#d1 féminine
jigglypuffseyebrows · 22 days
Sakina is all of us during penalties
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(juste pour @reborn-from-your-ashes )
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mittwoch-addams · 1 year
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L’OL Féminin remporte son 16e titre de D1 Arkema 😎
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redwineconversation · 8 months
Lindsey Horan Le Progres Interview (September 28, 2023)
She might not kneel for the national anthem but she will kneel for Lyon's values. Give and take if you will.
An interesting interview with a player who maybe embodies Lyon's values in a way people are only just beginning to understand.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; this cold is KILLING me and I am singlehandedly financing the Medicine Ball supply from Starbucks (hint hint OL Comms Dept); I wish I could emphasize how much invasive shit annoys the HELL out of me and YES I do think stans should be banned from stadiums; y'all know the speech by now.
As I so often say, to know Lyon is to understand them. This is how you get to that. (Turns out you CAN get to know a player without developing a parasocial relationship!!)
Lindsey Horan (Olympique Lyonnais Féminin): "Playoffs or not, we want to finish first at the end of the season"
Returning from the midwest in the United States, where she has just spent two weeks during the international break, Lindsey Horan confirms that she will be ready to play against PSG on Sunday at the Parc des Princes. A first clash of the heavy weights according her, despite the new format and the playoffs put in place in the D1 Arkema.
How are you feeling after this international break, are you ready to go?
It was really nice being in Chicago and Cincinnati. We played two really good games against South Africa, which we won, and that did us a lot of good, we needed that. But it was also sad because we had to say goodbye to Megan Rapinoe who retired. I came back from the United States on Monday, and was in training with the team on Wednesday. With each return from international break, I am jet lagged, it usually takes me between two to three days for my sleep schedule to get back on track, and a week to recover completely. But that's my life (laughter).
Have you recovered enough to play against Paris [Saint-Germain] on Sunday?
Oh yes, without a doubt, I can only be ready!
The scheduling of this PSG-OL isn't exactly ideal, right after the international break?
You'd think the French Federation were doing it deliberately, they always schedule the clashes between PSG and Lyon right after the international break. It's obviously not ideal. We got most of the national players back on Wednesday afternoon, so that doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare. But that's part of our job to put everything in place, along with the staff, to be ready for Sunday. This situation isn't exactly better on the Parisian side...
Usually the games against PSG carry a lot of weight. With the playoffs system put in place this season, is the PSG-Lyon clash somewhat less important?
No, not for me, and I hope nobody else thinks like that. For us, at Lyon, we want to win every game, even more so games like that. If we want to be champions, stay at that level and maintain our standards, we have to play our best football to win. So yes, this season, it's a bit different with the play-offs. Some say that it's not that important as long as they finish in the top four, because they can still win the league. But that's not the Lyon mentality: we want to win everything and finish first at the end of season, play-offs be damned.
What do you think of this new structure?
I prefer the former one. I'm from the United States where we're used to playing playoffs, it's the norm. But what I liked in France up to now, it's that to remain at the top and keep your position as first in the league, and qualify for the Champions League, it's that you had to be consistent throughout the season. The slightest error, a draw or a loss to PSG could put everything into play and you'd be in a difficult situation. Personally, I'm not a fan of this [new] system, even if it's not "bad" and I understand that it's attractive for the broadcasters and for the D1 Arkema followers. But for me, being top of the league throughout the season shows how much team is strong and powerful.
What do you think of this 2023-2024 PSG team which you played against three weeks ago in the Trophee des Championnes?
It's still a really good team who represents a big threat. Sure, they lost one of their best players which was to our benefit. And I'd rather she (Kadidiatou Diani) is on our side, so I'm happy to have Kadi[diatou Diani] amongst us. But they also got a lot of players since we played them at Troyes. It's always a real battle and a proper fight between Lyon and Paris [Saint-Germain], anyone can win it, so it should be exciting.
The Lyon roster is incredible this season. Lyon is the big favorite, no?
Yeaaahhh. (laughter) I don't really look at nor listen to what people say about Lyon, honestly. I don't like people saying that we are favorites. We respect PSG and we know we have to up our game against them to win. The most important, it's that we play our game, with our strengths and our style. We're Lyon, we want to dominate and make sure the prophecies come true.
Lyon has a huge offensive arsenal this year with the arrivals of Diani and Dumornay. Is that competitiveness in the attack a good thing in your eyes?
