#don’t rly have this problem at sbux
whoinwhoville · 7 years
Lab Mates
Okay, I decided to post this here in case you don’t have access to AO3. I know this is a bit of self-promotion, but I’m really proud of this fic. And for some reason, you guys really like it, and it makes me SO HAPPY to give YOU a smile! There are too many sad things in the world right now, and I just want to make the world a little bit brighter.
Ten x Rose Martha Jones Rated All Ages University AU, Professor x Student AU (but no hanky panky), Lab Partners AU, texting fic, UST, mutual pining,
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Tuesday September 27
8:42 pm - HoppingForMyLife Hi. Your lab partner here. Name’s Rose. You weren’t in lab when we were given partner assignments. So here’s me, and you have my text now. We need to get going on this project. Sounds like a bugger.
8:42 pm - Doctor10 ???? Which class ???? I’m taking 5 classes this term.
8:42 pm - HoppingForMyLife Blimey. 5? RLY? That’s a lot. I’m in 3. But it’s Psych 221 since you asked.
8:42 pm - Doctor10 Oops forgot that one. when/where?
8:43 pm - HoppingForMyLife Psych building, L400 T/Th 6:05
8:44 pm - Doctor10 Done and on my calendar C U tomorrow
8:44 pm - Doctor10 Thx
8:45 pm - HoppingForMyLife bye
8:45 pm - HoppingForMyLife Think I got a clunker of a psych lab partner
8:45 pm - PreMed&Dead BIGHUGS guy or girl?
8:45 pm - HoppingForMyLife dunno no profile pic on text. and forgot to ask name. who forgets first day of class? and who takes 5 classes?
8:46 pm - PreMed&Dead 5 classes????????? he’s either a genius or cray-cray.
8:46 pm - HoppingForMyLife gotta go m tired and have my first physics lecture @ 7 am. ugh ugh ugh ugh. :barf face: and i signed up for physics why?
8:46 pm - PreMed&Dead cuz Jack said the prof is hot and u need a science to grad
8:49 pm - HoppingForMyLife hello doctor10. forgot to ask your name.
8:50 pm - HoppingForMyLife hello u there?
8:50 pm - HoppingForMyLife i’ll see you tomorrow. I’m blonde and wear a pink hoodie.
Thursday September 29
7:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife partner no show. again. maybe dropped? only one person left to partner with. looks creepy. old guy. like 80. only has one eye - other one all covered with shrivelled up eyelid. :shudders sticker: and he talks to himself.
7:35 pm - PreMed&Dead sorry.
7:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife i don’t have an idea for the project either.
7:35 pm - PreMed&Dead you’ll think of one. more important is psychics prof as hot as Jack says?
7:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife YOU. HAVE. NO. IDEA. I’m still fanning myself. Good thing no teaching today because I didn’t hear a word he said. :heart eyes emoji:
7:35 pm - PreMed&Dead Niiiiiiice
7:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife u still at SBux? i took pic of him and he may or may not be my homescreen pic
7:36 pm - PreMed&Dead hot for teacher?
7:36 pm - HoppingForMyLife ha ha. thx for ear worm Mar. c u in 10 and if u r good will show you the pic of my future husband.
Friday September 30
8:05 am - HoppingForMyLife martha! helpmehelpmehelpme i just got out of my physics lecture and i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead and in love or maybe lust how am i ever going to pass physics when the prof is so gorgeous that i just can’t even… all i do is stare at his lips and hips and his hair and guh. everything. he talks and talks and talks and all i hear is the ringing in my ears from the blood rushing from my brain. except when i’m listening to his velvet voice of sex. and he wears these glasses. and a suit. and it’s tight. and his tie. i just want to grab it and pull him down to my lips. i’mdeaddeaddeaddead
8:05 am - PreMed&Dead At least you’ll die… happy?????
8:05 am - HoppingForMyLife here’s a new pic. rear view. i will be forever thankful that he uses an old fashioned chalkboard instead of smartboard.
8:05 am - PreMed&Dead :drooling:
8:06 am - HoppingForMyLife did i tell you I’m gonna marry him?
8:06 am - PreMed&Dead a time or ten. but what if he’s a jerk? or dull? physics, Rose. pretty dull stuff.
8:06 am - HoppingForMyLife impossible.
8:06 am - PreMed&Dead heard from psych lab deadbeat?
