jerkxbitchx · 2 years
"Everything about you is so easy to live" said the sage carressing Dean's face lovingly. " My cheshire💗"
Dean smiled at him and nuzzled into Angel's touch. "I'm so glad you think so I've been told I'm a pain in the ass before." Dean kissed him softly.
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Heat of the Moment
Summary: The reader and Sam confront Dean after Jack tells them that Dean said he would kill Jack (Rewrite of the last scene in 13x03)
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: Angst
A/N: I wrote this months ago, right after I watched this episode. But I forgot about it until now. I just had a lot of feelings about Jack and how Dean was being a dick, okay?
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“I’m not gonna stand for this anymore,” you harshly whispered to Sam. Jack went to bed an hour ago, but you couldn’t get his words out of your head. The Dean that he knew wasn’t the Dean that you knew. Because the Dean that you knew wouldn’t threaten to kill an innocent kid. The Dean that you knew wasn’t that hotheaded.
But people could change.
Maybe he wasn’t the Dean that you knew anymore.
“You think I am?” Sam threw back.
“No, I know you won’t. I’m just saying… When Dean gets back, there’s gonna be fireworks. He’s not going to keep messing with Jack like this. I’m not going to let him.”
In short, jerky moves, Sam dragged his hands through his hair. “He’s not gonna like us ganging up on him like this.”
“He doesn’t have to. I can put up with him being moody. Hell, I knew what I was getting into when we started dating. But he can’t let his emotions take over like this. He’s ruining Jack’s life. The things he’s saying to him, how he’s treating him… It’s bordering on abuse and I can’t—I won’t stand for it.”
There was a fire in your soul that hadn’t been there for a while. You hadn’t needed this fire in your soul for a while. After getting thrown out of Heaven, the flames kept you going. They gave you reason to keep living. But after you settled down with the Winchesters and found a place next to Dean, you didn’t need the fire anymore. You were content. You were happy.
The fire was back, though.
“Maybe you should let me take the lead,” Sam said.
The tears of frustration already gathering in your eyes let you know that he was right. “Yeah. You’re better at handling this than I am right now.”
The familiar screech of the Bunker’s door hinges alerted the both of you to Dean’s presence. Sam nodded once at you, and you forced yourself to appear relaxed in your chair.
“How was it?” Sam broke the ice. “Uh, Jody told me about Missouri.”
“Yeah, just another day at the office.” This new Dean had a grim outlook on life. “How’s the kid? He go darkside yet?”
“Nope.” Sam caught your eye, took a deep breath, and turned in his chair to face his brother. Game time. “He’s uh, he’s pretty messed up though.
“You’re telling me.”
It took everything you had in you to stay still and let Sam take the lead. This wasn’t your Dean. Not anymore.
“No, Dean.” Sam was having a hard time keeping it together too. He was just as angry as you were. He was just better at hiding it. “He’s messed up because of you.” Sam tapped one of the red coasters on the war table, using the motion to collect his thoughts. You were on the verge of laying into Dean, but Sam was better at this than you were. He knew he had to choose his words. “Dean you said you’d kill him.
“It wasn’t exactly like that.”
But he wasn’t denying it. You believed Jack, but some part of you hoped that he had been wrong. Watching Dean’s body language, however, proved that Jack knew exactly what Dean thought of him.
“Then how exactly was it?”
“I told him the truth. See, you think you can use this freak but I know how this ends and it ends bad.”
Okay. You were done sitting on the sidelines. “That’s not the truth. That’s what you want to be the truth, but it’s not the truth.”
“You too, Y/N?”
He seemed betrayed, but you really didn’t care about his feelings right now. He was an adult who could handle himself and it was damn well time he started acting like one. Jack was an innocent kid. He needed your protection. Jack needed you right now more than Dean did.
“Damn right, Dean.”
A muscle in his jaw jumped and he straightened his shoulders resolutely. “Of course you’d be on his side. You always fall for the sad, underdog bullshit.”
His words pierced you. Did he really think that you were some stereotypical, emotional, two-dimensional, badly written female character? That you couldn’t look at a situation, take in the facts, and make an actual, logical opinion about it?
“It’s not bullshit. It’s having a little humanity, Dean!”
“That kid is not human!”
All of the tension in the room coiled in your body and you sprung out of your chair. “Well, neither am I!”