Yes, it's incredible. Lyon has always had top players but to be challenged on a daily basis to earn your place as a starter or to play some minutes, it's the most important thing in a team. It's great, it makes us better.
In the midfield as well, there's some very stiff competition. You're part of the [core] players, but do you feel that your place as a starter is at play?
Nothing can taken for granted. If a player thinks their place is guaranteed, that's a mistake because there are so many good midfielders, you have to be at the top of your game and give your best at each practice. We all have to have those standards because if you want to be on the team sheet on game day and as a stater, you have to perform well the whole season.
You chose to extend with Lyon until 2026. Why?
For the pure and simple reason that at Lyon, I'm playing with the best players in the world and that I can play a style of football which I couldn't have in the United States. And to play the Champions League each year, it's just incredible. We don't have that kind of competition in the United States. To not have access to that, to not play those kind of games with the emotions that come with it, it would be too hard. And also, it's hard to refuse an offer of a contract extension with Lyon, it's such an extraordinary club...
Your good friend Amandine Henry did the opposite and returned to the US.
Yeah, we met in Portland and we connected really well, both as friends and on the field. She really brings something different to the team, she's so powerful, so competitive... It's crazy. But I'm losing her again, she decided to leave me. (laughter) The truth is I'm really happy for her. Every player should have that kind of experience and play in different leagues. It's a great growing experience, discovering other cultures. I would have liked for her to stay but I'm happy for her, especially because she's back with the French National Team.
You seem to have formed a great partnership with Ada (Hegerberg) and Vanessa (Gilles), you're quite the threesome.
Quite the what now? (laughter) No worries, I can say some nice things about both of them if you want (laughter) They're really great, they're my two closest friends at Lyon. Last year, when Vanessa arrived, the three of us bonded as friends. Which is really surprising because at the beginning, I didn't like Vanessa (laughter) I'm kidding. But she was a real introvert. I got to know her, and she's someone who is very authentic, one of the best people I have met in my life. It's cool to have someone like her on a team, it's rare.
They say that at 29, a footballer is living their best years of their career. Do you feel that way?
Oh yeah, people are saying that? I hope so (laughter) I hope that I am at my peak but I also want to continue to improve (laughter) But seriously, I don't think I've ever played as well during this World Cup, just like last season with Lyon. For me, it's a personal challenge to get better year after year. This season, I want to win more trophies, win the Champions League again, so I have to do even more individually. As you said, these are the best years so I hope it will be the peak.
How did you experience the changes with the staff (departure of the head of physical fitness Romain Segue and the arrival of Simon Pouplin as the goalkeeper coach, replacing Christophe Gardié)?
It's always difficult when people leave but it's good to have a bit of change as well, especially in how things function because it brings some new ideas. I think that with the arrival of Michele Kang, the size of the staff will grow and our team needs that because we need the best. At this point, we're happy with the changes and we hope that it will allow us to continue to progress.
Are you happy with the owners?
When she took over Washington Spirit, Michele Kang immediately set the objective of making it the best club, to bring the best players, the best head coach, to have the best of everything, really. Today, lots of teams are beginning to invest and we have to keep doing that to stay at the top of women's football. It's necessary.
What was hardest last season: Lyon being knocked out by Chelsea in the Champions League or the US being knocked out in the World Cup?
Both. Against Chelsea, it was very difficult because we were full of confidence, we were on the cusp of being qualified [for the semis] and we fell short. On a personal level, it was even harder because I missed a penalty. It's really complicated to accept and process, but that's football. The World Cup, it's the same, we went to penalties but only one team goes through and once again, that's football. It's hard to compare, both were really hard to experience, but maybe the World Cup was a little harder because it only happens every four years.
Does Lyon want revenge after that cruel elimination against Chelsea?
Each season and each team is different, from one season to the next. I don't really like to use the word revenge. We have a new opportunity, a new team, lessons to learn from with this new edition. We don't want to live that again, we want to win and play our best football.
Has the loss in the World Cup been properly processed?
In hindsight, I don't think we played our best football in the group stage. There were a lot of reasons and when I think back on it, I tell myself we could have done a lot more. In the Round of 16, we played a really good game that we could have won. But Sweden is a really good team and their goalkeeper made some incredible saves until that penalty shootout. But we left the competition with our head high and I think that's the most important thing.
Are you still doing well in Lyon?