8:06 am - HoppingForMyLife nope. sigh…
Tuesday October 4
8:10 pm - HoppingForMyLife Doctor10, i rllllly need to know if you are still in psych lab. u have missed 3 labs now. Need new partner if u dropped.
8:10 pm - Doctor10 I. Am. SO. SO. SOOOOOOOO SORRY. Got tied up with papers. can we meet today? i promise i am a responsible adult AND i’m a genius.
8:11 pm - HoppingForMyLife humble too. maybe psych test subject should be u? god complex? u r taking 5 classes after all.
8:11 pm - Doctor10 u wound me :brokenheart:
8:11 pm - HoppingForMyLife let’s meet today. library?
8:11 pm - Doctor10 my second home. i’m already there. on second floor. i have a standing reservation for study room 2B.
8:12 - HoppingForMyLife ok if I come over now?
8:12 - Doctor10 yep. looking forward to meeting you. oh, and I’m John by the way.
8:12 - HoppingForMyLife Hello John. :goofy tongue smiley:
8:13 - Doctor10 Goodbye Rose. :happy smiley:
10:32 - HoppingForMyLife i have a problem. world-ending bad.
10:33 - PreMed&Dead Adam got that promotion to shift manager and you’ll have to work for him?
10:33 - HoppingForMyLife worse. much worse.
10:33 - PreMed&Dead SPILL
10:34 - HoppingForMyLife met my lab partner.
10:35 - PreMed&Dead one-eyed guy?
10:35 - HoppingForMyLife Gorgeous physics prof.
10:35 - PreMed&Dead . . .
10:35 - PreMed&Dead That IS bad.
10:35 - HoppingForMyLife And he’s not a dud. or a jerk. at least I don’t think he is. please don’t be please don’t be please don’t be.
10:36 - PreMed&Dead still gonna marry him?
10:36 - HoppingForMyLife yep.
Wednesday October 12
5:32 pm - Doctor10 Hello Rose Tyler. Something’s been bothering me since we met, and then again all during lab yesterday. and I’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking. And then it hit me. I know you. You’re in my intro to physics class! You always sit in the front row, right in the middle.
5:33 pm - HoppingForMyLife yep. that’s me.
5:33 pm - Doctor10 why didn’t you say something?
5:40 pm - HoppingForMyLife because I’ve requested a transfer out.
5:50 pm - Doctor10 Oh. Aren’t I a good professor? Am I boring? A dullard? Obtuse?
5:51 - HoppingForMyLife No. U R a great professor. I have a heavy class load and your class is very challenging.
5:51 pm - Doctor10 If you need help, I’m there for you! I have office hours! Come by any time!
5:55 pm - Doctor10 U there still?
5:55 pm - HoppingForMyLife Yeah.
5:55 pm - Doctor10 Is this because we’re lab partners? And you’re worried it’ll be awkward?
5:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife yes
5:56 pm - Doctor10 Don’t worry. I grade all of my assignments by student ID. Completely anonymous I don’t know whose paper is whose. And I’d miss your cheerful face every morning. :happy smiley:
6:02 pm - HoppingForMyLife I’ll think about it.
6:03 pm - HoppingForMyLife Heeeeeeelllllllp
6:03 pm - PreMed&Dead Again? What’s up with Prof SexyHair this time?
6:04 pm - HoppingForMyLife I got a 52 on my first physics assignment. I can’t concentrate.
6:05 pm - PreMed&Dead You HAVE to go to his office hours Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine he’s one eyed creepy guy.
6:06 pm - HoppingForMyLife :headbanging on desk gif:
6:07 pm - PreMed&Dead You can do it. You can do it. I’m here for you. You can do it.
Friday October 14
8:34 pm - Doctor10 I have an idea for our project.
8:34 pm - HoppingForMyLife another one? this is your 5th i think.
8:34 pm - Doctor10 8th idea. double-blind of course. NO! triple-blind.
8:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife triple? I don’t think that’s a thing. r u always such an overachiever?
8:35 pm - Doctor10 i take my work seriously Rose Tyler.
8:35 pm - HoppingForMyLife so what’s your brilliant idea?
Sunday October 23
6:30 pm - PreMed&Dead What did Dr. SexySuit say when you asked him why he’s taking classes when he’s already a professor AND has a PhD? And why psych??? He’s a physicist.
6:30 pm - HoppingForMyLife Said he wanted another degree. His third. THIRD. that’s 3. And you know what this one is in? Fine Arts! He’s taking history of medieval choral music, classical sculpture, and learning how to play the pipe organ. And modern dance.
