#dol Sydney
chintato · 18 hours
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I drew the school dudes i can date lol
Btw its a super messy sketch since its mostly just a way of how i can draw them in my style cries
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edenslittlecow · 2 days
Lowkey wanna see both corrupt and pure sydney in your art style tbh. Your art style is amazing~.
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Sorry anon it had been a while.
Here it is
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dollya-robinprotector · 9 months
You feel light-headed and don't remember clearly how you left the school's party. The boys sure as hell offered you a little too much beverage. Somehow you feel sore all over your body.
What time is it now...
(1) Next
You open your eyes to... whatever this shit is...
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...Now what?
(1) Try to go back to sleep | Willpower: ??? | ++Stress (2) Escape the room | Athletics: Challenging 5%
(3) It is what it is... | Promiscuity 5 | +++Love | +++Lust
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naysucc · 2 months
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Pure/Neutral Sydney lowkey scarier than Corrupted Sydney
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youryanderedaddy · 1 month
tw: female reader, non - con, manhandling, religious subtext (it's sydney)
Sydney has never felt this way before. He doesn't know the name of that feeling, the warmth that fills his chest and tightens his throat and reddens his cheeks as you sit before him at the library counter. He can't explain the pulse in his loins and the sweat that sticks to his back when you lean in to ask him something and your shirt opens up slightly, revealing such soft, mesmerizing skin. His hands start to itch and his mouth waters and he feels almost thirsty - but water never seems to quench whatever it is he's deprived of.
He wants to ask someone - maybe brother Jordan or his father, but something deep within him, some basic instinct, rings a bell, a reminder that there is nothing pure or holy about the feelings he harbors towards you. He knows love. He's read about it - he knows he loves God, he loves his church, his friends, his books. He knows love is gentle. Love is caring and tender and quiet, love is giving.
But when it comes to you, he only wants to take. He wants to bite your cheeks when you smile, to squeeze you in his arms until he hears your fragile bones crack. He wants to rip off your skin and crawl in your shell - to see your insides, to admire every inch of your flesh for his own sick satisfaction. He even keeps a box of everything you've ever lost - small trinkets, cheap bracelets, ripped socks, locks of hair... Anything to feel closer to you.
And yet Sydney tries to fight his urges - he averts eyes when you bend to pick something and pretends not to notice your bare legs in those mini skirts, the way the school swimsuit hugs your curves perfectly, or how your lips part when you bite down on a pencil. Or the marks of you teeth on the yellow wood, your smugded lipstick as you leave the bathroom, your hands on his shoulder with your nails digging in—
Sydney is a man of God, but you make him question his faith. In the sunlight everything is brighter, but when night comes, so do the nightmares. His pillow becomes softer, warmer - it lingers with the scent of your hair and he can't help imagining you laying next to him with an adoring smile on those luscious lips of yours. And as fatigue spreads over his tired body, his prayers long forgotten, the same dream haunts him - the one he's had since the day he first saw you.
You're no longer laying next to him - you're under him instead. Your hair isn't spread out angelically, but twisted and disheveled, wrapped around his fist. He's towering over you, tilting your chin up - holding you so tightly against his body you can't move an inch. Your eyes are red and swollen, lips bruised and bitten bloody - and you're trembling like an injured animal. You look so small, so pathetically adorable, so very naked and afraid, and splayed out like a feast in front of him, and he just devours you like the predator he knows he is.
You whine something incomprehensible along the lines of a plea, begging to be let go - but all your words become white noise to Sydney. His hands circle your throat painfully and only a few broken moans escape before you shut up completely. The man keeps thrusting into you without a sense of shame, egged on by the deep, inaudible sobs that shake your body to its core. The voice inside his head chants "mine, mine, mine" like a spell, like a curse that binds you both for all eternity.
Sydney always wakes up in cold sweat, unable to catch his breath. It's terrifying, seeing his darkest desires play out over and over each night. And as he tries to catch his breath and forget the taste of your neck on his tongue, there is one thought he never seems to fully rid himself of. How long until dreams are not enough to feed the monster inside of him?
How long until it all becomes reality?
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dellphie · 6 months
as one, a circle
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shokujin-art · 6 months
IT'S FINALLY DONE — !! I know there's a lot of mistakes but heck my mind is too tired at this point
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roxy-nook · 8 months
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First of all, I am not good at English.. I'm sorry if there's an error in the meaning..TwT)..;;;
I'm so nervous that I might get English wrong..!
Come to think of it, I've only posted pictures and not said anything Actually, I don't know what to write..0.0)
Thank you for looking at my painting Have a great day!♡
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yun7 · 7 months
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DoL 😇
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nuesora · 8 months
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School LIs + Alex's band au 🎸
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kittiesandkillers · 30 days
Casual reminder that most of the love interests have (semi) canon heights.
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I don't know what the hell they're feeding Black Wolf but he is too damn big!
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slommysslommy · 1 month
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For the combat fame.
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batwhisper · 1 month
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Some Sydney during our exam week :3
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zhoumofuhuo · 8 months
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This is a meme on Chinese social networks, called: Why is there no sound
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worldendunit · 1 month
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make you feel my love
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junjunjunko · 8 months
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"Drive me mad."
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