limunette · 2 years
Hi is is kind of a senstive topic, so I was in a abusive relationship untill 9 months ago. We have talked ab 5/6 times maybe while broken up and i have initiated ab 3/6 times we spoke. Other then that he is blocked and i pretty much dont have a online presence bc of him. However the past fee days i have been having panic attacks and im scared he me might harm me (physically) like show up to my house, stalk me.. i think u get it. Is this my gut telling me something or am i just filled w anxety and guilt for beaing w him so long? Pliz help :(
I'm sorry you went through that, that's horrible :( this does sound like anxiety though . It can happen after an abusive relationship ends because it built up for so long and now releasing cause your brain sent the signal that it's safe to now.
The thing with intuition is that: it isn't screaming in your face, it won't make you feel panic or scared. It's loud but calm at the same time. I still have issues discerning the two especially during high anxiety days where i think it's my gut feelings but it's not.
I would stay safe and if you could, please please seek help for your anxiety as soon as you can. I would still be careful, just in case but find a way to be neutral and calm.
I'll give you an example and im sorry if this is a bit dark. I cant think of better one to make a point. So excuse that.
Anyway, sometimes at night when I'm about to sleep, i get paranoid that I left the gas soon. My anxious brain will go on 100x speed, very fast phased and repetitive saying things like "you left the gas on. You're going to kill yourself and your family. Check on the gas! Now! Hurry up. Get up. Why aren't you getting up?" Basically yelling at me, causing my heart beat to raise so fast, panicking etc. I go to check on my gas, it's not on.
Intuition version: You should get up to some drink water before you sleep. (Sometimes distract me with something else to not worry me)
Hey, while you're there, check on the gas, i think you left it on. { I check and i did leave it on. } Intutition: neutral tone being calm but loud enough for me to listen.
I hope that helps you identify the difference more, only you can know for sure but please stay safe. I'm proud of you for getting out of this really tough situation
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geminitarotmagick · 3 years
Now Offering 2022 Year Ahead In Depth Tarot Readings
Mini reading requests are currently closed, but I'm currently offering paid readings, and I'm now offering Year Ahead readings to help you get ready for 2022! I will be offering these readings starting today and ending on 1/31/22! Below are the options for Year Ahead readings that you can purchase. Please DM me if you'd like one, and we can go from there.
If you want to book an in depth paid reading not on this topic, see here for more info.
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This is a sample reading.
PRICE: $40
This reading will give you a month by month look at 2022, to help you to be as prepared for the year as you can be. You will also receive info on your growth over the year, lessons for the year and where you should be focusing your energy throughout the year, and some advice that might help you to make the best of 2022.
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This is a sample reading.
PRICE: $30
This reading will split the year into four quarters, giving you insight into each one. Each quarter will give you insight on you during that time, the lessons you'll be learning, and some things that might happen during that time. You will also receive an overall theme for the entire year, and where you should be focusing your energy to help you during the year.
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This is a sample reading.
PRICE: $30
This reading will focus on different areas of your life, and what you might need to know about what will happen with them in the new year. You will get insight into your career and finances in 2022, your relationships in 2022, and into your mental health in 2022. You will also receive info on what might be themes and lessons of the year, and where you should focus your energy during this year as well.
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This is a sample reading.
PRICE: $25
This reading will split the year in half. You'll get insight into things that might happen, themes and advice for the first half of the year, and for the second half of the year. You'll also receive insight on what will tie both parts of the year together thematically, and what you should be focusing on.
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This is a sample reading.
PRICE: $25
This reading will give you an overview of the whole year, and will help you to know some things to keep in mind throughout the year to make it your best yet! You'll get some advice, some encouragement, some tips on how to focus in self care this year, what you should focus your energy on, some themes that might impact you this year, and also insight into how you'll grow over the course over the year.
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If you're interested in getting one of these readings, please DM me. I take payment through Zelle (if you're located in the US) and PayPal. Once payment is received, you’ll be given a date of when I’ll be doing your reading, and you’ll receive it within 48 hours of that date. You’ll receive a Google Doc with pictures of your spread and an in depth interpretation of everything, and you can ask as many follow up questions as you need at no cost to you. I can't wait to read for you.
