#dlsmp shipping
jei-rifni · 2 years
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I miss them
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wickedfarter · 1 year
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double life if it was awesome and lizzie and mumbo were soulbound inspired by this post because i love it
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foxxology · 2 years
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Someone caught Scar staring while Grian was explaining the rules of Double Life.
He's hoping that he and Grian might be bound again.
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mellioops · 5 months
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Ranchers doodles :3
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neptunalyin · 10 months
more time loop!tango sketches 🫣
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valer13sval3ntine · 2 years
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can I rancher post. can I really. do I have permission.
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chemdisaster · 9 months
daily joel #2 - my soulmate messaged me today after 2 years of no contact, so i decided to draw boat boys
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the-somwthing · 4 months
Who wants to see how normal I am, AKA,
- Joel laments about not having dark oak and having to pay Scar for “future dark oak if they find it” even tho he’s SURE they DO have it, then Scott says that there’s dark oak by his house that Joel can have, and along with Jimmy and Martyn they organize a magic show to take down Scar and Grian’s monopoly.
- Joel burns down Scott’s wall 😁🔥 just to make something else burn like he did
- Scott makes fun of how poorly done the burning of the wall was multiple times before finding out who did it
- Joel also lies about doing it
- Joel also tries to murder Scott with a failed anvil trap at his door 💀
- Scott makes fun of how poorly made this trap was as well. Joel also burns the wall again as he runs away
- btw this isn’t in a super chronological order I sometimes remember things later. Like how technically it was Jimmy who started the “Joeleo oh Joeleo, wherefore art thou Joeleo” thing but Scott DID join in on it so
- also COW HEIST 🥳😅 gone wrong. Joel and Martyn try to steal Flower Husbands’ cows. Make a (very bad) deal with Jimmy to get cows. Try to steal again when Scott’s telling Jimmy not to give away cows. Finally make an ACTUAL deal. Make fun of Joel and Martyn having a tough time getting the cows up the cliff.
- Ren: “we have banners all over the server, if you joined us we could easily pinch the middle” Scott: “so Joel? 🤩” Martyn: “BTW Joel’s already with us” Scott: “so we can’t pinch Joel, dang it 😔😒”
- Scott (and Jimmy) threatening to kill Joel’s dogs 💀😁
- Scott making fun of the red army for Joel betraying them
- Scott being willing to forgive Joel for the burning of the wall if he can do them a favor sometime (to which Joel immediately offers 13 cobblestone)
- Scott making a little secret storage area for potions for everyone in the desert faction MINUS Joel because he doesn’t trust him
- OH ALSO Scott mostly just being upset at Joel for LYING about burning his wall
- Scott burning down the wool castle and saying “maybe I do understand why Joel burned my wall. This is very freeing.”
- The fire spreading to Geraldine who was unfortunately left behind, Scott ALMOST saves her before deciding that Joel deserves it
- Scott stopping by Joel’s house and Joel shows up. They talk and decide that they’re allies and won’t come after each other
- Joel gives Scott a house tour
- He also shows Scott his dogs where Scott confesses to burning the castle and causing Geraldine’s death. Joel is sad but says it’s okay
- Also they mention that Jimmy died and Joel goes “I’m glad he died JUST KIDDING we love you Jimmy 🥺😔😭”. I don’t know what to say about this.
- Oh also at some point Joel says (about the roof above his bed being missing) that he likes to look at the stars as he sleeps. This one is a huge stretch and goes into fanon territory with Scott being connected with the stars but it’s a fun fact nonetheless.
- also love the energy of Joel excitedly showing off his dogs to Scott and Scott being like “that’s cool *chuckles nervously*”
- When they’re doing war strategies Scott would often pair himself with Joel. Just sayin.
- Scott, Scar, and Grian are on that stupid platform above Dogwarts. Joel is below them inside Dogwarts with all his dogs. Grian suggests dropping some TNT down onto him to essentially deal with the problem before it becomes their problem (they’re all terrified of Joel and kind of want him to die despite being on their side so that they don’t have to face him when they win the war). Scott gasps at this and seems to want to argue but the logic is sound and he also wants revenge on Joel, so he just covers his eyes but like this 🫣 and says “I can’t watch”. Ultimately they don’t do it.
