doing well btw
Thank you, I am doing fine, and I hope you are too! CW for Heavy/Dark Themes, Rape, Sexual Assault.
(During the 90s Reed Richards was written out of Fantastic Four comics, and presumed dead by literally everyone in the comic world except for Susan who believed he was still alive. In real world time Reed was gone for years, and this was really unheard of for one of Marvel's important characters because the Fantastic Four were Marvel's big team. So it really looked like Reed wasn't going to come back. I say this to let you know why Reed wasn't around in these comics, and to mention that Susan never cheated on Reed.)
So I was browsing through some of your old posts and one of them mentioned that Namor was r*ped? When did that happen?
Yes, Namor was canonically raped in Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50; Empress Llyra (the shapeshifting half Human/Lemurian woman who poisoned Namora, killed Lady Dorma, and helped Tiger Shark kill Namor's father, and tried killing Namor) shapeshifted into Susan (The Invisible Woman) and raped Namor. The next day Namor finds out that Susan never slept with him and that it was Llyra, he snaps and tries to kill her but is stopped by Susan, and the text is very explicit in saying "There's a word for what she did to me, Susan. Had it been committed against you, would you not feel justified?", and this was confirmed by the writer Glenn Herdling in an interview by Twomorrows Back Issue #91.
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Back Issue #91: Namor #50 (May 1994) deals with a touchy subject, as Herdling points out. "My friend Chris Cooper, a former Marvel editor and author of Songs of the Metamythos, recently reminded me that Namor was raped in an issue I wrote. In her attempt to spawn an heir to the throne of Atlantis, Namor's nemesis Llyra seduced him by disguising herself as Sue Richards. Chris asked me if I regretted writing that scene. I told him that I thought it was a powerful story, and if I had to tell it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. People don't think a strong, virile hero like Namor - who represents the essence of masculinity - could ever be a victim of rape. Namor is a attractive, stalwart individual with a magnetic personality who has always been portrayed as having an insatiable appetite for the fairer sex. When a female adversary takes sexual advantage of such a man, a common reaction is, 'So what?' Sue Richards illustrates this double standard when she demands to know why Namor was in a homicidal rage. Namor retorts, 'If the act had been committed upon you, Susan Richards, it would be called something else.' At the time if I had proposed such a story and the victim had been female, it would have never seen the light of day."
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Would you ever consider writing something that deals with the fallout of that?
I have written many scenes that deal with the fallout of Llyra's actions towards Namor, and a have planned a big portion of my fic, Sub-Mariner: Ascension around the 90s and all that happens. Is any of it published on my Ao3 yet? No, but it will be sometime in the future.
Unfortunately I don't have a set date for when I update fics, it depends on my schedule, and my ability/energy to write. I've been struggling a lot with writing lately so I am working on trying to finish my other works before devoting myself back to my Sub-Mariner: Ascension fic as that's really my long time pet project, it's a fic that is more of a novel, or several novels, that chronical Namor's life through the comics but with a more in depth look at his adventures and his character, it's darker at some points than the comics ever go, and deal with a lot of heavy subjects like the above mentioned incident, as well as Namor's time growing up, his time in the war, with each team he's been on, and each loss he's endured. It's supposed to flesh out and connect a lot of threads that the comics never pick up on while including new original elements. I did commission a fanart of for this too, and I hope over time to commission more arts for this story, as well as finish writing it.
I have toyed with several ideas of a stand alone fics that covers what happened to Namor, this time and other instances*, but I was never sure if anyone would be interested in dark fics that has heavy angst/whump as well as dealing with this topic for Namor.
*This also isn't the first time Namor was raped, or sexually assaulted, however it's always played off, never spoken of again, or turned into "well he wanted it".
The first time a shapeshifter seduced and tricked Namor into sexual relations was in The Defenders (1972) #93; The dead Lady Dorma seemingly comes back to life and places a spell/mind control on Namor to do her bidding and attack the surface world. The Defenders figure out something is wrong with Namor and "Dorma" reveals herself as Nebulon, The Celestial Man. He was recurring enemy of The Defenders, and when Namor finds out that "Lady Dorma" was Nebulon he fights him and says, "You have violated my very consciousness, Nebulon -- defiled the memory of the fairest creature I have ever known! You have used me scum -- and The Sub-Mariner is not lightly used!" -- "When I think that I... held you in my arms -- let my lips brush yours... I am sickened."