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thewoodbine · 2 years
Witchcraft Roleplay On Your Dashboard? It’s More Likely Than You Think
Tl;dr: I am turning my blog into a roleplay style server for witch content, roleplay, and interaction. You can play anyone you want and interact with me in my virtual cafe however you like via my asks box.
My blog is going story form! 
From now on I will be assuming the character of ...well...myself, but as a witch who owns your local witch metaphysical cafe and bookstore. To keep you company, be a listening ear, share stories and ideas, and help answer questions- or whatever you feel like doing in a cozy cafe!
 For a writing example please see the pinned post on my blog which I will be reblogging soon to refresh it. 
Please feel free to reblog this and help get the word out and please stop by to have a drink with me and chat. It would really make my day. It would mean so much to me if this works out well.  ❤️
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nameless-goddess94 · 3 years
𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝕯𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖗𝖞
𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕱𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖙:
General Symbols-
- Youth
- Temptation
- Sensuality
- Fertility
- Prosperity
- Abundance
- Frutis of Labor
- Wealth
- Health
- Sweet Disposition
- Old Age
- Spoiled Innocence
- Bitter Endings to an Affair
- Corruption
- Financial Loss
- Failed Efforts
- Missed Opportunities
- Deterioration of Health
Sin of woman, downfall of man. Religious connections to Adam and Eve and a representative of knowledge both forbidden and sacred. This means it can also represent female liberation, independent thought, spiritual soul searching and self discovery. Also symbolic of the relationship between humans and nature, and the inherited desire to survive, as well as the ability to sustain off the land. Apples versatility make them good metaphors for adaptability, while the trees remind us that good things are bound to come with hard work and patience. Going back to knowledge apples are also a symbol of teaching, guidance and the cultivation of the next generation. Since apples are found in most cultures, and the trees bare fruit for generations, they can also be a nod to heritage.
Phallic symbol. Strong sexual desire. Can also represent humor and happiness due to their yellow color as well as their history being used as a comedic prop (banana peel); sometimes a suggestion to laugh at yourself. Bananas can represent the odd and strange as well as the surreal. There is a dark side to this symbol however. Bananas can represent male entitlement and patriarchy. Their historical ties to politics and business can elude to racial oppression, political strife, blatant consumerism and greed; as well as plain insanity or chaos.
𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 :
Blackberries are strange in that they can represent both beauty and ugliness, sometimes separately- and sometimes simultaneously. The deep color of the blackberry has been used to represent the blood of saints and martyrs, and therefore can elude to a necessary sacrafice, heavy responsibilities, or even trial and tribulation. On the flipside, martyrdom can also elude to scapegoating, unnecessary stress or spreading oneself too thin. Despite their connection with the sacred, blackberries can also be a symbol of the devil and may hold connotations of temptation, arrogance and empty promises. In this sense, depending on one's view point, they can also be bad omens, symbols of bad luck and even curses.
Blueberries are representative of comfort, wholesome memories and warmth. Since blueberries are often portrayed in rural dishes, a blueberry can represent traditional values, family, and connectivity with nature. Blueberries often hint at nostalgia or yearning for a time since passed. There is a bitterness to blueberries however, and their appearance can sometimes elude to things appearing better than they actually are. Blueberries can sometimes act as a lesson to look again and be discerning of certain situations, opportunities or promises.
Representative of virginity, youth and purity the plucking, or destruction of a cherry in one's dreams can be a metaphor of loss of innocence, growing up, or sexual liberation. With their pit found directly in the center, and their juice being a deep red, cherries can represent both the beginning and end of a life- and therefore signify the start or closing of a chapter in one's life. Cherries can also act as a reminder to count one's blessings in life as they are sweet and have connections to the Christian idea of paradise.
Seen around the harvesting season, cranberries often hold connotations of abundance. They also have strong links to themes of family and comfort. Being native to the North Americas, cranberries can act as a symbol for American wilderness and nature. For the untameable.
