#dd august 6
me, cheering up a crying person: there, there... don't ye dooal an' greet, my deary
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scoobhead · 2 years
mina murray seeing the demeter approaching whitby is the crossover event of the century. marvel take NOTES
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starlighthan · 2 years
i’ll finish returning to balete fic when trese 6 comes out /j
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Reading BlueCatWriter's Dracula along with Dracula Daily
Ok so I've been meaning to read all of @bluecatwriter 's wonderful Dracula hc fics in order for a long time but I never have time to get with it so I decided to read it along with Dracula Daily this year.
If anyone else wants to do the same, here are the dates (or aproximante dates*) for each fic. (idk if someone has done this already but oh well) (BlueCat if you read this feel free to correct me if i got any date wrong)
*(Since there's 2 pre-canon fics and 2 days of may before dd, i'm setting those fics on those dates. Dates of undated fics are also adjusted to not overlap with date of other fics)
*(The order during the varna stay is a bit wacky since the book gets pretty vague for 2 weeks there but I tried to adjust it as well as possible.)
1-A picnic in may. May 1st 2-Home before you know it. May 2nd 3-I too can love. May 16th 4-Three letters. May 19th 5-The prisioner. Between May 20th and June 28th 6-Tonight is mine. June 29th 7-Stay awake. August 14th 8-In sickness and in health. August 26th 9-Full of vague fear. Between August 15th and August 25th 10-A golden afternoon. August 31st 11-A doctor’s confidence. September 2nd 12-I come to my friend when he call. September 2nd 13-Blood she must have. September 7th 14-After the transfusion. September 7th or 8th 15-Sleeping beauty. September 10th 16-The wolf in the window. September 17th 17-Sympathy. September 18th 18-Things will be different. September 19th 19-My only son. September 19th 20-Come, my husband. September 28th 21-These others. September 29th 22-Lucy’s second death. September 29th 23-How good and thoughtful. September 29th 24-Brandy, bath, and beadtime. September 30th or October 1st (preferably the former since the dd entry is slightly shorter that day) 25-A pale orphan. October 2nd 26-You will not call in vain. Between September 30th and October 11th?? 27-Renfield’s death. October 3rd 28-Safe for one more moment. October 3rd 31-Hungry. Between October 12th and October 15th 29-A week in varna. Between October 15th and October 27th? 30-Waiting. Between October 17th and October 27th? 32-Judge moneybag. Between October 15th and October 27th? 33-How i miss my phonograph. October 24th 34-Mem. get recipe for mina. Between October 15th and October 27th? 35-Farewell, sweet friends. October 30th 36-Starlight on the sereth. October 31st 37-Step into the light. Between October 15th? and November 6th (if reading in one sitting wait until november 6th)
38- Love multiplying. November 7th onward
Omg guys it's may already I'm so exited for this. This year I know I will be up do date with everything even tho I'm busy with my End of Degree Project because the dracula fixation i caught last year is a part of my life now I have been planning this so long guys.
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ventiaoo · 2 years
;Where to read Enstars! Mainstory/Events/Scouts stories
Because I am a bit bored today and doesn't have the motivation to get back writing, I decided to share this a little information where you can read the Ensemble stars english translations that were taken down due to some copy-right and shit. I am fully aware that some of you must be absolutely devasted as hell, especially the newcomers who is still new to Ensemble stars. You will be grateful for the assistance I am about to give you, saving you the time it would take to search Enstars english translation, Anyhow- shall we get started fellas?
(1) Okay, In order to find the English translations, you must first search "Wayback Machine" this is where you are going to be able to read the translations (You can also read Enstars!! here, however the translations hasn't been finished because it got removed)
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(2) Once you are on the website, the next step is you should do is search for "Ensemble stars wiki fandom" the english one okay? not that one from japanese one etc. Ehem- after you've done the search, the next thing you got to do is copy the link
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(3) After that, you simply need to paste the link into to the search bar like in the image above. Then, for obvious reasons, you must click "Browse History."
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(4) The moment you click it, you will be directed to this. It will display the years, months, and days that the Enstars fans updated the English wiki, along with any translations.
