#did anybody tell you that it's uhhh Undine Angst time?? no? sorry i guess...
darkvitas · 6 months
Armskirk, Aeredale, 11:50 P.M.
As a rainstorm battered onto cobblestone pathways below Kingswood Boulevard, moonlight and street light mixed together--the entire street dormant, its bustle settling down hours prior. A figure stumbled aimlessly down the road, shaky palms reaching out to steady a sway. Slumping against a lamp post, his gaze flickered upwards, struggling to focus. There had to be somewhere he could get assistance... "Closed," one sign blurred out to him, mockingly. "Closed," another read. Straightening, more crimson blossomed through his shirt, eliciting a shuddered gasp. Gritting teeth, he forced himself forward, each step flooding nearly every fibre of his being with agony. 'Please,' he begged to some higher power, 'somebody. It hurts, Oh God it hurts.' He could only go for just a while longer, until his knees buckled out on him--and crying out, he laid there, whimpering. Coughing, he spat speckles of blood quickly washed away by rainwater. Pressing a hand onto soaked ground, the cold temperature sent a shiver down his spine--mustering all the strength he could, he rolled. And crawled... Crawled under the elements, until -- The Raven's Message, a potions shop crewed by Aloysius and young trainee Finn Powell... As a last-ditch effort, he raised both hands and tried the handle, gripping it as if his entire life depended on it. "F-Finn," he whispered, using the last ounce of his energy to enter. "Finn... Help." Finn nearly jumped out of his skin at the bell tinkering--a patron, at this hour? Who could it be? Whirling, the alchemist's mouth hung open at the sight before him. "D-DV?!" He almost had to do a double take, but quickly confirmed that the Prince's brother was at his doorstep and needed him--yesterday! Snapping back to reality, Finn rushed to the dark-clad's side, taking him into his arms. "What happened?! Aloysius, help!!" The swordsman couldn't answer-- the last thing he remembered was Finn's alarmed sea blue eyes staring into his glassy reds before unconsciousness swallowed him whole.
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