Figs have connotations in both past and modern cultures. The fig, just as with the apple, is a symbol for the fall of man, and therefore shares similar meanings of knowledge and temptation. However, unlike the apple, the fig also is a symbol for modesty as Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves. In literature figs have been used to represent ulterior motives and false pretenses, as seen in Shakespeare; as well as impropriety, ill wishes and ill regard. Figs have been used as a symbol of sex and, more specifically, vaginas throughout history.
Grapes allude to abundance and material wealth, especially when seen in a vineyard. They are also associated with political power, as seen in images where someone of great social stature is being fed grapes, as well as wrath. Since grapes are made into wine, they can also be a symbolism of frivolity, celebration and hedonism. Unless, that is, one were to take this symbol at a Catholic approach- in which case wine (and the grape) is the symbol of the blood of Christ and deep spirituality.
Symbol of luxury and wealth. The old world perception of lemons held them up as exotic and strange, thus making them a symbol of unexplored lands; of travel and international commerce. Due to their connections to wealth, lemons are also a representation of economics. A peeled lemon can offer a lesson in these things, and can warn of pride and the dangers of materialism. Peeled lemons can also symbolize fleeting joy and pleasure, as well act as a memento mori. Due to this connection to death, lemons can also represent bitterness, sourness and disappointment.
Though mangos do not hold a lot of symbolism in western culture, they have a high place in eastern symbolism. Mangos are symbols of spirituality and higher thinking, once desired by Ganesh as a source of knowledge as well as the supposed meeting place for Buddha and his followers. Mangos are also symbols of sexual desire, lust, love and fertility, as well as royalty and wealth. It should also be said, there is folklore stating mango trees have the abiltiy to grant wishes.
Peaches are symbols of immortality and youth. Good health, especially female health are suggested by the appearance of this fruit. Peaches also allude to female sexuality, the female body, as well as sweet and wholesome dispositions. Peaches are also connected to country living and are representations of down to earth thinking and humble a attitude. In Chinese culture, peaches and peach trees are said to be able to ward off demons, or may be utilized to ward of evil.
Plums share many of the same meanings as peaches in terms of being a protection against evil, and an object of desire. However plums are more a symbol of general temptation and impulse. Plums also represent the coming of spring, and thus overcoming adversity.
Pomegranates are interesting in that they often represent beauty that can be found in darkness. In the story of Persephone and Hades, Persephone is enchanted by the fruit and it is sometimes portrayed as the reason she returns to the underworld, because of this pomegranates are also a symbol of loyalty. The story of Persephone also makes the pomegranate a symbol of time, and the passing of the seasons. They can also allude to friendships, childhood innocence and purity. Pomegranates have been identified as symbols of passion and young love. Biblically they have been used to represent success, goodness and wisdom.
Raspberries are berries protected by thorns, which can be seen both as a warning of appearances or a metaphor for overcoming obstacles. In Christianity they are symbols of kindness and, in medieval times, were often used as an ingredient in love spells; thus making them a symbol for unspoken feelings, or desires.
Due to its heart shape and red coloring, the strawberry is a symbol of true love, understanding and friendship. Due to their connection to love, strawberries can also be seen as a calling card for Venus, the goddess of love. They are symbols of perfection, purity and virtue dating as far back as medieval times. In modern culture strawberries have been used as symbols of goodness and simple pleasures, as well as harmony with nature.
Due to its modern connection with childhood memories and summer, the watermelon is a symbol of growing up and nostalgia. It can also be a symbol of taking the bad with the good, as in order to enjoy a watermelon you must spit out the seeds. The seeds also can serve as a warning to be cautious while enjoying a good thing. Unfortunately, it must be said that watermelons (particularly in American culture) can be a representation of racism, harmful stereotypes, generational trauma and oppression.
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little-wonder-witch · 4 years
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Join the Discord server https://discord.gg/DCXanTPaaU 18+ only 💖 I'm currently doing readings in there through PayPal and sometimes free! Plus it's a super friendly place! . . #witch #crystal #divinaton #divinationwitch #dicedivination #dice #rune #runes #tarot #oracle #welcome #hello #discordwitches #discord https://www.instagram.com/p/CHP5zUkhZz6/?igshid=1rf2eeqwrbkb9
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rosemarywaterwitch · 5 years
I checked my bank account and oh boi i could need some extra cash, especially because i am not able to work this month at all.
since nobody got a paid reading so far, I decided to open up my one card readings and offer them for free - and if you like it you can tip!