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(So while Herdling thinks he's written this happening to Namor for the first time, it's not, however Herdling does point out in no uncertain terms what it is. Which is a far better writing than what Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) got stuck with. It's actually so interesting that both Namor & Johnny got a story arc about a green skinned shape-shifter Llyra & Lyja who takes on the shape of other women to trick the men into sleeping with or marrying them only for the truth to come out. In fact Namor in these issues even thinks it's Lyja who raped him before figuring out it's Llyra.
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While Namor got to say what happened to him was rape, Johnny doesn't. Johnny gets made fun of for Lyja. More about this subject in this post by @/ Traincat) )
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #58 - Just an issue ago Namor was thinking suicidal thoughts over losing his wife, Marrina, and gets roped into helping some humans. Sandra touches and kisses Namor thinking that him being annoyed by her is just a front for unresolved sexual tension between them, but Namor rebuffs her and tells her that his affections are not so easily won. Later a mysterious old man tells Namor he needs to relax and to appreciate the pleasures life offers him.
Basically the comic dismisses Namor being uncomfortable with a strange woman who came onto him, and tells him he needs to enjoy himself. Nothing romantic happens between Namor & Sandra in later comics.
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Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) Annual 3 - Namor is visiting a friend in Tokyo, and the friend's (wife? girlfriend? text just says woman) woman comes to Namor in the middle of the night seeking to sleep with him. He tells her this is improper, and she leaves, she returns more dressed, and seduces Namor again, against his protests, touching, kissing him, before a panel shows Namor giving in. It's later revealed the woman is a cyborg assassin.
The framing of this pretty much shows how uncomfortable Namor is with the whole situation.
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Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #36 - The Neried seek to seduce Namor by shifting their forms to look like Lady Dorma & Marrina, his dead wives, but he rejects him, and just like in The Defenders, he is enraged someone would take on the forms of women he loved so deeply and dearly.
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The Invaders (1975) Annual 1 - The Shark, knocks Namor out, ties him up, changes his clothing to steal his speedos. While it's played for comedic effect, this isn't the first or last time a villain has tied Namor up, but I make special mention of this because of the fact that at one point while unconscious Namor was stripped naked against his will.
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Villains often admire Namor's body, and remark on it. Honestly the amount of times Namor's been tied up, abused, experimented on, etc. happens so many times that it'd need it's own post.
One more I'd like to mention because of the implications is Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 - Norman wants Namor on his side, and has a talk with Namor while he's in the shower (full comic) and while Namor definitely has the strength to defend himself, this is more of a psychological play by Norman, talking to a person while they are naked is a very vulnerable moment, the hand touch, etc. Norman knows he can't control Namor through brute strength so he positions himself in a way that gives him power over Namor while also offering Namor things he wants, a mention of how he can give Namor a place to belong, with Emma, a home on his team.
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As many Namor fans know, Namor does not like to be touched without consent, even if its a tap on the shoulder, and while the comics have often implied it's because Namor is royal, he's arrogant, he doesn't want peasant hands to touch him, etc. honestly I personally just headcanon that after years of people touching him when he doesn't want to be touched he's just put up a wall of arrogance to defend himself from further molestation. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think so because even as a kid he was (physically & verbally abused) by his grandfather (Namor: The First Mutant (2010) #4), beat up by other Atlantean kids, etc. so why would he want people he doesn't trust touching him. He's unclothed a lot, and people think that means it's ok to touch when it's not. Even when it's just a person he knows, he doesn't like it.
Defenders (2001) #7
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I know this is a long reply, but it's just a subject that I don't think gets discussed enough tbh. Also to make one final point is bringing this back to what Herdling said in his interview: When a female adversary takes sexual advantage of such a man, a common reaction is, 'So what?'