A brief moment of silence let you process the slight shock on Dean’s face and your heart fell.
“You forgot, didn’t you? You still can’t get over the fact that I’m an angel. We’ve been together for months, but you can’t get over it. I bet you have to force yourself to forget that I’m not human when we sleep together, right? Is that what this is really about? Or maybe I just remind you too much of Cas and you can’t take it right now because you’re the one who is letting their emotions get in the way.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Any other day, you might have taken his low, tense voice as a sign that you should back off, but not today.
“I think I do. I think that the only angel you really can stand is Castiel. Now he’s dead, you’re blaming Jack, and I remind you too much of him.” He didn’t respond. “Well get your fucking head out of your fucking ass, Dean! It’s not Jack’s fault no matter—”
“He manipulated him. He made him promises. Said paradise on earth. And Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead!”
Never before had you seen Dean so angry. He was yelling right in your face, eyes on fire, cheeks taut with emotion. For a brief moment, you were scared. Scared of Dean. Scared that he might actually hurt you.
For the first time since you met him, Dean Winchester made you scared for your life.
“It was his choice.” You forced yourself to stand your ground, even though you really wanted to get as far from Dean as you could. For Jack’s sake.
“It was Jack’s fault!”
It was over. You and Dean. There was no coming back from this. Not for you. But you couldn’t leave Jack. He needed you.
You grabbed Dean’s bag off his shoulder and shoved it at his chest. “Get the fuck out of here.”
“I ain’t going anywhere, sweetheart. I’m a Men of Letters—you aren’t.”
“You are going to turn around, go up those stairs, and get out of here, or so help me God, I will make you.”
The bag fell to the floor with a resounding thump and Dean took a step closer, using his height to tower over you. “You wanna try that ag—”
Before he could finish his sentence, your fist connected with his cheek. The crack of your knuckles on his bones was the only sound in the war room, followed by nearly thirty seconds of complete, shocked silence.
“Y/N, I—” Dean started  quietly, but you didn’t want to hear it. Maybe you’d just knocked some sense into him, literally, but you didn’t want to hear any words of apology right now. Give him some time to simmer down and make sure it wasn’t just the heat of the moment.
“As soon as I find a way to keep Jack safe outside of this bunker, you can damn well bet that I’m taking him as far away from you as possible. His room has a couch in it. I’m sleeping there.”
You stormed past Dean and headed to the hallway, ignoring Dean calling after you. When you rounded the corner, you came face to face with a wide-eyed Jack. He immediately started apologizing for eavesdropping.
“Y/N, I—I wasn’t, I mean, I—”
“’S okay, kid. C’mon.” With your arm thrown over his shoulder, you guided him through the maze of doorways until you reached his room. After asking him to stay there, you made a quick run to the room you shared with Dean and changed into some sweats and an old tee-shirt. It hurt to be in this room, so you grabbed your pillow and a blanket as quickly as you could and rushed out of the room, running into a firm chest as soon as you were in the hallway.
Pulling back a few steps, you looked up into the deep green eyes you’d fallen in love with so many months ago. “Y/N, I—”
“Tomorrow, Dean. I can’t do anything else tonight.” Eyes falling on the reddened skin on his cheek, you noticed a small cut on his cheekbone and felt a twinge of guilt. “Sorry I hit you.”
Once again, you brushed past him to the sound of your name on his lips.
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jerkxbitchx · 2 years
Send me “Date?” and i’ll answer…
[x ] Your muse asks mine
[ ] My muse asks yours
[ ] Platonic Date
[x ] Romantic Date
[ ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
[x ] Movies   • [ ] Romantic Comedy   • [ x] Adventure Movie   • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)   • [x ] Horror   • [ ] Drama   • [ ] Buddy Movie   • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ x] Restaurant   • [ ] Expensive/High Class   • [x ] Small and familiar   • [ ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature  • [ ] Beach  • [x ] Park  • [ ] Forest      • [x ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[x ] Visiting an amusement park
[ ] Visiting a haunted location
[x ] Staying at home  • [x ] Watching movies  • [ ] Playing Video Games  • [ ] Reading
 [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] …holding hands
[x ] …a kiss
[x ] …in bed
[ ] …knowing each other better 
[ ] …sleepover between friends 
 [ ] …a marriage proposal
 [ ] ___ (other options)
[ ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[x ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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jerkxbitchx · 2 years
❤ Angel x Dean (DEANGEL is the new Destiel <3 )
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME - Send my character a ❤ and I’ll fill in the form of what my character would do with yours.
Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | No Confess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes | No Cuddle after sex? Yes | No
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jerkxbitchx · 2 years
dean x angel
Who’s the cuddler? Angel
Who makes the bed? Dean
Who wakes up first? Angel
Who has the weird taste in music? Angel
Who is more protective? Angel and Dean
Who sings in the shower? Dean
Who cries during movies? Angel
Who spends the most while out shopping? Dean
Who kisses more roughly? Dean
Who is more dominant? Dean
My rating of the ship from 1-10. I love Angel and Dean so I give them a 9
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Deliberate Beauty of Humanity
Drabble Request by @starswirlblitz: Dean x angel!reader? In which dean plays with her wings and it fluffish/steamy cause she's ticklish but also has a sensitive spot that makes her squeal sometimes? I hope that's okay?
Word Count: 1949
A/N: So... this didn’t really turn out as a drabble... I kinda woke up at 3 in the morning and had this itch to write this one and couldn’t go back to sleep until it was out of my head and that’s how you got a full-length oneshot out of this! Also, I just had to write Dean’s POV in first person. It wouldn’t work any other way. I think this is the first time I’ve posted anything in first person on this blog. I hope you like it!
Version en Español: La Deliberada Belleza de la Humanidad
You hoped you never got used to this. You wanted every time to feel just like the first time. Maybe it was that it was a human act, or maybe it was just Dean. Either way, you would never change a thing about any of these moments.
Back when Castiel invited you along to help with the Winchesters, you never dreamed that Dean would ever look at you as more than Castiel's little sister. You hadn't known that you even wanted him to see you as anything but an angel. Yet here you were, laying on top of him, feeling the rigid muscles of his body move beneath yours. Bonding with your vessel and becoming one as Castiel had with Jimmy had opened so many doors and opportunities for human feeling and emotion.
It was those very feelings and emotions that you been raised to believe were weaknesses that you couldn't get enough of now.
Dean's lips captured yours in a breathtaking kiss. He always had this effect over you. As soon as he pulled you into his room and locked the door behind him, you were right on top of him. Vessels may contain your true form, but it just added to the anticipation and intensity as you were forced to slowly explore each new touch. Some angels saw humanity as a curse, but they were wrong.
Even when your mind wasn't clouded with Dean's fingers digging into your skin and his tongue tracing the seam of your lip, you still saw the deliberate beauty of humanity.
And that beauty was magnified tenfold every time Dean touched you. Every time he rushed to your side to make sure you were okay after a fight. Every time he caught your eye while you healed him, creating such an intimate bubble that surrounded the two of you.
You'd been raised to believe that human love was a weakness, but every day with Dean proved your family wrong. Human love was the strongest thing you’d ever experienced.
If you could crawl inside moments like these and never leave, you could be perfectly content.
Slow kisses in the dim light of his room. His large fingers weaving in and out of your hair, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body with each tug. The absolute perfect fit as you pressed your body down into his.
One of his hands left your hair and started a leisure journey down your neck, over your shoulder, and across your back. That was one thing you loved about Dean. He always took his time. He loved simply touching you and getting to know your body. Nothing ever felt rushed.
Then his hand ran into an obstacle and both of you froze.
Slowly, ever so slowly, you lifted your head and dared to look into Dean's eyes. For a moment, he kept his eyes locked on yours.
For as long as you'd known him, he'd never seen your wings. Despite how he made you feel, you'd never felt confident enough to show him. Presenting your wings to someone else was much more intimate than having sex. You hadn't meant to bring your wings out now. You supposed it was an unspoken testament to just how much trust you had in Dean.
You kept your eyes trained on his face, taking in every micro expression that fluttered through his eyes and the set of his muscles as he tugged his eyes from yours and looked behind you.
His eyes widened as he saw your full, large, white and gray speckled wings. For the longest moment, neither of you moved. Awe crept onto his face, and a blush crept onto yours.
"Y/N, these are—" he broke off, trying to find the right words to say. "I can't even—wow. These are—your wings are awesome."
Coming from anyone else that compliment might have sounded underwhelming. But coming from your Dean, you knew the words he left unspoken. He often said he wasn’t good with words, but you could always tell exactly what he meant.
