#despite being disliked by fandom su she is one of my favorite character AND it's not even lovehate
theawkwardvillainess · 5 months
Man had a real glowup
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A hphm character tier list please!! Bonus point if added reasoning/ explanation!
Have a great day :3
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I doubt there are any placements on this list that would truly surprise anyone, but let's go through the different rankings. I didn't name them, by the way. Those were the categories that were already offered. I could have renamed or recolored them I suppose, but I didn't wind up doing so. Let's go in ascending order.
"Avada Kedavra." Self explanatory. Three of these characters are absolutely evil and irredeemable pieces of trash. And then there's Lockhart. He's just here because he pisses me off. Granted, so does Rita Skeeter, but she doesn't ruin an entire dating quest. At least when she shows up, it's because it's a quest about her. Fenrir Greyback purposefully infects children and describes them as "delicious" so...yeah. I'd put him even lower if I could. Albus Dumbledore's placement is also not a surprise if you know me. I hate him with all of my hate. Patricia Rakepick is also here and I doubt I need to explain why.
"Send to Azkaban." They don't bother me as much as "Avada Kedavra" but I am still not a fan. The Volde-clown Boggart is personally annoying in presentation but also as a plot device. For Peeves, there is the Prank storyline of Year 5. Enough said. The Weird Sisters creep me out, Filch and Mundugus are generally annoying, I discussed Rita, and the Dementor literally calls Azkaban home. That leaves Wormtail. I don't passionately hate him but he's not exactly a good person either.
"Kinda Sus" This is where I placed all of the characters who I, for whatever reason, do not trust or otherwise find shady, the ones who give me a bad feeling. This doesn't have to be plot related either, for cases like Ethan Parkin or Madam Hooch, it might just mean that their behavior is sometimes questionable. Of course, this is also something of a joke, like putting the Red Cloak on the list. For someone like Moody, it's more obvious - everyone knows I don't trust him. Characters like Bilton and Madam Villanelle are technically on our side, but they could be spies. If a character is a known villain, but their agenda and the depth of their evil is unclear, like The Dark Witch and the White-Robed Wizard, they also go here. Jacob and MC being placed here is somewhat of a joke, but it's also somewhat meta. Jacob is like Moody, his intentions are still unclear to me. And the game keeps teasing the idea that MC may fall to the Dark Side.
"Do you even go here?" Wow, do you ever stop to notice how many characters HPHM actually has? And this tier list included all of them, even the ones I would never have thought of. I literally just used this category to place all of the characters who do not technically attend Hogwarts school, though in a few of those cases like Aurelie, it definitely came off as more amusing. Additionally, I used this ranking for all of the characters who could be considered forgettable. Either by the fandom or the game itself, such as the prefects and poor Elora Dunn. Look, if the tier list has to actually list their name in the picture so that I can remember who they are, maybe they don't need to make the list, that's all I'm saying.
"Don't care." Mostly interchangeable with "Do you even go here." Again, the cast is so huge, that I'm not going to go through every character that I placed here. These past two rankings can mostly act as a summation for the majority of the characters for whom I don't particularly like or dislike. Emily Tyler hasn't returned or been developed as an antagonist in a while, so I don't care. Trelawney giving another prophecy is boring and conflicts with canon, so I don't care. Cedric Diggory is one of the most in-your-face examples of fanservice I've ever seen, so I don't care. But again, not all of these are negative. I think the Red Cap is funny, even if his storyline is brief. I love seeing Dobby, Arthur and Molly. I always love seeing them. I could go on.
"Ok." For the characters who, when I look at them, my immediate reaction is a generally positive one. I could probably get interested in a fanwork about these guys. For many of them, there is great potential to be explored but it just hasn't happened very much. Diego would not have been this high a year ago, but he's been fleshed out. Characters like Andre, Duncan, and Tonks...whenever they're in the spotlight and get genuine development, I'm interested. It just happens so rarely. The same goes for the Weasley boys, for Badeea. Other characters go here because I personally like them, even if they aren't that relevant. People like Aberforth and Percy. But two people can wind up here despite being very different and my having completely separate feelings about both of them, like Alanza and Ben.
"Like." Everyone that I would probably write a fanwork about someday, if I could actually motivate myself to finish my current WIP. Talbott, Chiara, and Jae are genuinely interesting and compelling. They might not make my top five, but they would make my top ten. I will always love Flitwick and what HPHM has done for him, I don't even care. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean I condone everything that the character has done...Ismelda has a lot to answer for, but it doesn't mean she's not interesting. And Penny can be very interesting too, but usually only when she's put under intense stress. As heartless as it is to say. You may also be surprised to see Myrtle here, but similar to Flitwick, I just love what this game did with her. Some of these could rise or drop a ranking pretty easily too. Like in hindsight, maybe I should have switched Duncan and Myrtle. It's not a big deal either way, I guess.
"Must be protected at all costs." Self explanatory. For the most part, these are all my favorite characters in the game, and the ones who I would lay down on railroad tracks for. Another character who climbed higher over time is Skye. If it wasn't for how much people message me about her, I may not have gotten quite as invested. My love for Orion is well documented, Rowan is the reason I started playing this game, Beatrice was the breakout character of Year 6, and Tulip x Merula is my OTP for this game. I could gush about any one of these kids for six paragraphs but the bottom line is that they are my favorite characters. It is at this point that we have entered "top five" territory.
"GOD TIER ~ ALWAYS" Characters who reign supreme and are factually flawless. It's not surprising to see characters like Dennis and Fang up here because critters are, generally speaking, leagues above humans simply by default. We can also see her majesty Queen Bean ruling from the sky, guarded by her champion, the arbiter known as Erika Rath. You are entitled to your wrong opinion if you fail to see the divinity of these characters.
