#designing him as a monster would've been to predictablekjdsgsdfhs
unulales · 5 years
port me into the monster of the week grid || accepting
the summoned | [ charm-1 | cool-1 | sharp+2 | tough+2 | weird=0 ]
running solo with no party members or npcs as allies ( at least at the beginning )
you are destined to bring about the apocalypse. you may or may not know about it yet, but you have at least come across some hints of your destiny. whenever you use luck, you’ll trigger another sign of the apocalypse. when all your luck is used, the apocalypse is imminent. it’s up to you to stop, or cause, the end of the world.
abilities + one homebrew move under the cut!
freakish: you’re weird, and people react badly. you can’t use manipulate someone until you prove yourselves to them first. (this includes other hunters: it’s up to them when you have proved yourself.) until then, they’ll just try to get away from you. you can spend 1 luck point to have the person take to you. skip the manipulate someone roll: they act as if you rolled a 12. additionally, you can use manipulate someone on monsters that can reason and talk. (but they’ll always want something really bad)
should i feel that?: your body has 2-armor. this does not stack with any other armor.
screw you: spend a point of luck to get +1 ongoing vs. one particular monster. this lasts until that monster is dead.
homebrew (from me!)
you can replenish luck points by acting in tandem to pre-existing signs of the apocalypse, but you will have to roll +weird to ensure that fate accepts your actions as helpful. this could also cause you to no longer be proven to someone, depending on whether or not they catch you in the act.
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