#darksaber is haunted bet
weepylucifer · 3 years
So I’m just trying to unpack my thoughts on Bo-Katan a bit more here, okay:
We all know by now that yes, it is allowed for Bo-Katan to take the darksaber back without a duel, and that that’s in fact how she got it. So when she said she couldn’t take it from Din, that’s either a retcon or she lied.
The thing is, she might’ve just lied, or at least omitted information. She’s done that to Din before (told him he’s in a cult without mentioning that she in fact was in Death Watch, told him they’d steal weapons from the transport when she intended to hijack the transport, didn’t tell him what the darksaber meant just that she wanted it). So why would she pretend she couldn’t take the darksaber from Din, when that at first glance only seems like trouble for her? Well, idk but here’s my best guess,
Bo-Katan is the one who lost the darksaber from Gideon. Maybe that also lost her the support from the clans who were with her before. They’re watching what she does next to prove worthy of the throne again. To her, duelling Gideon and winning wasn’t just about grabbing the darksaber, it was about fixing her mistake, restoring her reputation. Winning it back from the person who stole it seems legitimate for a kingmaking (queenmaking?) myth. Winning it back from Some Rando who came along and defeated Gideon FOR HER while doing something entirely else isn’t extremely glamorous or queenly. Especially since Din immediately offered it to her (IN FRONT OF WITNESSES, one of whom works with Boba, whom Bo-Katan JUST INSULTED). People are gonna be like “Wait, what’s that guy’s deal?”. It’s gonna make her look weak. It’s gonna make her look like she got offered the darksaber by Din out of charity. Not exactly what you want from a strong ruler in a time of crisis. Her rule would be constantly challenged, bc every idiot out there would be like “Well, if any rando can just take the darksaber from her, why don’t I try?”
And even if Din hands her the darksaber and walks away, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have a claim on it. Bo-Katan doesn’t know Din very well. He’d always haunt her (lol). He’s a wildcard to her. What if he changes his mind and comes back for it? That’d be a huge loose end for Queen Bo-Katan.
Her best bet is to keep Din close and just... contend with him. His is a good story, for people who like a Space Arthurian Myth. There’s a post out there about how he’s the quintessential Mandalorian, with his pure beskar and heart full of Love For Foundling. People would like the look of him as Mand’alor, is what I’m saying. Also he has this wild talent for taking unfriendly strangers and turning them into best friends and heist partners/babysitters, always a good thing to have. He’s a Friend To All. Tusken puppies come up to him on sight. Little blue birds help him put on his beskar’gam in the morning. He’s a disney princess. Politically speaking, Din could look like a fresh start for Mandalore, a guy who belongs to none of the established clans, who has no baggage from any old feuds or civil wars but still embodies Mandalorian values.
(And I have thoughts on that, too. Like why didn’t he just become a Vizsla like the people who rescued him? Why does he get to make his own clan? Tinfoil hat is ON)
The thing is, if Bo-Katan has any sense, she probably realizes Din can be useful to her. It’s not illegal for her to take the darksaber from him, but she can’t right now because it’d make her look extremely bad. Right now she’ll probably want to stick by him and hope she can convince him to work with her.
So Bo-Katan needs Din. And Din, if he’s really doing this, will need her, just as an advisor, because it turns out there’s a lot about Mandalorian society he doesn’t know. The teamwork is gonna be teeth-clenched at best, and a case of “You’re coming to reclaim Mandalore with me // Hand in unlovable hand” at Worst
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Alright, the last chapter of "hope" is a masterpiece. First of all I bet that Din after saw Luke fight with him against Gideon and later destroy the Dark Troopers, realize that this boy is anything but nothing.
Secondly, the Dark Saber, my god, the way the saber talk to Luke in this seductive way made me wonder, is the Dark Saber tempting Luke or she just lead him to what he really want?
plus, that line about how Palpatine looks at Luke with hunger made me sick, and maybe it made me guess something..although i hope i'm wrong because i love Luke so much.
and that line about Luke think he need permission to eat... you shiuld stop play with my feelings...
Can't wait to read more, you're such a great writer.
:D thank you! I am really appreciating the feedback and the reviews. I’ve still worried bout people liking it. So it is a big relief!
Darksaber just likes Luke. As long as it’s Luke it will like Luke. It just wants Luke as Luke is. The temptation is getting Luke to marry both Din and a haunted Jed/Mandalorian artifact. Probably will take some time but Darksaber is up for the work.
Yeah, It was for sure meant to be very creepy and unsettling. Luke has gone through some pretty bad things...you’ll hear more next chapter...it hurts D: baby sunshine boy hurts a lot.
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