He slowly reached out, giving you time to stop him, until his fingers were a breath away from the feathers. Both of you drew in a quick breath of air when he closed the distance, running his calloused hands over the soft feathers. At the unfamiliar touch, your wings instinctively flinched back, and Dean immediately withdrew his hand, looking at you with concern. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," you rushed to assure him. You sat up, pulling him with you until your legs were on either side of his hips, as were his legs surrounding your hips. "No, I promise that didn't hurt. I’m just not used to feeling anyone touch my wings."
You bit your lip and kept your eyes locked on his while you brought your wings closer to him in an unspoken invitation. He hesitantly reached out again, waiting for your small nod of reassurance before lightly running his fingers across a small portion of your wings.
Prepared this time, you didn't flinch away. His touch on your feathers injected sparks into the muscles under the surface and a sigh fell from your lips.
"You like that?" Dean's gruff voice didn't phrase that as a question. He knew your reactions and could tell that his touch was more than welcome.
As he grew more confident with his touch, your grace swirled faster within you, following the pathway of his hands before bursting out into the rest of your body. Your grace always reacted to Dean, but never this intensely. It wasn't long before you couldn't stay up on your own and had to lean against him, face buried in his neck.
"That feel good, sweetheart?"
You pressed an open mouth kiss to his skin in response.
"Let me feel it," he whispered gruffly, fingers dancing through the feathers at the bottom of your wings. "Let me feel how good you feel."
It was a dangerous game to play, using your grace on Dean like this. Healing him was one thing, because you were completely focused. But using grace on him during moments like these when you were so caught up in the feeling of his hands on you and his body moving against yours... it was too easy to get lost in the moment and completely overwhelm him.
Dean sensed your reservations and coaxed your head off his shoulder. Those dark green eyes that you loved so much drilled into yours.
"I can take it, Y/N. I want to feel you. I wanna feel how good I make you feel." He experimentally dragged his fingernails down your wings to see if you had the same reaction as when he dug his fingers into the bare skin of your back. The contradiction of his soft caresses and the rough touch was like a lightning bolt straight through your body and you couldn't stop your needy moan if you wanted to. Dean's entranced eyes never wavered from your face and he licked his lips. "Yeah. That. I need to feel that."
Carefully, you leaned forward and caught Dean's lips in a kiss. His hands stilled on your wings as you slowly started brushing your grace along his skin. The soft sounds that escaped from the back of his throat were all you needed to start sending the grace further into his body, past the skin.
Connecting with Dean like this always added a new layer to everything. As you took the kiss deeper, his hands flexed on your wings, electrifying your grace, which he felt. Every touch was magnified. The world didn't exist outside of this room. It was just you and Dean Winchester.
Then his fingers brushed along the base of your wings and you jumped slightly. Dean pulled back quizzically, having felt the way your grace changed. Experimentally, he dragged his finger along the same pathway again and you tried to pull away, squealing.
"Are you—" his lips pulled up in a grin. "Are you ticklish?"
"What? No," you tried to falsely deny. Gently, you used your grace to urge his hand away from that tender spot, but he was having none of that.
~Deans POV~
"Dean!" She squealed when my fingers found that ticklish spot right where the powerful muscles of her wings met the smooth expanse of her back yet again. She giggled and tried escaping from the ticklish sensation, which pushed her even closer to my body. I wasn't about to complain one bit.
A few months ago, I would have said that this world was broken beyond repair. Sammy and I tried our damnedest to keep it running, but it was a lost cause.
Of course, a few months ago I hadn't met Y/N yet. Cas brought her along on one of our hunts, saying that she needed a break from Heaven. She was the beautifully quiet type and I wasn't going to say no to having her tag along.
I still remember the first time Cas made her smile with one of his dry jokes that only angels understood. I swore that her smile was the reason the sun broke through the clouds just then. My heart stopped in that moment. It was a few days later when I first heard her laugh and my entire life rearranged itself around that sound.
But she was so out of my league. And Cas's little sister.
Somehow though, fate finally decided to smile down on me because a few months later, she was here in my bed, smiling and laughing. Her impressive wings stretched out behind her, the startling white and cool grey a perfect background to highlight her bright smile and shining eyes.
My hands moved from her ticklish spot to brush across the ridge of her upper wing, and I felt the fire that spread through her body.
