#darsy's chaotic tags
darsynia · 1 year
Sneak Peek: Shipping and Handling Ch 1
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Story Summary: Whether it's fair or not, you and Steve are chemically linked. The circumstances may have been unusual, but they aren't impossible to replicate, meaning there could be other couples going through the same thing. Dr. Bruce Banner has asked the two of you to submit to a series of tests over a period of weeks, tests that are meant to keep the side-effects you're experiencing at a minimum, but which also mean you'll be seeing more of each other.
As the days pass, two things become clear: proximity doesn't lift the ardor as much as Banner expected... and though you try to keep it to themselves, both you and Steve feel just as emotionally drawn to each other as you are physically. Are those feelings also prompted by Mistress? Is there any way to figure it out ethically? Will the new way you're both seeing Bucky make things worse... or better?
Length/Warnings: snippet is 530 / this is a horny (but not sexual) snippet, minors DNI
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The guy at the security counter calls the apartment with a dubious expression that makes you worried about just how much like a vagabond you look, but eventually nods and directs you to an elevator.
“He’ll meet you in the hallway,” the man says, leaning into the elevator car once you’ve boarded to call out a code phrase you don’t recognize. He gives you one last once-over and adds, “It changes every week.”
When the door closes, your imperfect reflection in the silver coating has you scrambling to adjust the moist cling of your blouse on your breasts. Unkempt twists of hair are glued to your cheeks and forehead with perspiration, and you’d completely forgot that for an easy ego boost, you always apply performance-quality red lipstick for final rehearsal.
In short, the security guy had a point.
The doors open before you get a chance for a last once-over after your adjustments. The best you can do is a weird crossed-arms stance with your hands spread wide to obscure just how lovingly your damp red top is cupping your assets.
Thankfully, the man standing in the hallway is Bucky Barnes.
You rush out, dropping your hands to gesture at yourself with one as you laugh into the other. “Do you see this?” you ask, eyes wide. “I guess I’m lucky the guard downstairs didn’t call the cops instead of the apartment!”
Bucky trails his piercing blue eyes along your outfit, his expression impassive. For the first time ever in his presence, you feel a little objectified, but you shake that off. After all, you told him to look-- and given the growing appreciation in his gaze, he’s at least giving you a bit of a self-esteem boost. When Bucky’s finished, having followed through by taking in your pencil skirt and crimson sandals with his head tipped to the side, he finally looks you in the eyes.
“Nice toenail polish,” he smirks.
“I don’t know why I put up with you,” you gripe under your breath. “Please tell me you have a shirt I can borrow? They still have the heat on at the venue, Babs is tearing out her hair. If the forecast is right about how hot it’ll be tomorrow night, we’ll have to hand out free cups of ice to keep an audience.”
“Yeah, but we got a gauntlet to run before that,” he tells you. The apartment door’s open, and he stands to the side, gesturing for you to precede him.
“If it’s related to another set of metal doors and a scary British man telling me to hide, I’ll just walk home, spring heatwave or not.”
“She’s here?” Steve says from inside. He comes out right as you walk over, and both of you stop within inches of each other. “You’re late,” he says-- but the tone of his voice is the exact same stressed, desperate, needy one you’ve tried not to fondly remember. The words, ‘Oh, Steve, if you’re going for ‘stern,’ be careful! hover up as a possible response, but you can’t imagine saying them in anything other than your flirty lounge singer persona, and that would cross too many lines, especially today.
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darsynia · 1 year
Fairly demoralized today. Spent time reaching out to various people in various ways over the past few days, thinking that if I was really down and stressed out, being kind to other people was a good way to expend that energy.
Essentially no response, which I'm doing my best not to view as some kind of personal indictment. I GET that when people are down and struggling, expecting them to receive encouragement well is unrealistic, but the volume of it/numbers has me convinced that I am not a force of good in this world and should shut well up.
Honestly this is the shittiest possible way for me to respond but I'm fucking sad. Whatever's going on right now is improving people's self-hatred armors to the point where it rebounds and hurts back.
If you think I'm talking about you, IDK, I probably am not. In any case, don't worry about it, it won't happen again.
FUCK I forgot there was a medicine mix-up meaning I missed it for 2 days FOLKS THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS yep yep cool cool cool cool
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darsynia · 1 year
holy shit Mother's Day, you don't have to go this hard every fucking year and yet.
It really is the absolute WORST 'holiday' of my year and I don't see that ever fucking changing. My GOD
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darsynia · 1 year
lol watching people go rabid over a Quill ask has been fucking UNREAL over the past week or so.
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...the power of pairing tags, yo. I have not reblogged this (and most other people haven't either, which is fine), this is people finding it somehow. o.O
You want some engagement? Write your ass some Quill x Reader I guess!
edit: I really am glad people like it! But I haven't seen pure pairing tags (I posted this in February) do such heavy lifting EVER.
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darsynia · 1 year
We wish you all the best healthcare and good things, Hank. We need you, we love you, we're with you.
tl;dr: Hodgekin's Lymphoma, recently discovered, not spreading, worth watching, he's as charming and educational as ever.
EDIT: his thing about 'I don't want to be 'cancer guy' instead of 'fun goofy science guy' and I HEAR THIS because I did not want to be 'that girl whose dad died' and I couldn't stop that from happening and it's just this divide between before and after.
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darsynia · 1 year
All right! All told, just under 45k words for the gifts I've written that will start being posted soon!
I'm so stinking proud of these, both things I'm not sure I would have thought of to write on my own, so they truly exist because there's a fest and people asked for them! Whether anyone other than my recipients read them, I'm pretty pleased to have done this, heck yes!
This needs to be me right now...
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darsynia · 1 year
I gotta name and shame this one.
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darsynia · 1 year
I wanna say: absolutely exploit reblogs by people's side blogs to put your fic visible on your timelines again. I know mine's new and practically no one follows it but I've been told that a) the higher the number of reblogs the better (especially when they're diverse accounts), b) just reading-list blogs help people looking for good fic from users whose tastes match up with theirs, and c) like I said, it should give you the chance to reblog with a 'oh thx!' and then it's visible on your blog for people to see it who might not have again!
Literally read 3 things in the past 2 days thanks to someone reblogging them and me going 'oh! that looks fun' so I promise it happens!
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