#don't be cowards i want my weird stylized noir superhero back
benevolenterrancy · 6 months
Hii. It's been so long since I've opened Tumblr that I didn't even know you posted MDZS fanart. And let me say, I love it! I originally followed you because of your Cybersix fanart, and I love that now you also draw MDZS. Could you maybe draw Adrian/Cybersix and Lucas making googly eyes at each other? There are not enough Cybersix enjoyers in the world, and even less artists that have watched it. Love youu
Tumblr media
adrian and lucas unknowingly fuel a not insignificant part of the school rumour mill
(and tell me about it, i wish more people understood why they should love this series T0T if the comic wasn't absolutely intolerable we'd be unstoppable!!)
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