"You're getting better at this grace thing," I murmured, closing my eyes against the onslaught of sensations that flowed from her body into mine. The first time she tried to use her grace on me, she was too nervous and ended up sending too much, making me pass out. It hadn't hurt, but it was a definite mood-killer.
But now I could feel what my touch did to her. Everything that she felt transferred to me and it was the hottest thing I'd ever felt.
"It's not too much?" Her breath was hot on my neck.
"It's perfect. You're perfect."
I wasn't good with words. And finding the right words to describe just how I felt about Y/N? Well that was impossible.
But sometimes I said the right thing, and this was one of those times. Her grace pushed deeper inside of me, filling every inch of my body. It was absolutely overwhelming in the best way possible and I wrapped my arms around her back, falling backwards onto the mattress until her soft body landed on top of mine. The way she was staring down at me should have scared the hell out of me. I wasn't the kind of guy who stayed around for anything more than sex, and the adoration and love that was plainly written on her face would have sent me running if it had been any other woman.
But not Y/N.
Her wings curled downward until the tips were on the mattress, forming a cocoon around the both of us, and I pulled her closer still.
As my fingers explored the soft, smooth feathers of her wings, I marveled at this moment.
Here we were, human and angel, encased by the most gorgeous wings I'd ever laid eyes on, completely wrapped up in each other, and the world couldn't touch us.
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La Deliberada Belleza de la Humanidad
Inglés autor: @imagining-supernatural Traducido por: @kclaire1
Drabble pedido por @starswirlblitz : Deanxangel!lectora en el que Dean juega con sus alas y su esponjosidad/vaporosidad. ¿Ella tiene cosquillas pero también tiene un punto sensible que le hace dar pequeños grititos de vez en cuando?  ¿Espero que te parezca bien?
Recuento de palabras: 2.046
N/A: bueno… realmente no me ha salido un drabble… me desperté como a las 3 de la mañana y me picaban las ganas de escribir esto y no me podía dormir de nuevo hasta habérmelo sacado de la cabeza y ¡así es como esto ha acabado siendo un largo oneshot! Además, tenía que escribir el punto de vista de Dean en primera persona. No hubiera funcionado de otra manera. Creo que es la primera vez que publico algo en primera persona en este blog. ¡Espero que os guste!
English Version: Deliberate Beauty of Humanity
Esperabas no acostumbrarte nunca a esto. Querías que cada vez fuera como la primera. Quizás es porque era un acto humano, o quizás era sólo porque era Dean. Fuera como fuera, no cambiarías nada de esos momentos.
Tiempo atrás, cuando Castiel te invitó para que le ayudaras con los Winchesters, nunca soñaste que Dean alguna vez te miraría como algo más que a la hermanita pequeña de Castiel. Ni siquiera sabías que querías que viera en ti algo más que un ángel. Sin embargo allí estabas, tumbada encima de él, sintiendo la rigidez de los músculos de su cuerpo moviéndose bajo los tuyos. Unirte a tu anfitrión convirtiéndoos en uno solo cómo Castiel había hecho con Jimmy te había abierto tantas puertas y oportunidades al mundo de las emociones y los sentimientos humanos.
Y eran esos sentimientos y emociones que habías crecido creyendo que eran una debilidad, de los que nunca parecías tener suficiente ahora.
Los labios de Dean capturaron los tuyos en un beso que te dejó sin aliento. Siempre tenía ese efecto sobre ti. Tan pronto como te metía en su cuarto y cerraba la puerta, te lanzabas encima de él. Los anfitriones podían contener tu verdadera forma, pero eso era un añadido a la anticipación y la intensidad con la que te veías forzada a explorar lentamente cada nuevo toque. Algunos ángeles veían la humanidad como una maldición, pero estaban equivocados.
Incluso cuando tu mente no estaba nublada con los dedos de Dean clavándose en tu piel y con su lengua repasando la forma de tus labios, tú aún podías ver la deliberada belleza de la humanidad.
Y esa belleza se veía aumentada por diez cada vez que Dean te tocaba. Cada vez que él se lanzaba a tu lado para asegurarse de que estabas bien después de una pelea. Cada vez que te miraba a los ojos mientras le curabas, creando una burbuja tan íntima que os envolvía a los dos.