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I can also use a bigger spread, make a sigil, read the crystals or do a bibliomancy/shufflemancy reading for you! just message me.
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hot-girl-midsommar · 5 years
Hey! I’m TN Pisces. May I have a love life reading? My ex boyfriend (AV Leo) and I recently broken up, but we haven’t stopped talking. And was talking about getting back together. I was wondering how our relationship going to go. Thank you!! Have a great day!
you got it!! i drew two angel cards - see only love and opportunity to forgive. it seems like this breakup is a huge growth opportunity for you. if you want to get back together, make sure you are both healed from any past resentment. if the breakup was messy at all, or if there was a fight, you need to both truly fully forgive before you both forward. regardless of if you get back together or not, try to see him and the situation with love.
hope this resonates with u ♥ good luck to you both
tip jar
free and paid readings are open
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avillageofcards · 6 years
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The Long Century Tarot is an indie tarot deck WIP created by me, Bridget, a historian and very-much-not-an-artist :)
The Long Nineteenth Century refers to the years between 1789 and 1914 (at least according to historian Eric Hobsbawm and my favourite history prof, so that’s what I’m rolling with). In other words, it began with the French Revolution, and closed with the beginning of the Great War. It was a period of rapid technological change, increasing interconnectedness (for better or for worse), and social upheaval. It’s also just my favourite period to study, and that’s a good enough reason to make a tarot deck right :p
The Major Arcana of this deck is done in colour, and the names of the cards are all changed to cultural concepts from the long century. The Roman numerals are still included, though, so you can remember which card it is! 
The suits are all done in black and white. Each card from Ace to Ten is represented by a person who was active during this period whose story fits the traditional archetype. Coins become Sovereigns, who are people who use their resources to lead others. Wands become Warriors, who are people who use their passion to fight politically, socially, or militarily. Swords become Scholars, who use their knowledge to change the world. Cups become Creators, who shape culture by producing art.
The court cards are images of 2+ people, because there are too many cool photos of multiple people to pass over! I have tried to make these names as gender-neutral as possible, because the important bit is the personality, and not the gender. Pages are Apprentices, Knights are Explorers, Queens are Guides, and Kings are Governors. Anyone can be any of these things if they put their minds to it!
I am doing my best not to make this deck too Britain/USA-centric, and that’s part of the reason it’s taking so long (sometimes it’s also difficult to locate open-source images of individuals, and I’m not here for that ripping-off-people’s-work thing). 
I hope you’ll follow along and learn some history with me! Feel free to let me know if you have questions or suggestions for cards!
Major Arcana
0 The Flâneur (The Fool)
VI The Boston Marriage (The Lovers)
VII The Bicycle (The Chariot)
VIII The Olympics (Strength)
IX Isolationism (The Hermit)
X Revolution (The Wheel)
XIII The Epidemic (Death)
XIV The Temperance Movement (Temperance)
XV The Gold Rush (The Devil)
XVI The Eruption (The Tower)
XVII The North Star (The Star)
XVIII Moonlight (The Moon)
XXI The World’s Fair (The World)
Warriors (Wands)
Two of Warriors, Maria Quitéria
Three of Warriors, Kitty Wilkinson
Five of Warriors, Ned Kelly
Seven of Warriors, Samori Ture
Nine of Warriors,  Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia
Explorers of Warriors, The Paris Crew
Creators (Cups)
Five of Creators, Nodira
Six of Creators, Taras Shevchenko
Nine of Creators, Osman Hamdi Bey
Scholars (Swords)
Five of Scholars, Ada Lovelace
Seven of Scholars, Lin Zexu
Apprentices of Scholars, Anandi Gopal Joshi, Okami Keiko, and Sabat Islambouli
Sovereigns (Pentacles)
Four of Sovereigns Louis Riel
Five of Sovereigns Queen Liliʻuokalani
Governors of Sovereigns, Queen Wilhelmina and Princess Juliana 
-AND- The card back! A low-key shoutout to Bicycle Playing Cards, which started in 1885 :P
This list will be updated as new cards are released!