While I'm not a fan of Herdling's writing, his run on Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) had so many issues with plot, etc. I do think he makes an interesting point in this interview (that took place in 2016? I think) about the double standard male characters face when it comes to Rape, Sexual Assault, and on another note Domestic Abuse, or any time of crime that we typically associate with men doing to women, how there's a general lack of care. It's turned into a joke when a woman abuses a man, or how the man is treated as something less if he doesn't perform masculinity to societies standards. Namor + Masculinity is a topic that could be discussed further, because he is one of the characters that many people think has toxic masculinity but they just haven't read his comics. While Namor definitely has some bad qualities, he's also very confident in himself and his masculinity, so by Herdling not shying away from the subject that "yes, Namor was raped, no I don't regret writing it", it's so interesting. A lot of creators often just shy away from confirming anything or try to defend their choice to have a male character raped/sexually assaulted, or excuse it, or ignore it, or make fun of it, or blame the male character. ESPICALLY when a character is, like Namor, a lover, a flirt, probably promiscuous, they are blamed for what women do to them. One example that drives me so insane is Gambit. I'll put the rest under a cut since it's more graphic than what I've shared so far, and further down I analyze Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50 in more depth.
I think the only male character who's depiction of rape (twice) is actually done differently and not brushed off or treated as a joke is Captain Britain. (Of course there's probably other stories out there with other characters but I'm just going off what I know in the big 2, Marvel & DC comics). You can read this post that goes more into Brian's experiences by @/ Thisiswhatwereupagainst.
CW for Heavy/Dark Themes, Rape, Sexual Assault, Incestuous implications.
If you haven't read X-Men (1991) #171-173, then I'd warn you about how bad the writing is; a student, Foxx, propositions Gambit, comes onto him while he's in the shower, he rejects her. He's blamed for taking advantage of a student (why do characters think the worst of Remy, he's not a bad guy!), then he finds out Foxx is actually Mystique who claims to want to sleep with Remy for the sake of her daughter. He rejects her again, but doesn't tell anyone about it, and when it gets out that it's Mystique then Rogue is mad at Remy for keeping it a secret. The sexual assault isn't ever brought up again and is ignored, but again it was framed as "Remy is a sexual dude, he would be ok with it, besides who cares?" Just because a character is promiscuous doesn't mean they want/deserve something like this to happen to them.
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Both Namor and Remy are seen as charming, they get the girls, "so what if they are subject to unwanted attention? They should enjoy it..."
It doesn't help that both Remy & Namor have had moments of queer writing, with Remy & Namor nearly being made Bisexual/Gay, (Namor's was in an AU) but they were barred from being canon lgbtq characters in Marvel by the bosses, even though there are times throughout their 616 comics where you can interpret them as not just cis straight men.
--- At the time if I had proposed such a story and the victim had been female, it would have never seen the light of day."
Nightwing (1996) #93 - Nightwing is raped while in an emotionally compromised state, but if he had been a woman would that issue have seen the light of day?
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Wonder Woman (1987) #214 - The Flash (Wally West) is beaten and sexually assaulted by Cheetah.
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He's a married man, but Cheetah calls him lover as she beats him, and is about to rape him before she's stopped. If it was reversed would this have been allowed to see the light of day?
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Flash brushes off this experience.
I'm not saying that women in comics haven't been raped or assaulted but I'm just pointing to a few examples of how differently male vs female characters are treated, "because it's not acceptable for it to have happened to a woman but it's ok for a man" Herdling basically says.
A more in depth look at Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #48-49.
First off the cover is just Bad. Like really bad, like "What on earth possessed you to make THAT cover?!" The theme of one man with a haram of sexy ladies isn't unheard of, that's not why it's bad though I do side eye it anyways, but the reason it's bad is because of who the women are.
Andromeda - Namor's friend, a proud a fierce Atlantean warrior, the daughter of Attuma, who has Namor's trust and confidence. Namor appointed her as Peacelord, she's basically become the captain of Namor's guard. While Andromeda has/had a crush Namor, nothing ever came of it and Namor never viewed her in a romantic light, only as a friend.
Marrina - Namor's second wife, they were happily married for a short time before Marrina turned into a sea monster, she breifely turns back into herself only to beg Namor to promise to end her life so that she no longer harms anyone else, and Namor honors her wish after she turns back into a sea monster, killing her with a magic sword. It makes sense for her to be on the cover.