Te habían educado en la creencia de que el amor humano era una debilidad, pero cada día que pasabas con Dean te demostraba que tu familia estaba equivocada. El amor humano era el más fuerte que habías experimentado.
Si pudieras colarte dentro de momentos como estos y quedarte en ellos para siempre estarías totalmente feliz.
Besos lentos en la pálida luz de su habitación. Sus largos dedos peinándote, pasando por fuera y dentro de tu pelo, enviándote oleadas de placer a través de tu cuerpo con cada tirón. La forma absolutamente perfecta en la que tu cuerpo encajaba presionando sobre el suyo.
Una de sus manos dejó tu pelo y comenzó un lento viaje hacia tu cuello, pasando sobre tus hombros y a travesando tu espalda. Esa era una de las cosas que adorabas de Dean, siempre se tomaba su tiempo.  Le encantaba tocarte simplemente y aprender a conocer tu cuerpo. Nunca parecía tener prisa.
Sus manos tropezaron con un obstáculo y los dos os quedasteis inmóviles.
Despacito, muy muy despacito, levantaste la cabeza y te atreviste a mirar a Dean a los ojos. Durante un momento él los mantuvo fijos en los tuyos.
Hasta donde tú sabías, él nunca había visto tus alas. A pesar de todo lo que te hacía sentir, nunca habías sentido la confianza suficiente para enseñárselas. Enseñarle tus alas a alguien era mucho más íntimo que tener sexo. No habías tenido la intención enseñárselas ahora. Suponías que era una prueba silenciosa de cuánto confiabas en Dean.
Mantuviste los ojos fijos en su rosto, contemplado cada micro expresión que resplandecía en su mirada, y la firmeza de sus músculos según aparataba sus ojos de los tuyos para mirar detrás de ti.
Sus ojos se agrandaron ante la vista completa de tus alas, grandes, blancas y moteadas de gris. Durante largo rato ninguno de los dos os movisteis. El asombro se asomó a su rostro y el rubor al tuyo.
“T/N, esas son—” se interrumpió, tratando de  encontrar las palabras adecuadas. “Ni siquiera puedo—vaya. Esas son—tus alas son increíbles.”
Viniendo de cualquier otro ese cumplido hubiera sido abrumador. Pero viniendo de tu Dean, sabías lo que las palabras que no decían significaban. Él decía a menudo que no era bueno con las palabras pero tú siempre sabías ver exactamente lo que significaban.
Estiró el brazo despacito, dándote  tiempo a detenerle, hasta que sus dedos estuvieron casi rozando tus plumas. Los dos respirasteis hondo cuando acortó la distancia, pasando sus manos callosas sobre la suavidad de las plumas. Ante lo desacostumbrado de ese contacto, tus alas instintivamente se retiraron hacia atrás y Dean inmediatamente apartó la mano, mirándote con expresión preocupada. “¿Te he hecho daño?”
“No” te apresuraste a asegurarle. Te sentaste, tirando de él hasta que tus piernas estuvieron a ambos lados de sus caderas y las suyas rodeando las tuyas. “No, te prometo que no me has hecho daño. Es sólo que no estoy acostumbrada a que nadie toque mis alas.”
Te mordiste el labio y mantuviste tus ojos fijos en los suyos moviendo las alas hasta acercarlas a él como una invitación silenciosa. Dudando, estiró el brazo de nuevo, esperando  al ligero movimiento de la cabeza con el que afirmaste antes de suavemente pasar sus dedos a través de una pequeña porción de tus alas.
Preparada esta vez, no te apartaste. El contacto de sus dedos en tus alas te produjo un chisporroteo en los músculos bajo la superficie y un suspiro escapo de tus labios.
“¿Te gusta esto?” la voz dura de Dean lo dijo sin que sonara a pregunta. Conocía tus reacciones y se daba cuenta de que su caricia era más que bienvenida.
Según fue cogiendo confianza, tu gracia se iba moviendo más y más rápido dentro de ti siguiendo la senda de sus manos antes de estallar en el resto de tu cuerpo. Tu gracia siempre reaccionaba ante Dean, pero nunca con tanta intensidad. No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que no pudieras sostenerte y tuviste que inclinarte sobre él, con la cara escondida en su cuello.
“¿Esto te gusta, cariño?”
Le besaste la piel con la boca abierta como respuesta. 