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brownthrussy · 7 years
Hey I saw your tags, & I was just wondering what is racist in su & gf? I'm just genuinely curious!
Well first of all sorry about the late reply i've been pretty busy! Second of all this might be a pointless reply, considering these fandoms, but fuck it. Stevies university and its fandom loves to preach itself as being diverse and woke yet does the same stuff that other fandoms do. Remember when Garnet or Amethyst got an arc for themselves? Me neither. Literally they're both "fusion" and the "fat friend" at this point. Both get little to no development for themselves which becomes ridiculous when theres been an interesting amount of focus and detail concerning Pearl. The Sardonyx arc, you know the arc which should have shown that Garnet is allowed to show that she can be vulnerable and that hurting others has consequences, was established as a Pearl arc. Literally it focused on the one that caused said problem instead of the one that got hurt when it shouldve focused on both atleast. Its also interesting how Garnet was stoic and silent when she was Darker in season 1 yet after her immediate regeneration in the end of the season she becomes lighter and more open. It probably wasnt intentional, considering Garnet got some growth by the season to become more open since Stevie met her halves, but its a tiring trope or "Stoic black woman finally gets to have a personality out of being serious and strong" which lasted a season. By season 3 shes literally the fusion friend. Aka the only episodes where she gets some focus are concerning fusion, which isnt wrong considering she is one, but it gets ridiculous not giving her anything else to work for. Amethyst was used as a "self hate" trope, which was great initially however it got repetitive and nothing was truly done. Remember season 3 when Amethyst was like "i hate myself thx Jasper" and Stevie was like "i hate myself too ok" and had a episode dedicated to it. It didnt seem necessary to have a competition on who hates themselves more when they could've, oh i dont know, learn and show compassion to one another as well as understanding each others. While it isnt exactly racism, i just dislike how the emotions in this show is just cry cry and we never mention it ever again. "Bismuth" was a display of "angry black woman' considering Bismuth wanted to kill a dictator and Stevie was like "b-hut th' hat'll make us just as bad l1ke them!!!1" and then Bismuth got poofed for wanting to kill dictators cause she was black and mean :// i get the whole "she tried to kill stevie" she thought he was rose and before anyone says "still murder tho" well ya faves Pearl Lapis and Peridot did the same shit too while the big bad butches Bismuth and Jasper suffer forever :). "Earthings" was a favorite of mine but I thought it used Smoky Quartz at the wrong time. Like the episode literally says that Amethyst could never beat Jasper no matter how she tries which really wasnt a good lesson tbh "hard work doesnt pay off, genetics does!!". Smoky was formed from a emotional bond which was nice but i thought it wouldve been better if Amethyst had accepted stevies help and that they could be fucks up together and said fusion would happen naturally instead of using fusion as just "wow we cant do shit on our owns :/// thanks rock genetics". The rubies literally got left in space to die when they were so easy to dispatch and Steven pulled the "i wanted to help eyeball" while he left the other 4 rubies to die instead of giving them a chance since wow they're??? Their own gems and deserve a chance. Said fandom demonized Navy and called her a sociopath for gaining Stevie's and the barn lesbians trust and taking the ship. These were some detailed reasons why the fandom and show seem hypocritical when they pull their "we care about diveristy but we aint gonna bother showing it" aka if youre not white coded rip you. Connie and Lars' heritage? Not necessary since theyre not white lol. Lars got a confirmed race like 4 episodes before he became pink so if we hadn't seen him before he got pink then we wouldve never known since he wouldnt look like a poc and he doesnt talk about his heritage so he wouldnt sound like one either. The fandom was also like "omgggg look at this one pic of Connie's mom wearing Indian clothes" while refusing the claim that we dont need to hear about anyone's heritage since it isn't "realistic" for POC to talk about it. Interestingly, most white fans say this claim hmm. Blue Diamond had some concerns syrrounding whitewashing, which appears to be due to lighting/ not official design. The problem was that BD was shown to be crueler in Season 2 when she was going to kill Ruby for doing her job. Yet by her official appearance she's neon, looks white despite the Indian asthethic vibe displayed on "The Return" and her display on the Moon, and sad cause her co-worker/ gf died or some shit despite Becky Sugar saying that BD was supposed to be a representation of homophobia. A stupid trope where the homophobe was just a closeted gay. She also became so sad and gay that the fandom woobified her to being a innocent gem despite being a dictator, trying to murder a main character, owning a human zoo. The show also made her cry like 99% to make you feel sad for her cause oh no how dare our white saviour Rose Quartz murder a dictator. This also brought a stupid belief of Steven that "the diamonds woildnt be here if it wasnt for my mom !!! Fuck her" considering killing PD looks like it was the only good thing Rose has done and like out of all the things steven has a right to be mad about it was about his mom killing a dictator??? Also Amethyst's and a Gem named Concrete had their own racist beta designs. Amethyst had a chola design and Concrete, a literal black coded gem that couldnt read (an advanced alien species and the only one that cant read is the black gem?),were displayed on the art books because the crewniverse doesnt really consider the racism that theyve displayed for children to see. This show has a lot of problems and its still good, could be a whole lot better if some issues were addressed, but considering the writers and fandom refuse to address any criticism by using the "its a show for kids!!!1) says the 30 year old white gay on tunglr. Org who praises stevies university for being woke!!1 and having a gay couple. Jeez this got long but I just think its hypocritical that everyone praises this show for barely doing the bare minimum yet refuses to address any problems.While I havent watched the whole show, Gravity falls has displayed a lack of POC in their whole show. While it is a small city, it became interesting that a lot of POC were in prison.
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