#don't ask why i'm wasting my time on these stupid graphics lol. just know it's not smart of me
poetrysmackdown · 1 year
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Hello again. First I just wanna say how excited I am at the response to this bracket. I was going to consider it a smashing success if like forty people voted, so needless to say it has outperformed my expectations, and I’ve really really enjoyed talking with folks and seeing everyone's responses to these poems! That said, 14/16 of my votes were in the minority, so actually fuck you guys. 🩷
Anyways Round 2! Transcriptions are included this time in alt text—sincere apologies to everyone for whom Round 1 was inaccessible, and many thanks to @army-of-bee-assassins and @accessibleaesthetics for being so generous with their helpful advice and feedback. I'm still going back and forth about whether to include just alt text or to include the image descriptions in the body of the post as well, but I've reformatted it in my drafts like twice already so at this point I'm just hitting publish and opening it up for feedback.
I've also included links to readings by the author for all the poems where one was available, for anyone interested in getting a fresh perspective.
enjoy! -amelia @poetriarchy
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ROUND 2: ENDS JULY 26th at 6pm EDT
“The Two-Headed Calf” by Laura Gilpin vs. “Poem” by Langston Hughes
"Miss you. Would like to grab that chilled tofu we love." by Gabrielle Calvocoressi vs. “Hammond B3 Organ Cistern” by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
“someone will remember us” (Fragment 147 from Sappho trans. Anne Carson) vs. “The Quiet World” by Jeffrey McDaniel
“Come. And Be My Baby” by Maya Angelou vs. “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
“The Orange” by Wendy Cope vs. “Instructions on Not Giving Up” by Ada Limón
“To The Young Who Want to Die” by Gwendolyn Brooks vs. “Meditations in an Emergency” by Cameron Awkward-Rich
“I’m not a religious person but” by Chen Chen vs. “How to Be a Dog” by Andrew Kane
“I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense” by Danez Smith vs. “Having ‘Having a Coke With You’ With You” by Mark Leidner
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