If you would be interested in potentially buying a deck (or a copy of the major arcana) let me know! I would like to have this finished by the end of 2018, which is probably wishful thinking, but if there’s enough interest it would be neat to do a little run of decks!
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limunette · 2 years
•MUST be following me
•All asks will be public. please include identifier (initial, dob, sign)
•Reblog one or all of these posts: x, x
(if you want your reading to be published via anon, send me the query via anon and then another ask mentioning which username you have done the reblog.)
•Feedback is a must.
•Leave a 👽 emoji or type “alien” if you read all my rules.
Here are your choices: leave the emoji or let me know which one along with your question if it applies.
🌜 channelled reading (Your specific question about anything, may it be love, career, situation etc.)
⏰ past life
🎨 aura / 🔑 life path
👀 Telepathic reading. I will tell you what X is thinking about you. Please include your relation with them. (ex. friend, lover, mother, etc)
💌 Romantic Soulmate looks
✨ romantic Soulmate insight
(if you have a specific person /type in mind, this isn’t for you. For the open minded) & if you are straight, mention the opposite gender you're attracted to for a more accurate reading.
🔔will get a message from angels, higher self, spirits around you
❤️ will describe what your spirit self or astral spirit looks like (specify)
🔮 predict your future. specify what you want; love, career or say general.
🌞 Feeling down? I will read your energy & tell you some positive insight.
Thank you. Please reblog this as well :) hope to read for you lovely wonderful people ❤️
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thetarotspeech · 3 years
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geminitarotmagick · 3 years
Is my relationship with my brother going to be okay? ~MD✨💕
Hi! Requests are usually closed at this time, but since this seems pretty urgent, I thought I'd answer it anyway. A situation like this is not so black and white and has lots of complicated factors, so it would be more beneficial for you to get a more in depth reading so that I can give you more specifics, advice and information. But this reading will help to answer your most pressing question and give you a little bit of guidance on how to move forward. So here's your reading.
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Cards used: Barbieri Zodiac Oracle, Light Seers Tarot
There was definitely something that happened between the two of you that sort of splintered the relationship. While the tower doesn't always mean a bad event, I feel that in this one, words were said that can't be taken back. You're both still holding onto negative emotions about the other, and that's getting in the way of reconciling. I can see that yes, the relationship can be mended, but only if you're willing to let go of these grudges that you're both holding.
To mend things, you'll both need to have a sit down, where you can both safely share your feelings. Don't listen to respond or to attack, but really listen to what each other has to say and allow it to process. There is a strong need for forgiveness, and that can only come from understanding. That comes from you both honestly bringing your feelings to the table and being open with each other, and with you both wanting to make things right.
I hope things go well with your brother, and if you want more information and an in depth reading on this topic, feel free to DM me and we can set up something that fits your concerns and budget. Good luck, and have a nice night.
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Tarot Wrap Cover
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Today, amonst other things, I made a cloth wrap for my tarot cards. I have been keeping them in a little cloth sack that I took from something else, but now they have their own special cloth. Which works both for storage and for working with the cards. 
The inside is a semi-irdescent blue blue silk and the outside is a grey cotton print with little black flowers on it. The string that secures it is three peieces of twine that I braided together (because I couldn’t find ribbon, but I like this so much it’s okay). 
I did this following the tutorial from @thewitchofwonderlust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyIsB3lCCtY except I added some topstitching so that it would lay a little more flat. 
This was fun to make, I’m very happy with how it turned out, and it has already proven very usefull. I’m not very public about anything relating to witchcraft but it is something I’m trying to devote more of my time to. 