Yeah, I'm really happy here and it's one of the reasons I wanted to stay. My partner was able to join me and can work from Lyon. And my dog should come next week!
What's his name?
It's a French bulldog named Ferguson! I'm not a Manchester United fan because I support Arsenal [men], but I really like Sir Alex Ferguson.
You're one of the rare Americans who imposed themselves in Europe. How do you explain that?
I'm not as American as people think (laugher). My style of play is better suited and valued in Europe. A lot of American players didn't like their European experience or weren't able to play their best football because they were playing with a really American style and that doesn't always work her. A lot of my teammates tell me actually that I'm the most American European they have ever met. But it's just my style of playing. I like that the football culture is more developed here than in the US, even if it's getting better and better. In Europe and at Lyon, it's all about football. Maybe that's why I have succeeded and why I love my life here.
In the US, do they understand your choice to stay in Europe?
Most of my teammates understand it because they know how I play and know it's a good thing for me. A lot of others think that I'm crazy to stay two or three years overseas because it's hard to be so far away from home. But I keep the American spirit ... with a European style of play!
Who or what do you miss the most in the US?
Spending time with my parents. Especially at my age, where you are aware that your parents are getting older and time spent with them is precious (she chokes up). I want to try and get them to come to Lyon more often. This year it might actually happen because they'll be missing Ferguson! (laughter)
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soccer-north · 2 years
The Women’s International Champions Cup Tournament will see Portland Thorns (NWSL), Olympique Lyonnais (D1 Féminine), C.F. Monterrey (Liga MX Femenil), and Chelsea FC Women’s (FA WSL) compete for the title of the world’s best women’s club.
The tournament happens August 17th & 20th, 2022.
More information here.
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wiwsport · 6 days
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gaboninfoslive · 30 days
Football Féminin/D1 Française : Les Africaines Tabitha Chawinga et Chiamaka Nnadozie récompensées
Elles ont mis l’Afrique à l’honneur. La Malawite Tabitha Chawinga et la Nigériane Chiamaka Nnadozie ont été élues respectivement meilleure joueuse et meilleure gardienne du championnat français féminin. À peine arrivée et déjà récompensée ! En provenance de l’Inter Milan, Tabitha Chawinga signe à l’été 2023 au Paris Saint-Germain et ne tarde pas à s’illustrer. L’attaquante malawite dispute ainsi…
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valloninfo · 3 months
Groupement Val-de-Travers C1, tour d'automne 2023 - Photo Enzo Almeida Après des semaines d'entraînements intensifs et de matchs amicaux de préparation, les équipes de football du Val-de-Travers s'apprêtent à fouler à nouveau les terrains de la région avec l'enthousiasme de la compétition officielle. La reprise tant attendue du championnat débute cette semaine, promettant des moments palpitants et des confrontations passionnantes. Les équipes locales se sont préparées activement, mettant en pratique les stratégies élaborées au cours des entraînements et peaufinant leur condition physique. Les récents matchs amicaux ont permis de jauger le niveau de chaque équipe, créant une atmosphère de suspense et d'anticipation parmi les supporters. Coupe neuchâteloise Le tirage au sort des demi-finales de la Coupe neuchâteloise a ajouté une dose d'excitation supplémentaire, avec sept équipes encore en lice pour conquérir ce prestigieux trophée. Les rencontres à venir promettent un spectacle de qualité, mettant en lumière le talent et la détermination des équipes locales. Dans le domaine du football féminin, les FF15 du Groupement Val-de-Travers se préparent à affronter ASI Audax-Friul dans un duel attendu avec impatience. Pendant ce temps, les FF19 ont déjà assuré leur place en finale, démontrant la force et la cohésion de l'équipe. Côté masculin, les regards se tournent vers trois équipes du Groupement Val-de-Travers : les D1, C1, et les juniors A, qui s'apprêtent à en découdre sur le terrain. En 5e ligue, le FC Môtiers et le FC Fleurier II sont également en lice pour les demi-finales, prêts à relever le défi et à défendre les couleurs de leur club. Ce tour de printemps s'annonce d'ores et déjà comme une période intense et passionnante pour tous les amateurs de football de la région. Les équipes locales sont prêtes à offrir un spectacle de haute qualité, avec des matchs qui promettent d'être disputés, épiques et riches en rebondissements.