Princess Fen - Namor's mother. Yes. His mother. Do I need to say more? Like why the fuck would you put Namor's MOM in a sexy lady Haram group shot with a title card that reads "Haunted by memories of lost love!" we know the writer intended romantic love, not platonic or familial love. Namor & his mom have never had an incestuous relationship ever.
Lady Dorma - Namor's first wife, who was murdered by Empress Llyra. He loved her very much. (I know people will always point out that Dorma was Namor's "cousin" but honestly the comics never state they are blood/close cousins, only a loose term of "cousins", Dorma was a Lady of the Altantean Court, a noble family.) They grew up as friends in court, and she was one of the only people who treated Namor kindly, and he doesn't even realize his true feelings for her until they are both adults. It makes sense for her to be on the cover.
Namorita - Namor's younger cousin. While I know there's people who will point out that Nita had a crush on Namor when she first knew who he was, I will also point out that Nita was like 16 years old, a stupid horny teenager who was raised alone (and probably abused) in the court of Empress Llyra after Llyra poisoned her mother, and Namor was the first person to defend her when she needed it, AND I will also point out her "crush" lasted barely a comic before she found a cute human sailor boy her age to crush on instead. Namor's only ever treated her like a little sister and again not in an incestuous manner. So again, why do we have her in a sexual position here?
Susan Richards - a married woman who long ago told Namor she doesn't love him several times, the Namor/Sue ship was dead in the water, and Namor had moved on from his infatuation, and was married twice. He never had his feelings reciprocated. I understand why she's on the cover but I just don't like it. lol.
The comic promises to dive into Namor's lost romances of the past, but out of all the women featured here the only 2 who loved Namor & he returned their love were Marrina & Dorma. For Andromeda it was a one sided crush on her end, and for Susan it was a unhealthy obsessive infatuation on Namor's end. It really feels like they just wanted to have sexy ladies on the cover and that's why its framed this way. Furthermore Namor is chained to the bed, while his arm is around Lady Dorma, he is staring blankly past everyone.
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Namor is haunted by nightmares of losing his mother, of the Witch-Queen Artys-Gran, and of his dead wives.
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He awakens and learns he's in a decompression chamber to stablize him. Susan and Namor talk about their lost spouses, and rekindle their friendship. However nothing romantic has happened between them. Later in the comic Namor is in bed, reading a book, at Oracle Inc. the company that he owns and runs, he has personal rooms, and a private pool, because he was living there most of the time, when a mysterious shrouded female figure enters in a short robe.
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The comic ends in a cliff hanger, and the next comic it's revealed that it was Susan (Storm) Richards. Or is it?
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The cover shows Namor kissing Susan while Johnny, Ben, and Lyja look on in shock and horror. The tagline on the inner splash page reads "Someone's been sleeping in my bed".
Namor and Susan get dressed for the day while discussing what happened last night. Namor feels uneasy but doesn't know why.
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Namor goes off to his company for a meeting before going to Hydrobase to speak with Andromeda, and the off to see Nita who gives him some advice about dating, a tux, and flowers. Namor's happy but nervous, however when he gets to Fantastic Four and gives the flowers to Susan, Susan is confused and angrily snaps at Namor for touching her.
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Ben punches Namor, everyone thinks Namor is trying to make a sleazy move on Susan for some reason, and while Namor's trying to explain and say it's between him and Susan, still believing that she was with him last night, all four of them battle, in the end Lyja shapeshifts into a monster to join the fight, and Namor seeing her change her form realizes that it wasn't Susan who slept with him last night. Mistakenly he believes that Lyja was the woman who came to him last night and attacks her. However he realizes it's not her, but that it was another shapeshifter. He leaves the Fantastic Four, and they follow.
Phoebe Marrs, an employee who took over running Oracle, and a recurring character from the series (earlier on in the series it was implied that her son's father was her twin brother Desmond, and Desmond died by suicide, however she's been seeing his "ghost") Namor figures out that the "ghost" is real, and it was a shapeshifter, his theory is right and it's revealed that Llyra has been around for ages posing as both Desmond and Phoebe on occasion. Also Llyra (as Phoebe) slept with both Jim Hammond (earlier in the series Jim thought he was sleeping with Phoebe who came onto him, so he was shocked to learn that it was Llyra, so she had raped him as she had Namor), and Leon McKenzie (*sigh* a secret son of Leonard McKenzie/his second wife, who then had a son named Leon, who would be Namor's nephew and works at Oracle, no one cares or remembers him).