“Déjame sentirlo,” te susurró, con los dedos bailando entre las plumas de la parte baja de tus alas. “Déjame sentir cuánto te gusta.”
Era un juego peligroso usar tu gracia con Dean  de esa manera. Curarle era una cosa, porque estabas completamente concentrada. Pero usar tu gracia con él durante un momento como ese, cuando estabas tan atrapada en las sensación de sus manos sobre ti, y de su cuerpo moviéndose contra el tuyo… era demasiado fácil perderse en el momento y acabar sobrepasándole por completo.
Dean pudo sentir tus reservas y te hizo apartar la cabeza de su hombro. Esos ojos verde oscuro que tanto amabas clavados en los tuyos.
“Puedo con ello, T/N. Quiero sentirte. Quiero sentir cómo de bien te hago sentir.” Experimentando, paso sus uñas por tus alas para ver si tenías la misma reacción que cuando pasaba repasaba con sus dedos la piel desnuda de tu espalda. El contraste entre la suave caricia y el toque casi rudo fue como si un relámpago recorriera tu cuerpo y no hubieras podido detener el gemido aunque hubieras querido. Los ojos de Dean no se habían apartado de tu rostro y se lamió los labios. “Sí. Eso. Necesito sentir eso.”
Con cuidado, te inclinaste hacia delante y atrapaste sus labios con un beso. Sus manos permanecían inmóviles entre tus alas mientras lentamente comenzaste a extender tu gracia sobre su piel. Los suaves sonidos que escapaban de lo más hondo de su garganta fue todo lo que necesitaste para comenzar a enviar tu gracia hacia el resto de su cuerpo, pasando la barrera de la piel.
Conectar con Dean de esta manera siempre os había hecho alcanzar un nuevo nivel. Mientras tu beso se hacía más profundo, sus manos se flexionaban sobre tus alas, electrificando tu gracia, y él lo podía sentir. Cada toque quedaba magnificado. El mundo no existía fuera de esa habitación. Estabais sólo Dean Winchester y tú.
Entonces sus dedos rozaron la base de tus alas y tu diste un pequeño salto. Dean se apartó extrañado, notando la forma en la que tu gracia había cambiado. Experimentalmente, trazó la misma ruta con los dedos de nuevo y tu intentaste apartarte, dando un gritito.
“Tienes—“ sus labios se abrieron en una sonrisa. “Tienes cosquillas?”
“¿Qué? No” intentaste negar. Con cuidado, usaste tu gracia para retirarle la mano de ese punto pero a él no le estaba llegando nada.
~Punto de vista de Dean~
“¡Dean!” soltó un gritito cuando mis dedos encontraron ese punto en el que tenía cosquillas, justo donde los poderosos músculos de sus alas de juntaban con suave superficie de su espalda. Soltó una risita e intento escapar de la sensación cosquilleante lo que la empujó aún más cerca de mi cuerpo. No es que yo fuera a quejarme ni un poco.
Unos meses atrás, hubiera dicho que este mundo estaba roto más allá de toda reparación. Sammy y yo hicimos todo lo condenadamente posible para que siguiera adelante pero era una causa perdida.
Por supuesto, unos meses atrás yo aun no había conocido a T/N aún. Cas la trajo a una de nuestras cazas diciendo que necesitaba tomarse un respiro del Cielo. Tenía esa clase de belleza tranquila y yo no iba a ser yo quien dijera no a tenerla allí con nosotros.
Aún recuerdo la primera vez que Cas la hizo sonreír con uno de esos chistes malos que sólo los ángeles entienden. Puedo jurar que su sonrisa fue la razón por la que el sol se abrió paso entre las nubes justo en ese momento. Mi corazón se detuvo entonces. Fue unos días más tarde cuando oí su carcajada por primera vez y mi entera vida se rehízo alrededor de ese sonido.
Pero estaba tan fuera de mi liga. Y era la hermana pequeña de Cas.
De alguna forma, el destino finalmente decidió sonreírme porque unos meses después estaba en mi cama, sonriendo y riéndose. Sus impresionantes alas estiradas detrás de ella, el blanco deslumbrante y el gris creando un perfecto fondo para remarcar su amplia sonrisa y sus ojos brillantes.
Mis manos se movieron del punto en el que se concentraban las cosquillas para acariciar la cresta de la parte superior del ala, y sentí el fuego que se extendía por su cuerpo.
