#do ppl know that the clown in reality is so silly?? do they know that he's actually bullshitted his way into life??? do they know that he's
pointsfortrying · 9 months
At least your fav series's hollywoodified spinoff isn't being broadcasted to the greater public becoming the only version of said series many will know and ultimately will dislike based off of said broadcasting bc tumblrs awful at advertising
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hussyknee · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 5,051 times in 2022
That's 1,004 more posts than 2021!
201 posts created (4%)
4,850 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,604 of my posts in 2022
#knee of huss - 329 posts
#goncharov 1973 - 144 posts
#unreality - 95 posts
#sri lanka protests - 82 posts
#sri lanka economic crisis - 53 posts
#asks - 49 posts
#ableism - 46 posts
#sri lanka - 41 posts
#අරගලයට ජය! - 41 posts
#tumblr classic - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#idk i feel like my genius will always be overshadowed either by other ppl getting there before me or saying the same shit more famously 😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sri Lankan protestors are built different. 😂😂😂
[Video description: Facebook video showing a scene of complete chaos and screaming, suffused in clouds of tear gas. A young protestor in shorts with a backpack picks a smoking tear gas cannister off the ground and strides with it along a wall of iron bars, holding out the billowing stream of gas at the cops assembled on the other side. Someone behind the camera eggs him on in Sinhala. The kid places the emptied cannister under a hedge behind a cop in riot gear and runs. The camera pans back to see the canninister thrown high into the air, sailing into a clump of trees in the park beyond./VD]
(PSA: do NOT pick up tear gas cannisters, they are searing hot!)
1,069 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
See the full post
1,253 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
When the fuck did the social model of disability go from "the way society is structured makes disabled people's lives harder than they have to be" to "the only thing wrong with you is capitalism"?????
2,836 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Hey, just in case people who already have been having a bad time with this meme are retriggered by Francesca Scorcese's TikTok – Goncharov is fake. It doesn't exist. [Edited for further clarity] That is really Martin Scorsese's daughter, that's her real TikTok account, and presumably that is really her father in the chat screenshot she posted. Francesca saw the piece in the NY Times talking about how Tumblr made up a fake movie, sent her Dad the link and asked "Did you see this?" Martin joked back "yes I made that movie years ago." That's all it was, Martin Scorsese himself playing along with our silliness.
PLEASE reblog this and DO NOT TAG IT UNREALITY. "Unreality" is for posts that are keeping up the bit, but info posts, reality-affirming posts and ones talking about the meme as a meme are solidly real. We really haven't been doing a good enough job tagging this properly and protecting neurodivergent people from being gaslit and traumatized. I've seen way too many people saying they nearly had a breakdown because of being lied to. We never meant to hurt you, and I'm so sorry people were jackasses when you wanted to know the truth.
Edit: I love everybody reblogging this, but a handful of idiots have been clowning on this post so here's an explainer about how site-wide disinformation can trigger psychosis. Please go in the replies and notes, they have a lot of interesting insights, by everyone from non-psychotic autistic people with gaslighting trauma to DID systems. You can go through the notes on this post as well.
There's absolutely no reason to be ashamed of loving and enjoying this meme, or to feel bad about not tagging things properly when you didn't know how. And PLEASE don't harass, dogpile or shame people for failing to tag properly or choosing not to. You're just giving people anxiety and policing them. Do what you can how you can, be kind, and don't tell other people their business. That is more than enough.❤️
12,154 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i'm so confused rn, can you explain the goncharov thing?? i get off tumblr for five minutes
(Edits closed as of 28 Nov.)
Nah I getchu. So this post has been circulating for like two years:
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Link to post.
But yesterday, it had inspired someone to do this:
See the full post
59,271 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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creatire · 4 years
In general:
Tumblr media
Real name:   Clown Bitch Supreme Nicknames:   Kefka, Kef, the works Age:   24 Sexuality:   Bisexual, polyam Preferred pronouns:   They/them or she/her, but I only trust ppl who I’m on good terms with when it comes to the latter Are you a morning person ?:   GOD no lmao. I’m not the grumpy type or anything but if I get up any time before noon I’m gonna need a nap in order to properly function When swimming,   do you prefer to do it in the ocean,   or in a lake ?:   A lake. I’ve got nothing against the ocean but I’m a goober and I tend to open my eyes underwater, and as some of u might know, saltwater STINGS... Also I’m from Florida and the sands there were like hellfire
On Tumblr:
Anyone you would like to meet in real life ?:   A bunch of people!! People like Crea and Vivi especially!! 🥺 Anyone you have met in real life?:   UGHHH I KNOW I HAVE BUT I CAN’T REMEMBER WHO... When did you first join ?   How old is your current account ?:   Shit... uhhhh I think I technically STARTED roleplaying on tumblr around 2014/2015 but I dropped it after a VERY short period because I got too intimidated. THIS particular blog was made back in March so it’s only about two months old now u_u Any peeves ?:   NOT READING SOMEBODY’S RULES BEFORE FOLLOWING THEM... Like I get it, sometimes you come across a really interesting blog and you’re on mobile and they don’t have any mobile pages and all that, but neglecting to take into account that your blog might have themes that could upset them or the fact that they might be uncomfortable around people who interact with certain users can be extremely disrespectful Unpopular opinion:   Callouts are called for in certain cases. And fiction does impact reality lmao
Do you easily get jealous ?:   Nope! Or not very often at least Do you easily get angry ?:   Depends on the subject! Silly shit like losing a game or something will hardly ever make me angry, but when it comes to topics I care about, I tend to get emotional Are you easy to cheer up ?:   Again, that depends on the circumstances since I’m Actually Mentally Ill and have no control over when my mood drops, but in most cases yeah I’ll be fine in an hour or two What’s the most hurtful thing someone could do to you?:   Straight up lying to me about anything serious, especially if we’re supposed to be close. Bonus points if you were truthful to someone else but not me What’s the most hurtful thing someone has done to you ?:  Something I’m DEFINITELY not gonna be going into in public on tumblr dot com Are you good at hiding your emotions ?:   Unfortunately for everyone it’s a 50/50. You’re either never gonna know a thing about anything negative going on in my mind or you’re gonna know real quick whether I want you to or not, there’s no inbetween What’s the very best way to cheer you up ?:   A combination of memes and my special interests! Sending me dumb YouTube videos or talking to me about whatever subjects I’m fixated on is your best bet
Are you currently in a relationship ?:   Nope! Do you currently have a crush on someone ?:   Not really, but I’m the epitome of the bisexual stereotype that can develop an attraction to just about anybody within my age range at any given moment so that could change on a dime. My Venus is in Aries don’t bully me If yes,   might that someone be reading this ?:   Makes uncomfortably long eye contact with the person reading this Do you kiss on the first date ?:   I don’t tend to date people who I haven’t gotten to know pretty well beforehand due to trust issues, so SHIT YEAH I kiss on the first date!!!!! Do you prefer going out,   or staying home,   when it comes to dates ?:   Going out. I love staying home and all, but I tend to get too comfortable and the next thing u know I’m napping in the middle of Netflix and Chill. U gotta keep me on my toes
Favorite drink:   Chocolate milkshakes!! Favorite food:   PRIME RIB AU JUS... GOD IT’S BEEN SO LONG AND I’D KILL FOR A PLATE OF THAT RN... Most calming place?:   My room! u_u Most stressful place?:   Anywhere there's someone who's being aggressive :/ Most prized possession ?:   That’d probably be a good three-way tie between my laptop, my Switch, and my Rainbocorns stuffie... Don’t make me choose 🥺
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