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Step Five: Click the year 2021
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(5) Scroll down to August, after that. the next thing you have to do click is day 18.
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(6) Once you click the day 18, you will see this. then the next thing you have to click again is- 00:33:08. Please click the top option, okay??
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(7) Blah, Blah, Blah. Once you've clicked '00:33:08' this will appear on your screen, click story, then click Ensemle stars(!) or Ensemble Strars(!!) Then it will show the mainstory, Event & Scout story and so forth. At that point, you could read the entire english translation of Enstars! with your heart contents, there is no need to struggle and hurriedly seek the translations on Google, pretty neat :DD
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It will show you this when you clicked the Main Story
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And then it will show you this if you clicked the Event & Scout story, all events and scouts are complete in Ensemble Stars! I think? Oh and btw you can read the Reminiscence event or scout in "Timeline"
(Note): That's all I have for now. I hope this was helpful and that I was able to explain it well. Let me know if you have any more questions. Please feel free to enquire in my blog. Goodbye!
(Edited Note): In all honesty, you don't need to follow all of these steps considering that I've provided the Link, Lmao. How stupid of me~ By the way, when you have a poor wifi connection, Way Back Machine frequently takes a long time to load. therefore I advise you that you need to have a high-speed internet connection.
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theworldoffostering · 4 months
The director of special education did not show up to our IEP this week. It made the meeting a whole lot less contentious. It didn’t hurt that they assigned a much more experienced teacher to DS and our advocate showed up and kept everyone in line. Should it take that much work/effort/stress? Absolutely not! I will never understand how anyone is getting services if we cannot with all of the privileges we have personally been afforded.
DH and I talked to Ms. 6 this week. It could be worse, but it’s not great. She bought herself a car or someone else did, but it seems no one cares if she has insurance (legally required). I told her to call and get some quotes. She has not.
She has a boyfriend she met online that no one has vetted. He’s older (no idea how much older) as he has his own place. He lives three hours away in a neighboring state, but Ms. 6 couldn’t remember which city he lives in. She goes to see him on the weekends despite the fact that no one has met him or vetted him. It’s killing me! She was very vague on the details regarding what he does for a living.
Her car seems some basic repairs. Her grandpa has been a semi truck driver for decades. Hasn’t helped her with the repairs. Boyfriend is maybe some kind of mechanic but is unable to help with repairs. Mom is driving Ms. 6’s uninsured car and teaching Ms. 6 how to do donuts in it.
Ms. 6 said she applied to a PA program. When I pointed out that the PA program she applied for is a masters program (aren’t they all?) that cost $109k for the 28 month program, she seemed shocked and unimpressed. I did do a conference call with her and the high school this week to try to sort out her graduation.
Ms. 6 had knee surgery last week. I offered to be available and make the three hour drive to take her. She said her mom was taking her. The night before surgery her mom said she had to work and couldn’t take her. Grandma said she couldn’t take her because she had already take a sick day that week. Mom’s BF drove her, but apparently doesn’t like hospitals so he didn’t sit in the room and wait for Ms. 6 to be taken back to surgery. Surgery was pushed back several hours. Now mom doesn’t want to take her to the post-op appointment because the dogs have a vet appointment.
Post surgery, Ms. 6 was prescribed narcotics. Mom is an addict. Is she currently using? I have no idea but she used for at least a decade and has a conviction for cooking meth with the intent to sell. Kids were removed for many reasons including heroin use. Ms. 6 said the “oxy” isn’t managing her pain so she asked the nurse for something else AND an oxy refill. The pharmacist wouldn’t give both to mom. Mom told Ms. 6 it’s because they don’t have the same last name. I pointed out that I also don’t share the same last name as anyone in our family, and we were also recently denied a narcotic at the pharmacy. It is clear that no one that she has contact with lives in their thinking brains—they are all convinced that they are victims of one system or another.
Ms. 6 also quit her job. She said it was because they were making her do too much work.
