#daniel asked him to ease up on himself @ their rose ceremony)
For a moment, Rue just stared at the world around him to take it in. They were here, they had made it.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don't ask why. It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.
From what seemed like every direction, the flash of cameras blinded him to the thousands of faces in the crowd. The roar coming from the bleachers was deafening, nearly drowning out the speaker that filled the stadium, calling out the names of his friends.
A sea of white caps, with tassels hanging from the left on those who hadn't yet been to the stage.
So take the photographs, and still-frames in your mind. Hang them on a shelf in good health and good time. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial. For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.
We're here. We're really here.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.
Ruth Blyze Demmekke-Nightengale. His knees didn't buckle, his hands didn't shake. He stood and walked with his line to the stage, and though his stomach felt like it would float away, he focused on not tripping as he set each foot in front of the other.
Something nagged at him to do it, digging at his mind until Rue ducked his head enough to look around, not entirely sure what he was searching for-
There. Beside the steel beam of the bleacher, still standing in the walkway. Blyze's tight scowl locked in place, Rue could see the silverette's grey eyes watching him make his way to the stage.
"Someone has to run the compound while you're not here. The rebellion doesn't pause because you're busy that day." But he was there, watching.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life.
On the way back, tassel adjusted to hang from the right side of his cap, Rue's eyes scanned the spot he'd seen his father in. Empty. He probably didn't want to hang around now that it was just about over.
But he'd come to see him graduate. The man who claimed to share nothing but DNA had come to see Rue get his diploma.
When he took his seat beside Daniel, his back was a little straighter.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life.
Karsyn clutched the wine glass to her chest as she watched her sons enjoy their graduation party. It had taken her a few months to organize everything just the way she wanted it- and quite a bit from her husband's black card as well.
She'd had to call four months ago to reserve the mountain lodge for the three of them- one close enough to the Academy that they could throw a party for the entire graduating class after the family left. Daniel and Caydin had immediately put their heads together to put the word out a month before while Rue had been reluctant to accept the gift.
He hadn't wanted to be so far from the compound, in case his father called on him. Beating Blyze down enough to promise not to call on her son had taken three weeks in total.
The food had been ordered four weeks ago, the stocking of the pantries had been done last week for a small fortune. She'd spent two months just looking for the right dress to wear, let alone what to put the rest of her family in.
But the wetness that took his grey eyes when he went to hug her, the crushing of her ribs as he tightened his grip and whispered thank you after the ceremony, knowing he must have seen Blyze after months of her begging him to show up... that was something she never could have arranged, or planned, or given him if Blyze hadn't made the decision himself to drive up.
My mama called, seen you on TV. "Son," she said, "shit- don't change." Ever since we was on- I dreamed it all ever since I was young. They said I wouldn't be nothing, now they always say, "Congratulations!"
She'd let them unwrap Sythe's presents first. The God of the Damned sat back on the black leather couch with his girlfriend's toddler giggling in his lap, her little hands clapping his fingers as he watched the boys.
Raychl passed out the small boxes into the correct boy's hand; white for Daniel, grey for Rue, and blue for Caydin. Daniel's jaw dropped when he removed the lid to find his present, Caydin screamed. But it was Rue's grey eyes growing wide, the box hitting the floor between his knees as he clutched the key in his hand.
Nobody went to stop him as he angel bolted from the room, Caydin and Daniel hot on his heels with their own keys gripped tight in sweaty palms.
"Where is it?" "Did you hide them?" "WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?"
A honk in the front driveway. Karsyn walked with Sythe after he handed Eirian's daughter over and rose. They found all three boys losing their ever loving shit on the gravel drive, Nathaniel grinning from beside the first car. Three sets of headlights lit up the front of the cabin; a sleek, white Chevrolet Corvette ZR, a lifted, roll caged 2019 Jeep Wrangler, and a completely remastered 1970 Chevrolet LS6 Chevelle.
Worked so hard, forgot how to vacation. They ain't never had the dedication. People hatin', sayin we changed, and look- we made it. Yeah, we made it.
Once they'd wrangled the boys back into the cabin, the girls had been laid down together in a playpen. Nathaniel and Night flipped a coin to see who would have to follow up Sythe's cars, and her husband smirked as Nathaniel waved the boys to the three bags on the counter.
For Caydin, a bottle of bubbled Mermaid ale, made only by their witchdoctors to ease the dying into death. Isn't even sold on the blackest black market, and an entire, crystalloid blue bottle rest in the 17 year olds hands. Daniel's bottle was dark, scaled to look like a dragon's hide. Firewhiskey, banned from exporting since before any of the boys had been born. And for the angel, a bottle of the finest Drigulian ambrosia, given with the idea that he could open it and drink the wine of royals when he ends the great war.
God stepped forward as the boys settled down with their foreign bottles. "What did you get me, Da'?"