- Scott and Joel both really want to kill BigB (the last green) and they go together and kill him 🥰
- Once again Scott pairs himself with Joel to attack Ren and Martyn. Bdubs and Impulse volunteer to tag along but end up retreating before being killed like the others.
- Scott is upset that Joel died but also refers to his death as a “slight ‘woo’!” because of the revenge and previously mentioned fear of having to fight him when they’re no longer on the same side
- Scott takes some of Joel’s stuff and declares that his death won’t be in vain
- Scott is nervous about being Joel’s neighbor in Last Life. And Scar’s for that matter
- After many failed boogey attempts, Joel comes crawling to Scott’s house for one last shot, pretending that Mumbo was the boogeyman and killed him for THAT reason.
- Joel compliments the house (poking fun at Pearl for making Scott do all the work after finding out she didn’t build any of it) and gets them to invite him inside
- He blocks the exit and starts attacking Pearl. He only switched to killing Scott because he was defending her like a boss. He kills Scott and gets cured, but Scott’s like “PEARL, KILL HIM!!” so yeah.
- They get the enchanting table off his dead body and make fun of him for having that on him while trying to kill people, and they keep it as a reward
- I don’t have the memory to be so descriptive. Joel targets Scott’s base many times, the TNT minecart door trap, the trap at the gate that actually worked, blowing up his roof with minecarts, attempting to grief his water elevator, surrounding the base in walls of lava…
- Scott tells Lizzie that her husband keeps trying to murder him. She says that he does that to her, too, and it’s “a sign that he loves you”. Scott says “oh” and IMMEDIATELY moves on
- Scott kills Joel at the end 😁 As a desperate attempt to get them to not kill him Joel yells “TEAM?” lmao
- start of Double Life they run the same direction at the beginning and kind of yell at each other before finally managing to go separate ways
- Scott of course makes fun of Joel’s death because of the way he and Etho were acting. Not to Joel’s face tho.
- Scott compliments the Relation Ship multiple times
- Scott visits the Relation at some point when Joel is there and just vents to him about Pearl. Joel sympathizes with him.
- Multiple times Scott says that he thinks the Boat Boys are good
- Joel kills Pearl but like Scott had nothing to do with that despite also dying
- Scott burns down the Relation cuz he felt like it 😁🔥
- Joel wants Scott dead soso bad
- Joel kills Scott with a rocket while Scott tries to hit him with a bucket of water. 🥰💀
- Then um there was something about a nether portal trap uh for some reason Joel’s not here anymore guess we move on to next season
- After the boogey reroll Scott hears Joel complain about not being boogeyman and says “good to know it’s not you!”
- They go into a ravine cave together. They both saw an emerald ore but Scott mines it
- Joel asks where the emerald is and Scott says he mined it and asks if Joel wanted it. He says yes and Scott gives him the emerald. He calls it an Emerald Of Trust.
- Joel thinks it’s really nice and gives Scott a piece of bamboo in return, which Scott is happy about.
- They are stuck bonding in the stupid cave together because neither of them have much food except Scott’s cooking kelp and sharing it with Joel, so they have to wait for the kelp to cook, split it between the two of them, eat it (NOT FILLING AT ALL), and heal, just a very long process.
- Eventually Joel feels ready to leave and get better food.
- Next time Scott sees Joel, he’s with Jimmy and apparently they are now bad boys
- He watches as Joel washes away carpet like a real bad boy
- As Scott leaves Joel begs him to tell everyone that he and Jimmy are bad boys (this is one that I remember from Joel’s POV, pretty much the only thing on the list that isn’t Scott’s POV lol well actually there was probably another)
- Scott decides to live in the ocean. Joel is upset because HE wanted to live in the ocean.
- Scott watches Joel kill TIES cow for the second time
- While having a hashtag flower husbands moment Scott helps trying to put out the fire on the mansion (too late tho nobody could stop THAT)
- oh I almost forgot. After making his island Scott puts a chest on it to “dump random junk he doesn’t need to keep on him” and AS HE SAYS THIS he hovers over the bamboo Joel gave him and doesn’t put it in the chest. I know it’s moreso because it’s a resource but like.