Ms. 6 really wants contact with the other kids, particularly NB at this point. We have withheld that so far but can’t really articulate why. I think because it doesn’t feel healthy or good, and things don’t necessarily feel stable with her between DH and myself and her. I’ve talked to her a handful of times in the past month which are the first times I’ve spoken to her since she left in August. Anyone have experience in this area? Is it wrong for us to feel it out as parents before we open that relationship back up to siblings? It’s not my intention to use them as pawns, but it probably feels that way to Ms. 6. The kids here have not asked to see her, and DS and DD are actively continuing to say that they don’t want to have contact.
I’m trying to be something for her but that all feels very temporary and complicated right now. I sent her a small care package today via mail and am going to offer up some services for her like connecting her with colleges, but am trying to hold tight to a lot of boundaries at this point.
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kayatoastkkat · 10 months
it is currently 6 August 2023 in my time
it's my birthday!
so that means you guys deserve actual content!
a new vine i made and as per usual edited by @mmoodd-jobutupaki (thanks again :DD I'm old now, just like you b-)
and it's the true classic, the souls of the innocent vine.
unrelated content below from this point onwards it'll be about the human behind this blog
i don't know what I'm supposed to do now. i feel a foreboding sense of responsibility i'm not ready for-
you guys will get neither my full face nor my age the latter will reveal next year (if i remember even-)
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alright THIS is how it's gonna go:
Round 1.1 (May 28-June 11th)
A. 1 v 2
B. 3 v 4
C. 5 v 6
D. 7 v 8
E. 9 v 10
F. 11 v 12
G. 13 v 14
H. 15 v 16
I. 17 v 18
J. 19 v 20
K. 21 v 22
L. 23 v 24
M. 25 v 26
N. 27 v 28
O. 29 v 30
P. 31 v 32
Round 1.2 (June 11th-25th)
Q. Winner of A vs Winner of B
R. Winner of C vs Winner of D
S. Winner of E vs Winner of F
T. Winner of G vs Winner of H
U. Winner of I vs Winner of J
V. Winner of K vs Winner of L
W. Winner of M vs Winner of N
X. Winner of O vs Winner of P
Y. Loser of A vs Loser of B
Z. Loser of C vs Loser of D
AA. Loser of E vs Loser of F
BB. Loser of G vs Loser of H
CC. Loser of I vs Loser of J
DD. Loser of K vs Loser of L
EE. Loser of M vs Loser of N
FF. Loser of O vs Loser of P
Round 1.3 (June 25th-July 2nd)
KK. Winner of Y vs Loser of U
LL. Winner of Z vs Loser of V
MM. Winner of AA vs Loser of W
NN. Winner of BB vs Loser of X
OO. Winner of CC vs Loser of Q
PP. Winner of DD vs Loser of R
QQ. Winner of EE vs Loser of S
RR. Winner of FF vs Loser of T
Round 1.4 (July 2nd-9th)
SS. Winner of KK vs Winner of LL
TT. Winner of MM vs Winner of NN
UU. Winner of OO vs Winner of PP
VV. Winner of QQ vs Winner of RR
GG. Winner of Q vs Winner of R
HH. Winner of S vs Winner of T
II. Winner of U versus Winner of V
JJ. Winner of W vs Winner of X
Round 1.5 (July 9th-16th)
WW. Winner of SS vs Loser of GG
XX. Winner of TT vs Loser of HH
YY. Winner of UU vs Loser of II
ZZ. Winner of VV vs Loser of JJ
Round 1.6 (July 16th-23rd)
AAA. Winner of WW vs Winner of XX
BBB. Winner of YY vs Winner of ZZ
CCC. Winner of GG vs Winner of HH
DDD. Winner of II vs Winner of JJ
Round 1.7 (July 23rd-30th)
EEE. Winner of AAA vs Loser of CCC
FFF. Winner of BBB vs Loser of DDD
Round 1.8 (July 30th-August 6th)
GGG. Winner of EEE vs Winner of FFF
HHH. WINNER of CCC vs Winner of DDD
Round 1.9 (August 6th-13th)
III. Winner of GGG vs Loser of HHH
Championship: (August 13th-20th)
Winner of HHH vs Winner of III
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rainbowsky · 2 years
BXG Calendar
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There are a lot of dates that are significant to BXG, either for CPN reasons, because of their significance for GG and DD, or because of the GG and DD content we can expect to see at those times. There are also some Chinese festivals BXG might be interested in knowing about. I'll keep this updated as a handy reference.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
BXG Calendar
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Weibo Night - An annual awards show that generally takes place in early January, but COVID has interfered with that lately. This is one of the few events we can expect both GG and DD to attend.