“Cada vez se te da mejor esto de la gracia.” Murmuré cerrando mis ojos ante la embestida de las sensaciones que flotaban dese su cuerpo al mío. La primera vez que intentó usar su gracia conmigo estaba tan nerviosa que acabó enviándome demasiada e hizo que me desmayara. No había dolido, pero definitivamente había acabado con el momento.
Pero ahora podía sentir lo que mis caricias le causaban. Todo lo que sentía se transfería a mi y era lo más caliente que había sentido nunca.
“¿No es demasiado?” su aliento era cálido en mi cuello.
“Es perfecto. Tú eres perfecta.”
Yo no soy bueno con las palabras. ¿Y encontrar las adecuadas para describir lo que sentía por T/N? Bueno, eso era imposible.
Pero de vez en cuando decía la palabra correcta y esta había sido una de esas veces. Su gracia entró más dentro de mi, rellenando cada centímetro de mi cuerpo. Era totalmente sobrecogedor de la mejor manera posible y rodeé su espalda con mis brazos, cayendo hacia el colchón hasta que su suave cuerpo aterrizó contra el mío. La forma en la que me estaba mirando fijamente debería haberme asustado más que mil demonios. Yo no era la clase de chicos que se quedan para algo que no sea sexo, y la adoración y el amor que tan francamente estaba escrito en su rostro debería haberme hecho salir corriendo si hubiera sido cualquier otra mujer.
Pero no con T/N.
Sus alas ser curvaron hacia abajo hasta llegar al colchón, donde formaron un capullo a nuestro alrededor y la atraje con aún más hacia mi.
Mientras mis dedos exploraban las mullidas y suaves plumas de sus alas, me maravillé de ese momento.
Aquí estábamos, humano y ángel, envueltos en las más esplendidas alas en las que jamás había puesto los ojos, completamente entrelazados el uno en el otro y el mundo no podía tocarnos.
Spanish Tag: @starswirlblitz (”cause you write it for Starswirlblitz and as she is the one and only who is tagged on Spanish tag... I think she deserve, don´t you think?” ~@kclaire1‘s reason for translating this one and I happen to agree!)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
This was so hard! Picking only five? Have you seen how many fics I have? How about my favorite 5 for each character? But I somehow managed to wheedle my list down to five that are definitely near the top (and are in no particular order)
Deliberate Beauty of Humanity (DeanxAngel!Reader) 
This was one of those fics where I was just fine, living my life, doing normal stuff, when suddenly I woke up at 3 in the morning and I couldn’t go back to sleep until I texted this whole dang thing to myself. I was literally laying in my bed, texting everything for over four hours. I’m super proud of my descriptions and the entire feeling/aura type thing of this whole fic. Also, isn’t that title just spectacular? 
Just Leave (SamxReader) 
I started out as a 100% Dean girl. Then, one day I had an absolute shitty day and I sat down to let Dean comfort me... but it wasn’t Dean who showed up on the pages. This was my very first Sam fic and it holds a very special place in my heart. This is one of those fics where whenever I think about when I wrote it, I can literally see myself sitting on my bed like I’m having some sort of out-of-body experience where I’m watching myself. I have a very strong emotional connection to this one.
Marvelous (Human!CasxReader) 
I just love human!Cas, alright? Also, I planned this whole fic while I was on a 4 wheeling ride with my dad, which is kinda ironic because this fic takes place in the subway in New York, not under the wide open skies of Wyoming. My brain actually kept planning out possible ways to continue this fic for at least a week after a wrote it, but there are some fics that a part 2 would just ruin it, you know?
Needs (SamxReader) 
I absolutely loved writing this one. Seriously, I don’t know how I managed it, but all three parts of this series are 100% fluff. Like, that’s practically unheard of on my blog. Everything has to have an angsty backstory. It’s my thing. But this one is just pure fluff and I love it so much!
Spotlight (DeanxReader) 
Spotlight. What can I say about this series? Writing this one was just an absolute dream. It was one of those fics where the words just flowed and fate was on my side and I didn’t feel like tearing my hair out at all. I’ve written a lot of other series since Spotlight, and some that might even be better in certain ways, but this one will always be my #1 series. Sometimes I reread it just to feel that giddy feeling that I had the entire time I was writing it.
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