#dfjfjajjk social phobia follows me into irl life too in sort of the opposite way. i'll have to deal with that... but y'know. slowly chipping
bitbrumal · 1 year
             NEW ACTIVITY NOTICE !  on top of what’s mentioned in my pinned comment, i will no longer be 24/7 available or responsive. i used to lurk & comment on everything so even when i’m not writing i’m interacting - but now i’m going to be taking multiple days of just staying logged out  ( incl. logged out of discord! )  in between one day of being online. or smth like that. it’s that ✨mental health management✨ babeyyy. convoluted explanation but i wanted to explain the change for ppl who might notice & misinterpret it. & also vent a lil :joy: i’m not less interested. i just literally could not sleep any more. logging out everywhere instantly solved that problem lmfao. i’ve spent the last 3 days working on my original novel & just, chilling & shit... the fear draining from me. #nice. but then also this is what i love to do & what lets me be creative & explore & learn new shit, & despite having social phobia i am still a social creature. so. a new routine! i won’t let it steal joy from me :muscle:
social phobia does affect irl life ofc jfdjdf it’s wild. real life reminds me i don’t need to be scared of tumblr, & tumblr reminds me i don’t need to be scared of real life :joy: that works. guess that means i’ll do both uwu oh it’s just what the doctor ordered.
anyway! #rambling. rattles my cage HI it’s nice to see u again 3 days of isolation can be a lot LMAO ❤
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