Chūnjié (pronounced tchwun-jaih) - Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) - First day of the Lunisolar Calendar (usually sometime between Jan 20 and Feb 20). Often there is a gala or event where GG and/or DD perform. There will also usually be posts from them, photos etc. GG and DD likely get to spend time together and with family, eating a lot of good food.
23 January - Lan Wangji's birthday.
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14 February - Valentine's Day - Chinese people seem to love Valentine's Day, and they celebrate a few different ones throughout the year. The Western Valentine's Day is one of them. We will see some Valentine's themed ads from GG and DD around this time.
Spring Festival (see January for more info).
Yuanxiaojie (pronounced yuwen-shao-jiah) - Lantern Festival - On the first full moon after the new year, two weeks after Chinese New Year (usually in Feb). Lantern Festival marks the end of Spring Festival. GG and DD will sometimes post greetings or other content on this day.
14 March - 3/14 - The anniversary of the XNINE DDU episode where we first saw GG and DD together. A very special day for BXG, many of whom believe it's the day GG and DD first met.
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28 March - Anniversary of Wuji Recording - Wuji was recorded on this date in 2019, and is special to BXG in part because GG and DD were able to record together. Fans celebrate this day by sharing videos and fan art, and Lin Hai (the composer) will post something commemorating the date.
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4-6 April - Qingming (pronounced tching-mieng) - Chinese holiday where family tombs/graves are swept and fresh offerings laid out, paper money burned and firecrackers set off to scare away evil spirits. This festival marks beginning of spring and is associated with kite flying.
28 April - Anniversary of the BJYX supertopic, which opened on 28 April 2018.
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17th May - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia - celebrating and advocating for queer rights worldwide.
20 May - 520 - One of the many Chinese Valentine's Days. Based on the kadian 520 for wo ai ni or, 'I love you'. We will usually see a lot of Valentine's themed ads from GGDD, they may even drop candies, and we get a lot of CPN from BXG.
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Pride Month
1 June - Children's Day - A government holiday that celebrates children. GG and DD always post for Children's Day, and we get to see cute pictures of them as children and sometimes hear cute stories about them as children.
Duanwujie (pronounced twan-woo-jiah) - Dragon Boat Festival - 5th day of the 5th Lunisolar month (otherwise known as Double 5th), which happens right around Summer Solstice (Solstice falls around 20-22 June). Zongzi are eaten, and GG and DD almost always post something around this time.
22 June - 622 - Widely believed to be GGDD's anniversary, or a date of similar special significance to them. There's always a lot of CPN, art and other content shared by BXG around this time.
27 June - 627 - CQL Anniversary - We see a lot of art and posts from BXG and sometimes posts from cast/crew at this time.
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Yuehua Family Concert - Yuehua is DD's management company. They hold an annual concert featuring stars signed to the company, usually in July. Unfortunately in 2022 COVID interfered with those plans.
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5 August - DD's Birthday - An incredibly special day. We'll usually get a lot of new content featuring DD, brands will post messages of celebration, BXG and other fans will go all out with posts and art, and often there will be candy dropped.
Qixi Festival (pronounced tchee-shee) - Chinese Valentine's Day - Another Valentine's day, taking place on the 7th day of 7th month of the Lunisolar calendar (usually sometime in August). GG and DD will usually be featured in a lot of Valentine's Day themed advertising around this time, and BXG post a lot of CPN, art and photos in celebration of the day.
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5 September - BXG Day - DD's birthday falls on the 5th of August, GG's on the 5th of October, so BXG day is in between on this date. 9/5 is also special to BXG because GG and DD are believed to be 95% compatible. Turtles will celebrate and GG and DD will often drop candies.