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thebrierpatch · 6 years
Woven Spread for Su-Crystallization
1. What theme is currently or will soon be active in your life?  King of Wands 2. How will this theme be supported or blocked? Hierophant 3. What role, archetype, or theme can you keep in mind to grow and evolve over this cycle? Knight of Cups 4. What theme was active in recent times that led to the present?  Page of Swords 5. What theme, role, or archetype will get me through this in a status quo sort of way? 6 of Cups 6. How will these themes resolve at the opposite moon phase? 2 of Pentacles 7. What hopes and fears are playing out over this cycle? 3 of Cups 8. How will the environment impact you this cycle? The Emperor 9. What themes are prominent in your mental landscape this cycle? The Lovers 10. How will this cycle resolve, and begin the next journey? The Chariot
After a time of recognizing mental disarray, the path you were walking no longer served you. The decision was made to change this, and you are actively defining your new reality even as you create it. Focus on what comes into your life naturally, rather than what is there but perhaps precariously balanced. Doing so will draw in relationships that expand and fill you, rather than draining you and toppling your stability. round the moon’s fullness, there is an opportunity for expansion of security through connection. The work that will have been done to that point will provide discernment as to whether this expansion is through or from another.
Emotional stability is a very prominent theme this cycle. Consider how instability in that area affects you and others. The environment around you is supportive in a firm way. Interactions will touch on things deeper than usual, and these places within are where you can generate your power and focus from. Love is very much on your mind, and sparks are slowly gathering to ignite the fires of passion. This journey will prepare you to be a warrior for your desires, what you believe to be right in the world and worth fighting for. Around the moon’s next darkness, an opportunity will arise to choose the path that will let you actualize that. Take it quickly, and know that there is a way to integrate seemingly exclusive desires going forward.
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
may i have a shufflemancy for a (daveways) jace strider regarding my relationship with rose egbert? i don't have many memories of her and i'd like to find out more!
i got Two Doors Down by Dolly Parton and So Called Life by Three Days Grace
as always, my in depth reading is under the cut for you
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 'Cause I can't stay inside / This lonely room and cry forever / I think I really rather join 'em / Two doors down, yeah [...] 'Cause here I am / No longer cryin' an' feelin' sorry / We're having a party just two doors down / I can't believe I'm standin' here / Dry-eyed, all smiles and talkin' / Making conversation with the new love I have found
Oh, gimme something to take the edge off / Something to kick the night off / Something to keep my mind off / This so called life / Feels like I wanna jump / Wanna scream, wanna run / Wanna fucking put a chainsaw through the wall / Feels like I'm livin' in a world where everybody's / All for none and none for all
it certainly sounds like she was important to you! from what i can parse from the shuffle, rose seems to have often been an emotional rock for you; a reliable source of support and comfort that brought you cheer and hope
it looks to me that the two of you had a lot of fun together! i cant be entirely sure whether you were actually partying or maybe just had some rousing conversations about some of your favorite things but rose was very likely a light of your life
this is a much more speculative leap so take with a few shakes of salt more than usual but it’s possible you went grimdark at some point in your timeline and rose played a valuable part in bringing you back from that ledge of madness
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creature-witch · 7 years
Hey~ this is for the free reading! ^^ How is November going to be for me? Thank you and have a wonderful day!😊🎃💙
Beginning- The Five of Blooms: Bitter gains, inheritance through loss, gifts, success. It looks like the start of the month will have a lot to offer, however you might not be happy about how you came to acquire what November brings. I personally feel this leans toward a spiritual gain of some sort. Perhaps a wisdom through an unfortunate experience of some kind.
Middle- The Moon: Deception, error, hidden enemies. I think this card is directly related to the first. Nothing ventured nothing gained, but walk carefully.
End- The Five of Bones: Love, sweetness, affection, material troubles. I think the lesson you’re going to be given is going to directly relate to your spiritual self and how you feel for those around you based on this card.
The material world and spiritual world can work together, or against each other. Ultimately it’s your choice how you’d like to manage those differences. I’m sorry if this reading was not as positive as you would have liked, but I hope it’s helpful to you! And remember, the future is never set in stone.
Thank you for your time, feedback is always appreciated!
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magick-witchcraft · 3 years
Hi cuties!
I am offering you some free oracle readings (shamanic healing oracle deck + playing cards). You can either ask a question or pick a spread of your choice and send it to me. I have started card divination quite a while ago and want to practice a little bit. Feel free to message me! 🌻
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