6:31 pm - PreMed&Dead WHUT?
6:31 pm - HoppingForMyLife The psych class is so that he can “better understand the human condition and transfer that into my study of the physical world.” That’s a quote.
6:32 pm - PreMed&Dead If you weren’t so in love with him, I’d hit that. In fact, don’t turn your back, Rose. I might try anyway.
6:52pm - HoppingForMyLife :side eyes smiley:
6:32 pm - PreMed&Dead JK
6:32 pm - HoppingForMyLife Like I would ever even have a chance with him. He’s probably got some amazing girlfriend with a PhD or two just like him.
6:33 pm - PreMed&Dead Has he ever mentioned anyone Rose?
6:33 pm - HoppingForMyLife No. But I’ve never asked either.
Wednesday October 26
8:04 pm - HoppingForMyLife Martha, the subject actually moaned. MOANED. And it wasn’t the first time. i didn’t mention it before because i thought it was an anomaly. thought maybe she had indigestion or something.
8:04 pm - PreMed&Dead And tell me again why you agreed to this particular study?
8:04 pm - HoppingForMyLife How was I supposed to know that the test subjects would get so worked up! Right there in the lab! Doesn’t anyone have any self-control? I’d be humiliated if I moaned as a test subject during a psych experiment! It sounded completely innocent when he described it!! Well, not completely innocent. But my point stands. Moaning. And panting. In a lab. In front of people. It’s just chocolate! And a piece of silk!
8:05 pm - PreMed&Dead Uh, and handcuffs. And a blindfold. And didn’t you tell me you had a dream about that very same chocolate and a silk necktie and handcuffs and blindfold and Prof SexySpecs just the other night?
8:05 pm - HoppingForMyLife :blushing smiley: Maybe we should add a second element? Put him behind one-way glass?
8:05 pm - PreMed&Dead Results are results. And science doesn’t lie. It’s all about the data Rose.
Thursday November 3
9:00 pm HoppingForMyLife Moaning Myrtle is 10 for 10. That’s not her name of course. Just for the record. You reading this MI-5?
9:01 pm PreMed&Dead :smiling in sunglasses emoji: At least your results data are consistent.
9:01 pm HoppingForMyLife I sorta just roll my eyes now. Not sure I’d fare any better. He didn’t wear a tie today. Had this layered t-shirt and henley thing happening. And cut his hair shorter in back and spiked it up front. It. Is. HOT.
9:01 pm PreMed&Dead I dare you to give it a good tug.
9:01 pm HoppingForMyLife In my dreams. He doesn’t have a girlfriend BTW. Told me that today.
9:02 pm PreMed&Dead And you’re just telling me this NOW?
9:02 pm HoppingForMyLife He asked me if I had a boyfriend, and I said no. And then he tells me he’s not seeing anyone either. I just stood there chewing my stupid lip. Didn’t say a thing. And then he turned around and left.
9:02 pm PreMed&Dead Oh Rose. sigh
Wednesday November 30
5:05 pm - HoppingForMyLife I GOT A 98 ON MY PHYSICS EXAM!
5:05 pm - PreMed&Dead You go girl! :party emoji:
5:05 pm - HoppingForMyLife He’s a really great teacher. And I mean that. He helped me understand something that was a complete mystery.
Wednesday December 1
6:02 am - HoppingForMyLife Remember how I told you he’s been acting weird the past few days? really quiet. About 2 this morning, my mobile rings. It’s him. Middle. Of. The. Night. He asks me about my Christmas plans. If I’m staying in town, going back home, working… And then he asks me if I’m taking physics winter term.
6:02 am - PreMed&Dead Like a real live voice? Not a text?
6:02 am - HoppingForMyLife TALKING in that amazing gorgeous sexy voice of his. I tell him I’m staying around to work until Christmas Eve and that I have a psych internship planned, and no physics cuz I need to focus on my major and he says oh good. and then he hangs up.
6:03 am - PreMed&Dead Just hangs up?
6:03 am - HoppingForMyLife Just hangs up.
6:03 am - PreMed&Dead Ask him what he’s doing over Christmas.
6:03 am - HoppingForMyLife I can’t do that.
6:03 am - PreMed&Dead Yes you can.
6:04 am - HoppingForMyLife He. Is. My. Professor.
6:04 am - PreMed&Dead It. Is. A. Conversation. AND he is your LAB PARTNERRRRRRR.
Saturday December 3
11:05 pm - HoppingForMyLife I sent you the data did u get it?