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At this reveal and the realization that he slept with his most hated enemy, again the woman who has poisoned his cousin Namora, who killed Lady Dorma, and helped kill his father, a woman he despises. A woman who since day 1 has wanted Namor romantically even though he never wanted her in that way. A woman Namor has vowed to kill in revenge for Dorma's death. Llyra raped him because he would have never slept with her if he knew. He snapped, and tries to kill her, and demands to know "why?", and Llyra spits on him as an answer. Namor tries to kill her, but is stopped by Susan. His hurt, his pain, his abuse, his rape is met with a "so what?" "no matter what she did to you, you can't kill her". Namor can't kill his rapist because Susan says he can't. Llyra then says he can't because she is pregnant with his child (She's not, it's Leon's child) and Namor is shocked, he lets her go, calls her a sick woman, Namor chooses not to press charges against Llyra and let's her go.
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Then Namor loses it, like he starts laughing manically, and it makes the Fantastic Four uncomfortable so they just leave. Namor doesn't tell the rest of the Fantastic Four that he is sterile (this has since been retconned), and he can't have children, so he doesn't believe Llyra is pregnant with his child.
Later Susan shows up to check up on Namor, and he tells her he wanted to be alone with his shame, and they discuss how they could never be.
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Then for some stupid reason Herdling has Susan and Namor kiss. It makes no sense, but Herdling liked the idea of Namor/Sue, but though the writer wanted, he knew he couldn't go further than a kiss. (Back Issue interview) I suppose people could look at it as a "a comfort/pity kiss" but honestly I hate the Namor/Sue ship too much to see it as anything but a writer's ship preference. People point to it to say Susan cheated on Reed by kissing Namor (this is the ONE time this happens) but at this point in the comics Reed is "dead". I hate when people try to say Susan is a cheating slut so it feels so disingenuous to say this was a kiss made of love or lust or whatever, instead of acknowledging that the writer really wanted to get a Namor/Sue kiss in.
Personally I think the issue of what happened to Namor is very overlooked by fans and creators, that Namor is a victim of rape, and how although it is acknowledged in it's moment, people still don't give it the gravitas it deserved, especially for a character like Namor. True this comic didn't brush off or ignore what Llyra did to Namor, but by the end of it, the Namor/Sue kiss, it really does feel like "ok, Namor is a little sad but he's ok once Susan REALLY gave him a kiss" so it does feel like the writer brushed off the effects of his abuse.
What's more, why? why would Namor ever feel comfortable kissing Susan when her likeness was used to hurt him? Why would be ok with any physical touch or sex or kissing when just a day before he was raped? Again, comics do not handle the fall out of rape well at all.
Now with Aaron writing Namor, and underwater politics, and a war for the Atlantean throne, I suppose we'll see if Llyra will ever return to make a play for the throne that she wants so badly, but I won't be surprised if Aaron doesn't ever use Llyra, because then he'd have to actually write about Namor confronting his rapist after Namor left Llyra to die in Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #11 (she survived somehow of course, but she hasn't interacted with Namor since.)
Anyways like Namor's canon PTSD, we won't get much depth into heavy subject matter and deeper characterization unless a good writer really wants to write it. And that's the full story of Namor's rape in Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50.
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maklodes · 8 days
So. Like.
I'm not the kind of guy who casually accuses people of making rape threats, but... uh...
Elon Musk saying he'll impregnate Taylor Swift in response to Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris isn't exactly a rape threat, but it seems sort of close to rape-threat adjacent, to me?
I mean, maybe it wouldn't have been if Taylor Swift had expressed a desire for a child as she riffed on the whole "childless cat ladies" meme, but as it was, it was a response to her endorsing the opponent of Musk's preferred candidate.
I guess you could say it's a joke, but coming from Musk it doesn't seem particularly humorous?