Zhongqiujie (pronounced jhong-choe-jiah) - Mid-Autumn Festival, Moon Festival, Mooncake Festival - Annual harvest festival similar to Western thanksgiving, celebrated on the full moon. People get together with family to eat and celebrate, and mooncakes are traditionally eaten. A gala event is aired on TV featuring performances and variety show elements. DD performed for the gala in 2022. Brands release a lot of interesting ads during this time of year. GG and DD post greetings as well.
15 September - DD's Debut Anniversary - DD debuted 15 September, 2014. Always a fun day. Yibo Official will post something honoring DD's years as a star, and fans and brands will post in celebration of the day.
28 September - GG's Debut Anniversary - GG debuted 28 September, 2016. GG's studio will post something in honor of GG's years as a star, and fans and brands will post celebrating the day.
29 September - Xiao Zhan Studio Anniversary - Xiao Zhan Studio was launched on 29 September 2019. GG's studio usually releases a video showing all the progress made in the previous years.
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5 October - GG's Birthday - An incredibly special day. We get a lot of new content from GG, usually multiple photo shoots with gorgeous photos and new looks, videos, art and other great content from him and from fans and brands. We'll usually get some good candy too.
31 October - Wei Wuxian's birthday.
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11 November - Singles Day aka Double 11 - The 11th day of the 11th month. A day for single people to treat themselves to gifts, and for people to get together or get engaged. This is a big shopping day in China (actually one of the biggest shopping days in the world). There is usually a gala or event where DD and/or GG may perform. We get a lot of new brand content from them as there is always a lot of advertising leading up to this date.
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Tencent Starlight Awards - Usually held sometime in late December, but COVID has interfered with that lately. One of the few events we can generally expect both GG and DD to attend.
25 December - Christmas - They'll be involved in a lot of advertising around Christmastime so they'll usually be pretty active and we get a lot of new brand content from them.
30 December - DD's Latest Song Release - DD releases a new song every year on 30 December and usually performs it on New Year's Eve. Promotional materials usually start appearing around Christmas.
31 December - New Year's Eve - GG and DD usually have NYE performances, so we'll get to see them sing, dance, etc. and they'll post a lot of photos of their outfits and New Year's wishes for their fans. They will do their customary chong ya pose as well.
I'm sure I've probably forgotten something, so if you think of anything that you believe should be on this list (or if you find an error), please let me know! 😊
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championofravens · 14 hours
So my top surgery date is tentatively August 28th. Haven't discussed it much as insurance is still doing it's thing but fingers crossed as its my dream date.
I'm also going to be making an effort to lose some weight pre surgery. It's terrifying and difficult to admit something so benign- my body works very hard to not lose weight and food is my passion. Harsh food restrictions growing up only manifested my ED. But this is going to be different. I'm an adult man with a supportive superhero husband and friends and, for the first time, a laundry list of weekly incentives leading up to my surgery:
Week #1- Vinyl store date
Week #2- Bookstore date
Week #3- Craft store date
Week #4 (milestone)- My husband plans a daytrip for us!
Week #5- Hot Topic mall date
Week #6- Arcade/bowling/skating date
Week #7- Build a Bear trip
Week #8 (milestone)- Roadtrip to a DD&D locale and eat recklessly
Week #9- Green the fuck out (then I quit weed until post surgery)
Week #10- Permission to buy a coveted item that is much too expensive
Week #11- Local summer dining festival
Post-surgery Oct.-Dec.- Vacationing in the mountains
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elizaarts04 · 1 year
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N e ways happy val day guys I hope y’all have had a sick day with ur partners or friends :DD
This is a re draw from like 6 ish months ago (august last year) and imorovement is mad icl
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EW like this was only 6 months ago 😰😰😰
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Dracula, arriving in Whitby like:
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year
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heyo! i’ve got over 2000 Dracula Daily posts, all tagged by date! so this is my spoiler-free post where all the dates are easy to get to. (and this is my extra ginormous Dracula Daily masterpost WITH SPOILERS and more; and links to fun tags like “dracula meta” and “dracula is a comedy”)
Draculadailytracker, Cattuladaily, ourgoodfriendjonathan, and draculadailyreactions are good Dracula blogs to check out too!
