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Will (IDV) giving his survival advice to Daleth (Sky cotl)
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monochromeautumn · 3 years
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Cuánto peso más es lo que tengo que soportar día a día
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dvtale · 7 years
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The Void: Mirror doors
“Choose carefully your destiny, fool and lost soul, or your trip could end up in a place worse than black hell”
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I just want to leave a random design that I made for the IDV (Identity V) fandom, the salty boy who can insult you with a simple "Thank you"
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Slight description and history (Work in progress):
Will Clark along with his brother Benjamin, were requested to a strange location, curiosity made them get involved in something they later regretted, in a survival game, because his fault, his brother died on a gallows machine (Beta version of the game)
He thought that his brother could free himself as on other occasions from those torture machines, but he was wrong...
Now he is doomed to repeat for the years of his existence an infinite loop.
What happened to his deceased brother...?
Well, that's another story...
Grumpy, not very respectful to strangers and prefers to be as far away from people, but in a dangerous situation, he will leave all that to protect whoever he can ... Sure, he has his exceptions, likes to learn new ways to survive, but also a certain weakness with food and desserts, also somewhat childish.
Relatives: Benjamin (DBD) and some others games of NE (I'm too lazy to mention them, sorry)
References: When I design a fandom, I usually look for characters of such a "common denominator", something that almost everyone has or defines, in a game where that varies, it was a challenge, plus there are always new characters, woop!
So I first took something that the game always sees as an icon (Lucky, Naib and Emma), then I took the most popular for the fans: Aesop, Naib, Eli, William, Norton Mike, Victor, Andrew, Luca, Edgar and Ganji (In terms of fans, not tier lists, fuck tier lists!) plus most survivors carry some blame in their lives.
And little personal things like HC's: Like a mark on the neck by the gallows machines in the beta version of the game, the bandages on his left arm are worn and bloody from constantly using a syringe for healt, his right arm is a prosthesis (First Officer), he lost an arm when Joker used a chainsaw as a weapon, he can use any item and whatever he wants, but of very limited use, furthermore, after 60 secs of "kiting", will suffer a major debuff called "Guilt" (Like taxing (Seer), Shell shocked (Merc), Unconcerned (Emb), etc, etc, no OP(?)
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monochromeautumn · 5 years
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Mike Morton
Looks like a cinnamon roll but actually can kill you
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monochromeautumn · 5 years
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I have months wanting to draw this and finally I can do it
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monochromeautumn · 5 years
Rank macht in the morning be like...
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It's the first thing I imagined seeing this kind of skins, Martha gets up early, all lively and full of energy, with her Nike sports skin forcing others to get up
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"holy shit someone new it's been years since anyone new has come on the scene!"
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“Bonsoir mon ami.... Mmm...I'm only passing ... What happened to you? I thought you were dead ... More than you usually are-”
The purifier asked curiously as he took a drag of what was left of his cigarette, his main source of smoke, He knows they for what he has observed, but this is the first interaction he has with they...
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monochromeautumn · 5 years
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I don't care much about losing, but, I imagine the poor furry photoboi in this way to suffer in vain the tackles of Forward and Wildding, the multiple stuns of the Prospector and Enchantress and if we add the blows with pallets and the shots of the Coordinator
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"No matter the timeline, the universe is doomed"
"The same mistakes of our ancestors are repeated, again and again, creating a legacy of perdition"
"So let yourself be carried away by your instinct and survive!"
Guess who finally finished the semester
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A better reference to how I draw the Add-ons, well, only when I'm not too lazy I draw them in this way
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Fake Orchestra-The endless fight in vain
Based on this post
By the way, I want to give a few words, this blog is a little over a year old, despite the problems I had for my graphics tablet, the lack of questions and the artistic blockade, I have stayed this blog "alive" and I am glad that least some read me, whether or not fandom, I just want to say, thank you, I don't draw or make this blog live for gain followers, compared to other artists or friends as such, I am a zero on the left, nobody knows me, I am happy that at least someone likes something I do, I do it for the love of fandom and I want to others know this game, which is so simple but full of meaning, no, this is not a goodbye, I will continue here until that my responsibilities do not allow it, because I am an adult and as such I have my life too.
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||Hello, I draw edgy things for stress, bye||
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Doom player
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monochromeautumn · 7 years
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Yeah, After so many attempts, this design is the best...I suppose?
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monochromeautumn · 7 years
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Drawpile stuff
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