#didn't trace this one though. which does make me proud if not vaguely
the-valiant-valkyrie · 5 months
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hey.......... do you mind.........
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gustingirl · 2 years
gvf headcanon | touch starvation
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request: what about touch starved headcanons? legit i'm in love with what you write
disclaimer: not sure exactly how i'm doing this, as the request was a bit vague, so i hope this works
warnings: might get smutty (with josh and jake mostly)
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i bet it's quite evident why i'm starting with josh. this boy is the definition of touch starvation. not that he is starved himself, but he is the biggest fan of it. i'm serious, i have never seen someone so into it before. there's something about the way his hands are always looking for something to touch, even if it's himself or an object. but he loves touching you, and knowing you adore it as much as he does, makes him go insane. like the second he knows you're so addicted to touch (because something tells me you would share this openly), he will never stop doing it.
and i mean, seriously, never. i imagine now a red carpet moment. he wanted to show you off, proud of the magnificent significant other he had. you would be standing by his side at all times, and he would never let you go, even if paparazzis were asking you to move. like joshua had a hand on you at all times: a hand on your shoulder, as it scratched your neck while he was being interviewed; a hand holding yours, with his thumb stroking the palm of your hand, while people called his name; a hand on your leg as you sat on the table, this one being a bit more sneaky as it would climb higher towards your crotch just to tease you. he loved doing these things when people was around, mostly to watch you struggle to keep it cool, as he knew how it affected you. at the end of the night, you couldn't take it anymore, and you ended up dragging him towards the bathroom, right after he had played at the awards show.
"you were doing it on purpose" you accused, as you kissed his neck passionately. his hands were gripping your ass as he released little moans, a devilish but cute smile painting his face
"i have no idea what you are talking about, dear" but he did know, as he loved, so much, pushing your buttons every single time.
sam's hands on you mean something else: means protection. like he loves doing it, no matter if you're younger or older than him, taller or shorter, male or female. this man wants to have a hand on you at all times, like to make sure you're alright, healthy and safe. as he walked across crowds, a hand on you; as he sat beside you, a hand on you. and so, like that, he could always make sure you were safe. this would also allow you to tell him something with just your body tension.
like the one time you were at the cinema and saw your ex walk in. like always, sam's hand was lying on your leg, with a finger tracing circles on your knee. you were waiting for the movie to start when your eyes met a familiar face, who happened to be accompanied by someone you knew but didn't exactly like. you barely noticed you had tensed until sam turned to face you. the look on your face was not pretty and he instantly worried.
"you alright, babe?" you nodded, to which he responded with a nod, though he still kept alert to you.
when he noticed the reason behind your tension, he decided to reassure you everything was fine by holding onto you tighter, even bringing you closer to him, by putting his arm over your shoulders. in his embrace you could always feel safer
in general, these four boys seem to be really into skinship. like touch is something natural from them, i mean even with friends they're comfortable to do it. with a partner it would only intensify, as long as you were ok with it. though, out of the four of them, jake is the least crazy about it. unlike his twin brother, he seems to be much more normal with it, only doing it every once in a while. in jake's case, i feel that his constant touching would only happen when he was horny.
like the one time he was visiting your family. don't get me wrong, he was being the most gentleman with your relatives, acting like the true prince he is. with everybody, he was gentle and nice. with you? he was quite the opposite (in the kinkiest way possible). his eyes would change every time he would stare at you, as if he wanted to tell you something. you weren't understand his message, and so he used touch. the way he was gripping on your thigh as he spoke with your mother, and the way he was keeping you close to him by holding you by your waist while chatting with your brothers and sisters. it was all a call for sex, for unholy touching. it was when his hand started caressing your back, every time lower and lower, that you caught the message. upon feeling embarrassed in front of your family for getting turned on during that moment, you excused yourself with jake, telling everybody you weren't feeling right.
"oh, yeah, you seem sick" jake teased as he entered the bathroom, following you behind
"shut up!" you complained, while biting your lip
there was a moment of silence with only you two staring back at each other, before jake broke the ice
"so, should we fuck?"
yeah, he's doing anything you want, just for you. and if touch is your thing, then touch you will receive. something tells me everything is quite vocal with danny, so you wouldn't hesitate to open up to him about loving being touched and so. when he found out, he made sure he always did it, as he knew how important it was for you. however, something tells me you would have to do it first, as he would fear to overdo it or crossing a line. also, he would probably forget about it, and upon you doing it, he would understand the wrong message.
like the one time you visited him at his concert. you spent the night with the kiszka's family, singing out loud every song and dancing your night away. when the show was over, you went backstage with the boys, and then later abandoned the venue to have drinks together. some fans were waiting for the boys, and it made you happy to see the band stopping their night to greet everybody. you stood by a side, watching your boyfriend interact with fans. however, something inside you made you want to participate, and you joined the conversation he was having with sam and more fans, to hug his arm tightly. poor boy was scared out of nowhere and he pulled you aside, concern evident on his face.
"what's wrong, baby? is everything ok?" he asked while holding you
"what? i'm fine, sunshine!" you reassured him with a kiss to his lips "i just missed you"
"...oH!" his cheeks were painted in red as he understood the message quite late.
it made you laugh and smile, loving how concerned he would get with you. he was for sure the best boyfriend ever.
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