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cyrilbelange · 7 months
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Приложения MostBet для Android, IOs и Windows | Cyril Belange
Приложения MostBet для Android, IOs и Windows
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Content Насколько удобно ставить на MostBet игрокам из Узбекистана? Регистрация по номеру телефона Сравнение приложений и мобильной версии сайта Online казино Мостбет УЗ Мостбет скачать apk Android, загрузить на iOs iPhone iPad Как делать ставки через приложение Мостбет УЗ Финансовые транзакции: способы ввода и вывода Скачать Mostbet UZ на Андроид apk и IOS: обзор букмекера […] - Cyril Belange | Interprète de conférence Paris - Nice
INTERPRETATION MULTILINGUE : Mon expérience d'interprète de conférence à Genève au milieu des Nations Unies, mon travail en free-lance et ma contribution à FIFA 2019 Women's Planet Mug m'ont amenée à gérer des missions d'interprétation simultanée multilingue, de la création du simple, au choix des interprètes et des produits, en passant par la fourniture du soutien vivant. Grâce à mon expérience pratique, j'ai découvert un certain nombre de contextes et de scénarios d'interprétation simultanée multilingue. Une nouvelle technologie a récemment fait son apparition sur ce marché. Je suis typiquement la seule personne de la région Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur capable de vous conseiller sur le bon choix de l'interprétation simultanée. Le remède standard, avec des interprètes à jour et utilisant le bon équipement mp3, est considéré comme le plus cher mais le plus fiable. L'interprétation simultanée ou l'interprétation en direct via les smartphones des participants permet de réaliser des économies considérables, mais elle n'est adaptée qu'à des types d'activités très spécifiques. Vous pouvez me demander à ce sujet. Cette innovation technologique de l'interprétation simultanée est impressionnante et innovante, mais elle ne remplace pas les interprètes de conférence. Le but de ces solutions est simplement d'améliorer l'aide fournie. La composante humaine reste la clé de la fonction. C'est pourquoi je prends toujours autant de plaisir à me rendre au gymnase les plans pour les tâches, de votre côté, en m'efforçant d'apprendre vos spécifications et exigences et celles des gens. Occasionnellement, je vous proposerai des options qui ne nécessitent pas d'équipement, en utilisant soit l'interprétation séquentielle, soit l'interprétation chuchotée pour présenter le ton de la voix à la tâche. Dans certains cas, je peux également conseiller des interprètes de sexe féminin ou masculin, avec des registres de chant particuliers et une expérience pratique adaptée à votre projet. Encore une fois, il s'agit exactement de trouver votre discours. #interprete #conference #traduction #traductionsimultanee #traductionlive #multilingue #interpretation #evenement #Paris #Nice #France
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jigglypuffseyebrows · 22 days
Marie Antoinette Katoto has ice in her veins
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olféminin 🤗
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sportsinfosbuzz · 9 months
Turquie : Annecy NGUIADEM renforce HAKKARIGUCU
Annecy signant son contrat professionnel L’internationale camerounaise Annecy Nguiadem a été présentée officiellement dans son nouveau club Hakkarigücü Spor Kulübü club de D1 Féminine Turque. La lionne indomptable y a signé un an renouvelable.
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EDF Féminine : La FFF se retrouve encore dans l'embarras !