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heron-breeder · 10 months
CW: detrans, safe word violation, therefore rape
A woman ties me up for sex , and I’m excited. I let her gag me, make me fully vulnerable. It makes me feel feminine, in a way.
But she just smiles, and says “aww, your cock got so hard for me! You really like do like this don’t you?”
I squirm a little. I had mentioned wanting it to be called a clit, but I guess I hadn’t talked about it a whole lot before hand. I may not have told her clearly enough. And it’s not that bad, I guess.
She begins teasing me. She gives me cock clit slow, long strokes, while playing her fingers along my thighs. I’m fully hard, and letting my self get lost in the feeling. The little slip up from before.
“Awww, what a good boy.”
My eyes shoot open and I jerk around a little. I know I didn’t mention how sensitive I was about my dysphoria, but I assumed it would be implied when I said I wanted to pretend my cock was a clit. I mean, call it a clit.
She pulls her ah f away. “Oh, I’m sorry. You’re a girl. Good girl.”
I nodded. Okay, I can take a slip up. It’s not like it’s a hard mistake to make when my big cock standing up there. God, no, that’s a weird thought to have.
We continued on, she kept teasing me. stocking my cock, and then, she would call me a good boy again, and I’d rock around. It kept brining things to a halt.
Finally, she leaned back, stopping touching me at all. “Have you figured it out yet baby?” She leaned in closer. “I’m not her for some girl. I’m here for a good boy. And you don’t get to cum until you admit that you’re a delusion fake girl.”
My eyes shot wide open. I was still strapped down tightly. I tried to thrash as hard as I could, but there was no escaping.
“Oh, and if you think getting blue balls is better then letting go of this delusion, you’re also not getting out of here without confessing that you’ll always be a big dumb man that thinks with your cock.”
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
ok so i was talking about season 4 ian a little while ago, and now that i rewatched season 4 for the 4th time i just need to say yet another thing about ian that sesson that we never talk about.
he was literally staying with monica?? …in a crackhouse. like, he stayed in contact with monica, which we knew, but here’s the full situation from what we know because it’s so wild and upsetting:
ian’s in the army and shit goes south (he tries to steal a helicopter and some other shit but fails) so he runs away. we don’t necessarily know the timeline for his job at the white swallow/the fairy tail, but we know he was staying with ned and he was going kinda wild and smashed his table (other people like that ian-lookalike were there), and so ned kicked him out. but he didn’t go home to the gallagher’s, he called his mom. HE CALLED HIS FUCKING MOM TO COME PICK HIM UP AND HELP HIM. like… ughhhhhhhhhh i can’t. fucking ian. and she does, surprisingly enough. she tells ned where they’re living and he stays with her and this other woman in this fucking crack house and (i believe) she got him the job that led to him being drugged and raped and all of that, and i feel like they very well could’ve done drugs together, and then you know what she does? SHE ABANDONS HIM IN A FUCKING CRACK HOUSE. SHE LEAVES HIM THERE. HE’S SEVENTEEN AND WORKING IN A CLUB AND HE’S VULNERABLE AND UNSTABLE AND FUUUUUUCK… HE CALLED HIS MOM AND SHE LEFT.
why don’t we talk about that?? why is it all, “oh ian looked so hot while starving himself and being on drugs and being sexually abused and mentally unstable and in tight clothes😍😍”, instead of, “holy shit. this is a very traumatized and hurt child who clearly needs help, should not be working this job, and who should be in school. it’s alarming that his family doesn’t seem to care much about his absence, and he is clearly in so much danger”. he was a KID.
and i hear some of y’all saying shit like, “i wonder what would’ve happened if mickey hadn’t found ian at the club when that guy was with him (4x07)”, i don’t wonder! i know! ian would have been raped, and it had so clearly happened several times before. did you see how casual ian was about not only taking the roofie but waking up after being roofied? yeah, of course that had happened. i mean, he ends up not knowing his body count because it’s so high and he was sleeping with so many people for money and since he was underage/intoxicated was it ever really consensual (that’s rhetorical; of course it wasn’t. he is a VICTIM).
this period of time isn’t something to be glamorized and i don’t understand why it is… yeah, i get it, packing nine inches, haha- but still. season 4 is the darkest season of shameless for a reason.
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