for Dracula Daily posts, the format here is "#dd (date) (month)," (i also use simply “#dracula daily,” but seriously beware spoilers. EVERYTHING is there) so the start of Dracula Daily and a glut of paprika memes would be "#dd 3 may," but on this post, to make things pretty, i'll just list them without the "dd" at the start. September, October, and November only use their first three letters in the tags, though, e.g. #dd 3 oct
(right now as of June 2023, there are a few scattered dates without posts, or with fewer posts than i’d prefer, but i’m working on that! some empty days will get filled when a given day rolls around and scheduled posts get reblogged :) )
you can sign up for the Dracula Daily emails HERE and you can check out past installments HERE!
(please glimpse through my “dracula important” tag to get some information on racist instances in the story as well as other places/ways that may be more convenient to read the story)
• 21 April • 25 April • 28 April • 30 April (one queued for 2024 lol)
• 3 May • 4 May • 5 May • 7 May • 8 May • 9 May • 10 May • 11 May • 12 May • 13 May • 14 May • 15 May • 16 May • 18 May • 19 May • 24 May • 25 May • 26 May • 27 May • 28 May • 30 May • 31 May 
Rest of months under cut!
• 5 June • 6 June • 13 June • 17 June • 18 June • 24 June • 25 June • 29 June • 30 June 
• 1 July • 8 July • 18 July • 19 July • 20 July • 22 July • 24 July • 26 July • 27 July • 28 July • 29 July • 30 July
• 1 August • 2 August • 3 August • 4 August • 6 August • 8 August • 9 August • 10 August • 11 August • 12 August • 13 August • 14 August • 15 August • 16 August • 17 August • 18 August • 19 August • 20 August • 21 August • 23 August • 24 August • 25 August • 30 August • 31 August
SEPTEMBER (a busy month!! hold on!!!)
if you want some audio readings to help stay caught up, scroll down the archives of Cryptic Canticles’s Dracula Daily audio readings to get to any dates you may need
(note: in the tags, all months starting here and on use shortened versions with only their first three letters: sep, oct, nov)
• 1 Sep • 2 Sep • 3 Sep • 4 Sep • 5 Sep • 6 Sep • 7 Sep • 8 Sep • 9 Sep • 10 Sep • 11 Sep • 12 Sep • 13 Sep • 17 Sep • 18 Sep • 19 Sep • 20 Sep • 21 Sep • 22 Sep • 23 Sep • 24 Sep • 25 Sep • 26 Sep • 27 Sep • 28 Sep • 29 Sep • 30 Sep
OCTOBER (another busy month!!)
NOTE: OCTOBER 3 IS THE LARGEST ENTRY, OVER 50 PAGES. MAYBE START READING AHEAD IF YOU WANT. and again, you can scroll through the Cryptic Canticles archives to listen to any dates you need
• 1 Oct • 2 Oct • 3 Oct • 4 Oct • 5 Oct • 6 Oct • 7 Oct • 8 Oct • 11 Oct • 14 Oct • 15 Oct • 16 Oct • 17 Oct • 18 Oct • 19 Oct • 20 Oct • 21 Oct • 22 Oct • 23 Oct • 24 Oct • 25 Oct • 26 Oct • 27 Oct • 28 Oct • 29 Oct • 30 Oct • 31 Oct
• 1 Nov • 2 Nov • 3 Nov • 4 Nov • 5 Nov • 6 Nov • 7 Nov • 9 Nov :)
• prep (posts of people hyping Dracula Daily before it starts!)
• after (recaps, epilogue-ish non-November-7-specific posts, etc.!)
• ddn (posts that don’t really relate to any specific day and aren’t spoilery)
• other (Dracula-related posts that don’t directly relate to the story but may be spoilery for people who haven’t read it yet! like The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolks's posts. also basically a “miscellaneous” tag for posts i can’t otherwise figure out huehue.)