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Le paysage télévisuel du football féminin en France est actuellement secoué par une vague de déception et d'incertitude. La Fédération Française de Football se retrouve dans une position délicate, n'ayant reçu aucun retour satisfaisant suite à son appel d'offres visant à attribuer les droits TV des matchs de l'EDF féminine, de la D1 Arkema et du Trophée des championnes. Une crise médiatique sans précédant autour du foot féminin Cette situation préoccupante s'ajoute aux difficultés dans la recherche de diffuseurs pour la prochaine Coupe du Monde féminine. L'édition se déroulera du 20 juillet au 20 août et la FFF peine à trouver une plateforme de diffusion en France. Remontons quelques semaines en arrière, au 13 avril dernier, lorsque la FFF lançait avec optimisme son premier appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des droits TV du football féminin. Cet appel incluait les prestigieux matchs des Bleues, les compétitions de la D1 Arkema, ainsi que le Trophée des championnes. Le tout pour une période allant jusqu'en 2027. Les attentes et les espoirs étaient grands. Les premiers retours étaient prévus pour le 4 mai, mais les diffuseurs ont fait une demande inattendue : un délai supplémentaire jusqu'au 12 mai pour peaufiner leurs offres. Voir également : - Révélation : Mbappé était sur le point de quitter l'EdF en 2020 ! Aucun diffuseur TV... La joie initiale s'est rapidement transformée en déception lorsque ces retours tant attendus n'ont pas été à la hauteur des espérances. Aucun diffuseur n'a été en mesure de répondre de manière satisfaisante aux attentes de la FFF, laissant cette dernière dans une impasse. Ainsi, aucun lot n'a pu être attribué, plongeant le processus de vente des droits TV du football féminin dans une incertitude déconcertante. La Fédération Française de Football se retrouve face à un véritable défi dans sa quête pour trouver des diffuseurs pour les compétitions de football féminin en France. Les supporters et les acteurs du football féminin attendent avec impatience une résolution rapide de cette crise médiatique afin de garantir une visibilité continue et un développement prometteur de ce sport passionnant. EDF Féminine : Les contrats de diffusion arrivent bientôt à terme Face à cette situation délicate, la FFF se retrouve désormais contrainte de lancer des négociations de gré à gré avec les acheteurs potentiels. Pourtant, les pourparlers n'auraient pas encore débuté, laissant planer un doute quant à la résolution rapide de cette crise médiatique. Les fans de football féminin sont en droit de s'inquiéter, car l'absence d'accord concernant la diffusion des matchs du foot féminin pourrait compromettre la visibilité et le développement de cette discipline en France. Lire ensuite : - EdF : TF1 s'adjuge les droits exclusifs jusqu'en 2028 ! Le foot féminin gagne en popularité ! C'est d'autant plus regrettable que le football féminin français avait récemment gagné en popularité et en reconnaissance. Actuellement, Canal+ détient les droits de diffusion de la D1 Arkema moyennant un chèque annuel de 1,2 million d'euros, tandis que le groupe M6 retransmet les matchs de l'EDF Féminine pour environ 4 millions d'euros par an. Ces contrats arrivent bientôt à échéance, ce qui accentue les enjeux entourant cette bataille médiatique. La FFF et les fans de football féminin espèrent maintenant trouver des solutions adéquates pour garantir une diffusion optimale de ces compétitions. Ils souhaitent que les diffuseurs potentiels prennent conscience de l'importance de soutenir le football féminin et de permettre à un public plus large de profiter des performances et du talent des joueuses françaises. ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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jogallice · 1 year
Coupe de France féminine de football : une demi-finale face au Paris Saint Germain (PSG) pour Thonon Évian Grand Genève (TÉGG FC).
See on Scoop.it - JamesO
Haute-Savoie : qualifiées pour la première fois de leur histoire en demi-finale de la Coupe de France, les joueuses du Thonon Évian Grand Genève (D2) seront opposées au PSG (D1). Cette rencontre historique pour le club de Haute-Savoie se jouera à Paris le samedi 18/03/23.
JamesO's insight:
Via l’agence JamesO Média❗️N.D.L.R. : article de presse publié par France Bleu Pays de Savoie le lundi 06/03/23.
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redwineconversation · 2 years
OL - Issy Postgame Interviews
Me @ OL Comms Dept: pay me!!! I understand the importance of loving something that loves you back AND I am bilingual in French and English.
Journalist: One more title, which was already won the previous [league] day. But what a great season from Olympique Lyonnais Féminin.
Aulas: Yeah, it's a really accomplished season - on the field, around the field, even in the stands [Note: Issy game was sold-out] where we can really see that women's football is taking off, both in terms of popularity and also in terms of connecting with the public which is always there, and a team that really blew us away during the entire season, and who blew us away even tonight. All of Lyon's principals were respected, even if there was a rotation in the team. And we know it was unfortunate for this Issy team who got relegated tonight, but we saw the Lyon team play like normal, who is the rules of the sport. So there was a lot of fair play on top of a really exceptional season.
Journalist: We know about your affection for your women's team, for women's football. What can we - for next season, what can we build on to make it even better?
Aulas: Well first of all we need to stay at this level, because we know that all the countries, especially the European ones, are continue to rise. I know also that French women's football is progressing. There are now four, five teams who can compete against each other in a game. So you have to prepare yourself in the best way. We anticipated that, and now we have a structure in place, a really high level structure with Sonia [Bompastor] and Camille [Abily] at the helm. But also on the one hand a Sporting Director, who is someone who supervises, Bruno Cheyrou [head of scouting / recruitment at Lyon for both women and men], we also have a Football Director, Vincent. So we have a homogenous structure, men/women, complete parity with the same people. And we try to build from that. We begin the recruitment process extremely early. We've already put in a lot of work. And we're going to surprise a lot of people with the signings. And then there's the rise of the academy, which handles and produces a lot of young quality players. We saw our U-19 team were Champions of France. It was something really fantastic for us, winning the Coupe Gambardella on the guys side, and winning the U-19s with the girls. It's really what allows this women's football to evolve, to prepare itself with the academy, but also with international players as we saw tonight, who bring experience and skill.