11:05 pm - Doctor10 Yep
11:05 pm - HoppingForMyLife And… ????????
11:06 pm - Doctor10 Not the results I expected.
11:06 pm - HoppingForMyLife How’s that? We proved the theory. Did you want to disprove it or something?
11:11 pm - HoppingForMyLife U there?
11:11 pm - Doctor10 Yep.
11:13 pm - Doctor10 I have some thinking to do. We can start working on the conclusion piece tomorrow.
11:13 pm - HoppingForMyLife K. Bye.
11:13 pm - Doctor10 Nighty-night sleep tight with sweet chocolate dreams. I know I will.
11:15 pm - Doctor 10 For the past 8 weeks it’s been chocolate chocolate chocolate.
11:17 pm - HoppingForMyLife Martha. MARTHA. Look what he just texted me.
11:17 pm - HoppingForMyLife :screenshot:
11:17 pm - HoppingForMyLife What does that even mean? HE. IS. KILLING. ME. And I think he’s clueless, too. He’s been as friendly as can be. FRIENDLY. And now this. Is it flirty? Or friendly? It’s all how you read it.
11:17 pm - PreMed&Dead he’s a professor and you are his student. Assume it is friendly. Now what the two of you get up to in your dreams… :saucy wink smiley: :smiling devil smiley: :chocolate bar emoji:
11:18 - HoppingForMyLife :heart eyes smiley:
11:18 - PreMed&Dead Still gonna marry him?
11:18 - HoppingForMyLife yep.
11:25 - PreMed&Dead Rose… did you notice the timestamps between the last two messages???????!!!!!!!!
11:25 - HoppingForMyLife So?
11:25 - PreMed&Dead You’re the psych major. You figure it out.
11:25 - HoppingForMyLife 11:13 nighty night 11:15 chocolate chocolate chocolate :wide eyed blushing smiley: Was he flirting with me?
11:25 - PreMed&Dead :rolling eyes gif:
11:25 - HoppingForMyLife HE WAS flirting with me. I didn’t respond, and he backpedaled. I am such an idiot.
11:25 - PreMed&Dead You may be an idiot, but there are only one week of classes left. In one week the two of you can be idiots together.
Saturday December 10
4:55 pm - HoppingForMyLife Professor Smith. This is a physics thing. Not a psych thing. And I apologize if this isn’t appropriate. I mean texting you because we’ve only ever texted for psych. Never for physics.
4:55 pm - Doctor10 I don’t see a problem Ms. Smith. :regular smiley:
4:55 pm - Doctor10 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA MS. TYLER. T Y L E R. :regular smiley: :regular smiley: Damn autocorrect.
4:55 pm - Doctor10 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife ha ha ha. I wanted to thank you for all of your help. I couldn’t have passed your class without it, let alone with a 95.
4:56 pm - Doctor10 You were the 95! Only gave 2 grades above a 90. Brilliant! I knew you had it in you! Congratulations! You deserve a celebration! :balloons and confetti gif:
4:56 pm - Doctor10 Taking off Professor Hat putting on Psych Lab Partner Hat. ROSE TYLER! WE GOT PERFECT MARKS ON OUR CHOCOLATE STUDY!
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife WE DID???????!!!!!! How’d you find out?!!!!????!!!!!! I didn’t think the final grade would be released for a week.
4:56 pm - Doctor10 I may have used my Professor Smith powers of genius to get into the grading system. Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone.
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife I won’t. YAY! HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS!
4:56 - HoppingForMyLife And those text hugs are to you as my lab mate, not to you as my professor. In case anyone’s reading this.
4:56 - Doctor10 Molto bene.
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife calmingbreathcalmingbreath. Read this screenshot
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife :screen shot of conversation with the 'Ms. Smith' typo circled in red:
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife :X eyes emoji face: I’m dead. DEAD. What do I say to this? Just a typo? But his HAHAHAHAs! He's obviously embarrassed. And then the two smileys! They are casual smileys! Not embarrassed smileys!
4:57 pm - PreMed&Dead two things come to mind. 1: he has practice written your name so many times as Ms. Smith on his three ring notebook and put hearts around it along with JS + RT = LOVE that it is second nature to write Ms. Smith. Or...... He has Freudian slipped Ms. Smith so many times that he can't even type Rose Tyler anymore. Because there is no possible way that TYLER would EVAH autocorrect to SMITH.