- Also we all know what ended up happening with that bamboo gift! It surrounds the Coral Isles!
- Anyways Scott needs some carpet for his farm so he goes to the bad boys to ask for carpet. Grian and Jimmy tell him to strike a deal with Joel since he’s the one who has all the carpet. Scott walks over to Joel and says “remember when we bonded in the cave?” and Joel hands him the carpet. Scott says “yay 🥳 good boys! 🥰” and the bad boys are horrified, tell him to never say that again they are BAD BOYS and make him leave.
- (also may be worth mentioning that from what I can tell, Joel didn’t have that carpet on him, and actually ran to grab it as soon as Scott asked)
- god that ^ was all session one. ANWYAYS Joel asks people for gold and in exchange they can have unlimited bread. Scott and Impulse give Joel gold.
- At some point Scott goes to collect some free unlimited bread. Grian and Jimmy stop him like “WHAT are you doing ✋🤨 only IMPULSE has unlimited bread” and Scott says “no I have it too go ask Joel” so they go to Joel and say “WHAT is this about SCOTT having unlimited bread…” and Joel just goes “yup Scott gets unlimited bread 👍” so Scott collects his bread while the other bad boys are just so disappointed in Joel
- Now is where I lost track of the timeline, but I remember once or twice Scott would just be talking usually to himself like “the bad boys are truly the good boys of the server 🥰😇”
- Despite this Scott eventually becomes scared of Joel because he did the math and realized that he’s got so many allies who won’t attack him, and the people who aren’t his allies would likely be too scared to attack Scott EXCEPT Joel.
- And Scott was spot on because he was just chilling when out of nowhere Joel just charges at him yelling “SCOTT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT” and of course after a little more chasing “SCOTT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN STUPID”
- Scott manages to get away and thinks that Joel’s lines were really funny and pathetic and is no longer afraid of him
- Bad Boys try to trap Mean Gills’ secret bed but they get foiled
- The usual Joel wants to kill Scott really bad
- Scott’s like “we have to eliminate Joel” and gets the Clockers to help because he killed them
- Joel is terrified the entire time lmao. I remember “then why is your voice higher pitched?” “BECAUSE IM SCARED” “that’s what I thought” as he lets Joel get away ahahdg
- OH I ALMOST FORGOT Scott letting Jimmy kill him for time and Joel trying to steal the kill cuz lol.
- Back to Scott terrifying Joel. That one time he tells Joel to leave Scar alone and Joel just goes “..ok”
- And then of course Scott kills Joel again 🥳😍 surely this won’t happen again 💀
So yeah this was all just off the top of my head without looking at anything. I’d love to make a new version when I rewatch SL and/or Joel’s POVs. This proves that I’m normal right
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Ranchers having a chat! :]
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michroxs · 2 years
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hermittober day 5: burn 🔥
If the ship burns, everything burns.
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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This. Was. An. Accident. I opened a canvas. I wanted to doodle these two for literally no reason (I didn’t even watch their POVs), and ended up getting this really soft drawing that gave me several mini freak outs because I was scared someone was gonna walk in as I drew it.
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Non transparent version under the cut. Thankyu)
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darkaviarymc · 9 months
Am I the only one who doesn't see DL Cleo, Etho, Bdubs, and Scar as an actual literal family? To me they're just a group of friends (or a polycule depending on my mood at the time) who committed so hard to a stupid bit someone started, and many years later, the joke still won't die even though it stopped being funny a long time ago (which in and of itself is funny.)
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sawasourjuice · 2 years
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I’m normal I think
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cjskribblez · 1 year
The things we lost in the fire
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neptunalyin · 7 months
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Now make it about Team Ranchers ❤️❤️❤️ (so much potential angst huhu, its delicious!) this is actually inspiring me to make more time travel!AU for ranchers lol
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nocturnebby · 2 years
more ship doodles~
ft. Jizzie, mythicalbeans, smalletho and rancher duo
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