Journalist: Okay, we know that OL - we know that OL -
[Malard, Renard, MBock interrupt the interview]
Journalist: You're in high demand. Okay, so we know that OL [as an institution] knows how to get the job done. We know also that you have your place in the federation, etc. We know everyone is working [behind the scenes]. What will allow the league to perform even better?
Aulas: So you know with the federation, with the support of Noel Le Graet, we're going to create the Committee [of Professional Sports]. I accepted the position of President [of that Committee]. It's possible we didn't announce it in the best of ways, even internally. I had to explain all the work that's been done this year and how that is the foundation for what's going to come next year and all the following years. We're going to revamp the competitions, the youth academy centers for female footballers for clubs who have an interest in an academy, and we're going to change the hierarchy in terms of the competitions, which will allow us to have a greater number of elite [clubs] in both D1 and D2, but will also allow the academy centers of the bigger clubs to participate in these competitions. This will allow the younger players who have talent but aren't eligible for European tournaments to prove themselves to their clubs. So there's a lot of work behind the scenes. I know some are impatient. And, well, that's normal, because other countries are really moving quickly. But I think it's really important to focus on the elite, because when you make the elite progress, everything else progresses as well. So reforms are on the way. I hope the High Commissioner will approve these reforms, so that we can move towards turning the entire league as professional, especially those within the Federation [Note: clubs that aren't pro gets subsidies from the French Federation. Aulas is making an implicit dig here because Lyon has to pay "dues" which go towards helping fund these non-pro clubs.] This will really help the development of French football. We know the French national team is great, they're going to be playing in the Euros. And when you see the players who are here, who are at Paris Saint Germain, they're in the best clubs in France and in Europe. I have no doubt that these performances will pull the team to a higher level.
Journalist: Thank you, Mr. President, and congratulations again.
Journalist: Sonia, first of all, congratulations on a great night, and the title, this 15th title.
Bompastor: Yeah, thank you, thank you to everybody. It's true that we are really happy. The season was long and there were some moments of doubt at times. To finish like this at home, with a great win, we were able to have the maximum amount of players participate in these festivities, and to celebrate with our fans, it's good. I am happy.
Journalist: We could really see the project [you put] in place. We could feel that there was a beginning of the season that was really, as you said, it was really hard, because there were a lot of injuries, you could never really put together a consistent starting 11. And then when you found the right system, we could really feel the team gain momentum.
Bompastor: Yeah, it's true. A team, just like players, it's like a human being really. You have to trust it. [Note: best part of this is Abily and Bompastor's daughter running up to Bompastor in the background] It needs confidence. We suffered a lot with all the injuries that happened throughout the season. That didn't allow me personally, or the staff, to really work on the innate connections. I asked a lot of the players to have to adapt, to play in a position that wasn't exactly their preferred position [Note - Henry absolutely hated playing CB] But they also rose up to the occasion. And that's an important value to have when you want to win titles. And then towards the season we had a group that was a little more stacked and a consistent starting 11 started to form [Bompastor's daughter knocks her off balance] And that allowed us to really hit top form at the right moment especially in the sprint towards the finish line.
Journalist: We often talk about the "Lyon DNA". But we could feel the Bompastor influence in terms of the character. And that was missing maybe a little bit last season, especially in terms of winning titles. And we also saw again the joy from the players, to be together, to be happy together. And that's really important.
Bompastor: Yeah. Yeah, personally I am someone who has high expectations when it comes to work ethics. I ask the same of my players, to hold themselves to high standards, both personally and in terms of the group. And, yeah, when you go onto the field you have to give everything. Sometimes it happens, you can fall short in a match. But you shouldn't have any regrets. And there are other values, like solidarity, like doing things together. That's important. And it's true that sometimes we don't agree. But if there is communication, being honest and transparent, you can find a way to have middle ground so we can accomplish our goals and win the matches which will give us the titles. That's important.