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dashboarddiaries · 1 year
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I posted 187 times in 2022
That's 187 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (29%)
132 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 174 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#dashboard diaries - 31 posts
#dashboard confessionals - 22 posts
#tumblr - 22 posts
#dd 03 - 21 posts
#answered - 18 posts
#cherokee - 15 posts
#dd 04 - 15 posts
#lauren - 13 posts
#dd 06 - 12 posts
#dashcon - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#(all reblogs that lauren mentions will be reblogged from source bc lol i'm (lauren) mostly using my secret blog for dashboard confessionals)
My Top Posts in 2022:
DASHBOARD DIARIES, EPISODE 3 - You Wouldn't Eeby Deeby a Blorbo, A Guide to Tumblr Terms
This week, we take a beat to talk through some Tumblr terms and the finer points of navigating the website. Whether you're brand new to the hellsite, diving back in after years away, or just a user who feels as passionately about terms like OTP and Glupp Shitto as we do. It's time to go back to Tumblr University! Drop comments, questions, etc., in our ask box or email us at [email protected]!
Thank you Pia for sharing your feels with us!
Credits and transcript in our reblog. You can find transcripts for this, and every other episode, here.
Find the posts discussed in this episode in this tag!
1,376 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
You didn't think we were done talking about Dashcon, did you? We've heard what it was like to BE there, but what was it like to RUN Dashcon. In this episode, we talk to Lochlan O'Neil, the Tumblr user who started it all.
Credits and transcript in our reblog. You can find transcripts for this, and every other episode, here.
Find the posts discussed in this episode in this tag!
1,744 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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so...what do you think? which post has Mr. Gaiman NOT reblogged? (yet)
3,576 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
on our most recent episode, we read an incredible email that we got from a listener, Mackenzie, in which Mackenzie gave us this incredible information:
You asked if anyone had read all of Destiel fanfiction, and I am here to tell you that it is physically impossible. After estimating the average length of a Destiel fic and multiplying that by the number of Destiel fics on AO3, it comes to 1,171,662,455 words. This would be like reading LoTR (including the Hobbit) and the Twilight Series 1000 times, which is about 6 years and 10 months worth of reading. This means that if someone read Destiel fic 12 hours a day, every day, since Castiel was introduced as a character less than 14 years ago, they would almost be caught up. Of course, if you include all Supernatural and RPF fic, the total reading time is 18 years, 10 months, which is longer than the show has existed.
3,705 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
5,583 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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emcscared-whumps · 2 years
WiJ 2022 - 01: (Re)introduce Yourself
WiJ 2022 Navigation Post
Hi, I'm emc, and I write whump of original characters in original settings! I've had this blog since some time in August last year (2021), and in these short few months, I've come a long way in the whump community. Everyone I've met here is wonderful and friendly and I've enjoyed every second of whumpblr and whump discord.
I've had at least a vague awareness about my taste for (fictional) blood since I was a kid around 5 or 6, but I first remember seeking the whumperflies in my teens (I'll get more into that in tomorrow's post :3c), and later still, I discovered Whumpblr posts through Pintrest, and joined a whump discord server a few years later, and then made this blog a year after that ^-^' . Getting into whump is the best thing I've ever done tbh, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
(I can now run off whump derived dopamine instead of trying to be happy!! /j/j/j/j)
Some fun facts are... I'm Australian, I do karate, I'm in the Danny Phantom fandom, I have an interest in cutting gems and other semiprecious stones, I have three cats, I love plants and gardening, and my favourite colour is unironically a deep, cool red. I also draw!
Project Updates!
Since joining the community, I have made tremendous progress on my nearest and dearest project Shifting Phases! Not only do I now have a rough idea of how to get everyone to the end scenes, I've actually started writing it!!! I'm super excited! I want to get it beta read in its entirety before I post it though, so it's a long way off yet. (As a byproduct, this means that I'll never post the fic unfinished lmao)
This story has spawned an AU that somehow manages to be darker. It's still in the ideation phases (brainrot spam to all of my whump friends on discord, rip them), so it'll be a little while before you see much posted about this one :3
My friend I recently made a lot of progress on Satanus Magus! We have basically the whole plot figured out, it just needs to be beefed up with some scenes. I look forward to writing that all out in the word doc void :)
My friend and I actually hope to publish this irl one day, so, That's A Thing!
