#damning a manga and the readerbase's comprehension of it just to get a few chuckles
kiisaes · 11 months
Hi new follower here :) I just saw your „live reaction to bkg’s resurrection“ post!
Did you know that in the Japanese original there was an additional line that said „Their feelings become one“ which was completely left out in the official English translation? I am so mad about that >:(
(hi there!!! thank u for following and welcome to my blog, i hope u enjoy ur stay :'D)
yesss i did know!!! yeah i really don't know why the english translation always either leaves out important phrases or flat out mistranslates 😭 that's a pretty impactful line there that essentially solidifies bkdk's positive relationship development as well as both of their connections to OFA
and idk if these decisions are intentional but it does suck. it's not like the author of a story purposefully puts specific dialogue or captions or wording in general to further a point that is oftentimes incredibly intentional. and it's not like japanese is a pretty clever language with a lot of double meanings and puns and other cool stuff that obviously won't perfectly translate into english but could still be worked around if there was just an ounce of care put into translating. that's TOTALLY not a typical manga, or even narrative, thing that matters and should be treated with respect (heavy sarcasm)
this is also my understanding as to why so many bakugou haters who read the official translation think he "hasn't changed". it's bc quite a bit of his dialogue is fucked up to hell just to make him sound either disrespectful or dismissive, even when he doesn't sound like that in the original. it even happened in the most recent chapter! it's like furthering the imaginary point that bkg will always be rude even in serious situations when clearly that isn't the case through horikoshi's own words. fuckin describing his own impalings as "getting swiss cheesed" during his contextually VERY vulnerable and honest apology to deku ... like what the hell kind of dialogue is that. who talks like that. the hell are you doing
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