#did strelly's heart go into her asshole? Why yes. Yes it did
strelitziareginaee · 10 months
Once upon a time, in a place very far away, there was a hooded man that came to a world he shouldn't exist in... but over time and through many loops, he grounded himself into that fairytale world until he became a fact about it: he was 'the Master' they all eventually said. He was the Master that made Keyblades.
And some even said... he could bring back the dead if you were especially nice to him.
That man... the man that never showed his face, the one they said had all this power and all these grand visions... well, some of what they whispered was true--in ways, he could bring back the dead. In other ways, he could create weapons that would protect whatever one loved...
But in the very same way... the dead would come back, of course, as he promised--yet they were cast away far off into another realm, an entirely different world scarce few can even travel to.
And those weapons that could protect whatever you wanted? Well, they could kill and destroy and torture as well...
In the end, that hooded man from a fairytale was no longer painted as a hero or a saint... because his promises were half-truths and thinly veiled lies.
In that world... the hooded man became the devious fox.
However, not everyone was blessed enough to know this.
Sometimes he still likes to parade around as a man with glinting promises instead...
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Strelitzia is the only one currently inside the apartment she shares with Sora--he's been waiting for this moment... and so he quickly steps from the wall, as if he oozed through the wood, plaster, and paint to stand impossibly in this gleaming apartment a few paces away from her now.
And even though he still wears that strangely impossible hood that always covers his face... it's very clear that he is angry, near bristling with a suffocating rage that makes the room feel tight and too small, despite appearing precisely the same before he arrived.
"You know, I just wanted to check in..." The Master says ominously, strolling around the apartment in an oddly casual fashion--he glazes his gloved hands over little pictures in frames (slaps them roughly down once he passes over them, each frame hitting the floor with a loud THWACK), he hums roughly and low as he overlooks a shiny, intricate glass vase holding a whole bouquet of pristine, colorful flowers of an exotic sort--
Abruptly, he takes the vase in his hand and pelts it at the nearby wall--the glass SHATTERS so loudly, the flowers blast apart like a bomb, petals cascading to the floor in the messy aftermath--
"I met Sora," the Master spits out, facing her again directly, a little hunched like a bear that isn't sure if it should thrash about in a rage or simply tear apart everything in front of it. "What did he tell you, Strelitzia?!"
The Master is walking slowly closer to her--he stalks nearer like a lion about to pounce on its newest prey.
"I told you I wanted Sora to make connections HERE!! I told you--I told you a million times--get him to meet people here!! But still he held onto his old friends INSTEAD!!!" The Master is near shaking with this awful wrath, but then--very suddenly in an grating way--he pauses, steps back and straightens, canting his head. "You've failed me, Strelitzia. You failed."
The Master then flops into a chair near a counter at the kitchen, sighing loudly.
"I'm not sure why I should ever let you go home now..." The Master says softly, tapping a gloved finger on the counter roughly. "Why I should ever let you see your friends again, your real friends and your brother..."
But then the Master is smiling.
"Lucky for you, Strelitzia, a new opportunity has arrived to prove yourself. A task I am too busy to occupy myself with... you could call him a glitch in the system I think you can handle. Or... you could call him an old friend." The Master sweeps to his feet, shrugging. "That's your choice--I don't really care what you do with him, but keep him busy and out of my way, Strelitzia. This is not an order, let me be clear--this is a threat."
The Master moves to the glass window of the apartment, staring out at the city lights and tiny people crawling over the cement far, far below...
"You remember Ephemer, don't you? He'll be here in three days, that you can trust me on. We both know he doesn't ever give up easily..."
And then the Master is just gone, as if he might have never been there in the first place.
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She thought she had finally been freed from his influence, that he had become bored of her and her inability to follow through with his whims. She thought he had let her go, allowed her to move on with her life, and that she could forget their promises to each other as though it were a bad dream. He would no longer hold her wishes and regrets like Damocles' sword over her head. She believed she was free.
How foolish she had been.
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A calamitous omen no one expected, his return was like a dagger piercing ice cold in her soul, leaving her frightened like a child in the wake of a scolding parent. She pressed against the nearest wall as he loomed closer, praying that she would become one with it, that she would mold herself into its fixture and disappear just as he had materialized from it moments before.
But life wasn't that simple nor benevolent, especially to a girl who hadn't done as she was told.
"Please, I'm sorry--" She tried to reason, but she knew it wasn't good enough for the Master. Her skin prickled and she shut her eyes tight as each picture fell from the wall like a symbol of her bravery being knocked down one by one, and she squeaked like a frightened mouse in the hands of a hungry feline. Her heart raced in her chest, making it harder to breathe. Her eyes burned, but no tears fell. She knew she deserved this.
The Master expected more from her and she had failed him...
She got too comfortable, too complacent in her roll. Sora had been so wonderful to her and such a good friend that she had forgotten why she had been put here in the first place; why the Master had been so kind to her and why he believed in her. Her first friend. How could she do this to him? Yes, she deserved this.
"AH!" She squealed as one of her intricate bouquets met its end, the vase shattering against the wall so close to her, she thought had hit her. The boom was enough to make her cover her ears, her shoulders hunched up and her body bent. She sank to the floor, curling up as if making herself look smaller would make the Master compassionate enough to not hurt her, whether that be with his words or fists.
"Please, I'm sorry!" She tried to reason again, whimpering when she knew that the Master was stalking closer and that his anger was a blazing inferno ready to set her on fire should she make the wrong move or say the wrong thing. She didn't move nor did she look at him. She knew better than that.
'You failed.'
The words were simple. His scorn understandable. She failed him. There was nothing more to it. Nothing less.
The sound of fabric shifting was enough for her to finally lift her head, seeing that the distance between them had lengthened and he was sitting down now. It didn't make her feel any better though, not when he was threatening the one thing she wanted. She wanted to go home, and now he was holding that against her like a threat.
She tried to swallow the dryness in her throat when he said he was willing to give her another chance, knowing that such an occurrence was a rare one. She couldn't see his face, but there was something about the way he was speaking to her that made her skin crawl. Like he was... smiling. It made her grow cold, goosebumps littering her flesh.
There was someone else she was to distract, but who? Hadn't Sora been enough?
Then it was revealed as fast as her curiosity was piqued, and her jaw slackened. Ephemer. A name she hadn't heard in years and a name she thought she would never hear again. He was to come to Quadratum and she had to distract him; to keep him away from the Master. That's all she had to do. She couldn't fail him again. She didn't want to know what would happen if she did.
But if Ephemer was coming to Quadratum, then that meant that something big was about to happen.
Looking up, the Master was gone and the breath she had been holding finally released in frantic gulps, a hand pressed tight against her chest to ease the palpitations threatening to burst through her ribs, and her other hand pressed to the wall for support. Hyperventilating, she tried to catch her breath as she looked around the apartment, expecting the Master to be hiding in a dark corner, waiting for her to let her guard down.
"Ephemer." She whispered a name she never thought would pass her lips again. Standing with the help of the wall, though her knees tremble and shook, she turned her attention to the window overlooking the city and tried to ease her panic as best she could.
"If there's anyone who can help... It's him."
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