It's an older idea of mine, it spawned in around 2018... But getting out of school and into this community has really boosted my creativity (bouncing ideas around is a powerful tool). It's like an action movie, but instead of guns and explosions, it's elemental magic and explosions!! It's not an outright whumpy fic, but ofc bc I'm involved, there are definitely a lot of whump themes.
Lastly, I have a new fic idea kicking around in my head involving a vampire and a human. It's still veeeerrryyy early days for it, but I'm already in love with the concept, and I have been sorely lacking in vampire whump for many years. I look forward to working with Malté and Corwin >:3c though I'm sure the same eagerness is not extended back -rubs my evil little handses together-
My Favourite Whump Tropes! Oh man...
Especially when they try and fail to get up again
A whumpee getting tangled and/or ensnared in something they can't get out of
A painful mobility impairment as a result of a traumatic injury
Delirium and panic where they don’t recognise their friend/caretaker, maybe they’re waking up from a nightmare, and they lash out at their friend/caretaker-- most fun with nightmares/night terrors ;DD
I'm recently getting into fucked up mental health shit >:)
Ab00se (but like, not romantic relationships)
Nonhuman whumpees (mer and vampire/demon whumpees are where it's at tbh)
Painful transformation (and the aftermath, especially if the whumpee ends up Different than they were Before)
Bonus points for terrified, horrified, and very uncoordinated bb getting used to their new body and having an awful time
Secret based whump where bad things happen if anyone ever finds out whumpee's secret
An injury jeopardising the secret-- the secret needs to be revealed it to treat the injury
A whumpee going stupidly far to hide a secret, leading to a dramatic collapse and injury/scar reveal :D
A secret reveal gone badly never fails to give me whumperflies <3
I love it when circumstances are what leads to the whump. Not all of my whumpees have whumpers at all times, and where the whump comes from often fluctuates, but a common theme of my works is that the whump is primarily a product of circumstance that enables my characters to be whumped, whether by another person (whumper), or otherwise.
A happy, or at the very least, a bittersweet ending
#These are a few of my favourite things#
Also, Tumblr just fucking ate this draft when I was 99% done, and I was a fool who did not frequently save, and now I'm starting from nothing but a (shit) memory so... I'm not angy, I'm just sad and tired lol, apologies if there're any dumb phrasing/grammatical errors lol I can't even think straight anymore gkjdhfg
(The beta post editor may be easier on my poor eyes, but It has a habit of eating things on occasion...)
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littlelaurendraws · 2 years
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I posted 2,126 times in 2022
34 posts created (2%)
2,092 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 775 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 599 posts
#littlelaurendraws - 47 posts
#art - 45 posts
#fnaf sb - 42 posts
#drawing - 42 posts
#xd - 36 posts
#fnaf - 35 posts
#fnaf security breach - 32 posts
#solar lunacy - 30 posts
#moondrop - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#it reminds me of that nightmare xxtc-96xx’s mewtwo had about huey talking and having an evil plan to make everyone love him
My Top Posts in 2022:
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NightMarch Event
A calm breeze drifts by as the moon shines on the dark branches
NightMarch Event by @the-anxious-axolotl
I’ve been testing out different lighting and shading techniques in procreate, which I also tried out in this so I hope it looks ok! :D
30 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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I finished my eclipse design! :DD
He’s got color changing rays :3
(This took like forever fkjd-)
40 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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I’ve finally finished the Jitterbug fanart I was making for @maudiemoods :3
Also while coloring this I realized I was using an old design so sorry if part of it looks different than the current design oops
I’m love your OC! I love their design and they’re really cool, I have drawn them :D
And some doodles too!
See the full post
88 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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I drew a scene from chapter 3 of the (It was, In reality, not fine.) fic by @bones-of-a-rabbit
(My friend helped with the shading :3)
I tried to draw a human TwT
(Oh also I didn’t know what outfit I should put for them)
195 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Saw this and it made me think of Mer sun from @bamsara ‘s mer fic (Celestial Omens) with fish sticks
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So I have drawn this fksjcj-
268 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Skdjsk the meme got first place, I did not expect that lol-
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