Journalist: Just one last thing, maybe. There's the players, but there's also the staff, without whom a coach isn't anything. There's also been this cohesion with the staff, a unity.
Bompastor: Yeah. Honestly, I really want to thank them. And thank you for offering me that opportunity. My technical staff, my relationship with Camille [Abily], obviously. I think it's a strength. My entire medical staff, my physical fitness team [Bompastor grunts as her daughter knocks her off balance again] The entire staff, really. It's true that I think we work well together, we have the same objectives. We go forward together, in a coherent manner. I think that's important because there are so many parameters to take into consideration that to do it alone, it's complicated. And today I am surrounded by people who make up for my weaknesses, and who are able to tell me things even if I don't want to hear it. And those are two really important elements if you want to be successful.
Journalist: Eugenie, a good evening if you put it in perspective with this title. I could say a good season as well, because you had a good experience with OL Reign. And then the reunion with the French league title.
Le Sommer: Yeah, that's it. It's really nice to come and win these titles. I spent six months in the US, it was a great experience. Unfortunately I didn't win the league over there. But I experienced some really great moments over there, both on a sporting level and as a human being. And I was happy to come back too, to see my friends [other Lyon players] again. And when we finish the season like we did, it's really fantastic. And I'm really happy to have come back and won these trophies. We have a great group, a great team. And so yeah, really happy.
Journalist: I just want to congratulate you on your mentality. To come back into a team like this one, a team that has already bonded. And even with your experience, the titles you have won, it must not have been easy. Sometimes you found yourself as a substitute, sometimes you were starting. You always went along with it. This means that you will be here next season as a starter. We know your desire to win. It will be different next season.
Le Sommer: Yeah, it's true it's always difficult to come in to a group in the middle of a season. The team was winning as well. So I tried to fight for my place and do what is best for the team. After that, it wasn't always easy, there were a lot of injuries. I had to play in the midfield sometimes. And then I was the one who got injured. And when I got back it was right at the end of the season. But I'm really happy, and I feel like I gained experience as well. It's always moments like that that you learn, you become more mature. So I'm happy, I'm happy [the season] ended like this. I'm happy to be back. I would have preferred to have played in more games for sure and more playing time, but I gave everything in practice to make it onto the team sheet. After, we have a really stacked team. I was at the service of the team. I know my qualities and I know what I can bring to the team. But anyway, I'm happy about tonight.
Journalist: Camille, you were used to titles as a player. Here's a title as an assistant coach. It's also a nice moment.
Abily: Yeah, it's not exactly the same happiness, I guess you internalize it a bit more. But it's true it's really satisfying. We had a good season, and the girls were really great.
Journalist: Your main focus was on the opposition. We know you traveled for the Champions League and in D1. You watched a lot of opponents. Is that also one of the strengths of the staff? To have really analyzed the game and put in place the tactics you wanted?
Abily: Yeah, I think women's football has progressed enormously. Teams are more and more ready. So I think it's important - the most minute detail can make a difference. And it's true that along with Maeva Ruiz [video analyst for OL Féminin], we really focused on the opponents. And I like that, analyzing football is really what makes me happy. And with Sonia [Bompastor], we talk about how we make put the opponent under pressure, make it difficult for them.
Journalist: We were talking with President [Aulas], there were some really nice things that happened this year, with the multiple pregnancies within the team, and also have put two women [Bompastor and Abily] in charge of this team, two former players. That's quite an impact statement.
Abily: Yeah, of course. I find it to be something to be proud of. It could have been the case earlier but it wasn't. Anyway I think we didn't really rely enough on older players who could have brought a lot to the club. But now we have Sonia [Bompastor] as head coach, myself as number 2. So that's good. It should continue like that.
Journalist: Well, the youth had something to say. You participated in the league win, in the Champions League. How does it feel to be so young and get these kind of titles?
Sylla: Yeah, it's really huge. We're young, we're in a top club with the top players. To be able to experience this, it's always been one of our objectives. After, we want to play in these types of games all the time. It's huge.
Sombath: And win them for the coming years as well. While playing.
Journalist: We saw another title being won, the U-19s. French Champions. That's something you've won as well. Well, not with the same club for you, Alice. But does it mean that the youth players deserve a seat at the table at Olympique Lyonnais?
Sylla: Yeah, obviously we're sending a very clear message. We showed it's not just the super experienced players, there's also the younger players. That's the future. We're really proud to represent this club. [Sylla taps the badge]
Sombath: I'm good, you covered everything.
