#damn shit is getting gaggy
japrilforthewin · 7 years
Hi. Just wondering what you thought of the latest Japril scene? And what do you think will happen to April?
Hey 😊 
I think that Japril hug alone was much more intimate than all gaggie scenes put together that has ever aired and ever will air. I think Japril chemistry is still one of a kind and fucking explosive and that Jesse comes alive as an actor with Sarah. Sarah, who btw, is the best damn actor on that shit show.
I know that if I didn’t know Japril are dead due to Sarah being fired by weak garbage (thank you to whoever leaked that info) I would feel hope as a Japril fan. I mean, I’ve had the sinking feeling that we’re just being baited, manipulated and used as Japril fans for a long time and we can’t be sure it was scripted, but no matter how briefly, Jackson did kiss April back. Jackson did look very conflicted in the last gaggie scene (and no, it wasn’t because he was feeling guilty about the wifey kiss). 
I have to admit, I have severe difficulties picturing an exit that isn’t out of character and/or a huge disappointment to both April and Japril fans. That show is run by the devil and her minion this season and they clearly hate Sarah/April and Japril. My only hope is that Krusty (for PR purposes) might want to hide her blatant contempt for Sarah and April by giving her a non horrible exit. In any case, I NEED Harriet with April. I just do. (Krusty fucked up Jackson so much this year I just find it hard to feel empathy for him. Congrats devil, you ruined my fave for me! Not that I claim the devil’s fucked up Jackson version, but you know what I mean).
Some ideas for how April could exit (from the most horrible to least horrible option):
* April and Harriet dies in an accident caused by April, or April dies while Harriet survives. Jackson blames her and ends up hating her even in her death (*screams internally until end of time*)
* She kills herself (*screams internally until end of time*)
* She goes back to Jordan and is forgotten about, or Jackson gets told by Owen that April was killed in the field. Maggie comforts him for 5 minutes and Harriet gets a new mommy and never remembers the mom who didn’t hesitate to die for her. The Gaggie fam lives happily ever after (*screams internally until end of time*)
* She simply quits her job and leaves because she can’t stand watching happy Gaggie. I feel you April, I refuse to watch their filth ever again too after this season is over. (*screams internally*)
* She gets fired due to neglect and leaves disgraced (*screams internally*)
* Koracick offers her a kickass job at Johns Hopkins, she accepts cause she has nothing worth a damn left in Seattle.
* She gets her “happy” ending with Matthew. They know they are each other’s second choice, but at least they can comfort each other.
* April discovers she’s bisexual and rides off into the sunset with Arizona. They move to Italy so they can study why their maternal mortality rates kick US maternal mortality rates ass while sipping Limoncello and eating the world’s best pizza.
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chaosangeldown-blog · 8 years
Just like with the Super Bowl, I'm excited for this Metallica duet at the Grammys to be another wake-up-and-smell-the-genius moment brought to you, the public, by Lady Queen Of All Genres And Gay Hearts Gaga.
eh. probably for most people but it’s the grammys AND metallica AND she’s a popstar. she’ll get dragged and some people will say the same stupid shit like “damn i didn’t know gaga could sing and play the guitar!! those pipes gaggie!” or something.
metal fans will be mad. pop stans won’t care much but i am sure she will kill it regardless and it will be an amazing moment for fans that don’t oscillate between the two extremes.
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