Night's eyes rolled at his son's words, but the small grin that mirrored him in Daniel's face didn't budge. His right hand went to his pocket as he replied, "I'm kicking you out." His eyes held each of their gazes one by one. "All of you. I never want to see you in my house again as long as I-"
"Except federal holidays."
"And birthdays."
"And you-" he raised his right hand to point at Caydin. "-You, every Sunday." As he released his grip, a key fell into the blond's lap. "For the love of the Balance, do not miss those Sundays."
Fishing in his pocket for the spare two keys, he tossed one to Daniel and Rue. "Your shit is already moved- and yes, Daniel, your mother found your box of nude magazines under your bed. Those were moved too, but to the trash." Pocketing both hands, the raven haired God grinned at his boys. "It's the whole floor, three apartments. The floor below you is on the tab as well, so no neighbors. Top floor, great view." He winked at Caydin, turning his smile at Rue. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
They was never friendly, yeah. Now I'm jumping out the Bentley, yeah. And I know I sound dramatic, yeah. But I knew I had to have it, yeah.
And finally, they were opening her gifts. Rue and Caydin watched as Daniel ripped open the box she'd wrapped for him, the size of a fucking washer. The second he pulled the lip away to see what was inside, her son froze. His hand came down to close the box again, scooting it over to Rue as his eyes actually welled with tears as he found her face. There was real love there, glistening in his dark blue eyes as his lips moved without sound.
Her smile fell into a concerned frown. "Danicious, are you crying right now?"
Rue let out a low whistle as he glanced into Daniel's box, the blond to his right peeking over his shoulder. "Maman, I just..." Her son ran his hands over his face before getting up to wrap her in a tight hug. "I love you too, Ma'."
With a soft chuckle, she wrapped her baby in her arms and swayed with him from side to side. "My little warrior."
A half hour later, and one very simmering God, Karsyn got to watch Caydin and Rue open the envelops she'd handed them. Her chest tightened at the shock and awe that lit up Rue's face when he read what she'd written. 3 tattoo parlors names, addresses, and phone numbers beside a prepaid debt card and a number written beneath it with the balance she'd paid forward on his tattoos.
The black card in Caydin's envelope was identical to hers, connecting the blond to her bank account. But it was the tears that welled in his eyes when he unwrapped the pocket planner she'd added that choked her. His hands shaking as he turned each page to see that she'd scribbled out every Sunday in the entire damn book to remind him to go shopping with her...
His eyes came up to find hers, and it was all she could do to hold her ground as the young blond went barreling into her shoulder, face first. Her hands came down soft on his hair as she smoothed it away from his face, whispering how much she loved him in his ear.
And now that they were leaving, she didn't know what to do with her hands. Karsyn wrung her fingers as she stood beside her car door, staring up at the door to the cabin. They'd all said their goodbyes a while ago, again and again until it was just her and Night out front, buckling two sleeping toddlers into the car seats in the back.
"I'm coming," she replied, setting her hand on the hood of the car. Everything inside her screamed not to leave, to stay a little longer. She resented this change, that her boys wouldn't be hers anymore. She wouldn't make them breakfast for dinner as they sat at the table and studied with books and papers and laptops strewn all over her dining room. Their laundry wouldn't fall on her to spend nights waiting up for a load to finish because they're too tired to do it themselves. No one would be there to fill the house with conversation when Night was away on business, leaving her alone with the twins-
Just as she lowered herself in, the door to the cabin opened. She straightened as they came out of the house, running for her- What happened? What's wrong?
But before she could say a word, there they were. Their arms wrapped around her tight, from every angle, mumbling their thanks.
"Thank you for how much you've done for me." Rue.
"I love you, Maman. Thank you for making me study." Daniel.
"We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Thank you so much." Caydin.
And in a flash, she was back three years ago. Rue and Caydin's first holiday with their family; Bonfire night. Her husband stood beside her, his arm wrapped around her hip as he leaned down to whisper how badly he needed her in her hair. In the drive, the three boys jumped around from holster to holster, dropping fireworks in the launching pads. The sky lit up with every color she could imagine, and the laughter of her children warmed her chest.
"Oh," she mumbled through the tightening in her throat. "I love you too." Reaching up, she pulled each of them down to press her lips to their brows. "Behave. Just because you don't live in my house doesn't mean I won't still know what trouble you get into." Putting her hand to Rue's chest, "Do not let your father overwhelm you. Call me when he gets stuck in his ways- I'm serious." Caydin; "That planner wasn't a joke. We have a reservation at that French cafe on the corner that you like for Sunday at 11. They'll have our drinks waiting for when we come in." Daniel; "You're still responsible for your lessons with your father. You get two weeks off- and 'I forgot' is not an acceptable excuse for skipping it."
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