Journalist: A quick word. You're going to involved in the call-ups [for the youth teams]. There's the European Championships, the World Cup. It's important on an international level to represent Olympique Lyonnais.
Sylla: Yeah, it's really important because we're not only representing France, we're representing our club as well. And we're really proud, it's something to be proud of considering our age.
Sombath: We're going to try and be prepared as possible to come back with a trophy.
[Romain is in charge of OL Feminin's fitness training]
Journalist: Romain, an exceptional season with two trophies at the end. It's fantastic.
Segui: Yeah, it's extraordinary. I know Timothee is in the studio right now. We saw each other when preseason kicked off in July. The first words I said to him was "this is the year of reconquering [our titles]." And I think we did that, you know. We won two titles. The two most important ones, I guess, because this season has been long. And winning the UWCL against Barcelona, who was a good team - still are a good team - I think the girls did an incredible match in that final. And what an incredible season. We finished with an 11-point lead. I think it's been a while since that happened. So despite all the injuries we got, the team still stuck together, the staff as well. And we managed to get the titles back.
Journalist: Earlier, Sonia [Bompastor] was talking about her staff. We know the physical preparation is an important aspect in a team. How did you make this team gain [physical] momentum?
Segui: Well first of all, I can't be the only one who takes credit for this. I had two extra people, Antonin Da Fonseca [note: Danielle van de Donk's physical trainer] and Remi Pullara. I like to say we're a team who handles all the physical preparation. And I'm really thankful for them. After that, our goal was to have a big preparation for the season, with the emphasis in July-August [#bikeride]. We gained in moment. I thought overall the first six months were mostly good. We tried to do a similar thing in January. We suffered a little in January and February. Our goal was to be ready for the end of the season, the "money time". I think we accomplished that. We hit that low point in January and February but it ended well.
Journalist: So we know you're a big fan of football, of women's football. You've followed them since Gerland [Lyon moved to Parc OL in 2016]. It's something else, to be with this particular team.
Segui: Yeah, it's extraordinary to be with this group. It's an honor, first of all. I had been following them for a long time. What's really extraordinary is how hardworking they are. Personally I took over, everyone on the outside was like oh, it's women's football, it can't be that hard to win titles. But nothing is easy. There is nothing easy. Everyday the girls are like, "What can we improve on? How can we get better?" even though they've already won everything. They always want to do better. And that's a real pleasure [to be around].
[Note: For reasons that half-annoy me and half-perplex me, Buchanan wasn't able to do the entire interview in French despite having lived in France for 5 1/2 years, so I noted when she switched to English]
Journalist: [In French] First of all, Kadeisha, a huge thank you from the entire Olympique Lyonnais for all these years, these wonderful years, and all these titles.
Buchanan: [in French] Thank you, thank you to the President [Aulas], thank you to the club. [In English] Just for having me. Five and a half years with this club, and I'm very thankful for this opportunity that was given to me and for all the coaches. I'm very grateful for all the players that I've played with. This team is special. Each year it gets better and better. And I'm just really sad to be leaving. It's a really beautiful team that we have here.
Journalist: [in French] Kadeisha, thank you again for your professionalism. I've seen you play, I saw you in the Olympic Games, you were extraordinary with Canada. You really improved. And today, a Champions League win, and another French title.
Buchanan: [in English] Yes. Yeah, thank you. Coming here, I wanted to get better, and this was the best team to be with. So every day, I came, and I learned. And each year my game got better and better. And I just have to thank the players and the staff and the club for helping me get better and better, and making me be the best player I can.
Journalist: [in French] The road doesn't end here for you. Can you tell us your new club?
Buchanan: [in French] Not right now, but soon.
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netalkolemedia · 2 years
Melchie Dumornay désignée joueuse de la semaine en D1 Arkema
Melchie Dumornay désignée joueuse de la semaine en D1 Arkema
Le week-end écoulé, Melchie Daëlle Dumornay a livré une prestation XXL avec le Stade de Reims en D1 Arkema. Elle a été désignée joueuse de la semaine de l’élite du football féminin français par le journal L’Équipe. Tout ce que touche Melchie Dumornay se transforme en or. Alors que le Stade de Reims a maitrisé Soyaux (4 – 1) ce weekend, Corventina a été précieuse durant ce succès des Rémoises avec…
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