#dokja's constant talk through the entire novel about how much he loves the novel and how both the novel and yjh have been there for him
pttucker · 7 months
Despite the lack of time, Yoo Joonghyuk hesitated. He hesitated while holding tightly to my collar. "…We don't have to hold another funeral, right?" I smiled because of Yoo Joonghyuk's question. "Even if I die, I will rise again." "That isn't what I mean." Yoo Joonghyuk's expression was serious. A high wind blew between me and Yoo Joonghyuk. I looked at him for a moment before asking, "Do you remember the second scenario?" The subway of Oksu Station. It was where Yoo Joonghyuk first appeared after smashing everything. He was a cold-blooded regressor who would use whatever means necessary for the results. Yoo Joonghyuk's calm eyes shook at my words. Who would've known at the time? Me and this guy, we would actually end up as companions. I hadn't wanted to admit it but now I had to. The things that hadn't seemed possible became reality. I was actually going through the scenarios with him. That's why I could now say it. Just like I did when I first met him on Han River Bridge. This was the way that suited us best. "Release your hand and get lost, you damn son of a bitch."
Hey guys, remember when Heewon and Dokja had that totally random conversation about dating right in the middle of the arc about figuring out who the person Dokja loves most is?
Remember how Heewon said that Dokja's the type of person to want a "fateful meeting"?
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
One thing that bothers me anout TCF is why the God of Death decided to transmigrate KRS after he finished Volume 5 of TBaoH. Why not wait for him to finish the series? Like, what's the disadvantage of KRS finishing the book before becoming Cale? The speedrun in TCF would have been faster if he knew how the story ended. Sure, there's the idea that maybe the author wanted to showcase KRS' brilliance in being able to adapt and conquer situations, and I'm not asking for Kim Dokja the 2nd, I JUST WANNA KNOW WHY TRANSMIGRATE HIM AFTER THE FIFTH VOLUME? I'm sorry for the rant...
I really should catch up to the more recent chapters because I feel like I'll trip on canon facts without knowing and become the laughing stock of TCF.
So whatever I say next is just me making up theories based on my knowledge up to reading to chapter 663.
Firstly, OG!Cale was forty before switching with 36 year old Kim Rok Soo. Because we know time runs different between these parallel worlds, it could be due to time differences- OG!Cale died faster than Kim Rok Soo could finish the entire series and triggered the whole Death God transaction and all. That's the easiest plotwise explanation.
But if we're talking about storywriting decisions here's a different view:
How much our protagonists knows will affect how well they assimilate into the world they transmigrated into.
We all have read ISEKAI novels/webcomics of protagonists equipped with varying degrees of preemptive knowledge. If I were to grossly simplify and summarise the three types it would be:
"All-Knowing" Protagonist - the ones who know the most if not the entire plotline, future, flow of the world, with foresight/power so great they break the world's natural laws/logic mechanisms. (e.g. Kim Dokja, Ainz Ooal Gown, Kim Gong-Ja, Shiroe)
Semi-present Protagonist - ones who have 'part' of the full picture. Their knowledge of the world only helps them up to a certain extent - either due to limited preemptive knowledge or butterfly chain effect of their actions changing the future they ‘know’. They learn more about the world the longer they stay and adapt accordingly. (e.g. Kim Rok Soo, Athanasia de Alger Obelia, Melissa Podebrat)
"I just want to be a normal NPC!" - isekaied as a normie with no preemptive plot/world knowledge. They have to learn and adapt to the new world from step 0. (e.g. Rudeus Greyrat, Myne, Naofumi, Rimuru Tempest)
*note that these are just my own categorisation and by no means, encapsulates all types of ISEKAI tropes. Here I'm just separating them according to how much 'world' knowledge they already have before transmigrating.
We all love our “All-Knowing” Protagonists who shred through crises like it’s wet paper. It sets an exhilarating fast pace and honestly now, who doesn’t enjoy the constant victory high from being right all the time? Original plot doesn’t really matter much in this category because our beloved stronk af protags will bend all unsavoury parts to fit their purposes. Keeping momentum at a constant high is a challenge but when done well it feels pretty dang awesome.
Here’s one thing about “All Knowing” Protags, they are never fully immersed into the world they’ve transmigrated/reincarnated into. Because they ‘know’ how future events unfold they are able to objectively view the situation they’re thrust into. They can take a back seat (which really gives us that powerful omnipresent feeling) and pull strings or armstrong their way past obstacles because that’s just how powerful they are. They however, never feel part of the world they’re in because their OPness emphasises their ‘otherness’ in this world. Natives either fear or respect them and it could lend to a feeling of distance. Most of the protagonist examples I’ve listed as well, have on multiple occasions been able to reflect on “Oh right, I’m in a story/video/game world.” often pulling themselves back from integrating fully into their new world.
Now, imagine Kim Rok Soo having read the entire series, with his perfect memory it would guarantee he’d have the solutions to every problem that’ll be thrown his way the moment he transmigrates into TBoaH. This would launch him straight into “All-Knowing” Protagonists because with that sexy smart brain, he’s going to eliminate all threats at the root ASAP so he can enjoy that sweet, sweet slacker life. Knowing Kim Rok Soo, he’d also not bother with interacting with any of the character casts because why bother making friends when you can solve the problem just like that *snap*? 
With only limited knowledge however, Kim Rok Soo has to be careful how he manipulates things. He still took a lot of shortcuts due to his understanding of the world, but the fact he got reincarnated before he finished meant he can’t afford not to make friends with the main cast. Because logically, he does not know how many more problems Choi Han will have to face, but he does know Choi Han is the protagonist and protagonists always live to the end. Sticking close to Choi Han, or at least making an ally of him would ensure his survivability. As such, through befriending Choi Han and his allies, it’s inevitable Kim Rok Soo has to immerse himself fully into the story’s world - it’s not just a story now. It’s a world he has to survive in - and eventually decides to live in as well.
So tl;dr TCF would only last 50 chapters if KRS had transmigrated with full knowledge of TBoaH.
I’d like to add in a writer’s point of view that, even I, wouldn’t want to plan 700+ chapters ahead and never write my story. I'd just write it. LMAO
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