4:57 pm - PreMed&Dead or it could be a third thing. He's subtly proposing. You have told me about a billion times that you're going to marry him, you know.
4:58 pm - HoppingForMyLife Ha ha ha ha. So not autocorrect?
4:58 pm - PreMed&Dead :Antione's You're So Dumb gif:
4:59 pm - HoppingForMyLife  A+ gif usage. That’s my fave gif. Hide yo kids hide yo wife hide yo kids hide yo wife
4:59 pm - PreMed&Dead Thx for the earworm. We gon find you we gon find you
4:59 pm - PreMed&Dead And by the way, YOU ARE SOOOOO IN LOVE
4:59 pm - HoppingForMyLife (((whispering))) I may have text-hugged him too.
5:00 pm - HoppingForMyLife :screen shot of hugging part of the conversation:
5:00 pm - HoppingForMyLife But only cos we nailed the project.
5:00 pm - PreMed&Dead Riiiiiight. text hugs. cos they don’t count. :massive eye rolling emoji:
5:00 pm - HoppingForMyLife Wish you were here so I could hug YOU.
5:00 pm - PreMed&Dead Awwwwwww.... Hugs right back. See? text hugs are real.
5:00 pm - HoppingForMyLife I AM pretty proud though. didn’t even’t think I’d pass physics. He told me I deserved a celebration. he’s right! I do deserve a pint or two! He said he didn't know that the one 95 that he gave in his class was to me. Only had two students even in the 90s.
5:01 pm - PreMed&Dead Here’s what you’re gonna do. Tell him you’ve taken his advice and you’re gonna celebrate passing physics AND for getting perfect marks on your psych project with some friends you down at McKenzie’s. But we will come later. But don’t tell him that. And we’ll come down when you text. If you even WANT us there.
5:01 pm - HoppingForMyLife I’m biting my fingernails. Literally.
5:01 pm - PreMed&Dead Don’t. Now put on that sexy red wrap dress and keep my posted.
5:01 pm - HoppingForMyLife Wish me luck.
4:56 pm - HoppingForMyLife Hi. I’ve decided to take your suggestion and celebrate. Both things. Physics AND Psych. I’ve invited some friends to meet me at that pub on the corner of Winston and Main. McKenzie’s. You know that one, right? And I think I’ll arrive around 8:00.
4:56 pm - Doctor10 That is an excellent plan. 8:00 is a fine hour to start a celebration.
8:25 pm - HoppingForMyLife He’s didn’t come, Martha. :single tear emoji: I suppose he was just being friendly. And stupid. And perfect. And flirty. And one of those blokes who is clueless about his effect on women.
8:25 pm - PreMed&Dead I’m sorry. :hugging friends emoji:
8:25 pm - Doctor10 Rose… I’m a bit embarrassed, and nervous to ask this if i’m being honest because I have no idea what you are going to say. Here goes. can I come to your party?
8:25 pm - HoppingForMyLife Standby Mar! He just texted me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:26 pm - PreMed&Dead SQUEEEEE!!
8:26 pm - HoppingForMyLife You want to come?
8:26 pm - Doctor10 Only if you want me to come.
8:26 pm - HoppingForMyLife  I'd like you to come
8:26 pm - Doctor10 OK. Good. I’d like come too. I’ll be there in a few minutes.
8:26 pm - HoppingForMyLife HE’S COMING. I REALLY didn’t think he would. Maybe I was too subtle with my hint. My heart is pounding. :red heart emoji: :red heart emoji: :red heart emoji: What do I do Martha???????
8:26 pm - Doctor10 Rose ????????? You really thought I wouldn’t come????????? Of course I’m coming!!!!! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
8:26 pm - HoppingForMyLife Oops. I sent that text to wrong person.
8:26 pm - Doctor10 Your heart isn’t the only one that’s pounding. :red heart emoji: :blushing smiley emoji: Look behind you.
“Rose Tyler. It needs to be said. I am really glad that this term is over. You are very distracting. Why do you think I spent so much time with my back to the class writing on the chalkboard? I have every single lecture committed to memory, but the words evaporated from my very big brain every time I looked at you.”
“I didn’t really mind the view. Oh, I said that out loud, didn’t I?”
“Cheeky, Ms. Smith. And I thought I might die every single time you ate a piece of chocolate. Did you know that you make sounds when you eat chocolate?”
9:02 - HoppingForMyLife He brought me flowers. And twenty bars of chocolate.
9:02 - PreMed&Dead You are SO going to marry him.
The End.
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