#cxpperhead's holding all the attention rn so I'm briefly breaking focus and doing this for Khare
oculusxcaro · 1 year
Which "evil" woman from Mythology/Folklore are you ?
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Medusa is a gorgon in Greek mythology who has the ability to turn men to stone and is beheaded by Perseus. Different versions of her story involve her being impregnated in the temple of Athena by Poseidon, then turned into the legendary monster by a vengeful Athena. Her name comes from the ancient Greek word for "guardian". Like Medusa, your legend precedes you. You are well known and beloved by those in your circle. You have known pain in your life but you're resilient and have come through the other side all the more loving and kind. Love is important to you, whether the presence or the absence of it. Those closest to you know you as warm and strong.
Tagged byStolen from: @draggeddowntothedark and @the-rorschach-mask (♡) Tagging: Whichever one of you HOOLIGANS hasn't done it yet!!
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